Running apache bloodhound on apache2 web server - amazon-web-services

I am trying to run to apache bloodhound tracker on apache2 web server. I am using 0.7 version of the blood hound. I followed the website
Blood hound is running on port 8000.
But the problem is I am not able to run the blood hound on port 80, so that if I hit, I should get bloodhound. I have mentioned my apache2 webserver setting file as specified in the website
<VirtualHost *:8080>
WSGIDaemonProcess bh_tracker user=ubuntu python-path=/home/ubuntu/bloodhound-0.7/installer/bloodhound/lib/python2.7/site-packages
WSGIScriptAlias /bloodhound /home/ubuntu/bloodhound-0.7/installer/bloodhound/site/cgi-bin/trac.wsgi
<Directory /home/ubuntu/bloodhound-0.7/installer/bloodhound/site/cgi-bin>
WSGIProcessGroup bh_tracker
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<LocationMatch "/bloodhound/[^/]+/login">
AuthType Digest
AuthName "ubuntu"
AuthDigestDomain /bloodhound
AuthUserFile /home/ubuntu/bloodhound-0.7/installer/bloodhound/environments/main/bloodhound.htdigest
Require valid-user
After adding the above file, its not running on either of the ports 8000 and also 8080 also.
How do I make it run. Kindly help me. By the way I am using ubuntu ec2 instance.

By golly I think I've figured it out! I've been stuck right about where you are on my own Bloodhound port configuration for days.
n3storm is correct: the whole magic of setting up mod_wsgi is that you no longer need to manually start bloodhound with that
tracd port=8080 /ridiculously/long/path/to/bloodhound/installer/bloodhound/environments/main
command. Instead, mod_wsgi runs all that python for you the moment your web browser requests http://[host]:8080/bloodhound, meaning your Bloodhound server is ready to serve the moment it's turned on.
The pain is how many interlocking config files are involved, and how many tiny things can break down the whole process. I don't really know python, I just barely understand Apache, and I'm 70% confident I've accidentally opened some gaping security that I don't understand, but here's my understanding of the mod_wsgi + Apache + Bloodhound domino chain. Paths are for my Apache 2.4 installation on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS:
1. You load http://[host]:8080/bloodhound
For this to work, I needed to edit /etc/apache2/ports.conf so that Apache is actually listening on port 8080. So add the line
Listen 8080
to /etc/apache2/ports.conf
Now visiting http://[host]:8080/bloodhound should at least show you something from Apache. For me, it was a HTTP Error 403: Forbidden page, and next up is my home remedy for the Error 403 blues!
2. Apache triggers bloodhound.conf
FULL PATH: /etc/apache2/sites-available/bloodhound.conf
Technically, Apache is looking in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ for a matching VirtualHost rule but you set this up by creating/editing .conf files in /sites-availabe/ and then activating them with the Apache command
a2ensite [sitename].conf
So. Apparently, Apache 2.4 changed its access control syntax for .conf files. So, to stop the Error 403ing, I changed
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
in /etc/apache2/sites-available/bloodhound.conf to
Require all granted
And then once again you should restart Apache with
sudo apachectl graceful
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 graceful
or maybe
sudo service apache2 restart
I'm not sure, they all seem to work equally but I suppose the graceful ones are nice because they don't shut down your server or something important like that.
3. bloodhound.conf triggers trac.wsgi
FULL PATH: /ridiculously/long/path/to/bloodhound/installer/bloodhound/site/cgi-bin/trac.wsgi
After figuring out that ton of other things, I realized that, in the end, the default script that Bloodhound generates worked fine for me:
import os
def application(environ, start_request):
if not 'trac.env_parent_dir' in environ:
environ.setdefault('trac.env_path', '/usr/local/bloodhound/installer/bloodhound/environments/main')
if 'PYTHON_EGG_CACHE' in environ:
os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE']
elif 'trac.env_path' in environ:
os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = \
os.path.join(environ['trac.env_path'], '.egg-cache')
elif 'trac.env_parent_dir' in environ:
os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = \
os.path.join(environ['trac.env_parent_dir'], '.egg-cache')
from trac.web.main import dispatch_request
return dispatch_request(environ, start_request)
4. trac.wsgi serves up the HTML files for Bloodhound
Isn't the internet just magical?

By using Apache mod_wsgi you don't need Bloodhound running apart anymore. Is mod_wsgi what makes Bloodhound running. You should use standard apache port in this case.
Also, I guess you should use a ServerName directive at Virtualhost (or is it you only serve one host?)


Apache throws ERROR 500: Internal Server Error when GET from localhost/internal network

I have a production server with apache and django installed using mod_wsgi.
The django application has a REST API that serves some info when a GET request is sent.
This has always worked fine on the develop server, were we ran django using in a screen. Now we created a production server with apache running django but this API returns Error 500 when running wget from localhost or other machines in the same network (using 192.168.X.X IP).
Here's the output from wget:
~$ wget localhost:80/someinfo
--2020-04-02 16:26:59-- http://localhost/someinfo
Resolving localhost (localhost)...
Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 500 Internal Server Error
2020-04-02 16:26:59 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error.
It seems that the connection succeeds, so I guess it's not an apache problem. The error comes from the API response.
The error in apache error.log looks like this: - - [02/Apr/2020:14:24:36 +0000] "GET /someinfo HTTP/1.1" 500 799 "-" "Wget/1.19.4 (linux-gnu)"
question: what is the number after 500? Sometimes is 799 and other times is 803.
But if the request is done using the public IP of the server from outside (i.e. from the browser) the API works fine and I see the correct information.
I already checked django's allowed hosts and it was accepting localhost, and the 192.168.X.X IP of the other machine. In the end I left django's like this:
#ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost', '', '']
Note: is the machine that tries to make the GET request.
The final goal of all this is to be able to make a GET request from a python script running in that machine (which already works if django runs via
My apache.conf:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster#localhost
#DocumentRoot /var/www/html
Alias /static /home/myuser/myproject/django/static_root
<Directory /home/myuser/myproject/django/static_root>
Require all granted
<Directory /home/myuser/myproject/django/myproject_django>
Require all granted
WSGIDaemonProcess myproject python-home=/home/myuser/env python-path=/home/myuser/myproject/django
WSGIProcessGroup myproject
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/myuser/myproject/django/myproject_django/
I tried running django via and the wget from localhost works just fine. The problem only appears when django is ran by apache.
I also tried the solution given in this post, but changing the line does not fix the error.
I have some doubts concerning this error:
how does apache run django?
does restarting apache2 service also restart django? (thus, reading again the
Is there any other django settings file rather than the one I'm editing?
how can I see django logs? I don't have the console now so I can't see real time prints.
I appreciate a lot any help.
I finally managed to solve it myself.
It turns out wsgi handles requests from localhost or external IPs as different instance groups. So all I had to do is put
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

Server isnt recognizing python virtualenv anymore

I have a deployed Django app on a Centos 7 server. I ran into problems when git pulling from my repository. It doesn't recognize python-home at the location where my virtualenv is anymore.
When i print(sys.prefix), it shows '/usr', but when i activate my virualenv (source /path/to/virtualenv/bin/activate) it shows the correct path that is assigned to python-home in my httpd .conf file
.conf file
Alias /static /var/www/ek/static
<Directory /var/www/ek/static>
Require all granted
<Directory /var/www/ek/new>
Require all granted
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
WSGIDaemonProcess ek python-path=/var/www/ek python-home= /var/www/kpi_env
WSGIProcessGroup ek
WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/ek/new/
I'm not exactly sure what the problem is, when im not in my virtualenv, should the prefix be the path to the virtualenv? Should print(sys.prefix) only show var/www/kpi_env when im in the virtualenv?
Whatever it is, it doesn't recognize python-home=/var/www/kpi_env as anything anymore.
When i change it to python-home = /usr it works but the application is giving me errors that i've never run into before on my server or on my workstation. This error being Permission denied is Server running on host and accepting tcp con on port 5432 This is referring to postgresql, and i'm sure that it is running and accepting tcp connection on port 5432. And that my reflect the right configurations. I havent changed any configurations with changes with git pull and havent touched configs for postgresql at all, so i can only think that its because of the python library it is using, because thats the only thing that has changed.
How do i make my httpd server recognize python-home= /var/www/kpi_envagain ?
This doesn't exactly answer what i asked but this was the workaround i did:
I ran this command to allow my httpd server to accept the connection to my postgresql database,
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db 1
-P will do this permanently and 1 will set it to on.
And in this, i used python-home = /usr since i couldnt get my virtualenv to work anymore

Django project doesn't show up with Apache and mod_wsgi

I've installed Apache and mod_wsgi on windows xp service pack 3 and added these line to my httpd.conf :
WSGIScriptAlias / "C:/Documents and Settings/X/My Documents/Downloads/Foo/Foo/"
WSGIPythonPath "C:/Documents and Settings/X/My Documents/Downloads/Foo"
<Directory "C:/Documents and Settings/X/My Documents/Downloads/Foo/Foo">
Require all granted
but when I open localhost on my firefox, it shows Apache's It Works! message, what should I do to run my project on localhost ?
I checked and recognized that my project's path is not included in PYTHONPATH. Isn't the line WSGIPythonPath ... expected to add the address to PYTHONPATH ?
Alright, so my setup is in linux so this is not tested on windows, but:
I did not see your LoadModule statement
File: httpd.conf
LoadModule wsgi_module modules/
modwsgi wont work without that.
Also: the your grant statement seems a bit suspicious.
In the wsgi configuration guide suggests using a Directory directive for allowing this access to your mod_wsgi application.
<Directory "C:/Documents and Settings/X/My Documents/Downloads/Foo/Foo/">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Make your life easy down the road.
configure apache in worker mode
configure mod_wsgi in daemon mode.
Might I suggest watching this PyCon talk Making Apache suck less for hosting Python web applications from 'the-man' Graham. I wish I knew all of that stuff years ago.
Note: To figure out if you have apache in mpm worker mode.
httpd.exe -V
look for the "Server MPM" value of worker.
Django runs on port 8000 so you'll want to do two things. First, you need to run the server by entering into your console python runserver. Second, you need to direct your browser to localhost:8000.
As an aside, you don't need Apache to run a simple, local development environment. Django has its own server built in that you can leverage.

Django App is laggy when Apache2 is used vice development server

The setup is:
Windows XP VM (Stuck with this for the time being - we're on an Intranet)
Apache 2,
django 1.4
We only have two users at most using this application simultaneously
Everything works but there is significant delay (10-20 seconds) between the browser's request and the response sent back by the server.
If I replace the Apache2 web server with the Django development server (which I do not want to do in production) the app is very responsive. So my assumption is that the problem is with Apache2 configuration or mod_wsgi configuration.
I am not an Apache expert and have spent hours looking for the right settings to configure the Apache2 web server but have failed to find anything that will improve the response.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Here are the settings that I have either changed or added to my httpd.conf:
# ThreadsPerChild: constant number of worker threads in the server process
ThreadsPerChild 10
# Changed MaxRequestsPerChild 0 to 1 for Django
MaxRequestsPerChild 1
# For Django KeepAlive should be OFF
KeepAlive Off
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
WSGIScriptAlias / "C:/virtual_env/sitar_env2/cissimp/cissimp/"
WSGIPythonPath C:/virtual_env/sitar_env2/Lib/site-packages;C:/virtual_env/sitar_env2/cissimp
Alias /static "C:/virtual_env/sitar_env2/cissimp/cissimp/static"
<Directory "C:/virtual_env/sitar_env2/cissimp/cissimp">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Dont set:
MaxRequestsPerChild 1
You are effectively restarting Apache on every request which means having to load the whole Django application on every request. You should not do that.

How do I run Apache (httpd) and Tomcat together?

I recently got projects that runs on Struts and I am expecting more JSP coming ahead.
After googling the question, I was led to blogs of people who tried to do the same. Those blogs weren't exactly a step by step procedure of how they did it but more like a reference in case they
need to do something the same in the future. In some cases, the author didn't exactly say if he
was successful in his attempt to run both aforementioned services together.
Unfortunately, I can't follow their "instructions" as I have plenty of PHP projects
configured (upload directories, classpaths etc...) to run on my test server and I don't have the luxury of time to reconfigure them all
in case I mess up with the httpd server. And for honesty's sake, I haven't tried a single step on running them together for the same reason of being hesitant to update configuration files.
I'm not sure if this adds to the complexity but I am running both services thru xampp (with tomcat being a xampp add-on) for portability purposes.
I know that I can just stop my Apache service whenever I am working on JSP but hey this
is an oppurtunity to try something new and I just can't let it slip. Further, it would really be
convenient for both services to just run automatically on startup which would really increase
my productivity as I won't have to manually switch between services when needed.
Hope there's someone on SO who rode the same boat.
Tomcat Version is 6.0.20
Httpd Version is 2.2.14
Have Tomcat listen on a port other than 80
Follow a guide to set up mod_proxy to redirect requests for a certain location to Tomcat, such as this one.
If you're really just testing, skip the second step and just access the server via a different port for Tomcat.
edit: See also on setting up mod_proxy_ajp.
You neglected to mention what version of Tomcat you're using and you also didn't mention whether you actually looked at the Tomcat documentation to answer the question.
I'd suggest starting here: and look into setting up mod_jk.
If you want to use apache/ httpd to serve the request from PHP as well as any other server running on different port let say tomcat on port 8080 you can use apache/ httpd to act as a "proxy" and map a URL which will be served by another server. This is done using ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse configuration.
For example:
If you want http://localhost/php to be served by PHP and http://localhost/tomcat to be served by tomcat then you will have to make following changes in httpd.config/ apache.config [apache2.config depending on version of apache you are using]:
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
# Uncomment these to proxy FTP or HTTPS
#LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
#LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
<VirtualHost *:80>
# Your domain name
# ServerName Domain_NAME_HERE
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /tomcat http://localhost:8080/
ProxyPassReverse /tomcat http://localhost:8080/
# The location of the HTML files, and access control information
DocumentRoot /var/www
<Directory /var/www>
Options -Indexes
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
In case you are running httpd on centos and you may get error Apache Mod_proxy '[Error] (13)Permission Denied', then follow this link which says execute the following command:
/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
I would recommand you to read mod_proxy.
Ref: Redhat mod_proxy configuration