I'm having a problem when trying to run the following code:
#include "header.h"
int main()
id = GetCurrentProcessId();
EnumWindows(hEnumWindows, NULL);
//MoveWindow(hThis, 450, 450, 100, 100, TRUE);
return 0;
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
DWORD id = 0;
HWND hThis = NULL;
BOOL CALLBACK hEnumWindows(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
DWORD pid = 0;
pid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, NULL);
if (pid == id)
hThis = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_OWNER);
if (!hThis)
cout << "Error getting window!" << endl;
char *buffer = nullptr;
int size = GetWindowTextLength(hThis);
buffer = (char*)malloc(size+1);
if (buffer != nullptr)
GetWindowText(hThis, buffer, size);
cout << pid << ":" << buffer << endl;
return TRUE;
When I run this code nothing is output to the screen almost as if the program is not attached. I tried running it under a console and windows subsystem in VS2013.
According to the GetCurrentProcessId docs, the API
Retrieves the process identifier of the calling process.
GetWindowThreadProcessId, on the other hand,
Retrieves the identifier of the thread that created the specified window and, optionally, the identifier of the process that created the window.
The return value is the identifier of the thread that created the window.
So looking at your call:
pid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, NULL);
You're actually getting back a thread ID, not a process ID. So when you compare pid to id, you're comparing a process ID and a thread ID, and that's just not going to work. Try this instead:
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid);
(Note: I can't actually test whether this works, since EnumWindows requires a top-level window to enumerate and I ran this as a console app. Let me know if this answer doesn't work for you and I'll delete it.)
(As a second note, you don't need to use NULL anymore, even for WinAPI stuff like HWND. nullptr will work perfectly fine.)
I assume you're trying to find the "Main" window from the ProcessID.. In that case, this MAY help:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
struct WindowHandleStructure
unsigned long PID;
HWND WindowHandle;
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND WindowHandle, LPARAM lParam)
unsigned long PID = 0;
WindowHandleStructure* data = reinterpret_cast<WindowHandleStructure*>(lParam);
GetWindowThreadProcessId(WindowHandle, &PID);
if (data->PID != PID || (GetWindow(WindowHandle, GW_OWNER) && !IsWindowVisible(WindowHandle)))
return TRUE;
data->WindowHandle = WindowHandle;
return FALSE;
HWND FindMainWindow(unsigned long PID)
WindowHandleStructure data = { PID, nullptr };
EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&data));
return data.WindowHandle;
int main()
HWND Window = FindMainWindow(GetCurrentProcessId());
std::wstring Buffer(GetWindowTextLength(Window) + 1, L'\0');
GetWindowText(Window, &Buffer[0], Buffer.size());
std::wcout << Buffer.c_str() << L"\n";
return 0;
I have the following problem with retrieving the window handle from a specific window (title and class name are known):
There are two identical windows with different handles under two different processes, but FindWindow() can find the handle only from the newest window spawned, never from the first one.
What can be used instead? Can EnumWindows() be used to retrieve a list of windows with the same characteristics?
Use the Win32 API EnumWindows , and then check which process each window belongs to by using the Win32 API GetWindowThreadProcessId.
Here is a sample:
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
TCHAR buf[1024]{};
GetClassName(hwnd, buf, 100);
if (!lstrcmp(buf, L"Notepad"))
GetWindowText(hwnd, buf, 100);
DWORD pid = 0;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid);
wcout << buf << " " << pid << endl;
return TRUE;
int main() {
EnumWindows(&enumProc, 0);
If you need to check the window of each process, you can refer to this answer.
typedef struct
const char *name;
const char *class;
HWND handles[10];
int handlesFound;
} SearchWindowInfo;
SearchWindowInfo wi;
wi.handlesFound = 0;
wi.title = "WindowName";
wi.class = "ClassName";
BOOL CALLBACK searchWindowCallback(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam)
SearchWindoInfo *wi = (SearchWindoInfo *)lParam;
char buffer[256];
if (wi->handlesFound == 10)
return FALSE;
buffer[255] = 0;
if (wi->name)
int rc = GetWindowText(hwnd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
if (strcmp(wi->name, buffer) == 0)
wi->handles[wi->handlesFound++] = hwnd;
return TRUE;
if (wi->class)
int rc = GetClassName (hwnd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1);
if (strcmp(wi->class, buffer) == 0)
wi->handles[wi->handlesFound++] = hwnd;
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
EnumWindows(searchWindowCallback, (LPARAM)&wi);
for(int i = 0; i < wi.handlesFound; i++)
// yeah...
I wan to to create a simple c++ console program that lets the user input the PID of a process, and the program will return the window title related to that PID. If there is no match, it defaults to "invalid".
The problem I have that the GetWindowText function seems to give me an empty value except for when i input the PID of the console itself.
The program seems to do it's job until it gets to the GetWindowText function.
I would be grateful if someone would help me figure this out.
I'm new to programming so sorry if this is a stupid question.
Thanks in advance!
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <psapi.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int flag = 0;
WCHAR windowtitle[64] = L"Invalid";
DWORD inputpid;
BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND handle, LPARAM notinuse) {
DWORD gottenpid;
LPDWORD gottenpidpointer = &gottenpid;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(handle, &gottenpid);
if (gottenpid == inputpid) {
GetWindowText(handle, windowtitle, _countof(windowtitle));
wprintf(L"The window title is: %ls.\n", windowtitle);
flag = 1;
return false;
return true;
int wmain(int argc, WCHAR **argv) {
cout << "input pid:\n";
cin >> inputpid;
EnumWindows(EnumWindowsProc, NULL);
if (flag == 0) {
wprintf(L"The window title is: %ls.\n", windowtitle);
return 0;
So today I decided to mess a bit with windows.h and I thought of a little exercise to practise, this is the code I wrote, but it's giving me headaches.
It keeps returning 0, so no name is being passed into ExecName, and the error I get if I lookup with GetLastError() is Overflow error.
I've tried different methods of getting the executables' names but it always ends the same.
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Psapi.h>
TCHAR* ExeToFind = "Discord.exe";
_In_ HWND hwnd,
_In_ LPARAM lParam
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &ProcesID);
HANDLE handle = OpenProcess(NULL, false, ProcesID);
if (GetModuleFileNameEx(handle, NULL, ExecName, MAX_PATH) == 0) {
std::cout << "Error " << GetLastError();
return true;
//GetWindowText(hwnd, ExecName, GetWindowTextLength(hwnd)+1);
//GetProcessImageFileName(hwnd, ExecName, MAX_PATH);
std::cout << ExecName;
if (ExecName == ExeToFind) {
std::cout << "Here it is\n";
return false;
else {
std::cout << "next\n";
return true;
int main()
//HWND hWnd = FindWindow(0,0);
EnumWindows(CB_EW, NULL);
while (true) {
return 0;
What am I doing wrong?
It was a permission issue, instead of using NULL for the access permission on OpenProcess, I used MAXIMUM_ALLOWED and it worked
I'm new to C++, and I made myself a little program that can launch program through typing a command on the keyboard. In order to be able to launch a program whenever I want, I decided to set up a Low Level Keyboard Hook, which keep tracking key strokes and launch the specific program when the specific command was detected. The simple windows program was used to install the hook, the windows is not showed because all I need is the hook to listen in the background.
So far it works fine, however, the minor but annoying problem is I have to terminate the program through Windows Task Manager, and it's quite inconvenient. I have managed to uninstall the hook by pressing F7 key, but it seems that the windows program which is not showed is the Parent of the hook, so the hook cannot exit the windows program. While I want them both terminated through pressing a key. Hopefully I have made myself clear.
Is there any way that I could send a message from the hook to the windows program to ask it to exit? Or somehow I can terminate both of them in the hook program?
Thanks in advance.
Here is the code of the window program:
#include <windows.h>
#include "shortcut.h"
#pragma comment( lib, "libhook.dll.a") // Link Hook.lib to the project
long WINAPI WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT wMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
InstallHook(FALSE); // Unhook
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, wMessage, wParam, lParam);
return 0;
BOOL FileExists(LPCTSTR szPath)
DWORD dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes(szPath);
return (dwAttrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES &&
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
MSG msg;
WNDCLASS wndclass;
char szAppName[20] = "shortcut";
hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL,TRUE,szAppName); //启动多线程
int dwRet = GetLastError();
if (hMutex)
MessageBox(NULL, "Program is already runing.", "Oops!", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
return FALSE;
wndclass.hCursor=LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
return FALSE;
if (!FileExists("\\ShortCuts.txt"))
MessageBox(NULL, "Missing file: cannot load shortcut settings file.(Shortcuts.txt)", "ERROR",MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
if (!InstallHook(TRUE))
while(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
return msg.wParam;
Here is the code of the hook program:
// Hook- a project to create the DLL and LIB files.
// Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 and above steps:
// 1. Create a new Win32 Dynamic Link - Library project.
// 2. Add hook.cpp and hook.h to the project.
// 3. There is no step 3 :-). Just build your project and you will find
// a Hook.dll and Hook.lib file in your map.
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <map>
#include <process.h>
using namespace std;
HHOOK hHook;
const char startChar = ';';
bool bChecking = false;
string cmd;
typedef map<string,string> COMMANDMAP;
string logfilename="log.txt";
ofstream LOG;
__declspec(dllexport)int InstallHook(BOOL bCode);
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwFunction, LPVOID lpNot)
return TRUE;
DWORD WINAPI Runsystem(LPVOID lpParam)
WinExec((LPCSTR)lpParam, SW_SHOW);
string gettime()
time_t curTime;
struct tm *locTime;
char buf[80];
strftime(buf,80,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",locTime);
string s=buf;
return s;
ostream& tout()
return LOG<< gettime()<< ": ";
void StartCheck()
void EndCheck()
LRESULT CALLBACK KeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if ((wParam == WM_KEYDOWN) && (nCode >= HC_ACTION)) // Only record when key pressed
switch (pStruct->vkCode)
if (bChecking)
COMMANDMAP::iterator it;
if (it!=mShortcut.end())
tout()<<"received command \'"<<cmd<<"\', executing \'"<<it->second.c_str()<<endl;
CreateThread(NULL, 0, Runsystem, (void*)it->second.c_str(),0,NULL);
else {
tout()<<"received command \'" <<cmd<<"\', no matching."<<endl;
case VK_F7:
default: // Normal keys, convert them
BYTE KeyboardState[256];
WORD CharValue;
if(ToAscii(pStruct->vkCode, pStruct->scanCode,KeyboardState,&CharValue,0) > 0) // Convert to char.
char character=char(CharValue);
// tout()<<"received keyCode: "<<pStruct->vkCode<< " char: "<< character<<endl;
if (bChecking)
if (!bChecking && (character == startChar))
// tout()<<"Start checking..."<<endl;
return (int)CallNextHookEx(hHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
bool readline(ifstream &fin,string &sline)
} while (!fin.eof() && ((sline[0]=='/' && sline[1]=='/') || sline.empty()));
return fin.eof()?false:true;
// __declspec(dllexport) means that this function must be exported to a dll file.
__declspec(dllexport)int InstallHook(BOOL bCode)
// initialize shortcuts
ifstream fin;
tout()<<"Reading config file."<<endl;
if (fin)
string scmd,spath;
char oneline[256];
// LOG<<scmd<<','<<spath<<endl;
tout()<<"OK, "<<mShortcut.size()<<" shortcuts loaded."<<endl;
hHook=(HHOOK)SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, (HOOKPROC)KeyboardProc, // Start the keyboard hook.
(HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL);
tout()<<"Install hook failed."<<endl;
return 0;
tout()<<"Install hook successful."<<endl;
return 1;
if (MessageBox(NULL,"Are you sure to exit KeyShortcut?","Exit",MB_YESNO|MB_ICONWARNING)==IDYES)
tout()<<"Uninstall hook successful."<<endl;
return UnhookWindowsHookEx(hHook); // Unhook the keyboardhook.
For instance, you can use RegisterHotKey API function to set your own hotkey to a system and then handle this hotkey's message in your program(windowless)
If you want to send quit message from one process to another then your friend is PostThreadMessage(dwThreadId, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0);
I am trying to make a program to store the value 500 into the calculator's memory address for the MR (Memory Restore) button on the calculator application.
I know that the address for this integer is
"calc.exe"+00073320 + 0 + C
If I use a program like cheat engine, I can get the current address for the instance of the calculator.exe i'm running, and write to it just fine that way. However, since this is not a static address, I need a way to get the module base address.
I tried using this GetModuleBase function (see code below) to get the Base Address of the calc.exe, but my issue is that I cannot get the base address. The function always returns 0 instead of the correct address.
I debugged it and found that in the GetModuleBase function, it is not even cycling once through the while loop because bModule is returning 0 from the Module32First function.
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <TlHelp32.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <Psapi.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#pragma comment( lib, "psapi" )
using namespace std;
DWORD GetModuleBase(LPSTR lpModuleName, DWORD dwProcessId)
MODULEENTRY32 lpModuleEntry = {0};
HANDLE hSnapShot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, dwProcessId );
return NULL;
lpModuleEntry.dwSize = sizeof(lpModuleEntry);
BOOL bModule = Module32First( hSnapShot, &lpModuleEntry );
if(!strcmp( lpModuleEntry.szModule, lpModuleName ) )
CloseHandle( hSnapShot );
return (DWORD)lpModuleEntry.modBaseAddr;
bModule = Module32Next( hSnapShot, &lpModuleEntry );
CloseHandle( hSnapShot );
return NULL;
int main() {
HWND hWnd = FindWindow(0, "Calculator");
DWORD BaseAddr;
if(hWnd == 0){
MessageBox(0, "Error cannot find window.", "Error", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
} else {
DWORD proccess_ID;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &proccess_ID);
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, proccess_ID);
MessageBox(0, "Could not open the process!", "Error!", MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
} else {
int newdata = 500;
BaseAddr = GetModuleBase("calc.exe",proccess_ID);
//GetModuleBase is always returning 0, so I am not getting the correct base address
DWORD newdatasize = sizeof(newdata);
if(WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)0x002413FC, &newdata, newdatasize, NULL)){
cout << "Memory successfully written." << endl;
} else {
cout << "Memory failed to write." << endl;
return 0;
Summary: I cannot get the correct base address using my GetModuleBase function, and I need to figure out what I am doing wrong so that I can get the correct base address for the "calc.exe" process.
You should read the modules like this:
#include <windows.h>
#include <TlHelp32.h>
#include <iostream>
//You don't have to use this function if you don't want to..
int strcompare(const char* One, const char* Two, bool CaseSensitive)
#if defined _WIN32 || defined _WIN64
return CaseSensitive ? strcmp(One, Two) : _stricmp(One, Two);
return CaseSensitive ? strcmp(One, Two) : strcasecmp(One, Two);
//You read module information like this..
MODULEENTRY32 GetModuleInfo(std::uint32_t ProcessID, const char* ModuleName)
void* hSnap = nullptr;
MODULEENTRY32 Mod32 = {0};
if ((hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, ProcessID)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return Mod32;
Mod32.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32);
while (Module32Next(hSnap, &Mod32))
if (!strcompare(ModuleName, Mod32.szModule, false))
return Mod32;
return {0};
int main()
//Change the process ID below..
BYTE* BaseAddr = GetModuleInfo(5172, "calc.exe").modBaseAddr;
std::cout<<"BASE ADDRESS: "<<(void*)BaseAddr<<"\n";
return 0;
EDIT: After further investigation, I found that Visual Studio was compiling for an x32 platform but calc.exe is an x64 process..
To get Visual Studio to compile for x64 you need to do the following:
Then click and select "NEW" from the following drop-down menu:
Next in the following drop down, select x64:
Save the settings and rebuild the project and it should work..