push attribute data to trie, add to multiple keys - c++

my knowledge is limited but I have been working (hacking) at this specific data structure for awhile
I use a trie to store ontology strings that are then returned as a stack including the 'gap' proximity when get (string) is called. As an add on the trie stores attributes on the key. The further down the string the greater the detail of the attribute. This is working well for my purposes.
As an additional add on, I use a wildcard to apply an attribute to all child nodes. For example, to add 'paws' to all subnodes of 'mammals.dogs.' I push(mammals.dogs.*.paws). Now, all dogs have paws.
The problem is only the first dog get paws. The function works for push attributes without wild
If you want I can clean this up and give a simplified version, but in the past i've found on stackoverflow it is better to just give the code; I use 'z' as the '*' wild
void Trie::push(ParseT & packet)
if (root==NULL) AddFirstNode(); // condition 1: no nodes exist, should this be in wrapper
const string codeSoFar=packet.ID;
AddRecord(root, packet, codeSoFar); //condotion 2: nodes exist
void Trie::AddFirstNode(){ // run-once, initial condition of first node
nodeT *tempNode=new nodeT;
tempNode->attributes.begin = 0;
tempNode->attributes.end = 0;
tempNode->attributes.alt_end = 0;
//add record to trie with mutal recursion through InsertNode
//record is entered to trie one char at a time, char is removed
//from record and function repeats until record is Null
void Trie::AddRecord(nodeT *w, ParseT &packet, string codeSoFar)
if (codeSoFar.empty()) {
//copy predecessor vector at level n, overwrites higher level vectors
if (!packet.predecessorTemp.empty())
w->attributes.predecessorTemp = packet.predecessorTemp;
return; //condition 0: record's last char
else { //keep parsing down record path
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < w->alpha.size(); i++) {
if (codeSoFar[0] == w->alpha[i].token_char || codeSoFar[0] == 'z') {
return AddRecord(w->alpha[i].next, packet, codeSoFar.substr(1)); // condition 2: char exists
InsertNode(w, packet, codeSoFar); //condition 3: no existing char --> mutal recursion
//AddRecord() helper function
void Trie::InsertNode(nodeT *w, ParseT &packet, string codeSoFar) // add new char to vector array
for (unsigned int i=0; i <=w->alpha.size(); i++) { // loop and insert tokens in sorted vector
if (i==w->alpha.size() || codeSoFar[0] < w->alpha[i].token_char) { //look for end of vector or indexical position
//create new TokenT
tokenT *tempChar=new tokenT;
//create new nodeT
nodeT *tempLeaf=new nodeT;
tempLeaf->attributes.begin = 0;
tempLeaf->attributes.end = 0;
tempLeaf->attributes.planType = 0;
tempLeaf->attributes.alt_end = 0;
//last node
if (codeSoFar.size() == 1){
tempLeaf->attributes.predecessorTemp = packet.predecessorTemp;
//link TokenT with its nodeT
AddRecord(tempLeaf, packet, codeSoFar.substr(1)); //mutual recursion --> add next char in record, if last char AddRecord will terminate
w->alpha.insert(w->alpha.begin()+i, *tempChar);
root is global nodeT *w
struct ParseT {
string ID; //XML key
int begin = 0; //planned or actual start date
int end = 0; //planned or actual end date - if end is empty then assumed started but not compelted and flag with 9999 and
int alt_end = 0; //in case of started without completion 9999 case, then this holds expected end
int planType = 0; //actuals == 1, forecast == 2, planned == 3
map<string, string> aux;
vector<string> resourceTemp;
vector<string> predecessorTemp;

In this code
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < w->alpha.size(); i++) {
if (codeSoFar[0] == w->alpha[i].token_char || codeSoFar[0] == 'z') {
return AddRecord(w->alpha[i].next, packet, codeSoFar.substr(1)); // condition 2: char exists
you are returning as soon as you call AddRecord, even if it is because of a wildcard. It might be easier to have a separate loop when codeSoFar[0] == 'z' that goes through all the alphas and adds the record. Then have an else clause that does your current code.
Edit: Here is what I meant, in code form:
else { //keep parsing down record path
// Handle wildcards
if (codeSoFar[0] == 'z') {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < w->alpha.size(); i++) {
AddRecord(w->alpha[i].next, packet, codeSoFar.substr(1)); // condition 2: char exists
else {
// Not a wildcard, look for a match
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < w->alpha.size(); i++) {
if (codeSoFar[0] == w->alpha[i].token_char) {
return AddRecord(w->alpha[i].next, packet, codeSoFar.substr(1)); // condition 2: char exists
InsertNode(w, packet, codeSoFar); //condition 3: no existing char --> mutal recursion


Why does my recursion not return to previous pointer?

I am working on an assignment in which we must create a 20-questions type game from a binary search tree. We read the tree in from a text file that is formatted like this:
Does it walk on 4 legs?
Does it fly?
Is it an insect?
Does it purr?
Does it howl?
Later, I am going to allow the user to add to this list. At the moment, however, I am unable to accurately read the list into a binary search tree. I have set it up so that (I think) it will use recursion and return to the previous "current" node pointer when it ends a loop of the function. Currently, however, the current node pointer remains the same.
The below function is passed a vector of the strings from the text file.
string line;
string guess;
bool start = true;
void buildTree(vector<string> gameData, Node* current, int &counter)
//fill node with question or answer
// add to the left until we encounter an asterisk
// add to the right
line = gameData[counter];
//if a question
if (line[0] != '*')
if (current->getData().empty())
cout << current->getData() << endl;
if (!start)
//if noChild is empty AND current isn't a guess, go to noChild
if ((current->getNo()->getData().empty())
&& (current->isGuess() == false))
current = current->getNo();
//otherwise, go to yes
else {
current = current->getYes();
while (counter < gameData.size())
if (!start) { counter++; }
start = false;
buildTree(gameData, current, counter);
//if a guess
//if data is full, go to no
if (current->getData().empty() == false)
current = current->getNo();
//otherwise, go to yes
//current = current->getYes();
for (int i = 1; i < line.size(); i++)
cout << current->getData() << endl;

print all words of a dictionary using trie

I am working on a dictionary using a trie with the following struct in c
struct trie_node {
int is_end; //0 is is not the end of the word ,otherwise 1
char c;
struct trie_node* child[26];
I am able to insert words, search words and I would like to print all the words of the dictionary. Not sure how to handle it. I was trying to print
void print(struct trie_node node) {
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
if (node->child[i] != NULL) {
printf("%c", node->child[i]->c);
But it is not printing correctly
if for example I have the words
it is printing
it should print
How can I print correctly the list of words ?
You need to keep track of the path (path from the root to the current node). When you reach to an end node (is_end is true), you print the path which is the dictionary word.
One approach is to use an array of char and keep track of its length so you know how many of elements you need to print. See the code below:
void print_path (char *path, int len){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
printf("%c", path[i]);
void print(struct trie_node* node, char *path, int len) {
// sanity check
if (! node)
// current node is part of the current path, so add it
path[len++] = node->c;
// if it is an end node then print the path
if (node->is_end)
print_path(path, len);
// now go through the children and recursive call
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
if (node->child[i] != NULL) {
print(node->child[i], path, len);
int main(){
// proper allocation for the trie
// ...
// calling the print, assuming the height of tree is at most 128
char path[128];
print(b, path, 0);
you can try to use node.child[i]->c,when use struct var you must use a ".",when use struct point must use "->" or "(&point).",i don't know my think is true : )

What does the following statement in implementation of tries do

I have been trying to implement a C++ implementation of insertion of trie data-structure, working through a blog in which there are a few things I am unable to understand http://theoryofprogramming.com/2015/01/16/trie-tree-implementation/
#define ALPHABETS 26
#define CASE 'a'
#define MAX_WORD_SIZE 25
using namespace std;
struct Node
struct Node * parent;
struct Node * children[ALPHABETS];
vector<int> occurrences;
// Inserts a word 'text' into the Trie Tree
// 'trieTree' and marks it's occurence as 'index'.
void InsertWord(struct Node * trieTree, char word[], int index)
struct Node * traverse = trieTree;
while (*word != '\0') { // Until there is something to process
if (traverse->children[*word - CASE] == NULL) {
// There is no node in 'trieTree' corresponding to this alphabet
// Allocate using calloc(), so that components are initialised
traverse->children[*word - CASE] = (struct Node *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct Node));
traverse->children[*word - CASE]->parent = traverse; // Assigning parent
traverse = traverse->children[*word - CASE];
++word; // The next alphabet
traverse->occurrences.push_back(index); // Mark the occurence of the word
// Prints the 'trieTree' in a Pre-Order or a DFS manner
// which automatically results in a Lexicographical Order
void LexicographicalPrint(struct Node * trieTree, vector<char> word)
int i;
bool noChild = true;
if (trieTree->occurrences.size() != 0) {
// Condition trie_tree->occurrences.size() != 0,
// is a neccessary and sufficient condition to
// tell if a node is associated with a word or not
vector<char>::iterator charItr = word.begin();
while (charItr != word.end()) {
printf("%c", *charItr);
printf(" -> # index -> ");
vector<int>::iterator counter = trieTree->occurrences.begin();
// This is to print the occurences of the word
while (counter != trieTree->occurrences.end()) {
printf("%d, ", *counter);
for (i = 0; i < ALPHABETS; ++i) {
if (trieTree->children[i] != NULL) {
noChild = false;
word.push_back(CASE + i); // Select a child
// and explore everything associated with the cild
LexicographicalPrint(trieTree->children[i], word);
// Remove the alphabet as we dealt
// everything associated with it
int main()
int n, i;
vector<char> printUtil; // Utility variable to print tree
// Creating the Trie Tree using calloc
// so that the components are initialised
struct Node * trieTree = (struct Node *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct Node));
char word[MAX_WORD_SIZE];
printf("Enter the number of words-\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
scanf("%s", word);
InsertWord(trieTree, word, i);
printf("\n"); // Just to make the output more readable
LexicographicalPrint(trieTree, printUtil);
return 0;
I am unable to understand what this statement in insertword does:
if (traverse->children[*word - CASE] == NULL)
Also as we have initialised all the elements to 1 in the main function then how we can it be null?
The function InsertWord() dynamically adds a new word into the trie, and in the process, creates new nodes whenever that word's prefix does not match the prefix of another word already added in the trie.
This is exactly what your line is testing for. From what I can see, traverse is a pointer to the current Node of a prefix of the word. *word is the next character in the word after the prefix. If the node corresponding to the current k-prefix of the word doesn't have a child (pointer is NULL) with label corresponding to the next character, that means we have to allocate a new node for the next k+1-prefix of the word.

Logic flaw in trie search

I'm currently working on a trie implementation for practice and have run into a mental roadbloack.
The issue is with my searching function. I am attempting to have my trie tree be able to retrieve a list of strings from a supplied prefix after they are loaded into the programs memory.
I also understand I could be using a queue/shouldnt use C functions in C++ ect.. This is just a 'rough draft' so to speak.
This is what I have so far:
bool SearchForStrings(vector<string> &output, string data)
Node *iter = GetLastNode("an");
Node *hold = iter;
stack<char> str;
while (hold->visited == false)
int index = GetNextChild(iter);
if (index > -1)
str.push(char('a' + index));
iter = iter->next[index];
//We've hit a leaf so we want to unwind the stack and print the string
else if (index < 0 && IsLeaf(iter))
iter->visited = true;
string temp("");
stringstream ss;
while (str.size() > 0)
temp += str.top();
int i = 0;
for (std::string::reverse_iterator it = temp.rbegin(); it != temp.rend(); it++)
ss << *it;
//Store the string we have
output.push_back(data + ss.str());
//Move our iterator back to the root node
iter = hold;
//We know this isnt a leaf so we dont want to print out the stack
iter->visited = true;
iter = hold;
return (output.size() > 0);
int GetNextChild(Node *s)
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
if (s->next[i] != nullptr && s->next[i]->visited == false)
return i;
return -1;
bool IsLeaf(Node *s)
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
if (s->next[i] != nullptr)
return false;
return true;
struct Node{
int value;
Node *next[26];
bool visited;
The code is too long or i'd post it all, GetLastNode() retrieves the node at the end of the data passed in, so if the prefix was 'su' and the string was 'substring' the node would be pointing to the 'u' to use as an artificial root node
(might be completely wrong... just typed it here, no testing)
something like:
First of all, we need a way of indicating that a node represents an entry.
So let's have:
struct Node{
int value;
Node *next[26];
bool entry;
I've removed your visited flag because I don't have a use for it.
You should modify your insert/update/delete functions to support this flag. If the flag is true it means there's an actual entry up to that node.
Now we can modify the
bool isLeaf(Node *s) {
return s->entry;
Meaning that we consider a leaf when there's an entry... perhaps the name is wrong now, as the leaf might have childs ("y" node with "any" and "anywhere" is a leaf, but it has childs)
Now for the search:
First a public function that can be called.
bool searchForStrings(std::vector<string> &output, const std::string &key) {
// start the recursion
// theTrieRoot is the root node for the whole structure
return searchForString(theTrieRoot,output,key);
Then the internal function that will use for recursion.
bool searchForStrings(Node *node, std::vector<string> &output, const std::string &key) {
if(isLeaf(node->next[i])) {
// leaf node - add an empty string.
if(key.empty()) {
// Key is empty, collect all child nodes.
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
if (node->next[i] != nullptr) {
std::vector<std::string> partial;
// so we got a list of the childs,
// add the key of this node to them.
for(auto s:partial) {
} // end for
} // end if key.empty
else {
// key is not empty, try to get the node for the
// first character of the key.
int c=key[0]-'a';
if((c<0 || (c>26)) {
// first character was not a letter.
return false;
if(node->next[c]==nullptr) {
// no match (no node where we expect it)
return false;
// recurse into the node matching the key
std::vector<std::string> partial;
// add the key of this node to the result
for(auto s:partial) {
// provide a meaningful return value
if(output.empty()) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
And the execution for "an" search is.
Call searchForStrings(root,[],"an")
root is not leaf, key is not empty. Matched next node keyed by "a"
Call searchForStrings(node(a),[],"n")
node(a) is not leaf, key is not empty. Matched next node keyed by "n"
Call searchForStrings(node(n),[],"")
node(n) is not leaf, key is empty. Need to recurse on all not null childs:
Call searchForStrings(node(s),[],"")
node(s) is not leaf, key is empty, Need to recurse on all not null childs:
... eventually we will reach Node(r) which is a leaf node, so it will return an [""], going back it will get added ["r"] -> ["er"] -> ["wer"] -> ["swer"]
Call searchForStings(node(y),[],"")
node(y) is leaf (add "" to the output), key is empty,
recurse, we will get ["time"]
we will return ["","time"]
At this point we will add the "y" to get ["y","ytime"]
And here we will add the "n" to get ["nswer","ny","nytime"]
Adding the "a" to get ["answer","any","anytime"]
we're done

Finding cycle in Aho-Corasick automaton

I'am facing a problem which should be solved using Aho-Corasick automaton. I'am given a set of words (composed with '0' or '1') - patterns and I must decide if it is possible to create infinite text, which wouldn't contain any of given patterns. I think, the solution is to create Aho-Corasick automaton and search for a cycle without matching states, but I'm not able to propose a good way to do that. I thought of searching the states graph using DFS, but I'm not sure if it will work and I have an implementation problem - let's assume, that we are in a state, which has an '1' edge - but state pointed by that edge is marked as matching - so we cannot use that edge, we can try fail link (current state doesn't have '0' edge) - but we must also remember, that we could not go with '1' edge from state pointed by fail link of the current one.
Could anyone correct me and show me how to do that? I've written Aho-Corasick in C++ and I'am sure it works - I also understand the entire algorithm.
Here is the base code:
class AhoCorasick
static const int ALPHABET_SIZE = 2;
struct State
State* edge[ALPHABET_SIZE];
State* fail;
State* longestMatchingSuffix;
//Vector used to remember which pattern matches in this state.
vector< int > matching;
short color;
for(int i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++i)
edge[i] = 0;
color = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++i)
delete edge[i];
State root;
vector< int > lenOfPattern;
bool isFailComputed;
//Helper function used to traverse state graph.
State* move(State* curr, char letter)
while(curr != &root && curr->edge[letter] == 0)
curr = curr->fail;
if(curr->edge[letter] != 0)
curr = curr->edge[letter];
return curr;
//Function which computes fail links and longestMatchingSuffix.
void computeFailLink()
queue< State* > Q;
root.fail = root.longestMatchingSuffix = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++i)
if(root.edge[i] != 0)
root.edge[i]->fail = &root;
State* curr = Q.front();
curr->longestMatchingSuffix = curr->fail;
curr->longestMatchingSuffix = curr->fail->longestMatchingSuffix;
for(int i = 0; i < ALPHABET_SIZE; ++i)
if(curr->edge[i] != 0)
State* state = curr->fail;
state = move(state, i);
curr->edge[i]->fail = state;
isFailComputed = true;
isFailComputed = false;
//Add pattern to automaton.
//pattern - pointer to pattern, which will be added
//fun - function which will be used to transform character to 0-based index.
void addPattern(const char* const pattern, int (*fun) (const char *))
isFailComputed = false;
int len = strlen(pattern);
State* curr = &root;
const char* pat = pattern;
for(; *pat; ++pat)
char tmpPat = fun(pat);
if(curr->edge[tmpPat] == 0)
curr = curr->edge[tmpPat] = new State;
curr = curr->edge[tmpPat];
curr->matching.push_back(lenOfPattern.size() - 1);
int alphabet01(const char * c)
return *c - '0';
I didn't look through your code, but I know very simple and efficient implementation.
First of all, lets add Dictionary Suffix Links to the tree (their description you can find in Wikipedia). Then you have to look through all your tree and somehow mark matching nodes and nodes that have Dict Suffix Links as bad nodes. The explanation of these actions is obvious: you don't need all the matching nodes, or nodes that have a matching suffix in them.
Now you have an Aho-Corasick tree without any matching nodes. If you just run DFS algo on the resulting tree, you will get what you want.