What does the 'reduced' function do and how to use it - clojure

In the answer to this question the responder uses the function reduced
(defn state [t]
(reduce (fn [[s1 t1] [s2 t2]]
(if (>= t1 t) (**reduced** s1) [s2 (+ t1 t2)]))
I looked at the doc and source and can't fully grok it.
(defn reduced
"Wraps x in a way such that a reduce will terminate with the value x"
{:added "1.5"}
(clojure.lang.Reduced. x))
In the example above I think (reduced s1) is supposed to end the reduction and return s1.
Is using reduce + reduced equivalent to hypothetical reduce-while or reduce-until functions if either existed?

Reduced provides a way to break out of a reduce with the value provided.
For example to add the numbers in a sequence
(reduce (fn [acc x] (+ acc x)) (range 10))
returns 45
(reduce (fn [acc x] (if (> acc 20) (reduced "I have seen enough") (+ acc x))) (range 10))
returns "I have seen enough"


How do I use "mean" as the final reducing function in a transducer?

I'm trying to estimate the mean distance of all pairs of points in a unit square.
This transducer returns a vector of the distances of x randomly selected pairs of points, but the final step would be to take the mean of all values in that vector. Is there a way to use mean as the final reducing function (or to include it in the composition)?
(defn square [x] (* x x))
(defn mean [x] (/ (reduce + x) (count x)))
(defn xform [iterations]
(partition-all 4)
(map #(Math/sqrt (+ (square (- (first %) (nth % 1)))
(square (- (nth % 2) (nth % 3))))))
(take iterations)))
(transduce (xform 5) conj (repeatedly #(rand)))
(transduce (xform 5) mean (repeatedly #(rand)))
Execution error (ArityException) at test.core/eval19667 (form-init9118116578029918666.clj:562).
Wrong number of args (0) passed to: test.core/mean
If you implement your mean function differently, you won't have to collect all the values before computing the mean. Here is how you can implement it, based on this Java code:
(defn mean
([] [0 1]) ;; <-- Construct an empty accumulator
([[mu n]] mu) ;; <-- Get the mean (final step)
([[mu n] x] ;; <-- Accumulate a value to the mean
[(+ mu (/ (- x mu) n)) (inc n)]))
And you use it like this:
(transduce identity mean [1 2 3 4])
;; => 5/2
or like this:
(transduce (xform 5) mean (repeatedly #(rand)))
;; => 0.582883812837961
From the docs of transduce:
If init is not supplied, (f) will be called to produce it. f should be
a reducing step function that accepts both 1 and 2 arguments, if it
accepts only 2 you can add the arity-1 with 'completing'.
To disect this:
Your function needs 0-arity to produce an initial value -- so conj
is fine (it produces an empty vector).
You need to provide a 2-arity function to do the actual redudcing
-- again conj is fine here
You need to provide a 1-arity function to finalize - here you want
your mean.
So as the docs suggest, you can use completing to just provide that:
(transduce (xform 5) (completing conj mean) (repeatedly #(rand)))
; → 0.4723186070904141
If you look at the source of completing you will see how it produces
all of this:
(defn completing
"Takes a reducing function f of 2 args and returns a fn suitable for
transduce by adding an arity-1 signature that calls cf (default -
identity) on the result argument."
{:added "1.7"}
([f] (completing f identity))
([f cf]
([] (f))
([x] (cf x))
([x y] (f x y)))))

Clojure: Find even numbers in a vector

I am coming from a Java background trying to learn Clojure. As the best way of learning is by actually writing some code, I took a very simple example of finding even numbers in a vector. Below is the piece of code I wrote:
(defn even-vector-2 [input]
(def output [])
(loop [x input]
(if (not= (count x) 0)
(if (= (mod (first x) 2) 0)
(def output (conj output (first x)))))
(recur (rest x)))))
This code works, but it is lame that I had to use a global symbol to make it work. The reason I had to use the global symbol is because I wanted to change the state of the symbol every time I find an even number in the vector. let doesn't allow me to change the value of the symbol. Is there a way this can be achieved without using global symbols / atoms.
The idiomatic solution is straightfoward:
(filter even? [1 2 3])
; -> (2)
For your educational purposes an implementation with loop/recur
(defn filter-even [v]
(loop [r []
[x & xs :as v] v]
(if (seq v) ;; if current v is not empty
(if (even? x)
(recur (conj r x) xs) ;; bind r to r with x, bind v to rest
(recur r xs)) ;; leave r as is
r))) ;; terminate by not calling recur, return r
The main problem with your code is you're polluting the namespace by using def. You should never really use def inside a function. If you absolutely need mutability, use an atom or similar object.
Now, for your question. If you want to do this the "hard way", just make output a part of the loop:
(defn even-vector-3 [input]
(loop [[n & rest-input] input ; Deconstruct the head from the tail
output []] ; Output is just looped with the input
(if n ; n will be nil if the list is empty
(recur rest-input
(if (= (mod n 2) 0)
(conj output n)
output)) ; Adding nothing since the number is odd
Rarely is explicit looping necessary though. This is a typical case for a fold: you want to accumulate a list that's a variable-length version of another list. This is a quick version:
(defn even-vector-4 [input]
(reduce ; Reducing the input into another list
(fn [acc n]
(if (= (rem n 2) 0)
(conj acc n)
[] ; This is the initial accumulator.
Really though, you're just filtering a list. Just use the core's filter:
(filter #(= (rem % 2) 0) [1 2 3 4])
Note, filter is lazy.
#(filterv even? %)
if you want to return a vector or
#(filter even? %)
if you want a lazy sequence.
If you want to combine this with more transformations, you might want to go for a transducer:
(filter even?)
If you wanted to write it using loop/recur, I'd do it like this:
(defn keep-even
"Accepts a vector of numbers, returning a vector of the even ones."
(loop [result []
unused input]
(if (empty? unused)
(let [curr-value (first unused)
next-result (if (is-even? curr-value)
(conj result curr-value)
next-unused (rest unused) ]
(recur next-result next-unused)))))
This gets the same result as the built-in filter function.
Take a look at filter, even? and vec
check out http://cljs.info/cheatsheet/
(defn even-vector-2 [input](vec(filter even? input)))
If you want a lazy solution, filter is your friend.
Here is a non-lazy simple solution (loop/recur can be avoided if you apply always the same function without precise work) :
(defn keep-even-numbers
(fn [agg nb]
(if (zero? (rem nb 2)) (conj agg nb) agg))
[] coll))
If you like mutability for "fun", here is a solution with temporary mutable collection :
(defn mkeep-even-numbers
(fn [agg nb]
(if (zero? (rem nb 2)) (conj! agg nb) agg))
(transient []) coll)))
...which is slightly faster !
mod would be better than rem if you extend the odd/even definition to negative integers
You can also replace [] by the collection you want, here a vector !
In Clojure, you generally don't need to write a low-level loop with loop/recur. Here is a quick demo.
(ns tst.clj.core
[tupelo.core :as t] ))
(defn is-even?
"Returns true if x is even, otherwise false."
(zero? (mod x 2)))
; quick sanity checks
(spyx (is-even? 2))
(spyx (is-even? 3))
(defn keep-even
"Accepts a vector of numbers, returning a vector of the even ones."
(into [] ; forces result into vector, eagerly
(filter is-even? input)))
; demonstrate on [0 1 2...9]
(spyx (keep-even (range 10)))
with result:
(is-even? 2) => true
(is-even? 3) => false
(keep-even (range 10)) => [0 2 4 6 8]
Your project.clj needs the following for spyx to work:
:dependencies [
[tupelo "0.9.11"]

Clojure reduced function

I know there is the reduced function to terminate such an infinite thing, but i am curious why in the second version (with range without arg) it doesn't terminate the reduction as it reaches 150?
user=> (reduce (fn [a v] (if (< a 100) (+ a v) a)) (range 2000))
user=> (reduce (fn [a v] (if (< a 100) (+ a v) a)) (range))
As you mention, and for those who come along later googling for reduced. The reducing function does have a the ability to declare the final answer of the reduction explicitly with the guarantee that no further input will be consumed by returning the result of calling (reduced the-final-answer)
user> (reduce (fn [a v]
(if (< a 100)
(+ a v)
(reduced a)))
In this case when the new collected result passes 100 the next iteration will stop the reduction rather than contribute it's value to the answer. This does consume one extra value from the input stream that is not included in the result.
user> (reduce (fn [a v]
(let [res (+ a v)]
(if (< res 100)
(reduced res))))
This finishes the reduction as soon as threshold is met and does not consume any extra values from the lazy (and infinite) collection.
Because, reduce applies the function to every element in the sequence (range), thus (range) is fully realized.
produces an infinite sequence, and
(fn [a v] (if (< a 100) (+ a v) a))
doesn't stop the loop, it is being applied to every element.
Executed at the REPL
(reduce (fn [a v] (if (< a 100) (+ a v) a)) (range))
means we eargly wants to get and print the result, therefore the REPL hangs.

Apply a list of functions to a value

I'm looking for something that is probably very well defined in Clojure (in the Lisp world at large in fact) but I don't have enough experience or culture to get on the right track and Google hasn't been very helpful so far.
Let's say I have three simple forms:
(defn add-one [v] (+ v 1))
(defn add-two [v] (+ v 2))
(defn add-three [v] (+ v 3))
Out of convenience, they are stored in a vector. In the real world, that vector would vary depending on the context:
(def operations
And I also have an initial value:
(def value 42)
Now, I would like to apply all the functions in that vector to that value and get the result of the combined operations:
(loop [ops operations
val value]
(if (empty? ops)
(recur (rest ops)
((first ops) val))))
While this does work, I'm surprised there isn't a higher level form just for that. I've looked all over the place but couldn't find anything.
The functional phrase you are searching for is (apply comp operations):
((apply comp operations) 42)
Your loop does work if you feed it 42 for value:
(loop [ops operations
val 42]
(if (empty? ops)
(recur (rest ops)
((first ops) val))))
This applies the operations in the opposite order from comp.
... As does using reduce:
(reduce (fn [v f] (f v)) 42 operations)
If you look at the source code for comp, you'll find that the general case essentially executes a loop similar to yours upon a reversed list of the supplied functions.
'In Lisp world at large' you can use reduce:
user> (reduce (fn [x y] (y x)) 5 [inc inc inc inc])
;; => 9
This may look not so sexy, but it works everywhere with minor variations (this is Common Lisp, for example):
CL-USER> (reduce (lambda (x y) (funcall y x))
'(1+ 1+ 1+ 1+)
:initial-value 5)

Project Euler #14 and memoization in Clojure

As a neophyte clojurian, it was recommended to me that I go through the Project Euler problems as a way to learn the language. Its definitely a great way to improve your skills and gain confidence. I just finished up my answer to problem #14. It works fine, but to get it running efficiently I had to implement some memoization. I couldn't use the prepackaged memoize function because of the way my code was structured, and I think it was a good experience to roll my own anyways. My question is if there is a good way to encapsulate my cache within the function itself, or if I have to define an external cache like I have done. Also, any tips to make my code more idiomatic would be appreciated.
(use 'clojure.test)
(def mem (atom {}))
(defn chain-length
([x] (chain-length x x 0))
([start-val x c]
(if-let [e (last(find #mem x))]
(let [ret (+ c e)]
(swap! mem assoc start-val ret)
(if (<= x 1)
(let [ret (+ c 1)]
(swap! mem assoc start-val ret)
(if (even? x)
(recur start-val (/ x 2) (+ c 1))
(recur start-val (+ 1 (* x 3)) (+ c 1)))))))
(is (= 10 (chain-length 13))))
(defn longest-chain
([] (longest-chain 2 0 0))
([c max start-num]
(if (>= c 1000000)
(let [l (chain-length c)]
(if (> l max)
(recur (+ 1 c) l c)
(recur (+ 1 c) max start-num))))))
(is (= 837799 (longest-chain))))
Since you want the cache to be shared between all invocations of chain-length, you would write chain-length as (let [mem (atom {})] (defn chain-length ...)) so that it would only be visible to chain-length.
In this case, since the longest chain is sufficiently small, you could define chain-length using the naive recursive method and use Clojure's builtin memoize function on that.
Here's an idiomatic(?) version using plain old memoize.
(def chain-length
(fn [n]
(== n 1) 1
(even? n) (inc (chain-length (/ n 2)))
:else (inc (chain-length (inc (* 3 n))))))))
(defn longest-chain [start end]
(reduce (fn [x y]
(if (> (second x) (second y)) x y))
(for [n (range start (inc end))]
[n (chain-length n)])))
If you have an urge to use recur, consider map or reduce first. They often do what you want, and sometimes do it better/faster, since they take advantage of chunked seqs.
(inc x) is like (+ 1 x), but inc is about twice as fast.
You can capture the surrounding environment in a clojure :
(defn my-memoize [f]
(let [cache (atom {})]
(fn [x]
(let [cy (get #cache x)]
(if (nil? cy)
(let [fx (f x)]
(reset! cache (assoc #cache x fx)) fx) cy)))))
(defn mul2 [x] (do (print "Hello") (* 2 x)))
(def mmul2 (my-memoize mul2))
user=> (mmul2 2)
user=> (mmul2 2)
You see the mul2 funciton is only called once.
So the 'cache' is captured by the clojure and can be used to store the values.