References on building and using static libraries in C++ - c++

I've created a simple FTP server in C++ using Sockets, and as a part of the project I need to port over some of my code into a library. Basically I'll be wrapping some of the native Socket functions and utilizing them in library form.
The library has to be compatible with 32 and 64 bit systems, compile into either static or DLL form, and also work for debug and release mode. Our professor went over this process over the course of three hours in class, but obviously much of the process was lost on us, and it's not written down anywhere.. so I'm hoping to find a good reference on the subject that can help me do this correctly.

Read the program library howto. It explains quite well. Read also ar(1)
I am not sure you should make a static library (eg some libfoo.a). Dynamically linked i.e. shared libraries (e.g. are generally preferable. Read Drepper's paper: How to write shared libraries
Look also inside libcurl source code. It should teach you a lot.
GNU make knows about archive files, i.e. static libfoo.a libraries.


How do you properly use dynamic linking with Boost on Windows?

If I dynamically link against Boost libraries, I still have to copy the respective Boost DLLs into the folder of the executable for the program to work.
I installed Boost into the recommended path C:\local\boost_1_59_0
Also, taking redistribution into consideration, probably very few people will have Boost installed, and there isn't really a user-friendly redistributable package, like with the Visual C++ libraries.
So does it make more sense to just statically link Boost in order to save some time? I don't really see the benefit of dynamic linking for Boost (on Windows that is!).
Thank you for your tips.
You are correct in saying that you'll have to distribute the dynamic library too, since not many people will be having it. But a dynamic library is not made just for this purpose only.
It can be useful in case multiple applications have to use that library simultaneously.
For example, if your client has multiple applications using the boost dynamic libraries, it makes sense to just send the dynamic library once, and install it into a commonly accessible location and let all those applications use it. This way, the individual sizes of those applications will remain small.
Another use case could be your client simultaneously running multiple instances of a single executable which requires the library.

Linux, Shared library uses functions from main program instead of other shared libraries

I'm building a shared library that is loaded from an application (which I have no control of). My library uses other shared libraries which in turn uses other shared libraries, complex but not unusual.
The problem is that the main application have functions present in one of the libraries further down in the chain, to be more specific it is openLDAP that in turn uses openSSL functions:
Main app->My library->openLDAP libraries->openSSL libraries
My guess is that the main application is implementing openSSL either by a static linkage or a simple copy/paste of source code.
My question is: can I control which functions openLDAP uses from my library or do I have to recompile openLDAP with a static linkage to openSSL?
Since openSSL is updated quite frequently due to security issues I don't want a static copy of it if I don't have to. And why re-distribute a proprietary copy of openLDAP when it's part of most distributions packages...
Right now what you have is the executable overriding what would otherwise be the system's default choice of OpenSSL library. It is within the executable's rights to do that, and you can't really stop it.
Statically linking OpenSSL in your library may not really be a solution either. For one thing, what if the executable really does was to use a different version? For another, what if OpenSSL has some global variables? Now you will have two copies of the library in the same process, which is not a good idea and may cause bugs.
To me, the best answer we have on Linux is to not consider this sort of thing to be a problem. If an executable loads a bad version of OpenSSL, that is not your library's fault. At most you can check which version is loaded and refuse to run if it's known to be incompatible with your library for some reason.
My guess is that the main application is implementing openSSL either
by a static linkage or a simple copy/paste of source code.
This is wrong things. If application developer shoots on his foot then you can not do anythings.
App developer should see that your library is dependent on OpenSSL library (using ldd command) then he should not link OpenSSL again as staticly or copy paste its code.
If some functions from OpenSSL does not creating any messy and if they can be used just like any static method of any java class then only App developer should take risk of implementing that code in app.
The solution was to use RTLD_DEEPBIND in dlopen(3):
RTLD_DEEPBIND (since glibc 2.3.4)
Place the lookup scope of the symbols in this library ahead of the
global scope. This means that a self-contained library will use its
own symbols in preference to global symbols with the same name
contained in libraries that have already been loaded. This flag is not
specified in POSIX.1-2001.
This might not be the the best solution but it works in this case when the process is created by closed source software.

about Linux c++ static library

here I have several problem for static libraries need your help.
From some books I learned that, a static library (.a in Linux) contains a set of compiled objects, when it's linked into an executable, the link tool will only take out those objects that are actually referenced.
So if the .a contains 1.o, 2.o and 3.o and my application only uses functions in 1.o, then only 1.o will be built into the executable, is this correct?
Then let's go further, say we have 2 .a libs, first contains 1.o, 2.o and 3.o and second contains 3.o 4.o and 5.o. If my application only uses functions in 1.o 2.o 3.o and 4.o then only these these 4 .o will be built into the executable, is it correct?
I raised this question because I'm building some .a files to use with MSVC. These .a libraries are built in MinGW and then should be compatible with MSVC. I could include these libs into the MSVC project and build my program successfully. But the generated executable is 5 MB (the total size of all .a should be about 8MB) even when my program is an empty one (only have an empty main function).
Does this mean, .a when used in MSVC or .lib (static libs for Win) will be built into executable as a whole, but not in the way it behaves under Linux?
and also I have a question for below content
If I could use -static to link to static version of lib tiff, then why it needs to link to other libs? Should a static lib already contains all the code it needs?
A static library won't have all code it needs. Imagine a library that uses printf() to output error messages. This library will still depend on the static version of libc, it won't include the code for printf itself.
In your case, since Tiff supports various internal representation formats, one of which is jpeg, the static libtiff wants you to link the static libjpeg.
There is no fundamental difference in this between windows and linux. When you do a static link against libtiff and libjpeg, only the libjpeg functions that are actually needed by libtiff get linked, but not, for example, the parts that handle the JFIF Jpeg wrapper.
EDIT - answer to comments
There's a lot of stuff going on before your main() gets called. It's not that much on linux/unix, where the OS delivers arguments the way main() wants them, but on Windows, a different function, normally called WinMain() gets control when the program starts. This WinMain() is hidden in the library. It gets the whole command line in one string and has to parse arguments to pass them to main(), which means checking for spaces, which is probably implemented using isspace(), which pulls in ctype, which pulls in lots of locale-dependent stuff, and so on. So much of your 5 MB might be code that serves to make your program work in windows just like it would in unix. Also, if you're compiling with debug options on, these debug symbols take a lot of space as well.
Keltar's comment about a static library calling a dynamic one is right as well - but that adds a complication you don't need very often. There's more or less 2 reasons for static linkage:
You want your program be able to run even when something goes wrong with dynamic libraries. If i accidentially rm /lib/* i will be glad if i have statically linked versions of mount and cp to copy it from somewhere else. Thus, installers and "emergency programs" are often linked static
You want to make sure your program uses a specific version of libraries, that was current on your system when you compiled it, not the dynalink version that might be installed on some system 5 years later.
Both these reasons don't make much sense if some but not all libraries are static.
There's exceptions though: imagine you need a specific feature in libtiff. You browse the documentation and it says nothing about the feature. You check the source code and find that it implements specific_feature(), with a big "This is experimental and might go away in a future version" comment. If you decide you need that feature now, you might want to link libtiff statically to protect your program from failing when future versions of libtiff don't implement the function any more. Of course, you'll still want the dynamic versions of libjpeg and libc. I'll leave the decision if this is good practise to you.
Windows is a special case as it always uses kernel.dll and user32.dll as there are no static versions, even if the rest of your program is linked statically.
So while a libtiff.a could require a, and a libtiff.lib could require a libjpeg.dll, there's generally not much reason to do so.

Building a new library on top of another library (SDL and Eclipse)

I am working on a project with SDL. I feel like a lot of my code could/should be reusable for any other projects I might want to take on.
I was going to start a library project, but I don't know how to go about linking to the SDL libraries.
Usually, I go to Project Settings and edited Mingw32 Linker to include the libraries (ming32, SDLmain, and SDL). But the linker does not show up in the settings.
So my questions:
Is there no linker settings because building a library is only a compiling operation?
And in general, is it possible to build a library on top of the existing libraries? That is, write my library using SDL functions and stucts. Or would I have to get the source code and rebuild entirely with my code included?
Also, advice on shared vs. static in this instance?
(Also, any advice for where to go about learning more about compilers and linkers and such. I got through data structures in school but no farther)
As an introduction, you have to distinguish very well static library from dynamic ones, they are completely different beasts... said that, to your questions:
Is there no linker settings because building a library is only a compiling operation?
I guess you are creating a static library in this case. A static library is simply the collection in one single object file of all the individual object files (i.e., the .o files produced by the compiler) that make up your source tree. No more, no less.
With a static library you don't need to specify which are the dependencies, since it is understood that it is when compiling the final executable that your library will be linked with all the other libraries that it depends upon. Therefore it is only at that time (final executable build) that any missing symbol will be detected, and all other libraries must be available.
A shared library (also dynamic library), is an executable file that embeds all the static libraries that it depends upon. It can also have external dependencies with other shared library, which would not be embedded.
And in general, is it possible to build a library on top of the existing libraries? That is, write my library using SDL functions and stucts. Or would I have to get the source code and rebuild entirely with my code included?
It is perfectly possible, both for static and dynamic libraries.
Also, advice on shared vs. static in this instance?
In this instance it is not possible to advice, because you don't specify enough information.
Look at this: When to use dynamic vs. static libraries, and this, to have a sort of guideline.
(Also, any advice for where to go about learning more about compilers and linkers and such. I got through data structures in school but no farther)
I think that the two links above give you plenty of information. If you want to further go into details, you could start from this wikipedia article and browse from there.
The library you are building can have external dependencies. That means that you can link it with SDL or any other external libraries that you like.
I think this page explains all your other questions: DLL Creation in MingW

Where should I be using a static library in C++

What are the use cases of using static libraries in C++? I have seen that people create DLLs instead or some that use static libraries only. Whats your recommendation?
I'm a big fan of static libraries pretty much everywhere. The one big thing that DLLs get you that static libs cannot do is the ability to dynamically load and unload library functionality. So if your application is going to support some sort of hot swapping plugins, you need to use dynamic libs. Otherwise you can probably use static libs.
Static libs open the door to a lot of optimizations that you can't do with dynamic libs because they are performed at link-time. In the microsoft world Link Time Code Generation (LTCG) give you the ability to do whole program optimization and dead code stripping through not only your application, but also your libraries (in gcc this is called Link Time Optimization [LTO])
Additionally static libs tend to make your program easier to distribute because you aren't forced to pass around a lot of library files, and you can completely avoid DLL-hell if you ever were to version your library.
You should use shared libraries (DLL) if you have a significant functionality that needs to be shared between applications; AND this functionality may be improved independant of all the application and updates shipped seprately.
The 'AND' part is the hardest to fulfill: usually you ship your application with any new functionality added and never update the library without updating the application at the same time (I am not saying that never happens) but usually the two ship in lockstep.
Otherwise it is easier to just build normal libs and ship the application.
An Example of a good (I use the term loosely for example purposes) is DirectX. When a new version of DirectX is shipped (and the interface has not changed) you just need to update the DLL and all apllications that use DirectX get the benifit of the new version of the library. In reality it is not quite that simple but you get the idea.
In general, although there are always exceptions to the rule, I would say:
Advantages of DLLs
Less physical memory usage when running multiple instances of an application. (Copy on write optimisation of memory usage.)
Faster link times.
Smaller executables.
Better modularity.
Advantages of static libraries
Less virtual memory usage (and probably less physical memory usage) when running a single instance of an application.
Performance. Approximately 10% (more or less) improvement over DLLs, depending on your application.
Reliability. You tested your application against a specific version (or specific versions) of a library. An upgrade to a DLL could potentially break your application.
There is the advantage of not having to recompile your entire program if you make a change to a dynamically linked library. #Chris makes a good point about dll-hell but if it s a minor bug fix that doesn't affect the API, this can save you the recompilation.
There is a SO post that talks about Windows not being able to apply updates to your program if you statically link their libraries (link to come). Although i think you are more talking about statically linking your own modules.
Use static version of your libraries where you can. Use dynamic libraries where you need to (license, availability or plugin system).
I use static libraries to implement UML's "package" concept. All modules belonging to a package gets put into their own subdirectory, and I create an IDE subproject or makefile for that directory which builds a static library *.a file. Modern IDEs make it possible to work with your top-level package along with sub-packages within the same "workspace".
If a package (or a group of packages) can be deployed separately from the main executable, then I compile it into a shared library (*.so or *.dll) instead and consider it a "component" in UML jargon.
Well a Static DLL would be for holding huge libraries and also for using Multi-Os coode as i like to call it so it's able to be ran on Linux , Windows ...