ember.js attribute binding and the event object - ember.js

So far, it looks like Ember does not work as I expected, and I'm hoping I've just missed something. What I need to do is iterate over my model, a blob of JSON made up of arrays and objects, and build out a form. When the user marks a checkbox, the controllers Action updates the model.
Here's how I want it to work...
<form {{action 'answerSupplied'}}>
{{#each model.questions}}
{{#each answers}}
{{input type='../type' answerId='id' data-bind-questionNum='../id' text}}
Here's how I can get close to that...
<form {{action 'answerSupplied' this}}>
{{#each model.questions}}
{{#each answers}}
{{formbuilder ../type id ../id text}}
Handlebars.registerHelper('formbuilder', function(type, id, qnum, text, options)
// console.log(options);
var q_type = options.contexts[0][type],
a_id = options.contexts[1].id,
q_number = options.contexts[0][qnum],
a_text = options.contexts[1].text;
return new Handlebars.SafeString(
'<input type='+ q_type +' id='+ a_id +' name='+
q_number +'>'+ a_text + '</input><br/>'
The big problem wit this is, I can not identify which element was clicked because I don't have access to the event object.
Can I manually bind the action with something like 'data-ember-action', and pass in params? Or, is this too far outside the Ember way?
== update ==
Here's the above JSFiddle, improved by passing parameters to the Action. The event propagation seems to get halted in the Action resulting in the inputs not getting properly marked. Radio buttons loose their grouping, and checkboxes do not get checked.

Ember can easily handle what you're doing here. First it's easier to keep your scope and generate named each loops.
<form {{action 'answerSupplied'}}>
{{#each question in model.questions}}
{{#each answer in question.answers}}
{{input type=question.type answerId=answer.id data-bind-questionNum=question.id placeHolder=answer.text}}
You may have to do some if statements for labels etc around your input statements.


How do I render a collection of models each with variable view and controller?

I have a collection of models in my Ember.js app, which I would like to render. The catch is that I want to be able to specify a specialized view and controller for each of the models.
The controller part seems to be easy: I would just wrap the array in an ArrayController and implement itemController method. The view part is where it gets tricky. I don't see an obvious idiomatic way of doing this.
The best way we came up with is the combination of ArrayController and CollectionView with an overridden createChildView. For instance:
createChildView: function(viewClass, attrs) {
var viewInstance,
widgetType = attrs.content.get('type');
// lookup view, if found, use it, if not, pass empty view
var viewDefined = this.container.lookup('view:' + widgetType);
var createWidgetType = viewDefined ? widgetType : 'empty';
// create view instance from widgetType name
// it causes lookup in controller
viewInstance = this._super(createWidgetType, attrs);
// if `attrs.content` is controller (item of `ComponentsController`)
// set it as controller of newly created view
if(attrs.content.get('isController')) {
viewInstance.set('controller', attrs.content);
return viewInstance;
This feels unnecessarily convoluted, I don't like that I have to connect the view with the controller manually like that. Is there a cleaner way?
You can create a component, which will act as controller and have a view associated with it:
App.XItemComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
controllerProperty: '!',
tagName: 'li'
Then, you can just do:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
{{#each model }}
{{ x-item item=this }}
I'd use the {{render}} helper. It'll create a view and controller for each instance.
{{#each item in model}}
{{render "item" item}}
Example: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/vuwimu/2/edit?html,js,output
Render helper guide: http://emberjs.com/guides/templates/rendering-with-helpers/#toc_the-code-render-code-helper
In your comment you mentioned you want different controller/view types for particular model types. This could be done like this:
{{#each item in model}}
{{#if item.typeX}}
{{render "itemX" item}}
{{#if item.typeY}}
{{render "itemY" item}}
or if you'd choose to go with components:
{{#each item in model}}
{{#if item.typeX}}
{{component-x item=item}}
{{#if item.typeY}}
{{component-y item=item}}
Without knowing what you are trying to accomplish in more detail it’s hard to tell what the best solution is.

Ember.checkbox nested in action doesn't change value

{{#each document in documents}}
<div class="col-md-6" {{action "selectDocument" document}}>{{view Ember.Checkbox checked=document.isSelected}} {{document.name}}</div>
App.IndexDocumentsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
actions: {
selectDocument: function(document){
document.set('isSelected', !document.get('isSelected'));
When I click on the div, the checkbox toggles 'checked' property. But when I click on the ckeckbox - nothing happens. What can be the reason?
Link to jsbin: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/nuvocumuteto/1/edit?html,css,js,output
The issue is that when you click on the checkbox 2 things happen.
the checkbox toggles the isActive property, then
the selectRow action is ran which again toggles the isActive property
So the isActive property ends up staying in the same state that it was.
In your case I would get rid of the action, wrap the checkbox in a <label> and set the label to display: block.
The template would look like
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
{{#each item in model}}
<li {{bind-attr class="item.isActive:active"}}><label>{{input type="checkbox" checked=item.isActive}}{{item.name}}</label></li>
and the css would look like
label {
display: block;
you would then be able to get rid of the selectRow action completely because clicking on the label will trigger the checkbox.
You can see a working bin here: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/nuvocumuteto/3/edit
I would argue that you are not following "The Ember Way" in two different ways here.
First, Ember.Checkbox is an internal Ember class (http://emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.Checkbox.html). The recommended way to render a checkbox is to use the Handlebars input helpers (http://emberjs.com/guides/templates/input-helpers/#toc_checkboxes). This is just wrapping Ember.Checkbox anyway.
Second, if you want to update the value of isSelected, the "Ember Way" is to use two-way data bindings. Your code uses one-way data-binding when it reads document.isSelected and then tries to manually re-create the the data-binding in the other direction when the user clicks by manually writing a selectDocument action and calling it from an {{action}}.
Instead, simply bind the Ember Handlebars Input Helper directly to your value like this:
{{#each document in documents}}
<div class="col-md-6">{{input type="checkbox" checked=document.isSelected}} {{document.name}}</div>

Ember checkbox and value

I have checkboxes created in a loop. I set checked to a property name, and want to reach a dynamic value from the checkbox on click. In the property (for key, value) I'm getting the wrong thing - the label of my property instead of the value. Is there a simple way in Ember to get the value out of the checkbox?
Any help is much appreciated.
{{#each url in controllers.application.env.urls}}
{{view Ember.Checkbox checked=updateServerList valueBinding="url"}}{{url}}
In javascript:
console.log("----1 ", key, value);
Per your comment, I started actually playing around with this and realized that it was not as simple as I thought. What I ended up doing was just building a custom component rather than working with Ember.Checkbox.
In your template:
{{check-box url=url}}
Component Template:
<script type='text/x-handlebars' id="components/check-box">
{{input type="checkbox" checked=toggleURL}}{{url}}
The component code:
App.CheckBoxComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
toggleURL: false,
logURL: function() {
// Do something with the URL

getting back reference to a specific model using Ember's Array Controller

I'm new to Ember and am finding some of their concepts a bit opaque. I have a app that manages inventory for a company. There is a screen that lists the entirety of their inventory and allows them to edit each inventory item. The text fields are disabled by default and I want to have an 'edit item' button that will set disabled / true to disabled / false. I have created the following which renders out correctly:
Inv.InventoryitemsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return Ember.$.getJSON("/arc/v1/api/inventory_items/" + params.location_id);
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="inventoryitems">
<div class='row'>
<p>{{input type="text" value=header disabled="true"}}</p>
<p>{{input type="text" value=detail disabled="true"}}</p>
<button {{action "editInventoryItem" data-id=id}}>edit item</button>
<button {{action "saveInventoryItem" data-id=id}}>save item</button>
So this renders in the UI fine but I am not sure how to access the specific model to change the text input from disabled/true to disabled/false. If I were just doing this as normal jQuery, I would add the id value of that specific model and place an id in the text input so that I could set the textfield. Based upon reading through docs, it seems like I would want a controller - would I want an ArrayController for this model instance or could Ember figure that out on its own?
I'm thinking I want to do something like the following but alerting the id give me undefined:
isEditing: false,
actions: {
editInventoryItem: function(){
var model = this.get('model');
should this be a reference to that specific instance of a single model or the list of models provided by the InventoryitemsRoute
alert('you want to edit this:' + model.id); // <-undefined
In the Ember docs, they use a playlist example (here: http://emberjs.com/guides/controllers/representing-multiple-models-with-arraycontroller/) like this:
App.SongsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
setupController: function(controller, playlist) {
controller.set('model', playlist.get('songs'));
But this example is a bit confusing (for a couple of reasons) but in this particular case - how would I map their concept of playlist to me trying to edit a single inventory item?
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="inventoryitems">
<div class='row'>
<p>{{input type="text" value=header disabled="true"}}</p>
<p>{{input type="text" value=detail disabled="true"}}</p>
<button {{action "editInventoryItem" this}}>edit item</button>
<button {{action "saveInventoryItem" this}}>save item</button>
actions: {
editInventoryItem: function(object){
alert('you want to edit this:' + object.id);
Is what you need. But let me explain in a bit more detail:
First of all, terminology: Your "model" is the entire object tied to your controller. When you call this.get('model') on an action within an array controller, you will receive the entire model, in this case an array of inventory items.
The {{#each}} handlebars tag iterates through a selected array (by default it uses your entire model as the selected array). While within the {{#each}} block helper, you can reference the specific object you are currently on by saying this. You could also name the iteration object instead of relying on a this declaration by typing {{#each thing in model}}, within which each object would be referenced as thing.
Lastly, your actions are capable of taking inputs. You can declare these inputs simply by giving the variable name after the action name. Above, I demonstrated this with {{action "saveInventoryItem" this}} which will pass this to the action saveInventoryItem. You also need to add an input parameter to that action in order for it to be accepted.
Ok, that's because as you said, you're just starting with Ember. I would probably do this:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="inventoryitems">
<div class='row'>
<p>{{input type="text" value=header disabled=headerEnabled}}</p>
<p>{{input type="text" value=detail disabled=detailEnabled}}</p>
<button {{action "editInventoryItem"}}>edit item</button>
<button {{action "saveInventoryItem"}}>save item</button>
with this, you need to define a headerEnabled property in the InventoryitemController(Note that it is singular, not the one that contains all the items), and the same for detailEnabled, and the actions, you can define them also either in the same controller or in the route:
App.InventoryitemController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
headerEnabled: false,
detailEnabled: false,
actions: {
editInventoryItem: function() {
this.set('headerEnabled', true);
this.set('detailEnabled', true);
that's just an example how you can access the data, in case the same property will enable both text fields, then you only need one, instead of the two that I put . In case the 'each' loop doesn't pick up the right controller, just specify itemController.

Emberjs 1.0.0-RC: Parent-child controller relationships using itemcontroller and without using routes

I want to use itemcontroller to a render a list of comments as well as perfom CRUD on the comment. The CRUD aspect works fine. But there are two things not working wekll and they are described below. Here is the jsfiddle.
Just click on the add Comment button to see it add an additional edit form underneath the existing one.
When I click on the button to create newComment which uses the CommentNewController, it automatically also renders EmBlog.CommentEditController and comment edit form along side the form for new comment. Both forms are independent of each and use different controllers and templates, so I don't understand why rendering the form for newComment automatically adds an empty form for editComment.
The second issue is that I have an edit button which is surrounded by an #if helper. If the #if helper is true then the edit form should be displayed. To toggle the #if helper to true, I created a button that contains the {{action editComment }}. When I click the button, the edit form is not rendered. But note that, when the template first renders, it automatically displays an edit form, even when the edit button has not been clicked.
Relevant template and controllers ares pasted below.
It is when the post/show template renders that an edit form is automatically displayed without waiting for an edit button to be clicked, which sets the #if helper to true
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="posts/show">
//displays the add button link
{{render 'comment.New' }}
**render the comments and use CommentEdit as itemController**
{{render 'comments' comments}}
Comments Template
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='comments'>
{{#each controller itemController="CommentEdit"}}
{{partial 'comment/edit'}}
It seems this #if helper is bye-passed as the form is rendered without clicking edit button and when you click edit button, it does nothing
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='comment/_edit'>
{{#if controller.editComment}}
{{#if model}}
<form {{action save content on='submit'}}>
{{view Ember.TextArea valueBinding="content.body" placeholder="body"}}
<button type="submit"> save comment </button>
<button {{action cancel content}}> Cancel</button>
<button {{action editComment }} {{bindAttr disabled="isEditingComment"}}> Edit Comment</button>
When you click on the addComment button, it adds a new empty edit form but it shouldn't even be calling the edit form
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='comment/new'>
{{#if controller.isAddingNew}}
{{partial 'comment'}}
<button {{action addComment}} {{bindAttr disabled="isAddingNew"}}>Add Comment</button>
The comment partial for adding new comment
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='_comment'>
<form {{action save content on='submit'}}>
<button {{action cancel content}}> Cancel</button>
The controllers
EmBlog.CommentNewController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
needs: ['postsShow'],
isAddingNew: false,
addComment: function(){
this.set('isAddingNew', true);
EmBlog.CommentEditController = Em.ObjectController.extend({
isEditingComment: false,
editComment: function() {
this.set('isEditingComment', true);
EmBlog.CommentsController = Em.ArrayController.extend({
needs: ['postsShow'],
itemController: 'CommentEdit'
working jsfiddle based on mike's answer. Update the ember-data implementation to use Emberjs1.0Rc-6 and the CommentNewController now using Kris Seldon's buffered save as explained here, to avoid error: Attempted to handle event willSetProperty rootState.loaded.updated.inFlight. Thesame code but using ember-model as datastore instead of ember-data: http://jsfiddle.net/TVe4X/4/ and updated to use Emberjs 1.0.0-RC6 and current ember-model : http://jsfiddle.net/tHWM4/5/
When I click on the button to create newComment which uses the CommentNewController, it automatically also renders EmBlog.CommentEditController and comment edit form along side the form for new comment. Both forms are independent of each and use different controllers and templates, so I don't understand why rendering the form for newComment automatically adds an empty form for editComment.
When you click newComment, a new (unsaved) comment is created. Since your comments template uses the each helper to loop over all comments, it is updated to have a new entry. You could get around this by filtering the list based on model state (ie show if isNew), hiding new comments via css or better yet refactor to show the new-comment-form inline. Of course the comment body is blank so you normally would just see a new bullet. But the edit form shows up as well, because of the issue below.
The second issue is that I have an edit button which is surrounded by an #if helper. If the #if helper is true then the edit form should be displayed. To toggle the #if helper to true, I created a button that contains the {{action editComment }}. When I click the button, the edit form is not rendered. But note that, when the template first renders, it automatically displays an edit form, even when the edit button has not been clicked.
Agreed the {{#if editComment}} helper is not working - it always evaluates to true. This is because editComment is a function not a property. Instead you probably want to reference the property isEditingComment.
Updated jsfiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/mgrassotti/TVe4X/1/