I'm writing a simple physics component in my C++ engine, using the GLM math library, and any rotations I apply are done in world space, i.e. each rotation is applied along the global X, Y, and Z axes, no matter which way the object is facing. I am applying a torque to my object, and using that to calculate a rotation amount for each axis.
I add the torque via a call to the AddTorque function, which uses the object's transform to apply it in a relative direction. For example, for pitching the object (rotation around the X axis):
AddTorque(m_transform[0] * 50.0f);
The calculation code itself, where the rotation is not local/relative (m_acceleration, m_velocity, m_torque, etc, are all of the form glm::vec3, and the transform of the type glm::mat4):
void PhysicsComponent::Update(float a_deltaTime)
// rotation
glm::mat4 transform = m_parent->GetTransform();
glm::vec3 rotVec = glm::vec3(0, 0, 0);
m_angularAcceleration = m_torque / m_momentOfInertia;
m_angularVelocity += m_angularAcceleration * a_deltaTime;
rotVec += m_angularVelocity * a_deltaTime;
transform = glm::rotate(transform, rotVec.x, glm::vec3(1, 0, 0));
transform = glm::rotate(transform, rotVec.y, glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
transform = glm::rotate(transform, rotVec.z, glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));
// position
glm::vec3 position = transform[3].xyz;
m_acceleration = m_force / m_mass;
m_velocity += m_acceleration * a_deltaTime;
position += m_velocity * a_deltaTime;
transform[3].xyz = position;
m_force.x = 0;
m_force.y = 0;
m_force.z = 0;
m_torque.x = 0;
m_torque.y = 0;
m_torque.z = 0;
rotVec = glm::vec3(0,0,0);
I am building a modeling program and I'd like to do transformations on objects in their own space and then assign that single object to a group to rotate around another axis which the group rotates around. However, I'd also like to be able to do transformations in the object's own space when it's combined.
Manipulating the individual object, I pick the object's center.
glm::mat4 transform;
transform = glm::translate(transform, - obj.meshCenter);
glm::mat4 transform1;
transform1 = glm::translate(transform1, obj.meshCenter);
obj.rotation = transform1*obj.thisRot*transform;
I then send this off to the shader,
glUniformMatrix4fv(modelLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(obj.translation*obj.rotation*objscale);
I would now like to rotate this object around another axis, say an axis of (5,0,0) of 45 degrees.
I now have:
glm::mat4 groupR;
groupR = glm::rotate(groupR,glm::degrees(45.0f),glm::vec3(5,0,0));
obj.groupRotation = groupR;
glUniformMatrix4fv(modelLoc, 1, GL_FALSE,
I've now moved the object from it's local space to the Group space.
I'm having a bit of difficulty now operating tranformations in the object's own space when combined with the Group's rotation.
I've had limited success when I set the groupR axis to (0,1,0) like so:
///Translating object in its own space///
glm::mat4 R = obj.groupRotation;
obj.translation = glm::inverse(R) * obj.translate * R;
the problem here is that this will only translate the object correctly in it's own space if the axis of rotation of R (Group's rotation) is equal to (0,1,0):
///Rotating object in its own space///
glm::mat4 R = obj.groupRotation;
obj.rotation = glm::inverse(R) * obj.rot * R;
Again, the rotations are incorrect. I'm thinking that maybe I have to undo the groupR's axis translation? and then re-apply it somewhere?
Let's assume we have an object that is moved, rotated and scaled, and we define a transformation matrix as follows:
glm::mat4 objTrans ...; // translation
glm::mat4 objRot ...; // roation
glm::mat4 objScale ...; // scaling
glm::mat4 objMat = objTrans * objRot * objScale;
And we have rotation matrix that we want to run on the object. In this case we have rotation around the Z-axis:
foat angle ...; // rotation angle
glm::mat4 rotMat = glm::rotate( angle, glm::vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) );
We have several rotations we can do with this information.
First we want to rotate the object on its local axis:
glm::mat4 modelMat = objMat * rotMat;
A Rotation around the worlds origin can be performed like this:
glm::mat4 modelMat = rotMat * objMat;
In order to rotate around the origin of the object in the world coordinate system, we must eliminate the rotation of the object:
glm::mat4 modelMat = objMat * (glm::inverse(objRot) * rotMat * objRot);
A Rotation around the worlds origin in relation to the object you have to do the opposite:
glm::mat4 modelMat = (objRot * rotMat * glm::inverse(objRot)) * objMat;
If you have a complete transformations matrix for an object and you do not know the rotation part, then it can be easily determined.
Note that a transformation matrix usually looks like this:
( X-axis.x, X-axis.y, X-axis.z, 0 )
( Y-axis.x, Y-axis.y, Y-axis.z, 0 )
( Z-axis.x, Z-axis.y, Z-axis.z, 0 )
( trans.x, trans.y, trans.z, 1 )
To generate a rotation only matrix you have to extract the normalized axis vectors:
glm::mat4 a ...; // any matrix
glm::vec3 x = glm::normalize( a[0][0], a[0][1], a[0][2] );
glm::vec3 y = glm::normalize( a[1][0], a[1][1], a[1][2] );
glm::vec3 z = glm::normalize( a[2][0], a[2][1], a[2][2] );
glm::mat4 r;
r[0][0] = x[0]; r[0][1] = x[1]; r[0][2] = x[2]; r[0][3] = 0.0f;
r[1][0] = y[0]; r[1][1] = y[1]; r[1][2] = y[2]; r[0][3] = 0.0f;
r[2][0] = z[0]; r[2][1] = z[1]; r[2][2] = z[2]; r[0][3] = 0.0f;
r[3][0] = 0.0f; r[3][1] = 0.0f; r[3][2] = 0.0f; r[0][3] = 1.0f;
Here is a partial answer to the behavior I want and the setup I used. This seems to be what I need to do to get the correct transforms in object space while apart of a group rotation.
Here I have a model composed of 7 different individual meshes that is rotated around the origin of (0,5,0) on the y Axis, this is just an arbitrary rotation I choose for testing.
for (int i = 0; i < models.at(currentSelectedPointer.x)->meshes.size()i++)
glm::mat4 rotMat;
rotMat = glm::translate(rotMat, glm::vec3(5, 0, 0));
rotMat = glm::rotate(rotMat, f, glm::vec3(0, 1.0, 0.0));
rotMat = glm::translate(rotMat, glm::vec3(-5, 0, 0));
models.at(currentSelectedPointer.x)->meshes.at(i).groupRotation = rotMat;
all the meshes are now rotating around (0,5,0) as a group, not at (0,5,0), on the Y axis.
to do the correct rotation transform on a single object in it's own object space, I have to undo the location of the groupRotation's origin (Sorry for the messy code, but I did it in steps like this to keep everything seperated and easily disectable). Also the individual object has an identity matrix for both it's translation and it's scale.
//These will be used to shift the groupRotation origin back to the
// origin in order to rotate around the object's origin.
glm::mat4 gotoGroupAxis;
gotoGroupAxis= glm::translate(gotoGroupAxis, glm::vec3(5, 0, 0));
glm::mat4 goBack ;
goBack = glm::translate(goBack , glm::vec3(-5, 0, 0));
////////Group rotation and it's inverse
glm::mat4 tempGroupRot = goBack *obj.groupRotation*gotoGroupAxis;
glm::mat4 tempGroupRotInverse= glm::inverse(tempGroupRot);
//thisRot and lastRot are matrix variables I use to accumulate and
//save rotations
obj.thisRot = tempGroupRotInverse*
glm::toMat4(currentRotation)*tempGroupRot *
//now I translate the object's rotation origin to it's center.
glm::mat4 transform = glm::translate(transform, -obj.meshCenter);
glm::mat4 transform1 = glm::translate(transform1, obj.meshCenter);
//Finally I rotate the object in it's own space.
obj.rotation = transform1*obj.thisRot*transform;
//Translation works as well with
obj.finalTranslation= tempGroupRotInverse*
obj.translation * tempGroupRot ;
This is only a partial answer because I'm going to be doing transforms on an object level and group level and I'm almost certain that something will go wrong down the line that hasn't been taken into account by the answer I've posted.
I'm attempting to implement an arcball style camera. I use glm::lookAt to keep the camera pointed at a target, and then move it around the surface of a sphere using azimuth/inclination angles to rotate the view.
I'm running into an issue where the view gets flipped upside down when the azimuth approaches 90 degrees.
Here's the relevant code:
Get projection and view martrices. Runs in the main loop
void Visual::updateModelViewProjection()
model = glm::mat4();
projection = glm::mat4();
view = glm::mat4();
projection = glm::perspective
(float)width / height, // aspect ratio
0.1f, // near clipping plane
10000.0f // far clipping plane
view = glm::lookAt(camera.Position, camera.Target, camera.Up);
Mouse move event, for camera rotation
void Visual::cursor_position_callback(GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos)
if (leftMousePressed)
if (rightMousePressed)
GLfloat xoffset = (xpos - cursorPrevX) / 4.0;
GLfloat yoffset = (cursorPrevY - ypos) / 4.0;
camera.inclination += yoffset;
camera.azimuth -= xoffset;
if (camera.inclination > 89.0f)
camera.inclination = 89.0f;
if (camera.inclination < 1.0f)
camera.inclination = 1.0f;
if (camera.azimuth > 359.0f)
camera.azimuth = 359.0f;
if (camera.azimuth < 1.0f)
camera.azimuth = 1.0f;
float radius = glm::distance(camera.Position, camera.Target);
camera.Position[0] = camera.Target[0] + radius * cos(glm::radians(camera.azimuth)) * sin(glm::radians(camera.inclination));
camera.Position[1] = camera.Target[1] + radius * sin(glm::radians(camera.azimuth)) * sin(glm::radians(camera.inclination));
camera.Position[2] = camera.Target[2] + radius * cos(glm::radians(camera.inclination));
cursorPrevX = xpos;
cursorPrevY = ypos;
Calculate camera orientation vectors
void updateCameraVectors()
Front = glm::normalize(Target-Position);
Right = glm::rotate(glm::normalize(glm::cross(Front, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0})), glm::radians(90.0f), Front);
Up = glm::normalize(glm::cross(Front, Right));
I'm pretty sure it's related to the way I calculate my camera's right vector, but I cannot figure out how to compensate.
Has anyone run into this before? Any suggestions?
It's a common mistake to use lookAt for rotating the camera. You should not. The backward/right/up directions are the columns of your view matrix. If you already have them then you don't even need lookAt, which tries to redo some of your calculations. On the other hand, lookAt doesn't help you in finding those vectors in the first place.
Instead build the view matrix first as a composition of translations and rotations, and then extract those vectors from its columns:
void Visual::cursor_position_callback(GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos)
if (rightMousePressed)
GLfloat xoffset = (xpos - cursorPrevX) / 4.0;
GLfloat yoffset = (cursorPrevY - ypos) / 4.0;
camera.inclination = std::clamp(camera.inclination + yoffset, -90.f, 90.f);
camera.azimuth = fmodf(camera.azimuth + xoffset, 360.f);
view = glm::mat4();
view = glm::translate(view, glm::vec3(0.f, 0.f, camera.radius)); // add camera.radius to control the distance-from-target
view = glm::rotate(view, glm::radians(camera.inclination + 90.f), glm::vec3(1.f,0.f,0.f));
view = glm::rotate(view, glm::radians(camera.azimuth), glm::vec3(0.f,0.f,1.f));
view = glm::translate(view, camera.Target);
camera.Right = glm::column(view, 0);
camera.Up = glm::column(view, 1);
camera.Front = -glm::column(view, 2); // minus because OpenGL camera looks towards negative Z.
camera.Position = glm::column(view, 3);
view = glm::inverse(view);
Then remove the code that calculates view and the direction vectors from updateModelViewProjection and updateCameraVectors.
Disclaimer: this code is untested. You might need to fix a minus sign somewhere, order of operations, or the conventions might mismatch (Z is up or Y is up, etc...).
So I'm trying to translate vertices on the CPU for my batch rendering system. And I've tried to replicate glsl but it simply doesn't work. (The model doesn't show up)
glm::vec4 off = glm::vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
off = Util::createTransform(offset, glm::vec3(0, 45, 0)) * off; //translated the vertex by the offset(supplied by the function) and rotates by 45 degrees on the Y axis
for (int i = 0; i < Tvertex.size(); i++) {
Tvertex[i] *= glm::vec3(off.x, off.y, off.z); //I think its here I might have messed up?
And here is the "Util::createTransform" function:
glm::mat4 Util::createTransform(glm::vec3 pos, glm::vec3 rot) {
glm::mat4 trans = glm::mat4(1.0);
trans = glm::rotate(trans, glm::radians(rot.x), glm::vec3(1, 0, 0));
trans = glm::rotate(trans, glm::radians(rot.y), glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
trans = glm::rotate(trans, glm::radians(rot.z), glm::vec3(0, 0, 1));
trans = glm::translate(trans, pos);
return trans;
So, where did I screw up?
Util::createTransform() returns a glm::mat4, while you just take the rightmost column of that matrix and store it in a glm::vec4.
You are trying to create a transform matrix which represents the composition of a rotation and a translation. This operation cannot be represented by a single vec4. You could do that for a translation alone, and then would simply add the same vector to all of your vertices to translate the offset around. However, with rotations - or other transformations besides translations - you will need the full matrix.
Since glm uses the same conventions the old "fixed function" GL used, you have to use the Matrix * Vector multiplication order to apply a transformation matrix to your vertices. So your code should look like this:
glm::mat4 off = Util::createTransform(offset, glm::vec3(0, 45, 0)) * off; //translated the vertex by the offset(supplied by the function) and rotates by 45 degrees on the Y axis
for (int i = 0; i < Tvertex.size(); i++) {
Tvertex[i] = off * Tvertex[i];
How about this:
// I think its here I might have messed up?
Tvertex[i] *= glm::vec3(off.x, off.y, off.z);
// I think that might be what you wanted:
Tvertex[i] += glm::vec3(off.x, off.y, off.z);
So I'm trying to figure out how to mannually create a camera class that creates a local frame for camera transformations. I've created a player object based on OpenGL SuperBible's GLFrame class.
I got keyboard keys mapped to the MoveUp, MoveRight and MoveForward functions and the horizontal and vertical mouse movements are mapped to the xRot variable and rotateLocalY function. This is done to create a FPS style camera.
The problem however is in the RotateLocalY. Translation works fine and so does the vertical mouse movement but the horizontal movement scales all my objects down or up in a weird way. Besides the scaling, the rotation also seems to restrict itself to 180 degrees and rotates around the world origin (0.0) instead of my player's local position.
I figured that the scaling had something to do with normalizing vectors but the GLframe class (which I used for reference) never normalized any vectors and that class works just fine. Normalizing most of my vectors only solved the scaling and all the other problems were still there so I'm figuring one piece of code is causing all these problems?
I can't seem to figure out where the problem lies, I'll post all the appropriate code here and a screenshot to show the scaling.
Player object
location[0] = 0.0f; location[1] = 0.0f; location[2] = 0.0f;
up[0] = 0.0f; up[1] = 1.0f; up[2] = 0.0f;
forward[0] = 0.0f; forward[1] = 0.0f; forward[2] = -1.0f;
// Does all the camera transformation. Should be called before scene rendering!
void Player::ApplyTransform()
M3DMatrix44f cameraMatrix;
glRotatef(xAngle, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
void Player::MoveForward(GLfloat delta)
location[0] += forward[0] * delta;
location[1] += forward[1] * delta;
location[2] += forward[2] * delta;
void Player::MoveUp(GLfloat delta)
location[0] += up[0] * delta;
location[1] += up[1] * delta;
location[2] += up[2] * delta;
void Player::MoveRight(GLfloat delta)
// Get X axis vector first via cross product
M3DVector3f xAxis;
m3dCrossProduct(xAxis, up, forward);
location[0] += xAxis[0] * delta;
location[1] += xAxis[1] * delta;
location[2] += xAxis[2] * delta;
void Player::RotateLocalY(GLfloat angle)
// Calculate a rotation matrix first
M3DMatrix44f rotationMatrix;
// Rotate around the up vector
m3dRotationMatrix44(rotationMatrix, angle, up[0], up[1], up[2]); // Use up vector to get correct rotations even with multiple rotations used.
// Get new forward vector out of the rotation matrix
M3DVector3f newForward;
newForward[0] = rotationMatrix[0] * forward[0] + rotationMatrix[4] * forward[1] + rotationMatrix[8] * forward[2];
newForward[1] = rotationMatrix[1] * forward[1] + rotationMatrix[5] * forward[1] + rotationMatrix[9] * forward[2];
newForward[2] = rotationMatrix[2] * forward[2] + rotationMatrix[6] * forward[1] + rotationMatrix[10] * forward[2];
m3dCopyVector3(forward, newForward);
void Player::getTransformationMatrix(M3DMatrix44f matrix)
// Get Z axis (Z axis is reversed with camera transformations)
M3DVector3f zAxis;
zAxis[0] = -forward[0];
zAxis[1] = -forward[1];
zAxis[2] = -forward[2];
// Get X axis
M3DVector3f xAxis;
m3dCrossProduct(xAxis, up, zAxis);
// Fill in X column in transformation matrix
m3dSetMatrixColumn44(matrix, xAxis, 0); // first column
matrix[3] = 0.0f; // Set 4th value to 0
// Fill in the Y column
m3dSetMatrixColumn44(matrix, up, 1); // 2nd column
matrix[7] = 0.0f;
// Fill in the Z column
m3dSetMatrixColumn44(matrix, zAxis, 2); // 3rd column
matrix[11] = 0.0f;
// Do the translation
M3DVector3f negativeLocation; // Required for camera transform (right handed OpenGL system. Looking down negative Z axis)
negativeLocation[0] = -location[0];
negativeLocation[1] = -location[1];
negativeLocation[2] = -location[2];
m3dSetMatrixColumn44(matrix, negativeLocation, 3); // 4th column
matrix[15] = 1.0f;
Player object header
class Player
// Variables
M3DVector3f location;
M3DVector3f up;
M3DVector3f forward;
GLfloat xAngle; // Used for FPS divided X angle rotation (can't combine yaw and pitch since we'll also get a Roll which we don't want for FPS)
// Functions
void ApplyTransform();
void MoveForward(GLfloat delta);
void MoveUp(GLfloat delta);
void MoveRight(GLfloat delta);
void RotateLocalY(GLfloat angle); // Only need rotation on local axis for FPS camera style. Then a translation on world X axis. (done in apply transform)
void getTransformationMatrix(M3DMatrix44f matrix);
Applying transformations
// Clear screen
// Apply camera transforms
// Set up lights
// Use shaders
// Render the scene
// Do post rendering operations
and mouse
float mouseSensitivity = 500.0f;
float horizontal = (width / 2) - mouseX;
float vertical = (height / 2) - mouseY;
horizontal /= mouseSensitivity;
vertical /= (mouseSensitivity / 25);
player.xAngle += -vertical;
glutWarpPointer((width / 2), (height / 2));
Honestly I think you are taking a way to complicated approach to your problem. There are many ways to create a camera. My favorite is using a R3-Vector and a Quaternion, but you could also work with a R3-Vector and two floats (pitch and yaw).
The setup with two angles is simple:
glTranslatef(-pos[0], -pos[1], -pos[2]);
glRotatef(-yaw, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glRotatef(-pitch, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
The tricky part now is moving the camera. You must do something along the lines of:
flaot ds = speed * dt;
position += tranform_y(pich, tranform_z(yaw, Vector3(ds, 0, 0)));
How to do the transforms, I would have to look that up, but you could to it by using a rotation matrix
Rotation is trivial, just add or subtract from the pitch and yaw values.
I like using a quaternion for the orientation because it is general and thus you have a camera (any entity that is) that independent of any movement scheme. In this case you have a camera that looks like so:
class Camera
// lots of stuff omitted
void setup();
void move_local(Vector3f value);
void rotate(float dy, float dz);
mx::Vector3f position;
mx::Quaternionf orientation;
Then the setup code uses shamelessly gluLookAt; you could make a transformation matrix out of it, but I never got it to work right.
void Camera::setup()
// projection related stuff
mx::Vector3f eye = position;
mx::Vector3f forward = mx::transform(orientation, mx::Vector3f(1, 0, 0));
mx::Vector3f center = eye + forward;
mx::Vector3f up = mx::transform(orientation, mx::Vector3f(0, 0, 1));
gluLookAt(eye(0), eye(1), eye(2), center(0), center(1), center(2), up(0), up(1), up(2));
Moving the camera in local frame is also simple:
void Camera::move_local(Vector3f value)
position += mx::transform(orientation, value);
The rotation is also straight forward.
void Camera::rotate(float dy, float dz)
mx::Quaternionf o = orientation;
o = mx::axis_angle_to_quaternion(horizontal, mx::Vector3f(0, 0, 1)) * o;
o = o * mx::axis_angle_to_quaternion(vertical, mx::Vector3f(0, 1, 0));
orientation = o;
(Shameless plug):
If you are asking what math library I use, it is mathex. I wrote it...
I'm having trouble converting my OpenGL scene coordiates to my screen coordinates.
I thought I needed to multiply my coordinates with the modelview matrix then with the projection matrix to get the ndc. But i'm getting weird coordinates.
Here is my piece of code
GLKVector3 coor = GLKVector3Make(point.x, point.y, 0);
GLKMatrix4 modelview = GLKMatrix4MakeWithArray(glProjectionMatrix);
GLKMatrix4 projetion = GLKMatrix4MakeWithArray(modelViewMatrix.data);
GLKVector3 eyeCoor = GLKMatrix4MultiplyVector3(modelview, coor);
GLKVector3 ndcCoor = GLKMatrix4MultiplyVector3(projetion,eyeCoor);
CGPoint p = CGPointMake(ndcCoor.x, ndcCoor.y);
Any idea ?
The code seems perfectly valid, but you should use 4D vectors for these homogeneous transforms.
GLKVector4 coor = GLKVector4Make(point.x, point.y, 0, 1);
/// I hope those matrices are fine
GLKMatrix4 modelview = GLKMatrix4MakeWithArray(glProjectionMatrix);
GLKMatrix4 projetion = GLKMatrix4MakeWithArray(modelViewMatrix.data);
GLKVector4 eyeCoor = GLKMatrix4MultiplyVector4(modelview, coor);
GLKVector4 ndcCoor = GLKMatrix4MultiplyVector4(projetion,eyeCoor);
float XScr = ndcCoor.x / ndcCoor.w;
float YScr = ndcCoor.y / ndcCoor.w;
CGPoint p = CGPointMake(XScr, YScr);
If you want XScr and YScr to be in [0..1] range, then add
XScr = (XScr + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
YScr = (YScr + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
Even easier: use the GLKit Math function GLKMathProject.
GLKVector3 GLKMathProject (
GLKVector3 object,
GLKMatrix4 model,
GLKMatrix4 projection,
int *viewport
So, in your case, e.g.
int viewport[] = {0, 0, 320, 480};
GLKVector3 windowVector = GLKMathProject(coor, modelview, projetion, viewport);
CGPoint p = CGPointMake(windowVector.x, windowVector.y);
Note that the origin is at lower left, so if you're using UIKit coordinates where the origin is at the upper left, then switch the y coordinate, e.g.
CGPoint p = CGPointMake(windowVector.x, window.bounds.size.height - windowVector.y);