cocos2d v3 & Chipmunk ...
How would I specify that a chipmunk physics body be affected by gravity only but ignore all other physics objects? i.e. other object don't affect its movement or collide with the body
I tried using collisions categories and masks (with no other objects specified) as such but I'm still getting collisions.
objOnlyGravity.physicsBody.collisionType = #"objOnlyGravityType";
objOnlyGravity.physicsBody.collisionCategories = #[#"objOnlyGravityCat"];
objOnlyGravity.physicsBody.collisionMask = #[#""]; /// <- I assume putting nothing here would have it ignore all collisions
Setting your physicsBody as a sensor will do for your use case :
objOnlyGravity.physicsBody.sensor = YES;
This means that the collisions will be detected by your objects and you can have access to them via callbacks, but they will not actually interact.
Im using SFML 2.1 for graphics and my game structure follows SFML book quite closely (SceneGraph implementation etc)
My world consists mostly of characters (around 1-400, moving around) and tiles (3600, stationary) and I'll check for collisions everytime something moves
In worst case scenario with ~400 characters moving around and ~3600 tiles, I have 4000 possible entities with collision and 800 collision check calls (separate X and Y movement) each frame -> 3.2M collision checks in total.
Almost all my entities have size of 16x16 pixels and I've been looking into implementing either quadtree or simpler grid for collision detection, which should bring number of collision checks down quite a bit. By grid I mean
But I have no idea how I should implement simple grid for example. All help is welcome. There's propably even a lot better ways to bruteforce this.
Entity update step.
I do X/Y-axis movement separately. Because I want to slide against entities when colliding diagonally.
Move entity horizontally
Check and handle collisions
Move entity vertically
Check and handle collisions
Repeat 1-4 for all entities
void Entity::updateCurrent(sf::Time dt, CommandQueue& commands)
move(sf::Vector2f(mVelocity.x, 0) * dt.asSeconds());
move(sf::Vector2f(0, mVelocity.y) * dt.asSeconds());
I've had the following problem before when I tried to handle both X and Y movement at the same time:
I had no idea if I should reset X or Y position after collision.
Collision handling.
I'll handle collisions only when entities are moving (currently only character entities, later projectiles and some special tiles)
if entity is tile -> do nothing
if entity is character -> check collisions with characters and tiles and reset movement if collision happened
void Entity::handleCollision()
if (getCategory() & Category::Tile)
if (getCategory() & Category::Character)
std::set<SceneNode::Pair> collisionPairs;
checkCollision(*mSceneGraph, collisionPairs);
for (SceneNode::Pair pair : collisionPairs)
if (matchesCategories(pair, Category::Character, Category::NonPassableCharacterOrTile))
I'll check collision simply by using SFML's intersects-function. This is propably good enough for this?
bool collision(const SceneNode& l, const SceneNode& r)
return l.getBoundingRect().intersects(r.getBoundingRect());
If I were to implement grid or quadtree for collision detection, when should I populate it, when update? Should I update it every time I move one entity, or should I try to come up with a way to move all entities at once, then build grid/quadtree and only after that try to handle all collisions.
So my questions are: (1) In this scenario how and when should I do collision handling? My current implementation works, but I think I do it too often and all examples I looked into grids/quadtrees assumed that I do first all movement and do collision detection and handling after.
and (2) When do I clear/populate/update my grid/quadtree. For example if I have 3600 tiles and 3 moving characters. Should I seek for entity each time one moves in the grid and try to move it to different grid cell / tree branch?
What I'll propably try next unless anyone gives better advice
Updated update step.
Is this smart or in anyway reasonable way to do this?
Remove entity from grid/quadtree
Move entity horizontally
Add entity to grid/quadtree
Check and handle collisions
Remove entity from grid/quadtree
Move entity vertically
Add entity to grid/quadtree
Check and handle collisions
Repeat 1-8 for all entities
... move x
... if collision, reset x
... move y
... if collision, reset y
list<Entity*> possibleColliders;
possibleColliders = grid.getEntitiesInRectangle(x - s, y - s, x + s, y + s);
... now only check collision against possibleColliders
I think a quadtree would work quite well and since it will be standalone there's really no issue in adding it into your current system.
The important question you've ask is probably, when to populate and update the quadtree. I think this largely depends on your use case. Since you have around 400 characters that can change position for each frame, it probably wouldn't make a lot of difference if you try to move the nodes in the quadtree or if you fully rebuild the quadtree. Which is really more performant depends on your algorithm and datastructure, which would need some performance testing.
In this tutorial, they also suggest to rebuild the quadtree every frame iteration.
For the "how to fix collision handling" you'll need to provide more information/a separate SO question, since it's not that clear what the issue is.
I have set the gravity of my world as follows
world=new b2World(b2Vec2(0.0,9.8));
I have a dynamic body called b2Body* sta1 which is falling from the top of the screen. And I have another dynamic body sta2 which should not fall i.e it just move on some keypress. The problem is how can I give this body of my world zero gravity i.e is there any way to give different gravity values to different bodies in the world?
yes you are right. You should set the gravity scale of the body defition.
sta2def.gravityScale = 0.0f;
I am creating an app in which i am trying to Join two bodies in such away that when i move one body, the second body should be moved within the first body.
Here's my code to create a body:
- (b2Body *)addBoxBodyForDynamicSprite:(CCSprite *)sprite {
b2BodyDef spriteBodyDef;
spriteBodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
//spriteBodyDef.position.Set(sprite.position.x/PTM_RATIO, sprite.position.y/PTM_RATIO);
CGPoint asolutePoint = [sprite.parent convertToWorldSpace:sprite.position];
spriteBodyDef.position.Set(asolutePoint.x/PTM_RATIO, asolutePoint.y/PTM_RATIO);
spriteBodyDef.userData = (__bridge void*)sprite;
b2Body *spriteBody = world->CreateBody(&spriteBodyDef);
b2PolygonShape spriteShape;
b2FixtureDef spriteShapeDef;
spriteShapeDef.shape = &spriteShape;
spriteShapeDef.density = 0.3;
spriteShapeDef.isSensor = true;
return spriteBody;
One body is kinematic and other body is Dynamic. I am moving these bodies by using:
theBody->SetTransform(locationWorld, theBody->GetAngle());
If i apply linear force here, the bodies are not moving & the Joint which i used to fix them is b2WeldJoint.
b2JointDef jointDef;
jointDef.bodyA = another;
jointDef.bodyB = leftHandFixBody;
aJoint = (b2Joint *)world->CreateJoint(&jointDef);
It moves the dynamic body but the kinematic body remains on its position. I want to move both the bodies together. Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks!
Also, according to the manual, kinematic bodies are moved by setting their velocity, not by applying forces.
A kinematic body moves under simulation according to its velocity.
Kinematic bodies do not respond to forces. They can be moved manually
by the user, but normally a kinematic body is moved by setting its
velocity. A kinematic body behaves as if it has infinite mass,
however, Box2D stores zero for the mass and the inverse mass.
Kinematic bodies do not collide with other kinematic or static bodies.
Also, I have found that using SetTransform(...) to move bodies is less than effective. I created a portal with it to jump a body from one place to another, and that worked. But if I updated it every simulation cycle, the body stopped colliding with other bodies. This is just a word of caution.
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I've had to completely revamp this question as I don't think I was explicit enough about my problem.
I'm attempting to learn the ropes of Box2D Web. I started having problems when I wanted to learn how to put multiple shapes in one rigid body (to form responsive concave bodies). One of the assumptions I made was that this kind of feature would only really be useful if I could change the positions of the shapes (so that I can be in control of what the overall rigid body looked like). An example would be creating an 'L' body with two rectangle shapes, one of which was positioned below and to-the-right of the first shape.
I've gotten that far in so-far-as I've found the SetAsOrientedBox method where you can pass the box its position in the 3rd argument (center).
All well and good. But when I tried to create two circle shapes in one rigid body, I found undesirable behaviour. My instinct was to use the SetLocalPosition method (found in the b2CircleShape class). This seems to work to an extent. In the debug draw, the body responds physically as it should do, but visually (within the debug) it doesn't seem to be drawing the shapes in their position. It simply draws the circle shapes at the centre position. I'm aware that this is probably a problem with Box2D's debug draw logic - but it seems strange to me that there is no online-patter regarding this issue. One would think that creating two circle shapes at different positions in the body's coordinate space would be a popular and well-documented phenomina. Clearly not.
Below is the code I'm using to create the bodies. Assume that the world has been passed to this scope effectively:
// first circle shape and def
var fix_def1 = new b2FixtureDef;
fix_def1.density = 1.0;
fix_def1.friction = 0.5;
fix_def1.restitution = .65;
fix_def1.bullet = false;
var shape1 = new b2CircleShape();
fix_def1.shape = shape1;
fix_def1.shape.SetLocalPosition(new b2Vec2(-.5, -.5));
// second circle def and shape
var fix_def2 = new b2FixtureDef;
fix_def2.density = 1.0;
fix_def2.friction = 0.5;
fix_def2.restitution = .65;
fix_def2.bullet = false;
var shape2 = new b2CircleShape();
fix_def2.shape = shape2;
fix_def2.shape.SetLocalPosition(new b2Vec2(.5, .5));
// creating the body
var body_def = new b2BodyDef();
body_def.type = b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;
body_def.position.Set(5, 1);
var b = world.CreateBody( body_def );
Please note that I'm using Box2D Web ( ) with the HTML5 canvas.
It looks like you are not actually using the standard debug draw at all, but a function that you have written yourself - which explains the lack of online-patter about it (pastebin for posterity).
Take a look in the box2dweb source and look at these functions for a working reference:
You can use the canvas context 'arc' function to avoid the need for calculating points with sin/cos and then drawing individual lines to make a circle. It also lets the browser use the most efficient way it knows of to render the curve, eg. hardware support on some browsers.
Since it seems like you want to do custom rendering, another pitfall to watch out for is the different call signatures for DrawCircle and DrawSolidCircle. The second of these takes a parameter for the axis direction, so if you mistakenly use the three parameter version Javascript will silently use the color parameter for the axis, leaving you with an undefined color parameter. Hours of fun!
DrawCircle(center, radius, color)
DrawSolidCircle(center, radius, axis, color)
I have a maze game that using cocos2d
I have one main sprite that can save "friend" sprite
Once "friend" sprite collide with main sprite, the "friend" sprite will follow main sprite everywhere.
Now I dont know how to make "friend" sprite follow main sprite with static distance and smooth movement.
I mean if main sprite going up, "friend" will be at behind the main sprite.
If main sprite going left, "friend" sprite will be at right of main sprite.
Please help me and share me some code...
You can implement the following behaviour by using the position of your main sprite as the target for the friend sprite. This would involve implementing separation (maintaining a min distance), cohesion (maintaining max distance) and easing (to make the movement smooth).
The exact algorithms (and some more) are detailed in a wonderful behavior animation paper by Craig Reynolds. There are also videos of the individual features and example source code (in C++).
The algorithm you need (it is a combination of multiple simpler ones) is Leader following
EDIT : I have found two straightforward implementations of the algorithms mentioned in the paper with viewable source code here and here. You will need to slightly recombine them from flocking (which is mostly following a centroid) to following a single leader. The language is Processing, resembling java-like pseudcode, so I hope the comprehension should be no problem. The C++ sourcecode I mentioned earlier is also downloadable but does not explicitly feature leader following.
I am not aware of any cocos2d implementations out there.
I have a simple solution kind of working fine. Follow the cocos2d document getting started lesson 2, Your first game. After implement the touch event. Use the following code to set seeker1 to follow cocosGuy:
- (void) nextFrame:(ccTime)dt {
float dx = cocosGuy.position.x - seeker1.position.x;
float dy = cocosGuy.position.y - seeker1.position.y;
float d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
float v = 100;
if (d > 1) {
seeker1.position = ccp( seeker1.position.x + dx/d * v *dt,
seeker1.position.y + dy/d * v *dt);
} else {
seeker1.position = ccp(cocosGuy.position.x, cocosGuy.position.y);
The idea is at every step, the follower just need to move towards the leader at a certain speed. The direction towards the leader can be calculated by shown in the code.