python cookbook for beginners? [closed] - python-2.7

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I know there's a python cookbook, and it seems to be a good one. But it also seems to be aimed more towards intermediate and advanced users.
Does anyone know of something along the lines of a python cookbook for beginners?
I'd really like some useful examples of code that I could use right away for fun things to learn about python programming, that ISN'T the absolute basics.

Here's a small set of resources you may want to study:
Hidden features of Python
What are some cool Python tricks?
Short (and useful) python snippets
30 Python Language Features and Tricks You May Not Know About
Python snippets
There are a lot of interesting examples that could help you understand the language better.

My professor recommended for me a book called "think python like computer scientist".
I'm reading it for now , it's very good at python and methods of thinking .
You can download it from :


C++ - most popular framework for interacting with SQL? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a computer science student and I want to do a personal project demonstrating some skills that I have learned. Recently I learned how to use SQL with PHP. Since PHP isn't as relevant as it once was, I was hoping someone could point me towards a more commonly used back-end tool where I still interact with my database through SQL queries. In my question, I specifically asked about a C++ framework since I am most comfortable with C++, but if there are much more common frameworks for what I'm looking for that use Java or Python, that would work as well.
Doing a quick google search gave me a very very large list of potential frameworks, so I was hoping someone with more knowledge in the field can point me towards one that employers would find the most relevant.
On a side note, I was also wondering if a framework is completely necessary, or if I can create my back-end just using native c++? If so, is this a valuable skill to look into?
Thanks for the help.
check out QT for the C++ GUI & MySQL for the backend...

Writing custom script language [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm not sure if this is on the right forum but im putting it here.
I am interesting in writing my own script language that is easy to embed in any language. I want to do it for educational purposes, to see how it works and to learn more about how programming languages and script languages work and how they can work together. I am a college student learning c and c++. I am eager to learn as much as I can.
Could anybody tell me where I could find some resources or books to help me get started? What else I could do to learn the same things?
Look for compiler-compilers.
As a dinosaur, I'd say look into flex/bison to have the full featured options (but also developer responsibilities):
It will certainly address the educational purposes. See that a programming language consists of a 'scanner', that tokenizes characters into words, and a parser, that combines words to expressions, statements, and complete programs.

Looking for non-Boost::Python C++ Python embedding framework [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a project of mine, written in C++, that has now progressed to a stage where I require an embedded programming language. I've chosen Python for several reasons, and have been playing around with revealing an API to a dynamically-loaded Python module. It works well, and I think I will stick with Python for the foreseeable future.
I have a question, though. I've been spending a lot of time adding each function to the Python API that I'm providing, and so I've been looking for a framework that alleviates much of the repetition.
The framework that seems to be mentioned time and time again is Boost::Python. While I have nothing against Boost::Python -- in fact I will probably use it in the near future -- for this project I unfortunately cannot use Boost-related libraries.
Are there any other decent frameworks out there? I don't particularly fancy writing my own, but neither do I wish to continue my use of the straight Python C API.
I was facing nearly the same problem but at the end I sticked Boost::Python ;) However an option to Boost::Python is Swig. If you use Swig you also, don't have to write so much boilerplate code than you have to with Boost::Python.

coding mental block, wants inspiration from beautiful coding [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm having a coding mental block and wish to draw inspiration from other's coding. Where can I find beautiful coding (elegant, succinct, self-documenting) to refresh my mind. Github can be a place to start but I don't know authors to look for.
Perhaps not what you had in mind, but the book Beautiful Code is certainly worth consideration.
In addition to the other post, I'd add maybe checking out some other languages. You'll find beautiful concepts and new ways to program in Scheme, Haskell, Ocaml, Clojure, Erlang, etc... Some of those languages have features which you can apply to C++, and some of them make really nice examples in their implementation.

What's a good Wordpress extension for coloring C/C++/script code? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My research group uses a Wordpress blog. Frequently I want post snippets or even entire short programs I've been working on to it, with most of my code being written in C/C++ or scripting languages (Bash, TCL, etc).
I figure that there have to be some good extensions to Wordpress to colorify code since so many people use it. I'm looking for something similar to StackOverflow's colorizing system, though I realize it may not be quite as robust!
Can you point me to some of your favorites/the ones you think are most reliable?
Thanks in advance!
This was the first I investigated when I started a Wordpress blog. You can use Wordpress' sourcecode shortcode, as exemplified here. It requires JavaScript on the client side (otherwise it renders as just preformatted text).
Cheers & hth.,
GeSHi is a good backend for highlighting lots of different languages. There are Wordpress plugins that support it, but I don't have a specific recommendation. (I use GeSHi for our wiki.)
You might also consider Pastie or Gist as a way to share snippets.