I have a class that manages resources. It takes a Loader class that can retrieve the resource from a path. Loader is an abstract base class, so anyone could make a new loader.
If a resource is requested that is not in the cache, the resource manager will request it from the loader. If the loader fails, resource manager throws an exception class I made called LoadingError.
I want the Loader class to throw exceptions when it fails. I can require them to inherit from my own exception base class if necessary.
The problem is, when LoadingError is thrown, I want it to include specific information about why it failed. But I don't know exactly what exceptions may be thrown by the Loader. (The user might, in his catch blocks around the resource manager).
Either I can throw only LoadingError with some general information, or allow a specific exception from Loader come out and not touch it. But I would like to catch the exception and bundle it in my own LoadingError exception, or point to it in LoadingError . But I don't know how long the pointed-to exception will last (concerned about bad pointer).
Which of the three should I do? (And how, for the third one..)
How about a nested exception?
try { /* ... */ }
catch (...)
throw MyException("An error occurred", std::current_exception());
Just make a suitable class that stores the exception:
struct MyException : std::exception
std::string message;
std::exception_ptr nested_exception;
MyException(std::string m, std::exception_ptr e)
: message(std::move(m))
, nested_exception(std::move(e))
{ }
// ...
When the exception is caught, the catcher can rethrow the nested exception:
try { /* load resource */ }
catch (MyException & e)
log("Resource loading failed: " + e.what());
In fact, this entire logic is already provided by the standard library via std::throw_with_nested.
When one can enforce use of one's own exception classes throughout the code, the simplest way to do nested exception is undoubtedly to just define a custom exception class that contains a std::exception_ptr, which can be obtained via std::current_exception, both declared by the <exception> header.
However, C++11 supports nested exceptions via the std::nested_exception class, and functions such as std::throw_with_nested. The nested_exception constructor picks up the ? current_exception()`, if any, and stores that as its nested exception. There's no way to specify the nested exception expclitly: it's always the current exception.
This machinery also supports exception propagation through non-exception-aware code such as up through C callbacks, and it supports exceptions (and nested exceptions) of arbitrary classes, not just std::exception and derived classes.
So, when e.g. library code uses this functionality, then it's desirable to be able to deal with such standard nested exceptions, and not just one's own custom (simpler to use but less general) scheme.
Sadly, as I'm writing this (Jan 2014) the Visual C++ compiler does not yet support std::nested_exception, although it does support much of the rest of the machinery. Happily, it's not difficult to define these things. E.g., googling it, I found working code at Tomaka-17's blog, and that's the code that I've adapted below -- std::nested_exception support for Visual C++:
#include <exception> // std::rethrow_exception
// For Visual C++ define CPPX_NORETURN as "__declspec(noreturn)"
# define CPPX_NORETURN [[noreturn]]
// Visual C++ 12.0 lacks these things.
// Code adapted from http://blog.tomaka17.com/2013/07/c11-nested-exceptions/.
#if !defined( GOOD_COMPILER )
#include <utility> // std::forward
#include <type_traits> // std::remove_reference
namespace std {
class nested_exception
exception_ptr nested;
void rethrow_nested() const
{ rethrow_exception(nested); }
exception_ptr nested_ptr() const { return nested; }
virtual ~nested_exception() {}
nested_exception() : nested( current_exception() ) {}
template< class Type >
void throw_with_nested( Type&& t )
typedef remove_reference<Type>::type Pure_type;
struct Unspecified_mi_type
: nested_exception
, Pure_type
Unspecified_mi_type( Type&& t )
: Pure_type( forward<Type>( t ) )
if (is_base_of<nested_exception, Pure_type>::value)
throw forward<Type>( t );
throw Unspecified_mi_type( forward<Type>( t ) );
template< class X >
void rethrow_if_nested( X const& x )
if( auto const ptr = dynamic_cast< nested_exception const* >( &x ) )
ptr->rethrow_nested(); // It's specified to do this, C++11 §18.8/8.
#endif // not GOOD_COMPILER
With g++ 4.7.2 it would be more involved to define this stuff, but since g++ 4.8.2 already has it it's not necessary: for g++ just upgrade the compiler if necessary.
Then the next problem is how to retrieve the nested exception information.
Essentially that boils down to iteratively rethrowing and catching each nested exception, e.g. as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept> // std::runtime_error
#include <stdlib.h> // EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS
struct Loader { virtual void load() = 0; };
struct Resource_manager
Loader& loader;
void foo()
catch( ... )
std::throw_with_nested( std::runtime_error( "Resource_manager::foo failed" ) );
Resource_manager( Loader& a_loader )
: loader( a_loader )
int main()
using std::cerr; using std::endl;
struct Failing_loader
: Loader
virtual void load() override { throw std::runtime_error( "Loading failed"); }
Failing_loader loader;
Resource_manager rm( loader );
catch( ... )
bool is_cause = false;
for( auto px = std::current_exception(); px != nullptr; )
std::rethrow_exception( px );
catch( std::exception const& x )
cerr << "!" << (is_cause? "<because> " : "") << x.what() << endl;
px = nullptr;
if( auto pnx = dynamic_cast< std::nested_exception const* >( &x ) )
px = pnx->nested_ptr();
catch( ... )
cerr << (is_cause? "!<because of an " : "!<") << "unknown failure>" << endl;
px = nullptr;
is_cause = true;
!Resource_manager::foo failed
!<because> Loading failed
Disclaimer: I cooked up the above code for this answer, so it's not been extensively tested. But anyway, enjoy!
I read several discussion on the use of exception and error code and when each of them is suitable.
I believe in my case exceptions are better, but I have one specific problem:
if I throw a std::runtime_error("this is an error") and then I catch it, I can not find what was the error, I just understand that there was an error.
What I am looking is an exception that I can throw and add an error code to it so later I can check the error code when I catch it, some thing such as this:
enum errorCodes
throw std::runtime_error(error_1,"can not do the job!");
catch (std::runtime_error & err)
switch (err.errorCode)
case error_1:
// I can not contunue, so re throw it
rethrow err;
case error_2:
// it is not important for me, so I can continue
case error_3:
//Oh, I need to do something before continue
rethrow err;
I can write such exception, but before doing this, I am wondering if such type of exception exist in STL or BOOST?
Is there any better way of doing this ( I am not interested to throw different type of exception, so catching different type of exception is not a solution from my point of view.
Yes, there's std::system_error. It's derived from std::runtime_error. It's pretty Unix-land-oriented but it does support error codes in general, and I suggest that you use it that way.
The following code demonstrates how to define one's own error category for application specific error codes:
#include <string>
#include <system_error>
#include <typeinfo>
namespace my{
struct Error_code
enum Enum
error_1 = 101,
error_2 = 102,
error_3 = 103
class App_error_category
: public std::error_category
using Base = std::error_category;
auto name() const noexcept
-> char const*
{ return "App error"; }
auto default_error_condition( int const code ) const noexcept
-> std::error_condition
{ (void) code; return {}; }
auto equivalent( int const code, std::error_condition const& condition ) const noexcept
-> bool
{ (void) code; (void) condition; return false; }
// The intended functionality of this func is pretty unclear.
// It apparently can't do its job (properly) in the general case.
auto equivalent( std::error_code const& code, int const condition ) const noexcept
-> bool
{ return Base::equivalent( code, condition ); }
auto message( int const condition ) const
-> std::string
{ return "An application error occurred, code = " + std::to_string( condition ); }
App_error_category(): Base{} {}
auto app_error_category()
-> App_error_category const&
static App_error_category the_instance;
return the_instance;
class App_error
: public std::system_error
using Base = std::system_error;
auto app_error_code() const
-> Error_code::Enum
{ return static_cast<Error_code::Enum>( code().value() ); }
App_error( Error_code::Enum const code )
: Base{ code, app_error_category() }
App_error( Error_code::Enum const code, std::string const& description )
: Base{ code, app_error_category(), description }
} // namespace my
void foo()
throw my::App_error( my::Error_code::error_1, "can not do the job!" );
catch( my::App_error const& x )
switch( x.app_error_code() )
case my::Error_code::error_1:
// I can not contunue, so re throw it
case my::Error_code::error_2:
// it is not important for me, so I can continue
case my::Error_code::error_3:
//Oh, I need to do something before continue
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h> // EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE
using namespace std;
auto main()
-> int
catch( exception const& x )
cerr << "!" << x.what() << endl;
With both Visual C++ 2015 and MingW g++ 6.4.0 this produces the output
!can not do the job!: An application error occurred, code = 101
In general it's more practical to define specific exception classes than to use error codes. However, for system error codes it's more practical to just pass these codes up with the exception. And for that the complexity shown above can be avoided, since the std::system_category is then eminently suitable.
In short, the complexity here stems from your requirement to not go with the flow, but in a direction somewhat against the current.
Consider using std::system_error out of the box.
Note that using simply throw; without an argument is a far better way of re-throwing your exception (you seem to be using throw err;) since the former will throw the exception by reference rather than by value: the latter can cause object slicing.
Header file:
#include <pthread.h>
class MutexClass
pthread_mutex_t & _mutexVariable;
MutexClass (pthread_mutex_t &);
~MutexClass ();
#endif // MUTEXCLASS
Source file:
#include "mutexClass.h"
#include <stdexcept>
MutexClass::MutexClass (pthread_mutex_t & arg) : _mutexVariable (arg)
int returnValue = pthread_mutex_lock (&_mutexVariable);
if (returnValue > 0)
throw std::logic_error ("Mutex couldn't be locked!");
pthread_mutex_unlock (&_mutexVariable);
Where am I supposed to catch the exception thrown in the constructor?
An exception thrown in a constructor can be handled
by the code explicitly creating the object (try { MutexClass m; ... } catch(const std::logic_error& e) { ... })
by code creating an object that contains as member a MutexClass instance (including as base sub-object... i.e. by code that creates an object derived from MutexClass)
by code calling code doing the creation as exceptions will un-wind the stack until some code handles them
Note that for exceptions thrown in constructor of objects that are members of bigger objects (either for an has-a or a is-a relationship) there is a tricky part. The destructor of the bigger object will not be called if the costruction of a member throws an exception... only the already constructed members will be destroyed before propagating the exception. For example a class like:
struct Foo {
MyData * data;
MutexClass m;
MyData() : data(new int[1000]) { }
~MyData() { delete[] data; } // NOT called if m constructor throws
will leak memory if MutexClass constructor throws an exception.
Also before writing an exception handler however ask yourself if catching the exception is the right thing to do (i.e. if you know what to do when that condition occurs). Catching an exception and "hiding" it because you don't know what to do in that case is the worst possible choice.
In the specific case if you cannot lock a freshly created mutex can you expect the system to be still in good enough shape that keeping it running is a good idea?
As with any exception, anywhere up the stack where you can handle the exception. This is no way different from handling exceptions thrown in functions.
At the point of construction
try {
MutexClass m(arg);
}catch( std::logic_error const & e)
or if you have a pointer
try {
MutexClass * m = new MutexClass(arg);
}catch( std::logic_error const & e)
If you were able work with a pointer , passed to a function , surround the function.
void funfun ( MutexClass * );
try {
funfun(new MutexClass(arg));
}catch( std::logic_error const & e)
If you are going to construct the object in an initializer list:
class A
MutexClass mc;
A(pthread_mutex_t & m) try : mc(m)
} catch ( std::logic_error const & e )
// do something here to handle the failure
// of mc(m) and the now the failure of A
// must be handled in the construction point of A
But now you have to handle the failure of the constructor of A as well.
Furthermore you should watch out for implicit conversions and copies, and you class is sadly copiable.
void funfun(MutexClass m );
pthread_mutex & m;
void funfun(m);
} catch( std::logic_error const & e )
Read before throwing from a constructor.
Also don't forget that such constructors are not good as static members.
So this type of class may break your program
class maybreak
static MutexClass mc;
// ....
unless a wrapper function method is defined to put the construction of the static after your program actually starts (COFU).
I have a class that manages resources. It takes a Loader class that can retrieve the resource from a path. Loader is an abstract base class, so anyone could make a new loader.
If a resource is requested that is not in the cache, the resource manager will request it from the loader. If the loader fails, resource manager throws an exception class I made called LoadingError.
I want the Loader class to throw exceptions when it fails. I can require them to inherit from my own exception base class if necessary.
The problem is, when LoadingError is thrown, I want it to include specific information about why it failed. But I don't know exactly what exceptions may be thrown by the Loader. (The user might, in his catch blocks around the resource manager).
Either I can throw only LoadingError with some general information, or allow a specific exception from Loader come out and not touch it. But I would like to catch the exception and bundle it in my own LoadingError exception, or point to it in LoadingError . But I don't know how long the pointed-to exception will last (concerned about bad pointer).
Which of the three should I do? (And how, for the third one..)
How about a nested exception?
try { /* ... */ }
catch (...)
throw MyException("An error occurred", std::current_exception());
Just make a suitable class that stores the exception:
struct MyException : std::exception
std::string message;
std::exception_ptr nested_exception;
MyException(std::string m, std::exception_ptr e)
: message(std::move(m))
, nested_exception(std::move(e))
{ }
// ...
When the exception is caught, the catcher can rethrow the nested exception:
try { /* load resource */ }
catch (MyException & e)
log("Resource loading failed: " + e.what());
In fact, this entire logic is already provided by the standard library via std::throw_with_nested.
When one can enforce use of one's own exception classes throughout the code, the simplest way to do nested exception is undoubtedly to just define a custom exception class that contains a std::exception_ptr, which can be obtained via std::current_exception, both declared by the <exception> header.
However, C++11 supports nested exceptions via the std::nested_exception class, and functions such as std::throw_with_nested. The nested_exception constructor picks up the ? current_exception()`, if any, and stores that as its nested exception. There's no way to specify the nested exception expclitly: it's always the current exception.
This machinery also supports exception propagation through non-exception-aware code such as up through C callbacks, and it supports exceptions (and nested exceptions) of arbitrary classes, not just std::exception and derived classes.
So, when e.g. library code uses this functionality, then it's desirable to be able to deal with such standard nested exceptions, and not just one's own custom (simpler to use but less general) scheme.
Sadly, as I'm writing this (Jan 2014) the Visual C++ compiler does not yet support std::nested_exception, although it does support much of the rest of the machinery. Happily, it's not difficult to define these things. E.g., googling it, I found working code at Tomaka-17's blog, and that's the code that I've adapted below -- std::nested_exception support for Visual C++:
#include <exception> // std::rethrow_exception
// For Visual C++ define CPPX_NORETURN as "__declspec(noreturn)"
# define CPPX_NORETURN [[noreturn]]
// Visual C++ 12.0 lacks these things.
// Code adapted from http://blog.tomaka17.com/2013/07/c11-nested-exceptions/.
#if !defined( GOOD_COMPILER )
#include <utility> // std::forward
#include <type_traits> // std::remove_reference
namespace std {
class nested_exception
exception_ptr nested;
void rethrow_nested() const
{ rethrow_exception(nested); }
exception_ptr nested_ptr() const { return nested; }
virtual ~nested_exception() {}
nested_exception() : nested( current_exception() ) {}
template< class Type >
void throw_with_nested( Type&& t )
typedef remove_reference<Type>::type Pure_type;
struct Unspecified_mi_type
: nested_exception
, Pure_type
Unspecified_mi_type( Type&& t )
: Pure_type( forward<Type>( t ) )
if (is_base_of<nested_exception, Pure_type>::value)
throw forward<Type>( t );
throw Unspecified_mi_type( forward<Type>( t ) );
template< class X >
void rethrow_if_nested( X const& x )
if( auto const ptr = dynamic_cast< nested_exception const* >( &x ) )
ptr->rethrow_nested(); // It's specified to do this, C++11 §18.8/8.
#endif // not GOOD_COMPILER
With g++ 4.7.2 it would be more involved to define this stuff, but since g++ 4.8.2 already has it it's not necessary: for g++ just upgrade the compiler if necessary.
Then the next problem is how to retrieve the nested exception information.
Essentially that boils down to iteratively rethrowing and catching each nested exception, e.g. as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept> // std::runtime_error
#include <stdlib.h> // EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS
struct Loader { virtual void load() = 0; };
struct Resource_manager
Loader& loader;
void foo()
catch( ... )
std::throw_with_nested( std::runtime_error( "Resource_manager::foo failed" ) );
Resource_manager( Loader& a_loader )
: loader( a_loader )
int main()
using std::cerr; using std::endl;
struct Failing_loader
: Loader
virtual void load() override { throw std::runtime_error( "Loading failed"); }
Failing_loader loader;
Resource_manager rm( loader );
catch( ... )
bool is_cause = false;
for( auto px = std::current_exception(); px != nullptr; )
std::rethrow_exception( px );
catch( std::exception const& x )
cerr << "!" << (is_cause? "<because> " : "") << x.what() << endl;
px = nullptr;
if( auto pnx = dynamic_cast< std::nested_exception const* >( &x ) )
px = pnx->nested_ptr();
catch( ... )
cerr << (is_cause? "!<because of an " : "!<") << "unknown failure>" << endl;
px = nullptr;
is_cause = true;
!Resource_manager::foo failed
!<because> Loading failed
Disclaimer: I cooked up the above code for this answer, so it's not been extensively tested. But anyway, enjoy!
I'd like to implement an Exception class in C++ that mimics the one from .NET framework (and Java has something similar too), for the following purposes:
Exception chaining: I'd like to implement the concept of "exception translation", when exceptions caught at higher levels wrap and "translate" the lower level exceptions, also preserving these lower-level exceptions somehow (in the InnerException member, in this case). For this, there should be some mechanism to store inner exceptions along with each exception thrown at the upper level. InnerException member provides this in the implementation below.
Exception inheritance: there should be possible to derive IoException from Exception, and SerialPortException from IoException, for example. While this seems trivial, there should be ability to identify the type of caught exceptions dynamically (e.g. for logging purposes, or to display to user), preferably without the overhead of RTTI and typeid.
This is the sample exception handling logic I'd like to make possible:
throw ThirdException(L"this should be ThirdException");
catch(Exception &ex)
throw SubException(L"this should be SubException", ex);
catch(Exception &ex)
throw SubException(L"this should be SubException again", ex);
catch(Exception &ex)
throw Exception(L"and this should be Exception", ex);
and when catching the "outer-most" exception in the upmost layer I'd like to be able to parse and format whole exception chain through the InnerException member, to display something like this:
I've come up with the following implementation so far:
Small note: CString is Microsoft-specific string class (just for the people not familiar with Visual C++ stuff).
class Exception
Exception(const Exception&) {};
Exception& operator= (const Exception&) {};
Exception(const CString &message) : InnerException(0), Message(message) {}
Exception(const CString &message, const Exception &innerException) : InnerException(innerException.Clone()), Message(message) {}
virtual CString GetExceptionName() const { return L"Exception"; }
virtual Exception *Clone() const
Exception *ex = new Exception(this->Message);
ex->InnerException = this->InnerException ? this->InnerException->Clone() : 0;
return ex;
virtual ~Exception() { if (InnerException) delete InnerException; }
CString Message;
const Exception *InnerException;
Now what do we have here. Copy constructor and assignment operator are made protected to prevent copying. Each object will "own" its inner exception object (and delete it in destructor), so default shallow-copying would be unacceptable. Then we have two pretty standard-looking constructors and virtual destructor that deletes the InnerException object. Clone() virtual method is responsible for deep-copying the objects, primarily for storing the inner exception object (see the second constructor). And finally GetExceptionName() virtual method provides the cheap alternative to RTTI for identification of exception class names (I don't think this looks cool but I couldn't come up with better solution; for comparison: in .NET one could simply use someException.GetType().Name).
Now this does the job. But... I don't like this solution for one particular reason: the amount of coding needed for each derived class. Consider I have to derive SubException class, which provides absolutely zero additions to the base class functionality, it just provides the custom name ("SubException", which might be "IoException", "ProjectException", ...) to differentiate it for its usage scenario. I have to provide almost same amount of code for each of such exception class. Here it is:
class SubException : public Exception
SubException(const SubException& source) : Exception(source) {};
SubException& operator= (const SubException&) {};
SubException(const CString &message) : Exception(message) {};
SubException(const CString &message, const Exception &innerException) : Exception(message, innerException) {};
virtual CString GetExceptionName() const { return L"SubException"; }
virtual Exception *Clone() const
SubException *ex = new SubException(this->Message);
ex->InnerException = this->InnerException ? this->InnerException->Clone() : 0;
return ex;
I don't like the fact that I have to provide protected copy constructor and assignment operator each time, I don't like the fact that I have to clone the Clone method each time, duplicating even the code of copying the base members (InnerException...), simply... I don't think this is the elegant solution. But I was unable to think of better one. Do you have any ideas how to implement this concept "properly"? Or maybe this is the best implementation of this concept that is possible in C++? Or maybe I'm doing this completely wrong?
P.S.: I know there exist some mechanisms in C++11 (also in Boost) for this purpose (exception chaining) with some new exception classes, but I'm primarily interested in custom, "old-C++-compatible" ways. But it would be good, in addition, if someone could provide any code in C++11 that accomplishes the same.
C++11 already has nested_exception. There was a talk about exceptions in C++03 and C++11 at Boostcon/C++Next 2012. Videos are on youtube:
There is a lot of extra code, but the good thing is it's really EASY extra code that doesn't change at all from class to class, so it's possible to preprocessor macro it.
#define SUB_EXCEPTION(ClassName, BaseName) \
class ClassName : public BaseName\
ClassName(const ClassName& source) : BaseName(source) {};\
ClassName& operator= (const ClassName&) {};\
ClassName(const CString &message) : BaseName(message) {};\
ClassName(const CString &message, const BaseName &innerException) : BaseName(message, innerException) {};\
virtual CString GetExceptionName() const { return L"ClassName"; }\
virtual BaseName *Clone() const\
ClassName *ex = new ClassName(this->Message);\
ex->InnerException = this->InnerException ? this->InnerException->Clone() : 0;\
return ex;\
Then you can define various utility exceptions by just doing:
SUB_EXCEPTION(IoException, Exception);
SUB_EXCEPTION(SerialPortException, IoException);
Please don't follow boost::exception approach. Boost::exception is for different use case - in particular it's usefull when you want to collect precise exception context scatered over call stack. Consider the following example:
#include "TSTException.hpp"
struct DerivedException: TST::Exception {};
int main() try
throw std::runtime_error("initial exception");
throw TST::Exception("chaining without context info");
TST_THROW("hello world" << '!');
TST_THROW_EX(DerivedException, "another exception");
catch(const TST::Exception& ex)
cout << "diagnostics():\n" << ex;
catch(const std::exception& ex)
cout << "what(): " << ex.what() << endl;
The "exception chaining" solution as I understand it should produce output similar to this:
$ ./test
Exception: another exception raised from [function: int main() at main.cpp:220]
Exception: hello world! raised from [function: int main() at main.cpp:215]
Exception: chaining without context info raised from [function: unknown_function at unknown_file:0]
Exception: initial exception
As you see there are exceptions chained to each other and diagnostic output contains all exceptions with context information and optional stack trace (not shown here, because it's compiler/platform dependent).
"Exception chaining" can be naturally achieved using new C++11 error handling features (std::current_exception or std::nested_exception). Here is implementation of TSTException.hpp (please bear with more source code):
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <exception>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <boost/current_function.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
using namespace std;
namespace TST
class Exception: virtual public std::exception
class Context
Context(const char* file, int line, const char* function):
file_(file? file: "unknown_file"),
function_(function? function: "unknown_function")
const char* file() const { return file_; }
int line() const { return line_; }
const char* function() const { return function_; }
const char* file_;
int line_;
const char* function_;
typedef std::vector<std::string> Stacktrace;
explicit Exception(const std::string& message, const Context&& context = Context()):
~Exception() throw() {}
void setContext(const Context& context) { context_ = context; }
void setMessage(const std::string& message) { (message_ = message).c_str(); }
const char* what() const throw () { return message_.c_str(); }
void diagnostics(std::ostream& os) const;
const Context& context() const { return context_; }
const std::exception_ptr& nested() const { return nested_; }
const std::shared_ptr<Stacktrace>& stacktrace() const { return stacktrace_; }
const std::string& message() const { return message_; }
void initStacktraceAndNestedException();
void printStacktrace(std::ostream& os) const;
std::string message_;
Context context_;
std::shared_ptr<Stacktrace> stacktrace_;
std::exception_ptr nested_;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Exception& ex)
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Exception::Context& context)
return os << "[function: " << context.function()
<< " at " << context.file() << ':' << context.line() << ']';
void Exception::diagnostics(std::ostream& os) const
os << "Exception: " << what() << " raised from " << context_ << '\n';
if (const bool haveNestedException = nested_ != std::exception_ptr())
catch(const TST::Exception& ex)
if(stacktrace_ && !ex.stacktrace())//if nested exception doesn't have stacktrace then we print what we have here
os << ex;
catch(const std::exception& ex)
os << "Exception: " << ex.what() << '\n';
os << "Unknown exception\n";
else if(stacktrace_)
void Exception::printStacktrace(std::ostream& os) const
os << "No stack trace\n";
os << "Stack trace:";
BOOST_FOREACH(const auto& frame, *stacktrace_)
os << '\n' << frame;
os << '\n';
void Exception::initStacktraceAndNestedException()
nested_ = std::current_exception();
if(const bool haveNestedException = nested_ != std::exception_ptr())
catch(const TST::Exception& ex)
stacktrace_ = ex.stacktrace();
catch(...) {}
/*TODO: setStacktrace(...); */
}//namespace TST
#error "TST_THROW_EX_WITH_CONTEXT is already defined. Consider changing its name"
do \
{ \
{ \
std::ostringstream strm; \
strm << MESSAGE; \
newEx.setMessage(strm.str()); \
} \
newEx.setContext( \
TST::Exception::Context( \
throw newEx; \
} \
#error "TST_THROW_EX is already defined. Consider changing its name"
#endif /*TST_THROW_EX*/
#ifdef TST_THROW
#error "TST_THROW is already defined. Consider changing its name"
#endif /*TST_THROW*/
I use compiler with partial C++11 support (gcc 4.4.7) so you can see some old style peaces of code here. Just for reference you can use the following compilation parameters to build this example (-rdynamic is for stack trace):
g++ main.cpp TSTException.hpp -rdynamic -o test -std=c++0x
Few years ago I wrote this: Unchaining Chained Exceptions in C++
Basically, the exceptions are not nested inside each other, because it would be difficult to catch the original one, but another mechanism keeps track of all the functions visited by the exception while it travels to its catch point.
A revisited version of that can be found in the library Imebra on Bitbucket, here and here.
Now I would rewrite that with some improvements (e.g. use local thread storage to keep the stack trace).
Using this approach allows you to catch the original exception that was thrown, but to still have the stack trace and possibly other information added by the functions visited by the exception while it travels back to the catch statement.
I'm a student in my first C++ programming class, and I'm working on a project where we have to create multiple custom exception classes, and then in one of our event handlers, use a try/catch block to handle them appropriately.
My question is: How do I catch my multiple custom exceptions in my try/catch block? GetMessage() is a custom method in my exception classes that returns the exception explanation as a std::string. Below I've included all the relevant code from my project.
Thanks for your help!
try/catch block
// This is in one of my event handlers, newEnd is a wxTextCtrl
try {
newEndT = first.ComputeEndTime();
*newEnd << newEndT;
catch (// don't know what do to here) {
_("Something Went Wrong!"),
wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this);;
ValidateData() Method
void Time::ValidateData()
int startHours, startMins, endHours, endMins;
startHours = startTime / MINUTES_TO_HOURS;
startMins = startTime % MINUTES_TO_HOURS;
endHours = endTime / MINUTES_TO_HOURS;
endMins = endTime % MINUTES_TO_HOURS;
if (!(startHours <= HOURS_MAX && startHours >= HOURS_MIN))
throw new HourOutOfRangeException("Beginning Time Hour Out of Range!");
if (!(endHours <= HOURS_MAX && endHours >= HOURS_MIN))
throw new HourOutOfRangeException("Ending Time Hour Out of Range!");
if (!(startMins <= MINUTE_MAX && startMins >= MINUTE_MIN))
throw new MinuteOutOfRangeException("Starting Time Minute Out of Range!");
if (!(endMins <= MINUTE_MAX && endMins >= MINUTE_MIN))
throw new MinuteOutOfRangeException("Ending Time Minute Out of Range!");
if(!(timeDifference <= P_MAX && timeDifference >= P_MIN))
throw new PercentageOutOfRangeException("Percentage Change Out of Range!");
if (!(startTime < endTime))
throw new StartEndException("Start Time Cannot Be Less Than End Time!");
Just one of my custom exception classes, the others have the same structure as this one
class HourOutOfRangeException
// param constructor
// initializes message to passed paramater
// preconditions - param will be a string
// postconditions - message will be initialized
// params a string
// no return type
HourOutOfRangeException(string pMessage) : message(pMessage) {}
// GetMessage is getter for var message
// params none
// preconditions - none
// postconditions - none
// returns string
string GetMessage() { return message; }
// destructor
~HourOutOfRangeException() {}
string message;
If you have multiple exception types, and assuming there's a hierarchy of exceptions (and all derived publicly from some subclass of std::exception,) start from the most specific and continue to more general:
// throws something
catch ( const MostSpecificException& e )
// handle custom exception
catch ( const LessSpecificException& e )
// handle custom exception
catch ( const std::exception& e )
// standard exceptions
catch ( ... )
// everything else
On the other hand, if you are interested in just the error message - throw same exception, say std::runtime_error with different messages, and then catch that:
// code throws some subclass of std::exception
catch ( const std::exception& e )
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
Also remember - throw by value, catch by [const] reference.
You should create a base exception class and have all of your specific exceptions derive from it:
class BaseException { };
class HourOutOfRangeException : public BaseException { };
class MinuteOutOfRangeException : public BaseException { };
You can then catch all of them in a single catch block:
catch (const BaseException& e) { }
If you want to be able to call GetMessage, you'll need to either:
place that logic into BaseException, or
make GetMessage a virtual member function in BaseException and override it in each of the derived exception classes.
You might also consider having your exceptions derive from one of the standard library exceptions, like std::runtime_error and use the idiomatic what() member function instead of GetMessage().
Another way to solve this problem when you don't have control on the class hierarchy of the exceptions and that you can't duplicate the contents of the catch block is using dynamic_cast Like this:
catch (std::exception& e)
if( nullptr == dynamic_cast<exception_type_1*> (&e)
&& nullptr == dynamic_cast<exception_type_2*> (&e))
// here you process the expected exception types
When templates can't, macros save the day.
The solution is taken from Boost. It boils to 7 lines of code.
/// #file multicatch.hpp
#include <boost/preprocessor/variadic/to_list.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/list/for_each.hpp>
/// Callers must define CATCH_BODY(err) to handle the error,
/// they can redefine the CATCH itself, but it is not as convenient.
#define CATCH(R, _, T) \
catch (T & err) { \
/// Generates catches for multiple exception types
/// with the same error handling body.
#define MULTICATCH(...) \
// end of file multicatch.hpp
/// #file app.cc
#include "multicatch.hpp"
// Contrived example.
/// Supply the error handling logic.
#define CATCH_BODY(err) \
log() << "External failure: " << err.what(); \
void foo() {
try {
bar(); // May throw three or more sibling or unrelated exceptions.
MULTICATCH(IOError, OutOfMemory)
Derive all of your exceptions from a common base class BaseException that has a virtual method GetMessage().
Then catch(const BaseException& e).
I had a similar problem today, but it turned out I didn't need my solution to solve my problem. Honestly, I couldn't think of real use cases (logging?), and I didn't find much use for it in my code.
Anyway, this is an approach with type lists (requires C++11). I think the advantage of this approach is that there's no need to have a common base class for custom exceptions (except for std::exception, maybe?). In other words, it is not intrusive to your exception hierarchy.
There might be some subtle errors that I am not aware of.
#include <type_traits>
#include <exception>
/// Helper class to handle multiple specific exception types
/// in cases when inheritance based approach would catch exceptions
/// that are not meant to be caught.
/// If the body of exception handling code is the same
/// for several exceptions,
/// these exceptions can be joined into one catch.
/// Only message data of the caught exception is provided.
/// #tparam T Exception types.
/// #tparam Ts At least one more exception type is required.
template <class T, class... Ts>
class MultiCatch;
/// Terminal case that holds the message.
/// ``void`` needs to be given as terminal explicitly.
template <>
class MultiCatch<void> {
explicit MultiCatch(const char* err_msg) : msg(err_msg) {}
const char* msg;
template <class T, class... Ts>
class MultiCatch : public MultiCatch<Ts...> {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<std::exception, T>::value, "Not an exception");
using MultiCatch<Ts...>::MultiCatch;
/// Implicit conversion from the guest exception.
MultiCatch(const T& error) : MultiCatch<Ts...>(error.what()) {} // NOLINT
/// #returns The message of the original exception.
const char* what() const noexcept {
return MultiCatch<void>::msg;
/// To avoid explicit ``void`` in the type list.
template <class... Ts>
using OneOf = MultiCatch<Ts..., void>;
/// Contrived example.
void foo() {
try {
bar(); // May throw three or more sibling or unrelated exceptions.
} catch (const OneOf<IOError, OutOfMemory>& err) {
log() << "External failure: " << err.what();
throw; // Throw the original exception.
I run into the same problem and here is what I ended up with:
std::shared_ptr<MappedImage> MappedImage::get(const std::string & image_dir,
const std::string & name,
const Packet::Checksum & checksum) {
try {
return std::shared_ptr<MappedImage>(images_.at(checksum));
} catch (std::out_of_range) {
} catch (std::bad_weak_ptr) {
std::shared_ptr<MappedImage> img =
std::make_shared<MappedImage>(image_dir, name, checksum);
images_[checksum_] = img;
return img;
In my case the function returns when it doesn't get an exception. So I don't actually have to do anything inside the catch but can do the work outside the try.
#include <iostream>
void test(int x)`
throw (1);
else if(x==2)
throw (2.0);
catch(int a)
cout<<"It's Integer";
catch(double b)
cout<<"it's Double";
int main(){
cout<<" x=1";
return 0;