Template user defined conversions to abstract class reference and the Intel compiler - c++

I have the following (very simplified) "container" class:
class container
template<typename T> container(const boost::shared_ptr<T> &rhs)
: m_content(rhs) { }
template<typename T>
operator T const & () const
return get<T>();
template<typename T>
T const & get() const
return *boost::any_cast< boost::shared_ptr<T> >(m_content);
boost::any m_content;
It should store objects in the boost::any container in the form of a shared pointer. If I store some object, say, of the boost::shared_ptr<some_type> type in the container, I would like to get the reference (const some_type&) simply by a user-defined conversion which would allow to do something like this:
boost::shared_ptr<some_type> x(new some_type);
container cx = x;
// user-defined conversion
const some_type &y = cx;
// a template conversion using a "getter"
const some_type &y = cx.get<some_type>();
Sometimes, I need to store objects derived from some abstract type and do the same sort of type conversion to the reference of this abstract type, for example, like this:
boost::shared_ptr<some_abstract_type> x(new some_derived_type);
container cx = x;
// user-defined conversion
const some_abstract_type &y = cx;
// a template conversion using a "getter"
const some_abstract_type &y = cx.get<some_abstract_type>();
Both the user-defined conversion and the template "getter" work fine with GCC. However, the Intel C++ compiler seems to have a problem with the (user-defined) conversion while the "getter" works.
For example, the following code works with GCC but not with Intel:
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/any.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
class container
template<typename T> container(const boost::shared_ptr<T> &rhs)
: m_content(rhs) { }
template<typename T>
operator T const & () const
return get<T>();
template<typename T>
T const & get() const
return *boost::any_cast< boost::shared_ptr<T> >(m_content);
boost::any m_content;
class base
virtual ~base() { }
virtual void f() const = 0;
class derived : public base
virtual ~derived() { }
virtual void f() const { std::cout << "hello\n"; }
void foo(const container &c)
const base & a = c;
int main()
boost::shared_ptr<base> a(new derived);
container c = a;
With Intel, I get this error:
test.cpp(44): error: no suitable user-defined conversion from "const container" to "const base" exists
const base & a = c;
compilation aborted for test.cpp (code 2)
On the other hand, if I replace base with derived in both main() and foo() (or use the "getter" instead of the type conversion in foo()), everything works fine with Intel too. Is it possible to convince the Intel compiler to use the user-defined type conversion to the reference type when T is an abstract class?
Thanks in advance for any ideas.
EDIT: Interestingly, using the type conversion to the pointer type works fine. If I add
template<typename T>
operator T const * () const
return &get<T>();
to the container class and replace foo() with
void foo(const container &c)
const base * a = c;
then it works also with Intel.

I would return a pointer in the getter:
template<typename T>
T const * get() const {
return boost::any_cast< boost::shared_ptr<T> >(m_content);
This avoids the conversion problem, and does not crash immediately if you pass a null pointer to your container.
void foo(const container &c)
const base* a = c.get<base>();
You could also add a function valid() which checks if there is something in the container:
bool valid() const {
return m_content != NULL;
Edit: Your addition to your question follows exactly in this direction.

Ok, so it seems that it is a bug in the Intel C++ compiler and was filed in the bug tracking list.


C++ override member access operator for template class and return by reference

Is it possible to override the -> operator in template class and return something by reference?
I saw this post: Overloading member access operators ->, .*
And there is an example of overriding -> and return by reference, but I can't get this to work with templates. Here's a small example of what I'm trying to achieve:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A
void do_something()
cout << "Hey there";
template<class T>
class Ref
Ref(T* ptr)
objPtr = ptr;
// this is another alternative, but I don't want to write Get() every time I want to access the object
T& get() { return *objPtr; }
template <class T>
Ref<T>& operator->() const { return *objPtr; }
// doesn't work either
//T& operator->() const { return *objPtr; }
// this works as expected, but I really MUST return by reference
//T* operator->() const { return objPtr; }
T* objPtr;
int main()
A myObj;
Ref<A> ref(&myObj);
// error C2675: unary '->': 'Ref<A>' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator
return 0;
How can this be done?
If you return a reference, you can't use it in ref->do_something(); which requires a pointer. You'd have to use this cumbersome method:
Instead return a pointer - and make it a T* (or const T*), not a Ref<T>*.
#include <iostream>
class A {
void do_something() {
std::cout << "Hey there\n";
template<class T>
class Ref {
Ref(T& ptr) : objPtr(&ptr) {} // taking a T& but storing a pointer
const T* operator->() const { return objPtr; }
T* operator->() { return objPtr; }
T* objPtr;
int main() {
A myObj;
Ref<A> ref(myObj);

Overloading -> operator in C++ to return custom object

template <class T>
class A
A(std::shared_ptr<T> p) : p(p)
T* operator->() const {
return p.get();
std::shared_ptr<T> p;
class B{
void doSomething() {
int main()
auto x = std::make_shared<B>();
auto y = new A<B>(x);
return 0;
The way I overloaded the pointer operator -> it should return T* (in this case B*) which would in turn have doSomething but I get
main.cpp:40:4: error: ‘class A’ has no member named ‘doSomething’
but in fact -> returns a pointer to B, not A
Notice that the type of y is A<B>* and not A<B>. The operator-> can be overloaded for the objects. Pointers are provided the built-in -> only.
Following should work in your case:
On a side note, it's weird to have new for no good reason, when you already using a shared_ptr<> for some other allocation. :-)

Making shared_ptr in class unable to change object it points to when class object is const

I am making a class that shares data between several objects using dynamic memory. The relevant parts of the class are shown below.
class StrBlob
StrBlob::StrBlob(std::initializer_list<std::string> il) :
data(std::make_shared<std::vector<std::string>>(il)) {}
void push_back(const std::string &t) const { data->push_back(t); }
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> dataPtr;
I understand that by making push_back a const member function, I am saying that this function will not change the member dataPtr. However, the underlying vector that dataPtr points to is not const, as shown by the below code.
//The result is foo = {"bar", "foobar"}
const StrBlob foo = {"bar"};
Is it possible or even desirable to make the underlying vector const by making the StrBlob object const? Should be something like making dataPtr a pointer to const when the object is const, but I'm not sure how to achieve that.
You can make a thin wrapper around std::shared_ptr (details omitted like ctor etc):
#include <memory>
template< class T > class const_propagated_shared_ptr {
std::shared_ptr<T> m_ptr;
T &operator*() { return m_ptr.operator*(); }
T* operator->() { return m_ptr.operator->(); }
const T &operator*() const { return m_ptr.operator*(); }
const T *operator->() const { return m_ptr.operator->(); }
class Foobar {
const_propagated_shared_ptr<int> m_ptr;
void f1() { *m_ptr = 10; }
void f2() const { *m_ptr = 10; } // compile error
But as this is implementation detail of the class (Foobar in this case) I am not sure that it worse the effort, as to let modify data by const method or not can be controlled by class designer.

Are there any alternatives to making const version of class?

In C++ I'm often facing a situation when I need to prepare const and non-const version of class in analogy to const_iterator and iterator from standard library.
class const_MyClass
const_MyClass(const int * arr):
int method() const; //does something with m_arr without modifying it
const int * m_arr;
class MyClass
MyClass(int * arr):
int method() const; //does something with m_arr without modifying it
void modify(int i); //modify m_arr
int * m_arr;
The problem with this is that I need to repeat whole code of const_MyClass in MyClass and distribute any changes in API to both classes. Thus sometimes I inherit const_MyClass and do some const_casts, which also isn't perfect and pretty solution. Still when I want to pass const_MyClass instance by reference it looks moronic:
void func(const const_MyClass & param)
Instance param is marked with two "consts", and it has only const methods...
This is where const constructors would be handy, but are there any existing alternatives?
Some use examples to explain problem better:
//ok to modify data
void f(int * data)
MyClass my(data);
//cant modify data, cant use MyClass
void fc(const int * data)
const_MyClass my(data);
int i = my.method();
You can make a template class to act as a base, like this:
template<typename T>
class basic_MyClass
basic_MyClass(T * arr) :m_arr(arr) {}
int method() const; //does something with m_arr without modifying it
T * m_arr;
Then, for your const version, since it doesn't add anything, you can just use a typedef:
typedef basic_MyClass<const int> const_MyClass;
For your non-const version, you can inherit:
class MyClass : public basic_MyClass<int>
using basic_MyClass::basic_MyClass; // inherit all the constructors
void modify(int i); //modify m_arr
Have you considered simply tracking two pointers and raising exceptions from the mutable operations when no mutable value is available? Maybe an example will help describe what I am thinking of.
class MyClass
MyClass(int *mutable_data):
m_mutable_view(mutable_data), m_readonly_view(mutable_data)
MyClass(const int *immutable_data):
m_mutable_view(NULL), m_readonly_view(immutable_data)
int retrieve_value(int index) {
return m_readonly_view[index];
void set_value(int index, int value) {
m_mutable_view[index] = value;
void require_mutable() {
throw std::runtime_error("immutable view not available");
const int *m_readonly_view;
int *m_mutable_view;
The idea is pretty simple here - use a sentinel value to indicate whether modifications are possible or not instead of depending on the type system to do that for you. Personally, I would think about doing the inheritance based approach that #BenjaminLindley suggested but I wanted to present a slightly different solution that might not have occurred to you.
After talk with Neil Kirk I realized what I was doing wrong. I started by separating data from logic as he suggested.
This attempt resulted in two classes MyClassPtr and const_MyClassPtr. They only provide functions for data access (like iterators) and may look like that:
class const_MyClassPtr
const_MyClassPtr(const int * arr);
int operator [](int i) const;
const int * ptr() const;
const int * m_arr;
class MyClassPtr
MyClassPtr(int * arr);
int operator [](int i) const;
int & operator [](int i);
const int * ptr() const;
int * ptr();
//promotion to const pointer
const_MyClassPtr () const {return const_MyClassPtr(m_arr);}
int * m_arr;
Now it is clear that objects of these classes should be treated like pointers, so when I use them as function parameters I pass them by value!
void func(const_MyClassPtr param) //instead of void func(const const_MyClass & param)
To provide methods I have created MyClassOp class template and used static polymorphism.
template <class DERIVED>
class MyClassOp
const DERIVED & derived() const {return static_cast<const DERIVED &>(*this)}
DERIVED & derived() {return static_cast<DERIVED &>(*this)}
int method() const; //operates on derived() const
void modify(int i); //operates on derived()
MyClassOp is a collection of methods. It does not have state. In general it is a trait. To make these methods accessible I overloaded -> and * operators
class const_MyClassPtr : private MyClassOp<const_MyClassPtr>
const MyClassOp<MyClassPtr> * operator ->() const {return this;}
const MyClassOp<MyClassPtr> & operator *() const {return *this;}
class MyClassPtr : private MyClassOp<MyClassPtr>
MyClassOp<MyClassPtr> * operator ->() {return this;}
MyClassOp<MyClassPtr> & operator *() {return *this;}
This works O.K., but is a bit cumbersome. If I have for example equality operator I need to write something like *myptr1 == myptr2 to compare values kept by two MyClassPtr objects (it's easy to make a mistake and compare myptr1 == myptr2 or expect that something like *myptr1 == *myptr2 could work). Also when I have allocating type:
class MyClass : public MyClassOp<MyClass>
MyClass(int x, int y, int z);
int m_arr[3];
I would want to be able to use temporaries as function arguments.
void f(const_MyClassPtr my);
//use temporary when calling f()
f(MyClass(1, 2, 3));
I can do this by providing conversion operators or conversion constructors (that convert MyClass to const_MyClassPtr). But then const_MyClassPtr behaves more like reference than pointer. If iterators are generalization of pointers then why one could not imitate reference? Therefore I divided MyClassOp into two parts (const and non const) and replaced -> and * operators implemented by const_MyClassPtr and MyClassPtr with public inheritance and changed their names to ressemble reference. I ended up with following structures.
MyClassOp : public const_MyClassOp
const_MyClassRef : public const_MyClassOp<const_MyClassRef>
MyClassRef : public MyClassOp<MyClassRef>
MyClass : public MyClassOp<MyClass>
However const_MyClassRef and MyClassRef are not perfect generalization of reference as it impossible to imitate some of C++ reference properties, so Ref suffix is there to denote reference-like structure.
Maybe you can find some hints in effective c++ item 4 "Avoid duplication in const and non-const Member function"
I may summarize like following ( it makes you avoid code duplication even if using somewhat ugly cast ):
struct my_class
my_class(int x):_x(x){};
const int& method(void) const;
int& method(void);
int _x;
const int& my_class::method(void) const //func for const instance
return _x;
int& my_class::method(void) //func for normal instance
return const_cast<int& >(static_cast<const my_class& >(*this).method()) ;
int main()
my_class a(1);
const my_class b(2);
a.method() = 5;
cout << a.method() << endl;
//b.method() = 4; //b is const, wont compile
cout << b.method() << endl;
return 0;

Overloaded 'dereference' or 'member of pointer' operators don't get run when I have a pointer to an object

I have the following code:
#include <iostream>
struct Base {
int i_;
class El : protected Base {
int get_i() const { return i_; }
void set_i(int i) { i_ = i; }
class It : protected Base {
using pointer = const El*;
using reference = const El&;
reference operator*() const
return reinterpret_cast<reference>(*this);
pointer operator->() const
return reinterpret_cast<pointer>(this);
int main()
It it;
It* itp = &it;
std::cout << *****(itp)->get_i() << "\n"; //ERROR
Both GCC and Clang++ somehow fail to invoke either of operator* or operator->, so I get an error It doesn't have member function 'get_i' in the last line regardless how many indirections I try. Does the standard warrant such unintuitive behavior?
Operator precedence: -> binds more tightly, so is applied to the pointer itp.
When you overload operator->, that doesn't affect the meaning of operator-> applied to a pointer-to-your-class. You want (*itp)->get_i();, I think.