Visual trace of sorting algorithms using a graph in C++? - c++

I am in an Intro to data structures class and we are currently going over sorting algorithms. Is there any way in C++ to use a graph to trace the exchanging and sorting of sorting algorithms? There is an image illustrating shell sort if you follow this link and scroll down a bit. I also linked it down below. (Essentially what I would like to achieve). Addison Wesley, Algorithms 4th edition:
They spoke about using built in functions in Java to create the graph and spoke about it as if it is rather trivial. I'm assuming if its basic in Java its basic in C++.
Question being, how would I implement a function that would correspond numerically to how big the bars are and output the graph pre-sort, mid-sort and post-sort?
Note: I have intermediate level C++ knowledge and no experience with graphics.

Consider using a graphing package such as gnuplot. You would have to use it to plot, say as bar graphs, the array values your program is trying to sort.


Generating Data Matrix in Clojure

I have a collection that consists of binary sequences.
I want to generate a Data Matrix based on that collection. Are there any libraries in Clojure that facilitate Data Matrix generation?
Edit: Like this.
I don't know of any specific library but you could easily implement this in Quil?
Here is an example of the Game of Life in Quil that's very similar to what you are looking for.

c++ - following a struct of structs from a source file

I would like to convert a struct from c source code (same file) (which can include more structs of structs) and I would like to walk that "structure". Is there an optimal way to do this? Some sort of Tree class that I could convert to a graphical tree would be nice. At the farthest "leaf" struct, I'll want to be able to access the struct members also, not just the tree structure of the structs. I'm open to any algorithms. This strikes me as a recursive type algorithm. I just don't want to waste time reinventing the wheel. No it's not homework, but it is work related :) . If any knows of preexisting tools that already do this. I can provide more details below if anyone needs them.
If you are just documenting your code, I recommend using doxygen software.
If you are to parse your code file, take a look at boost libraries:
This example might give you some motivation.
For graphic displaying I can't recommend anything c++ but maybe NodeBox which is based on boost.
Nevertheless, C++ is probably not the right tool of choice for tasks like this. Try rather (say) python.
As a last option, you can also go and do your own recursive traverser and output your data into an / that can be read by some graph displaying program.

How to implement 3d kDTree build and search algorithm in c or c++?

How to implement 3d kDTree build and search algorithm in c or c++? I am wondering if we have a working code to follow
I'd like to recommend you a two good presentations to start with:
"Introduction to k-d trees"
"Lecture 6: Kd-trees and range trees".
Both give all (basic ideas behind kd-trees, short visual examples and code snippets) you need to start writing your own implementation.
Update-19-10-2021: Resources are now longer public. Thanks to #Hari for posting new links down below in the comments.
I found the publications of Vlastimil Havran very useful. His Ph.d Thesis gives a nice introduction to kd-trees and traversal algorithms. Further articles are about several improvements, e.g. how to construct kd-tree in O(nlogn). There are also a lot of implementations in different graphic libs. You should just google for it.
For an example of a 3D kd-tree implementation in C, take a look at kd3. It is not general purpose library and requires the input data to be in a specific form, but the ideas and approach should be transferable.
Disclosure: I am the author of kd3.
Disclaimer: It was written as proof-of-concept code for an existing application and is therefore not as generic nor as well-tested as it should be. Bug reports/fixes are welcome.

Implementing a discrete Markov Chain simulation in c++ with a graphical interface

I just wanted to know if any one had any pointers for a library or libraries that support Markov modelling and graphical graph representation, as for a project i must simulate a transport model and be able to develop an interface for it too. I am relatively new to c++.
Have a look at Boost Graph as it will simplify all your graph work. I am unsure if there is a Markov Chain algiorithm (I am looking for one too) but it should be easy to write once you have the graph -- a concurrent monte carlo approach maybe?
Numerical Recipes has many algorithm and code in both C and C++.
The graphviz tools are all you need to draw graphs.

Methods for implementing and using graphs of nodes in C++?

I am working on a research project that deals with social networks. I have done most of the backbone of the program in C++ and am now wanting to implement a way to create the graph of nodes and the connections as well as a way to visualize the connections between people. I have looked a little into Lemon and the Boost graph library, but was wondering which one would be easier to learn and implement or if I should just code my own.
If you use the BGL then you should also be able to make use of the Graph Toolkit for Algorithms and Drawings (GTAD). The GTAD is meant to be compatible with BGL and adds a number of graph algorithms not in BGL as well as algorithms for layouts.
For visualization the BGL allows you to read and write some common graph file types such as GraphML and Dot for use with GraphViz.
Lemon looks to be a well featured library with a good array of algorithms. You can also use gLemon to view Lemon graphs. This visualizer looks quite basic though and was last updated in 2008, unlike Lemon which is still under development.
I would suggest you first work out what you want to do with any graphs you create, ie what algorithms you require (shortest-path etc) and compare the two libraries from that respect.
Also take a look at the tutorials for both. They have very good documentation and should help you decide which you'll find easier to implement.
Unless you really want to get into the details of how certain graph structures and algorithms are implemented I would use a library.