specify pattern at the beginning of string in regular expression - regex

I have some string with multiple possible values:
I want to get only the first four values, the regular expression I came up with is:
it means at the beginning of the string it has 0 or more white space followed by e(or E, case insensitive), howevever it always filters out the case
my guess is it take ^ as not instead of beginning of string. How can i correct that? I use Perl Compatible Regular Expressions(PCRE) as the matching engine.

Try the using the mode modifiers in your regex to turn on ^$ match at linebreaks; and also, if necessary case insensitive

The ^ character means only the beginning of a string. The beginning of a new line does not count as the beginning of a string. So this would not work if more than one are inside the same "string" object. Not sure how pcre works, but if you want to be able to match the begging of a line also you have to have the multi-line flag enabled.
Edit: If you want to pick up the beginnning of a new line go this route instead: \r\n at the beginning of the expression and remove the "^"
Edit #2 (because I feel like doing regex): here's what you're looking for:


Regex to match(extract) string between dot(.)

I want to select some string combination (with dots(.)) from a very long string (sql). The full string could be a single line or multiple line with new line separator, and this combination could be in start (at first line) or a next line (new line) or at both place.
I need help in writing a regex for it.
String s = I am testing something like test.test.test in sentence.
Expected output: test.test.test
Example2 (real usecase):
UPDATE test.table
SET access = 01
WHERE access IN (
SELECT name FROM project.dataset.tablename WHERE name = 'test' GROUP BY 1 )
Expected output: test.table and project.dataset.tablename
, can I also add some prefix or suffix words or space which should be present where ever this logic gets checked. In above case if its update regex should pick test.table, but if the statement is like select test.table regex should not pick it up this combinations and same applies for suffix.
Example3: This is to illustrate the above theory.
INS INTO test.table
SEL 'abcscsc', wu_id.Item_Nbr ,1
FROM test.table as_t
WHERE as_t.old <> 0 AND as_t.date = 11
AND (as_t.numb IN ('11') )
Expected Output: test.table, test.table (Key words are INTO and FROM)
Things Not Needed in selection:as_t.numb, as_t.old, as_t.date
If I get the regex I can use in program to extract this word.
Note: Before and after string words to the combination could be anything like update, select { or(, so we have to find the occurrence of words which are joined together with .(dot) and all the number of such occurrence.
I tried something like this:
(?<=.)(.?)(?=.)(.?) -: This only selected the word between two .dot and not all.
.(?<=.)(.?)(?=.)(.?). - This everything before and after.
To solve your initial problem, we can just use some negation. Here's the pattern I came up with:
[^ ... ] Means to make a character class including everything except for what's between the brackets. In this case, I put \s in there, which matches any whitespace. So [^\s] matches anything that isn't whitespace.
+ Is a quantifier. It means to find as many of the preceding construct as you can without breaking the match. This would happily match everything that's not whitespace, but I follow it with a \., which matches a literal .. The \ is necessary because . means to match any character in regex, so we need to escape it so it only has its literal meaning. This means there has to be a . in this group of non-whitespace characters.
I end the pattern with another [^\s]+, which matches everything after the . until the next whitespace.
Now, to solve your secondary problem, you want to make this match only work if it is preceded by a given keyword. Luckily, regex has a construct almost specifically for this case. It's called a lookbehind. The syntax is (?<= ... ) where the ... is the pattern you want to look for. Using your example, this will only match after the keywords INTO and FROM:
Here (?:INTO|FROM) means to match either the text INTO or the text FROM. I then specify that it should be followed by a whitespace character with \s. One possible problem here is that it will only match if the keywords are written in all upper case. You can change this behavior by specifying the case insensitive flag i to your regex parser. If your regex parser doesn't have a way to specify flags, you can usually still specify it inline by putting (?i) in front of the pattern, like so:
If you are new to regex, I highly recommend using the www.regex101.com website to generate regex and learn how it works. Don't forget to check out the code generator part for getting the regex code based on the programming language you are using, that's a cool feature.
For your question, you need a regex that understands any word character \w that matches between 0 and unlimited times, followed by a dot, followed by another series of word character that repeats between 0 and unlimited times.
So here is my solution to your question:
Your regex in JavaScript:
const regex = /([\w][.][\w])+/gm;
in Java:
final String regex = "([\w][.][\w])+";
in Python:
regex = r"([\w][.][\w])+"
in PHP:
$re = '/([\w][.][\w])+/m';
Note that: this solution is written for your use case (to be used for SQL strings), because now if you have something like '.word' or 'word..word', it will still catch it which I assume you don't have a string like that.
See this screenshot for more details

RegEx to match string between delimiters or at the beginning or end

I am processing a CSV file and want to search and replace strings as long as it is an exact match in the column. For example:
xxx,Apple,Green Apple,xxx,xxx
I want to replace 'Apple' if it is the EXACT value in the column (if it is contained in text within another column, I do not want to replace). I cannot see how to do this with a single expression (maybe not possible?).
The desired output is:
xxx,GRAPE,Green Apple,xxx,xxx
So the expression I want is: match the beginning of input OR a comma, followed by desired string, followed by a comma OR the end of input.
You cannot put ^ or $ in character classes, so I tried \A and \Z but that didn't work.
This didn't work, sadly. Can I do this with one regular expression? Seems like this would be a common enough problem.
It will depend on your language, but if the one you use supports lookarounds, then you would use something like this:
Replace with GRAPE.
Otherwise, you will have to put back the commas:
And replace with:
Depending on what's supported.
The above are raw regex (and replacement) strings. Escape as necessary.
Note: The disadvatage with the latter solution is that it will not work on strings like:
Since the comma after the first Apple got consumed. You'd have to call the regex replacement at most twice if you have such cases.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, you can have some 'hybrids' since some language have different levels of support for lookbehinds (in all the below ^ and \A, $ and \Z, \1 and $1 are interchangeable, just so I don't make it longer than it already is):
For those where lookbehinds cannot be of variable width, replace with GRAPE.
And the above one for where lookaheads are supported but not lookbehinds. Replace with \1Apple.
This does as you wish:
Find what: (^|,)(?:Apple)(,|$)
Replace with: $1GRAPE$2
This works on regex101, in all flavors.
I wanted to share my original work-around (before the other answers), though it feels like more of a hack.
I simply prepend and append a comma on the string before doing the simpler:
then cut off the first and last character.
PHP looks like:
$line = substr(preg_replace($search, $replace, ','.$line.','), 1, -1);
This still suffers from the problem of consecutive columns (e.g. ",Apple,Apple,").

How to exclude a certain word in regex?

I'm using this expression and it's perfect for what I need:
It returns any word/phrase/sentence/etc. with the letters 'cq' or the word 'conquest' in it. However, from those matches I want to exclude all that contain the term 'conquest power'.
some conquest here (should match)
another cq with some conquest here (should match)
too much cq or conquest power is bad (should not match)
How can I do that to the regex above? It has to be only one regex otherwise the program that I'm using (Advanced Combat Tracker) will create two different tabs.
If you want to match any string which contains "conquest" or "cq", but not if the string contains "conquest power", then the regex is
^(?!.*conquest power).*?(?:cq|conquest).*
The above will attempt to match from the start of the string to the end of the line, if you want to match from the start of each line, switch on multiline mode if available - adding (?m) to the start of the regex may do that.
If you want to match across newlines change . to [\s\S], or switch on singleline mode if available.
You have confused people by stating "I want to match 'cq' or 'conquest'" but also "I want the regex to extract that line".
I assume you don't really want to match just "cq" or "conquest", you want to match strings/lines (?) containing "cq" or "conquest".
From your original question I got that you want to match all strings which contain "cq" or "conquest" but do not contain "power". For this case the following regexp works:

Regular expression - what is my mistake?

I would like to match either any sequence or digits, or the literal: na .
I am using:
Numbers are being matched, but not na.
Whats my mistake?
More info: im using this in a regular expression validator for a textbox in aspnet c#.
A blank entry is ok.
It's because the expression is being read (assuming PCRE):
"^\d*" OR "na$"
Some parentheses would take care of that in a jiff. Choose from (depending on your needs):
"^(\d+|na)$" // this will capture the number or na
"^(?:\d+|na)$" // this one won't capture
The | operator have a higher precedence than the anchors ^ and $. So the expression ^\d*|na$ means match ^\d* or na$. So try this:
Perhaps ^(?:\d*|na)$ would be better. What language/engine? Also, please show the input and, if possible, the snippet of the code.
Also, it is possible that you aren't matching "na" because there is a new line after it. The digits wouldn't be affected because you did not specify a $ anchor for them.
So, depending on the language and how the input is acquired, there might be new-line between "na" and the end of the string, and $ won't match it unless you turn on multi-line match (or strip the string of the new line).
This may not be the best or most elegant way to fix it, but try this:

Regular Expression: how can I impose a perfect string matching?

Currently I am using this one ( edit: I missed to explain that I use this one for excluding exactly these words :p ):
String REGEXP = "^[^(REG_)?].*";
but matches (exluding) also ERG, EGR, GRE, etc... above
I removed super because it is another keyword that I must filter, figure an array list composed with more of the following three words to be used as model:
REG_info1, info2, SUPER_info3, etc...
I need three filter matching one model at time, my question focus only on the second filter parsing keywords based on model "info2".
Just type it literally:
This will only match REG.
String REGEXP = "^(REG_|SUPER_)?.*";
Edit   After you clarified that you want to match every word that does not begin with REG_ or SUPER_, you could try this:
The \b is a word boundary and the expression (?!expr) is a look-ahead assertion.
As everyone have already replied, if you want to match a line starting with REG, you use the regexp "^REG", if you want to match any line that starts REG or SUPER, you use "^(REG|SUPER)" and regular expression negation is, in general, a tricky problem.
To match all lines NOT starting with 'REG' you need to match "^[^R]|R[^E]|RE[^G]" and a regular expression to match all lines not starting with REG or SUPER can be constructed in a similar fashion (start by grouping the "not REG" in parentheses, then construct the "not SUPER" patterns as "[^S]|S[^U]|[SU[^P]...", group this and use alternation for both groups).
How about
// \mREG\M
// Options: ^ and $ match at line breaks
// Assert position at the beginning of a word «\m»
// Match the characters “REG” literally «REG»
// Assert position at the end of a word «\M»
The [] indicate character classes. This is not what you want. You can just use "REG" to match REG. (You can use REG|SUPER for REG or SUPER)
would match anything that haves REG_ or SUPER_ at the beginning of a string. You don't need more after the group "(..|..)"