Can Datomic simplify querying data contained in dynamically accessed HTML documents? - clojure

I need to write an API which would provide access to data being served as HTML documents from a web server. I need for my users to be able to perform queries over the data.
Say on a web site there is a page which lists items and their owners. Then there is additional set of profile pages for owners which for each owner provide information about their reputation. An example query I may need to answer is "Give me ID's and owners of all items submitted in 2013 whose owners have reputation of at least 10".
Given a query to answer, I need to be able to screen scrape only the parts of the web site I need for answering the query at hand. And ideally cache the obtained information for future use with new queries.
I have no problem writing the screen scraping part, but I am struggling with designing the storage/query/cache part. Is there something about Clojure/Datomic that makes it an especially suitable technology choice for this kind of processing of data? I have been pointed in this direction before.

It seems a nice challenge but not sure about a few things: a) would you like to expose to your users a Datalog query box and so make them learn datalog-like syntax? b) what exact kind of results do you wish to cache, raw DB responses, html fomatted text, json ?
Anyway I suggest you to install and play a little bit with the Datomic console to get a grasp if you didn't before as it seems to me the more close idea to what you want to achieve atm
For the API I suggest you to use as it provides sane defaults to implement REST services and let you focus on your app behaviour


how to display large list of data using reactJS as frontend and django rest framework as backend

I am having large list of data of ingredients required for cooking. More than 3000+
I am using Django rest framework as the backend and ReactJs as frontend.
Each item in the list has a name, id, measurementunit, density in kg/ltr and cost/measurementunit
In Django i have created an api endpoint to supply the data in JSON format.
I want to display the data in a table format and with search filter on the top. Also at a time i want to show maximum 300 results.
Can someone guide me how to achieve this. Should i fetch all the list at a time or use pagination from django. Should i use seperate api for search or do it using reactjs on the frontend.
Presently i dont need any authorization in django. The data is for local use only.
3000 records is a lot to send down to the client in one chunk. It is easier to develop against, but it doesn't scale well and is likely to create a measurable load time. If you're OK with that, and you don't expect your data set to grow, then perhaps the pragmatic approach is to keep it as a big list... but it goes against best practices.
Either way, you likely don't want to show a giant 3k-row list to the user, so the UI will have some sort of pagination mechanism. That might be "next", "previous" pages, or it might be infinite scrolling. Either way, the data abstraction should be considering it as paged data.
Paging API
Assuming you decide to make your API support paging, you should use the backend framework's paging capabilities, like the Django Paging API or some other abstraction for your REST API. There are lots of resources out there.
The moment you decide to paginate the API, you are committing to handling search (filtering) on the backend as well. The only way you can manage client-side filtering is if the client has access to all the data. Since that isn't the case, you'll need to include a search filter in your data request. Searching and pagination aren't mutually exclusive, so make sure your API supports both at the same time. A common way to handle this would be like this:
On the React side, you can build your own UI (it is easy to do), or you can use a component which abstracts this for you, like react-js-pagination or react-paginate. The client component shouldn't really care if the API is paged or not. Instead, it just notifies you when to display different records and the rest is up to you.
If you decide to keep everything in one big REST call, then you still need to slice the data out of your array to display. If you paginate your API, then you can keep an instance cache on the client side of the pages you've received. If you don't have the data, make the REST call to get it, and populate an array with the data. That way, if a user goes forwards and then backwards, you aren't re-fetching.
I hope this helps a bit. Enjoy :)

How to create an API and then dynamically retrieve data from and add new data to it?

To start off, I am extremely sorry if my question is not clear but I have very little knowledge about web services in general and the vast nature of varying available information has driven me crazy over the past few weeks. So please do bear with me.
Summary: I want to create a live score update app for android. (I haven't added android as a tag because I do know how to retrieve data from say twitter's JSON api.) However, like the twitter JSON api, I want to be able to add(POST maybe?) data to the Apache 7.0 service that I have running. I then want the app to be able to be able to retrieve this data that I have posted.
I had asked a more generic question earlier and I was told that I should look up some api's. I did that but I have still not been unable to make a break through.
So my questions is:
Is setting up an API on my local web service the correct way to do this?
If so, how can I setup an API that will return JSON objects to the Android app. Also, I would need to be able to constantly update this API with new data.
Additionally, would I also need to setup a database for all this?
Any links to well explained matter would be appreciated too.
Note: I would like to carry this out using a RESTful Web Service through Jersey and use JSON Objects during retrieval.
Again, I am sorry about my terrible knowledge with web services in general despite trying my best to research a lot. The best I could do was get my RESTful Web to respond to a GET with some pre-defined text that I had set in Eclipse.
If I understand you correctly, what you try to do is something like this:
There will be a match or multiple matches of some sort. Whenever a team/player scores someone (i.e. you) will use the app to update the score. People who previously subscribed to the match, will be notified and see the updated score.
Even though I'm not familiar with backends based on Java, the implementation should be fairly similar to other programming languages.
First of all a few words to REST in general. REST is generally needed, when you need to share information between multiple devices and or users. This seems to be the case here. To implement the REST you are going to need an API of some sorts. Within the web APIs are implemented by webservers answering to certain predefined HTTP Requests.
Thus setting up an API on a web server is the correct way.
Next a few words on databases. A database is generally needed, if you want to store information persistently. This might, or might not be what you are planning to do. If there are just going to be a few matches at the same time and you don't care about persistence of the data, you can use Java to store a collection of match objects in memory. I'm just saying it is possible, not that it is a good idea. Once your server crashes or you run out of memory due to w/e reason, data is going to be lost. (Of course within the actual implementation you want to cache data for current matches in some way and keeping objects in memory is way to do so).
I'd recommend to use a database.
Within the database, you can then store and access information about the matches like the score, which users subscribed, who played, etc.
JSON is just a way to represent the data/objects that will be shared between the server and the client. You can use JSON to encode request and response data/bodies.
The user has to be informed about the updated score. There are two basic ways to do so. Push or Pull. With pull, the client will check for updated scores after fixed intervals or actions. With push, the server will notify the client about changed scores which will cause him to update the information. Since you are planning on doing a live application and using Java anyways, push seems to be the better way to go.
Last but not least let's have a look at a possible implementation using
Webserver (API endpoints + database)
Administrator (keeps score updated)
User (receives updates)
We assume that the server will respond to HTTP Requests (POST#/api/my-endpoint) with JSON-Objects.
Possible flow
First the administrator creates a match
POST # /api/matches
body: team1=someteam&team2=someotherteam
The server now will create a match object and store it in the database. The response will contain information about the object and whether the action was successful.
The user asks for a list of matches
GET # /api/matches/curret
The response will be a JSON object containing a list of current matches.
matches: [
{id: 1, teams:...}, ...
(If push)
A user subscribes to a match
GET # /api/SOME_MATCH_ID/observe
The user will now be added as an observer for the match. Again, the response contains information about whether the action was successful or not.
The administrator updates a score
body: team1scored...
The score now gets update on the server (in memory/database) and the user will be notified about the updated score.
The user gets the updated score
... (Updated score in some way)

Tracing requests of users by logging their actions to DB in django

I want to trace user's actions in my web site by logging their requests to database as plain text in Django.
I consider to write a custom decorator and place it to every view that I want to trace.
However, I have some troubles in my design.
First of all, is such logging mecahinsm reasonable or because of my log table will be enlarging rapidly it causes some preformance problems ?
Secondly, how should be my log table's design ?
I want to keep keywords if the user call search view or keep the item's id if the user call details of item view.
Besides, IP addresses of user's should be kept but how can I seperate users if they connect via single IP address as in many companies.
I am glad to explain in detail if you think my question is unclear.
I wouldn't do that. If this is a production service then you've got a proper web server running in front of it, right? Apache, or nginx or something. That can do logging, and can do it well, and can write to a form that won't bloat your database, and there's a wealth of analytical tools for log analysis.
You are going to have to duplicate a lot of that functionality in your decorator, such as when you want to switch it on or off, or change the log level. The only thing you'll get by doing it all in django is the possibility of ultra-fine control, such as only logging views of blog posts with id numbers greater than X or something. But generally you'd not want that level of detail, and you'd log everything and do any stripping at the analysis phase. You've not given any reason currently why you need to do it from Django.
If you really want it in a RDBMS, reading an apache log file into Postgres or MySQL or one of those expensive ones is fairly trivial.
One thing you should keep in mind is that SQL databases don't offer you a very good writing performance (in comparison with reading), so if you are experiencing heavy loads you should probably look for a better in-memory solution (eg. some key-value-store like redis).
But keep in mind, that, especially if you would use a non-sql solution you should be aware what you want to do with the collected data (just display something like a 'log' or do some more in-deep searching/querying on the data).
If you want to identify different users from the same IP address you should probably look for a cookie-based solution (if you are using django's session framework the session's are per default identified through a cookie - so you could just simply use sessions). Another solution could be doing the logging 'asynchronously' via javascript after the page has loaded in the browser (which could give you more possibilities in identifying the user and avoid additional load when generating the page).

Data mining? And how can I perform it on my website?

I’m preparing my graduation project from computer science, I made this website and it's running perfectly but my supervisor requested me to apply data mining on the website.
But I don’t understand what I should do.
The website is a social network, each user will have a profile and blog and access to some e-books that required you to be registered so you can download. The website also contains a music server that contains songs that a registered user can choose a song to download or to add it as a favorite in his profile page, the website contains ads (I used OpenX script), so this is most of the website services where I can perform data mining, the website is
I need ideas and what is the best way to present it in the interview?
You can ask your professor what was his intention of using data mining. Data mining algorithms can do various tasks, you need first define what you want to accomplish and then find some algorithms for this and technical possibilities.
Some ideas that came to my mind about usage of data mining in your project:
you can use data mining to find what songs (ebooks,etc.) can be favorited by a user based on other people favorites songs (find similarities, probably association rules would be a good algorithm for this).
you can use some clustering algorithms to group users based on some parameters and suggest them that they could become a connections with other people from the same group (if you have something like this)
Good luck!:)
Firstly, ask for clarification from your supervisor. Don't say 'What do you mean?', but ask 'Are you expecting something like this?' because it shows that you've at least thought about it.
If you can't think of anything, or your supervisor is vague, perform some simple data retrieval and analysis, e.g.
most active members
the most / least popular songs and books.
number of ads clicked etc
most popular website features
Just elementary analysis should suffice - you aren't doing a statistics degree. Work out the most songs downloaded in a day or per user, the average songs per user, how many users visit each day and how many sign up and never visit.
The purpose is to demostrate that your website is logging all activity, so that when you are asked 'how many books did the 20 most active users download in June' you will be able to work out the answer.
The alternative is a website that just runs and you don't have any knowledge of how your users are behaving and what they are doing, which means you aren't able to focus on things that they find important.
I dont know exactly what kind of data you are trying to mine, but have you check out google analytics? It is very easy to setup, once you register all you need is to include the javascript provided to your web pages. Google analytics will give you plenty of statistic about access to your site information regarding your site and visits. Is that what you need? The data produced is very easy to read as well and will be suitable for you to present I reckon.

Accessing World of Warcraft data from the web

I'm aware of the WoW add-on programming community, but what I can find no documentation on is any API for accessing WoW's databases from the web. I see third-party sites like and Wowhead use game data (item and character databases,) so I know it's possible. But, I can't figure out where to begin. Is there a web service I can use or are they doing some sort of under-the-hood work that requires running the WoW client in their server environment?
Sites like Wowhead and WoWHearoes use client run addons from players which collect data. The data is then posted to their website. There is no way to access WoW's database. Your best bet is to hit the armory and extract the XML returned from your searches. The armory is just an xml transform on xml data returned.
Blizzard has recently (8/15/2011) published draft documentation for their RESTful APIs at the following location:
The APIs cover information about characters, items, auctions, guilds, PVP, etc.
Requests to the API are currently throttled to 3,000 per day for anonymous usage, but there is a process for registering applications that have a legitimate need for more access.
Update (January 2019): The new Blizzard Developer Portal is here:
Request throttling limits and authentication rules have changed.
Characters can be mined from the armory, the pages are xml.
Items are mined from the local installation game files, that's how wowhead does it at least.
It's actually really easy to get item data from the wow armory!
For example:
View the source of the page (not via Google Chrome, which displays transformed XML via XSLT) and you'll see the XML data!
You can use search listing pages to retrieve all blue gems, for example, then use an XML parser to retrieve the data
They are parsing the Armory information from There is no official Blizzard API for accessing it, but there is an open source PHP solution available (
Maybe a little late to the party, but for future reference check out the WoW API Documentation at
Scraping HTML and XML is now pretty much obsolete and also discouraged by Blizzard.
The documentation:
Sites like those actually get the data from the Armory. If you pull up any item, guild, character, etc. and do 'View Source' on the page you will see the XML data coming back. Here is a quick C# example of how to get the data.
This third-party site collection data from players. I think this collection based on addons for WoW or each player submit information manualy.
Next option is wraping wow site and parsing information from websites (HTML).
this is probably the wrong site for your question, but you're thinking of the wowarmory xml stuff. there is no official wow api. people just do httprequests and get the xml to do number crunching stuffs. try googling around. there are some libs out there in different languages that are already written for you. i know there are implementations in php/ruby. i was working on one in .net a while back until i got distracted. here's an article which kinda sums this all up.
Wowhead and other sites generally rely on data gathered by users with a wow add-in.
Wowhead also has a way for other sites to reference that data in hover pop-ups, so their content gets reused on a number of sites.
Powered by Wowhead
For actual ingame data collection:
cosmos.exe is what thottbot for example uses. It probably uses some form windows hack (dllinjection or something) or sniffs packets to determine what items have dropped and etc. (intercepts traffic from the wow server to your client and decodes it). It saves this data on the users computer and then uploads it to a webserver for storage. I don't know if any development libraries were created for this sort of thing.