Find a single number in a list of integers: Not working for negative integers - python-2.7

I have the following code to find the only integer in a list which appears only once while all other appear 3 times. The code works fine for positive integers, but have problem with negative integers.
Can anyone help me fix it? Thanks.
class Solution:
# #param A, a list of integer
# #return an integer
def singleNumber(self, A):
return None
for i in range(len(s)):
for j in A[:]:
if (j>>i)&1:
s[i] +=1
ans |= (s[i]<<i)
return ans

collections.Counter is useful for this kind of thing and won't choke on negative numbers.
>>> import collections
>>> l = [1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4]
>>> c = collections.Counter(l).items()
>>> [k for k, v in c if v == 1][0]
>>> l = [-i for i in l]
>>> c = collections.Counter(l).items()
>>> [k for k, v in c if v == 1][0]

def getSingle( arr, n):
ones = 0
twos = 0
for i in range(0,n):
twos = twos | (ones & arr[i]);
ones = ones ^ arr[i];
common_bit_mask = ~(ones & twos);
ones = ones & common_bit_mask;
twos = twos & common_bit_mask;
return ones;
Works for negative numbers too.


Euclidean algorithm for polynomials in GF(2^8)

I am trying to create an Euclidean algorithm (to solve Bezout's Relation) for 2 polynomials in the GF(2^8).
I currently have this code for my different operations
class ReedSolomon:
gfSize = 256
genPoly = 285
log = [0]*gfSize
antilog = [0]*gfSize
def _genLogAntilogArrays(self):
self.antilog[0] = 1
self.log[0] = 0
self.antilog[255] = 1
for i in range(1,255):
self.antilog[i] = self.antilog[i-1] << 1
if self.antilog[i] >= self.gfSize:
self.antilog[i] = self.antilog[i] ^ self.genPoly
self.log[self.antilog[i]] = i
def __init__(self):
def _galPolynomialDivision(self,dividend, divisor):
result = dividend.copy()
for i in range(len(dividend) - (len(divisor)-1)):
coef = result[i]
if coef != 0:
for j in range(1, len(divisor)):
if divisor[j] != 0:
result[i + j] ^= self._galMult(divisor[j], coef) # équivalent result[i + j] += -divisor[j] * coef car dans un champ GF(2) addition <=> substraction <=> XOR
remainderIndex = -(len(divisor)-1)
return result[:remainderIndex], result[remainderIndex:]
def _galMultiplicationPolynomiale(self, x,y):
result = [0]*(len(x)+len(y)-1)
for i in range(len(x)):
for j in range(len(y)):
result[i+j] ^= self._galMult(x[i],y[j])
return result
def _galMult(self,x,y):
if ((x == 0) or (y == 0)):
val = 0
val = self.antilog[(self.log[x] + self.log[y])%255]
return val
def _galPolynomialAddition(self, a, b):
polSum = [0] * max(len(a), len(b))
for index in range(0, len(a)):
polSum[index + len(polSum) - len(a)] = a[index]
for index in range(0, len(b)):
polSum[index + len(polSum) - len(b)] ^= b[index]
return (polSum)
And here is my euclidean algorithm :
def _galEuclideanAlgorithm(self,a,b):
r0 = a.copy()
r1 = b.copy()
u0 = [1]
u1 = [0]
v0 = [0]
v1 = [1]
while max(r1) != 0:
q,r = self._galPolynomialDivision(r0,r1)
r0 = self._galPolynomialAddition(self._galMultiplicationPolynomiale(q,r1),r)
r1,r0 = self._galPolynomialAddition(r0,self._galMultiplicationPolynomiale(q,r1)),r1.copy()
u1,u0 = self._galPolynomialAddition(u0,self._galMultiplicationPolynomiale(q,u1)),u1.copy()
v1,v0 = self._galPolynomialAddition(v0,self._galMultiplicationPolynomiale(q,v1)),v1.copy()
return r1,u1,v1
I don't understand my issue where my algorithm is looping, here is my remainder output with my tests:
rs = ReedSolomon()
a = [1,15,7,8,0,11]
b = [1,0,0,0,0,0,0]
#Console output
[1, 15, 7, 8, 0, 11]
[0, 0, 82, 37, 120, 11, 105]
[1, 15, 7, 8, 0, 11]
[0, 0, 82, 37, 120, 11, 105]
[1, 15, 7, 8, 0, 11]
[0, 0, 82, 37, 120, 11, 105]
[1, 15, 7, 8, 0, 11]
I know it might seem like I'm throwing some code just expecting an answer, but I'm genuinely searching for the error.
Thanks in advance !
I created a Python package called galois that does this. galois extends NumPy arrays to operate over Galois fields. The code is written in Python but JIT compiled with Numba for speed. In addition to array arithmetic, it also supports polynomials over Galois fields. ...And Reed-Solomon codes are implemented too :)
The Extended Euclidean Algorithm to solve the Bezout identity for two polynomials in GF(2^8) would be solved this way. Below is an abbreviated chunk of source code. You can see my full source code here.
def poly_egcd(a, b):
field = a.field
zero = Poly.Zero(field)
one = Poly.One(field)
r2, r1 = a, b
s2, s1 = one, zero
t2, t1 = zero, one
while r1 != zero:
q = r2 / r1
r2, r1 = r1, r2 - q*r1
s2, s1 = s1, s2 - q*s1
t2, t1 = t1, t2 - q*t1
# Make the GCD polynomial monic
c = r2.coeffs[0] # The leading coefficient
if c > 1:
r2 /= c
s2 /= c
t2 /= c
return r2, s2, t2
And here is a complete example using the galois library and the polynomials from your example. (I'm assuming the highest-degree coefficient is first?)
In [1]: import galois
In [2]: GF = galois.GF(2**8)
In [3]: print(
characteristic: 2
degree: 8
order: 256
irreducible_poly: x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1
is_primitive_poly: True
primitive_element: x
In [4]: a = galois.Poly([1,15,7,8,0,11], field=GF); a
Out[4]: Poly(x^5 + 15x^4 + 7x^3 + 8x^2 + 11, GF(2^8))
In [5]: b = galois.Poly([1,0,0,0,0,0,0], field=GF); b
Out[5]: Poly(x^6, GF(2^8))
In [6]: d, s, t = galois.poly_egcd(a, b); d, s, t
(Poly(1, GF(2^8)),
Poly(78x^5 + 7x^4 + 247x^3 + 74x^2 + 152, GF(2^8)),
Poly(78x^4 + 186x^3 + 45x^2 + x + 70, GF(2^8)))
In [7]: a*s + b*t == d
Out[7]: True

Python 2.7. Iterating list not working

Just starting with Python and doing some challenges, this one on Collatz numbers.
I am stuck at the start however, where the range that I am passing to the collatz method is not iterating over the given range.
What am I missing here?
def collatz(number):
for i in number:
if i % 2:
return i // 2
return 3 * (i + 1)
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("Zero Division")
except TypeError:
print "Type Error"
for i in range(0,10):
Short answer: the 'return' statement is causing your function to exit on the first iteration, thus preventing further iterations from occurring.
Long answer:
Here's a breakdown of how your code is running.
collatz(number) receives a list [0,1,...10]
A loop is created for [0,1,...10] starting from 0
1st, start with i = 0
0 % 2 evals to 0, which is False, which means we skip to the else statement
We return 3 * (0 + 1), which evaluates to 3.
We finish the call to collatz(number)
The correct approach is answered in some other folks' posts.
If the number is even, divide it by two.
If the number is odd, triple it and add one.
def f(n):
if n % 2 == 0:
return n // 2
return 3 * n + 1
def a(i, n):
if i == 0:
return n
return f(a(i - 1, n))
def collatz(n):
i = 0
c = 0
out = []
while c != 1:
c = a(i, n)
i += 1
return out
[6, 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]

Need help implementing a Lucas Pseudoprimality test

I am trying to write a function that determines if a number n is prime or composite using the Lucas pseudoprime test; at the moment, I am working with the standard test, but once I get that working I will then write the strong test. I am reading the paper by Baillie and Wagstaff, and following the implementation by Thomas Nicely in the trn.c file.
I understand that the full test involves several steps: trial division by small primes, checking that n is not a square, performing a strong pseudoprimality test to base 2, then finally the Lucas pseudoprime test. I can handle all the other pieces, but I am having trouble with the Lucas pseudoprime test. Here is my implementation, in Python:
def gcd(a, b):
while b != 0:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def jacobi(a, m):
a = a % m; t = 1
while a != 0:
while a % 2 == 0:
a = a / 2
if m % 8 == 3 or m % 8 == 5:
t = -1 * t
a, m = m, a # swap a and m
if a % 4 == 3 and m % 4 == 3:
t = -1 * t
a = a % m
if m == 1:
return t
return 0
def isLucasPrime(n):
dAbs, sign, d = 5, 1, 5
while 1:
if 1 < gcd(d, n) > n:
return False
if jacobi(d, n) == -1:
dAbs, sign = dAbs + 2, sign * -1
d = dAbs * sign
p, q = 1, (1 - d) / 4
print "p, q, d =", p, q, d
u, v, u2, v2, q, q2 = 0, 2, 1, p, q, 2 * q
bits = []
t = (n + 1) / 2
while t > 0:
bits.append(t % 2)
t = t // 2
h = -1
while -1 * len(bits) <= h:
print "u, u2, v, v2, q, q2, bits, bits[h] = ",\
u, u2, v, v2, q, q2, bits, bits[h]
u2 = (u2 * v2) % n
v2 = (v2 * v2 - q2) % n
if bits[h] == 1:
u = u2 * v + u * v2
u = u if u % 2 == 0 else u + n
u = (u / 2) % n
v = (v2 * v) + (u2 * u * d)
v = v if v % 2 == 0 else v + n
v = (v / 2) % n
if -1 * len(bits) < h:
q = (q * q) % n
q2 = q + q
h = h - 1
return u == 0
When I run this, isLucasPrime returns False for such primes as 83 and 89, which is incorrect. It also returns False for the composite 111, which is correct. And it returns False for the composite 323, which I know is a Lucas pseudoprime for which isLucasPrime should return True. In fact, isLucasPseudoprime returns False for every n on which I have tested it.
I have several questions:
1) I'm not expert with C/GMP, but it seems to me that Nicely runs through the bits of (n+1)/2 from right-to-left (least significant to most significant) where other authors run through the bits left-to-right. My code shown above runs through the bits left-to-right, but I have also tried running through the bits right-to-left, with the same result. Which order is correct?
2) It looks odd to me that Nicely only updates the u and v variables for a 1-bit. Is this correct? I expected to update all four of the Lucas-chain variables each time through the loop, since the indexes of the chain increase at each step.
3) What have I done wrong?
1) I'm not expert with C/GMP, but it seems to me that Nicely runs through the bits of (n+1)/2 from right-to-left (least significant to most significant) where other authors run through the bits left-to-right. My code shown above runs through the bits left-to-right, but I have also tried running through the bits right-to-left, with the same result. Which order is correct?
Indeed, Nicely goes from least significant to most significant bit. He computes U(2^k) and V(2^k) (and Q^(2^k); all modulo N of course), in the mpzU2m and mpzV2m variables, and has U((N+1) % 2^k) resp V((N+1) % 2^k) stored in mpzU and mpzV. When a 1-bit is encountered, the remainder (N+1) % 2^k changes, and mpzU and mpzV are updated accordingly.
The other way is to compute U(p), U(p+1), V(p) and (optionally) V(p+1) for a prefix p of N+1 and combine those to compute U(2*p+1) and either U(2*p) or U(2*p+2) [ditto for V] depending on whether the next bit after the prefix p is 0 or 1.
Both methods are correct, like you can compute the power x^N going from left to right, having x^p and x^(p+1) as state, or from right to left having x^(2^k) and x^(N % 2^k) as state [and, computing U(n) and U(n+1) is basically computing ζ^n where ζ = (1 + sqrt(D))/2].
I - and others, apparently - find the left-to-right order simpler. I haven't done or read an analysis, it might be that right-to-left is computationally less expensive on average and Nicely chose right-to-left because of that.
2) It looks odd to me that Nicely only updates the u and v variables for a 1-bit. Is this correct? I expected to update all four of the Lucas-chain variables each time through the loop, since the indexes of the chain increase at each step.
Yes, that is correct, because the remainder (N+1) % 2^k == (N+1) % 2^(k-1) if the 2^k bit is 0.
3) What have I done wrong?
A small typo first:
if 1 < gcd(d, n) > n:
should be
if 1 < gcd(d, n) < n:
of course.
More substantially, you use the updates for Nicely's traversal order (right-to-left), but traverse in the other direction. That of course produces wrong results.
Further, when updating v
if bits[h] == 1:
u = u2 * v + u * v2
u = u if u % 2 == 0 else u + n
u = (u / 2) % n
v = (v2 * v) + (u2 * u * d)
v = v if v % 2 == 0 else v + n
v = (v / 2) % n
you use the new value of u, but you ought to use the old value.
def isLucasPrime(n):
dAbs, sign, d = 5, 1, 5
while 1:
if 1 < gcd(d, n) < n:
return False
if jacobi(d, n) == -1:
dAbs, sign = dAbs + 2, sign * -1
d = dAbs * sign
p, q = 1, (1 - d) // 4
u, v, u2, v2, q, q2 = 0, 2, 1, p, q, 2 * q
bits = []
t = (n + 1) // 2
while t > 0:
bits.append(t % 2)
t = t // 2
h = 0
while h < len(bits):
u2 = (u2 * v2) % n
v2 = (v2 * v2 - q2) % n
if bits[h] == 1:
uold = u
u = u2 * v + u * v2
u = u if u % 2 == 0 else u + n
u = (u // 2) % n
v = (v2 * v) + (u2 * uold * d)
v = v if v % 2 == 0 else v + n
v = (v // 2) % n
if h < len(bits) - 1:
q = (q * q) % n
q2 = q + q
h = h + 1
return u == 0
works (no guarantees, but I think it is correct, and have done some tests, all of which it passed).

Translating a piece of C++ to Python

I'm trying to convert some C++ to Python.
The C++ can be found at
from prime import prime
from fractions import gcd
from copy import copy
def phi(n, primes):
if n < 2:
return 0
if n in primes:
return n - 1
if (n & 1) == 0:
m = n >> 1
#return ~(m & 1) ? phi(m, primes) << 1 : phi(m, primes)
if ~(m & 1):
return phi(m, primes) << 1
return phi(m, primes)
for i in primes:
if i > n:
if n % i:
m = copy(i)
o = n / m
d = gcd(m, o)
#return d == 1 ? phi(m) * phi(o) : phi(m) * phi(o) * d / phi(d)
if d == 1:
return phi(m, primes) * phi(o, primes)
return phi(m, primes) * phi(o, primes) * d / phi(d, primes)
primes = []
for i in range(3, 10000000, 2):
if prime(i):
for i in range(80, 90): # a test to see if I am getting correct results
print phi(i, primes)
# returns 64, 54, 80, 82, 48, 64, 84, 56, 80, 88
# should be 32, 54, 40, 82, 24, 64, 42, 56, 40, 88
Basically, the function returns correct phi values for odd n, but returns double the correct value for even n. I suspect that where I am going wrong is at
m = copy(i)
whereas the C++ is
int m = *p;
I have looked up Wikipedia and seen that this is defining m as the value p is pointing to. Is this the problem? If not, what is?
I think you should use if not (m & 1), rather that if ~(m & 1), since the former is a check for odd/even numbers, while the latter would only return false if you pass -1 to it.
Tilde (~) is the bitwise negation operator. For integer values it holds that ~x == -x-1, which in your case won't happen at all.
int m = *p actually calls operator* of p, which is an iterator. It will return the integer that the iterator is currently on. For the given C++ code this is just syntactic sugaring (with a little bit of performance improvement), to avoid writing *p* every time.

Generating all possible permutations for a given base and number of digits

I'm sure this is pretty simple, but I'm stumped for a way to do this. Essentially if I have an array with P collumns and V^P rows, how can I fill in all the combinations, that is, essentially, all possible numbers in base V of P digits. For example, for P=3 and V=2:
Keep in mind that this is an 2 dimensional array, not an array of ints.
For P=4 and V=3.
Having this array generated, the rest of work for what I'm trying to devolop is trivial. So having some code/tips on how to do this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Taking your example with P=3 and V=2, in the first column you need this sequence of numbers:
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1
So you essentially want four 0's followed by four 1's.
In the second column you need:
0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1
So you want two 0's followed by two 1's, followed by the same again.
In general, in column number n, you need V^(P-n) of each digit, repeated V^(n-1) times.
Example when P=3 and V=2:
Column 1: We need V^(P-n) = 2^(3-1) = 4 of each digit, repeated V^(n-1) = 2^0 = 1 times:
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Column 2: We need V^(P-n) = 2^(3-2) = 2 of each digit, repeated V^(n-1) = 2^1 = 2 times:
[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]
Column 3: We need V^(P-n) = 2^(3-3) = 1 of each digit, repeated V^(n-1) = 2^2 = 4 times:
[0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1]
Some Python code that generates this sequence:
def sequence(v, p, column):
subsequence = []
for i in range(v):
subsequence += [i] * v**(p - column)
return subsequence * v**(column - 1)
Basically this is making a list of vp numbers from 0 to the largest number of digit width p in base v. numpy.base_repr can be used to do this in Python:
from numpy import base_repr
def base_of_size(base, size):
for i in range(base ** size):
yield base_repr(i, base).rjust(size, "0")
Additionally, itertools.product(range(v), repeat=p) is another Python builtin that does the job (it turns out most efficiently--see benchmark below).
Here's the algorithm from numpy.base_repr translated to C# (Convert.ToString() is very selective about bases):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Converter
public static IEnumerable<string> BaseOfSize(int baseN, int size)
for (int i = 0; i < Math.Pow(baseN, size); i++)
yield return BaseRepr(i, baseN).PadLeft(size, '0');
public static string BaseRepr(int n, int baseN)
string digits = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
var res = new List<char>();
for (int num = Math.Abs(n); num > 0; num /= baseN)
if (n < 0) res.Add('-');
return string.Join("", res);
public static void Main(string[] args)
foreach (var n in BaseOfSize(2, 3))
foreach (var n in BaseOfSize(3, 4))
Although the numpy version is simple to use and iterative, it's also slow. Using a recursive DFS approach means we don't have to compute each number from scratch, but can simply increment the previous number until we reach a new leaf. These versions don't use generators, but it's an easy adjustment:
def base_of_size(base, size):
def recurse(res, row, i=0):
if i >= size:
for j in range(base):
row[i] = j
recurse(res, row, i + 1)
return res
return recurse([], [None] * size)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Converter
public static List<List<int>> BaseOfSize(int v, int p)
var res = new List<List<int>>();
BaseOfSize(v, p, 0, new List<int>(new int[p]), res);
return res;
private static void BaseOfSize(int v, int p, int i, List<int> row, List<List<int>> res)
if (i >= p)
res.Add(new List<int>(row));
for (int j = 0; j < v; j++)
row[i] = j;
BaseOfSize(v, p, i + 1, row, res);
Quick benchmark (with generators):
from itertools import product
from time import time
from numpy import base_repr
def base_of_size(base, size):
def recurse(res, row, i=0):
if i >= size:
yield row[:]
for j in range(base):
row[i] = j
yield from recurse(res, row, i + 1)
return res
yield from recurse([], [None] * size)
def base_of_size2(base, size):
for i in range(base ** size):
yield base_repr(i, base).rjust(size, "0")
if __name__ == "__main__":
start = time()
list(base_of_size(10, 6))
end = time()
print("dfs:", end - start)
start = time()
list(base_of_size2(10, 6))
end = time()
print("base_repr:", end - start)
start = time()
list(product(range(10), repeat=6))
end = time()
print("product:", end - start)
dfs: 4.616123676300049
base_repr: 9.795292377471924
product: 0.5925478935241699
itertools.product wins by a long shot.
If there is varying number of options in each "digit", this code can be used.
Maybe in some optimization tool there exist algorithm to do this, because it could be useful for brute force method. Code below adds a column which shows "the value of biggest digit", it can be ignored:
import numpy as np
opt = options + [1] # Assumes options to be a list
opt_cp = np.flip(np.cumprod(np.flip(np.array(opt))))
ret = np.floor_divide(val[:,np.newaxis], opt_cp[np.newaxis,:])
ret[:,1:] = np.remainder(ret[:,1:], np.array(opt[:-1])[np.newaxis,:])
inds = ret[:,1:]
You could also use numpy's N-dimensional mesh grid functions.
np.mgrid[0:2,0:2,0:2].reshape((3, 8)).T
array([[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 1]])
np.stack(np.meshgrid(range(2), range(2), range(2), indexing='ij')).reshape(3, -1).T
or in general for any P, V:
np.mgrid[[slice(0, V)]*P].reshape((P, -1)).T
np.stack(np.meshgrid(*[range(V)]*P, indexing='ij')).reshape((P, -1)).T
There must be a more obvious way but I can't think what.