declaration in C and C++ and the habit of arranging code - c++

I don't know what this problem belong to , Just please spend your time to read. It involves a difference about C and C++ and a habit of writing code; the code is as follows:
I divide it into 3 files;
the main.c
unit_t *paa;
int main()
printf("out of memory\n");
printf("hello !%d",paa->number);
return 0;
anohter c: ke.c
void fuzhi(unit_t* pa)
pa->msg=(char *)malloc(20);
printf("fuzhi !");
the h file: myh.h
#ifndef P_H
#define P_H
typedef struct{
int number;
char *msg;
void fuzhi(unit_t* pa);
int a;
So the problem is when I run the code using C it has no problem ,but when I save it as cpp, the error is multiple definiton of 'a'; why?
The second question is I don't know the habit I arrange the code is good or not. Is someone give me some good advice? When the code is big , I usually put the declaration in the h file and use a c/cpp the write the definition of the function. Then use a main c/cpp to meet the main function. Can someone give me some good advice about writing code, I am a new learner.

The first thing you have to remember is that C and C++ are different languages, and so have different rules about globally declared variables. And you do have the global variable a defined multiple times: Once in the main.c file and once in the ke.c file.
This is because you define the variable in the header file, which you include in both your source files. What you should do is declare the variable in the header file, and then define it in a single source file.
For example, in the header file you should have
extern int a;
And in one source file:
int a;

The compilation process as follows:
For each c. or .cpp file (called compilands):
preprocess the file, resolving all macros, #includes, etc...
compile the file, producing the object file .o. Object file contains machine code, but non-local variables are still referenced by names.
Then at the end link all object files, which includes:
resolving all the non-local variable names
replacing those with addresses
In your case, you have two compilands: main.c and ke.c.
During preprocessing, both include the .h file. As a result, both compilands declare a global variable int a. Each compiland uses its own copy of that global variable.
Then, the linker tries to resolve the names and is surprised seeing two object files defining two variables under the same name.
To solve it, in C++ header you use the keyword "extern":
extern int a;
This indicates that there will be a global variable a, but it not defines it (similarly to a function declaration without definition). In one of the compilands you then need to repeat the normal int a definition, but in a place that is not seen by other compilands (that is - not in a header)


Proper use of header in C++

I am playing around with multiple files in C++, and I have come of with the following example with does not compile:
#include <iostream>
#include "const.hpp"
using namespace std;
int main()
extern double var;
var = 5;
cout << var << endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include "const.hpp"
using namespace std;
void func()
extern double var;
cout << var << endl;
#ifndef CONST_H
#define CONST_H
double var;
My program does not compile, because apparently there is a multi-definition of var. Am I correct to assume that, based on this example, a header file is not intended to be used for declaring variables as in my example above?
Instead, the correct procedure is to declare all variables in a .cpp file and use a header to tell each (relevant) translation unit that the .cpp file contains an external (extern) variable?
EDIT: Is it correct that an exeption to my rule above is when dealing with constant variables (const), which should be defined in a header?
double var; is a definition - including that header in multiple files will violate the one definition rule. If you want a global (think twice) you'll have to declare it in the header - extern double var; and move the definition to a single implementation file.
Am I correct to assume that, based on this example, a header file is not intended to be used for declaring variables as in my example above?
A header file is intended for declaring variables, but your header file defines a global variable with external linkage, and it is imported multiple times. The linker then reasonably complains about multiply defined symbols.
Instead, the correct procedure is to declare all variables in a .cpp file and use a header to tell each (relevant) translation unit that the .cpp file contains an external (extern) variable?
Yes, except that you would not be declaring the global variables in that .cpp file, but rather providing a definition for them.
#ifndef CONST_H
#define CONST_H
// ...
extern double var;
// ^^^^^^
globals.cpp (could be any other .cpp file, as long as it is only one)
// ...
double var;
Also, if you are wondering about the reason why your include guards won't protect you in this case, this may help you .
Is it correct that an exception to my rule above is when dealing with constant variables (const), which should be defined in a header?
In a sense, yes. Global variables qualified as const have internal linkage by default, which means that each translation unit will receive a private copy of that variable. So even when the variable's definition is included by multiple translation unit, the linker will not complain about multiply defined symbols.

C: Using functions from files within in the same project

My question does not link to a direct example, but is more of a question as a whole. When I was coding with C++, I found (after looking through some threads) that in order to use functions from different files that are in the same project, I would either need a header file. So, for example, if I have the main function in a file called "main.cpp" and I wanted to use a function, "prob1()" in another file called "problem1.cpp", I would need to use a header file.
What is confusing me is why I do not have to worry about this for programming in C? When I was programming in C, in order to use functions from different files, I could call the function directly.
Any help/explanation is appreciated. Thanks!
Your C compiler can implicitly declare the function, but you should be doing so yourself. If you turn up the warnings, you'll see something like:
file1.c: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘func_from_f2’
When file1.c is being compiled, this implicit declaration will be used to create an object file and then when linking you have to just hope that the function actually does exist and the declaration is correct so that the object files can be linked together successfully.
If not, the linker will give you an error somewhere along the lines of:
undefined reference to `func_from_f2'
You also don't necessarily need a header file, you can simply include the declaration/prototype of the function in your source file (the #include directive essentially does this for you). ie. the below will work fine without warnings:
void func_from_f2(void);
int main(void)
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
void func_from_f2(void)
However, it's usually best practice that you do use a header file:
#include "file2.h"
int main(void)
return 0;
#ifndef FILE2_H
#define FILE2_H
void func_from_f2(void);
#include <stdio.h>
#include "file2.h"
void func_from_f2(void)
In C, the compiler will guess the correct prototype if you haven't provided one. It very often guesses wrong, and then your program breaks.
Whether C or C++, it's always a good idea to put forward declarations in a header file that also gets #included into the implementation file, where the compiler can check for mismatch.

C++ variable shared by 2 files

I have 4 files:
#ifndef SHARED_H
#define SHARED_H
int* sth;
class foo
void printVar();
#include <iostream>
#include "something.h"
#include "shared.h"
using namespace std;
void foo::printVar()
cout<<"Foo: "<<*sth<<endl;
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "shared.h"
#include "something.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
sth=new int(32);
foo x;
cout<<"Main: "<<*sth<<endl;
Compiler returns multipe definition of *sth;
I added static modifier to the *sth and it compiles, but crashes. I changed the printings to print the adresses of pointer and I had program returned:
Main: 0x3e0f20
Foo: 0
Why is the foo's pointer not assigned? I want to assign it only once in main and then share in other files... How can I do this? Is it something with extern modifier?
Thanx for any replies.
In shared.h you want to say:
extern int* sth;
to promise the compiler that sth exists somewhere.
Then in one (and only one) of the .cpp files you need to write:
int* sth;
To make it actually exists. In general you probably want to read about the difference between declaration and definition. As a rule of thumb you only want to declare things in header files, not define them.
When you wrote static previously you said that a variable with the same name exists in every file, but is "local" to each, i.e. the sth in main.cpp won't be the same as the sth in something.cpp.
Yes, use extern. Put extern int* sth; in the header, and then in one of the source files put int* sth;.
extern tells the compiler and linker that the actual variable/function definition is in another compilation unit (i.e. another source file).
You need to mark sth as extern in the header to make it a declaration, and provide a definition for it in one of the cpp files. Otherwise, the variable is declared in each compilation unit where the header is included, which is not the effect you are looking for.
P.S. I assume that you know why global variables are not good, right?
"I have 4 files".
Let me stop you right there. I agree that you have four files, but that's not really relevant. You have two translation units. A translation unit is the quantum of text that is fed into your compiler. Your translation units, let's call them MAIN and SOMETHING, consist of the result of preprocessing your files main.cpp and something.cpp, respectively.
After preprocessing, each of your translation units includes a line int *sth; This line declares and defines the variable sth.
The one-definition-rule requires that you have, in your entire program, exactly one (not more, not fewer) definition of sth. In order to accomplish this, you must have exactly one source-code line int *sth; in exactly one translation unit, and as many extern int *sth; as you require.
In your case, I would put int *sth; in MAIN and extern int *sth; in SOMETHING. Additionally, you can have as many extra copies of extern int *sth; as you feel like -- they won't hurt anything.
Now, back to your four files. You should put extern int *sth; in shared.h. This means that MAIN and SOMETHING will both have an extern line in them. You should also put int *sth; in main.cpp, so that MAIN will have the definition.
And there you are: MAIN and SOMETHING both have extern lines, so they are both referring to the same variable. MAIN also has a definition. so the sth variable has exactly one of those.
Aside: Why does static int *sth; in shared.h do the wrong thing?
Because each of the two translation units see their own static declaration. A static declaration reduces the linkage of the declared name to that single translation unit.
You don't want to make it a static global as that will create a local sth in every translation unit and you are only allocating it in one. This is why it crashed in Foo::printVar as in that scope it was an uninitialized pointer.
You want to declare it as extern int* sth; in the shared header then put int* sth; before main or in at least one place before it's used.
Actually, if you really need a globally accessible object, allocated on the heap, and you want to share it then it may be better as extern std::shared_ptr<int> sth;. Define it as std::shared_ptr<int> sth; the same way in one of the CPP files and call std::make_shared to allocate it. This way deallocating the memory will be handled automatically when the last object that uses it goes out of scope.

Can I include global static member?

There are few global variables which are static in one of the header files. I see these variables are used in the associated .cc files. So, looks like this has no issues.
My questions are:
Whats the difference between including a global variable vs static global variable ?
I know static global doesnt have visibility outside its file. But dont know how this would work when it comes as part of a .h which is #included.
I wrote a sample program, and tried the same thing. But, I get compilation error the moment I make the variable static. When it is just global, it is fine.
So, is there something which I am missing on a regular g++ build ? (Please note, the initial case was on our official code base which has enough makefiles, .h files and all).
Thanks for the help !
Here is my sample program :
.h file:
#include <iostream>
typedef unsigned int uint;
static const int appk=189;
class abc1
abc1(int x);
virtual void printVal();
.cc file:
#include "abc1.h"
extern int appk;
abc1::abc1(int x)
void abc1::printVal()
printf("abc1 print: %d\n", appk);
(1) If you put a global variable in a .h file and include it in various .cpp/.cc files then it will be defined multiple times for every file. So you are most like to get a linker error.
To overcome that, mostly you are likely to use extern keyword:
// myfile.h
extern int i;
and define that in only one translation unit:
int i;
(2) If you put a static global in a .h file and include it, then you will not get any error, because for every different translation unit, there will be a different copy for that static global variable.
// myfile.h
static int i; // creates a unique and unrelated copy in all .cc file where included
However, such usage is deprecated; instead of that it's better to use unnamed namespace:
namespace {
int i;
From your question, I don't see that you should get any linker error for static global.
Hard to tell your compilation error without code, but if you have a header that declares a static global, then you just create that global variable independently and separately in each translation unit that includes the header.
#ifndef H_XXX
#define H_XXX
static int a;
#include "header.h"
// now have access to a variable called "a"
#include "header.h"
// now also have access to some "a"
The two files both have access to a global variable called a, but each file has its own separate copy, private to its translation unit, which is not visible outside.
For a practical example, I think cout is declared as a static global, so everyone who uses <iostream> gets their own copy.
static variable has internal-linkage. What it means is that if you have a static variable a in x.h and you include x.h in two files say m.cpp and n.pp then each of these two files gets its own copy of a which means if you change its value in m.cpp, then n.cpp is not going to see that change, because there exists two variables with same name in each translation unit (.cpp). And they're independent of each other.
But if a is not static, then including x.h in more than one files, you will get multiple-definition error, because each inclusion of x.h will try to define a, but since a is not static; it has external linkage now, which means if its defined in m.cpp, then you will get error when including x.h in n.cpp (or vice-versa). In this case, you've to write x.h as:
extern int a;
And then define a in exactly one .cpp file, either m.cpp or n.cpp, but not both. Say its m.cpp.
#include "x.h"
int a =10;
And you're done. Now you can include x.h in as many .cpp file as you want, and can access a, modify its value, do whatever you want. Any change to it, will be seen by all .cpp files now.

Using struct in different .cpp file

I have two .cpp files in one project, main.cpp and myfile.cpp
I have globaly defined struct mystruct in main.cpp, now I want to use this struct in myfile.cpp.
When I write mystruct in a header file and include in both cpp files I get an error, saying mystruct redefinition. How should I solve this problem.
If you are trying to share the definition of a struct among several compilation units (cpp files), the common way is this: Place the definition of your struct in a header file (mystruct.h). If the struct contains any methods (i.e. it is rather a class with all member public by default), you can implement them in mystruct.CPP file, or, if they're lightweight, directly within the struct (which makes them inline by default).
#ifndef MYSTRUCT_H
#define MYSTRUCT_H
struct MyStruct
int x;
void f1() { /* Implementation here. */ }
void f2(); /* Implemented in mystruct.cpp */
#include "mystruct.h"
// Implementation of f2() goes here
void MyStruct::f2() { ... }
You can use your struct in as many cpp files as you like, simply #include mystruct.h:
#include "mystruct.h"
int main()
MyStruct myStruct;
myStruct.x = 1;
// etc...
If, on the other hand, you are trying to share a global instance of the struct across several compilation units (it's not absolutely clear from your question), do as above but also add
extern MyStruct globalStruct;
to mystruct.h. This will announce that an instance is available with external linkage; in other words that a variable exists but is initialized elsewhere (in your case in mystruct.cpp). Add the initialization of the global instance to mystruct.cpp:
MyStruct globalStruct;
This is important. Without manually creating an instance of globalStruct, you'd get unresolved-external linker errors. Now you have access to globalStruct from each compilation unit that includes mystruct.h.
You should move the common struct to a header file and include that header in both files. Any other solution is a workaround.
The problem is that you basically have the same code twice as a result if you see an include as just a import of the code.
You can use #ifdef to fix it, see
Declaration and definitions are two different things. For your case, you are allocating space for your structure in main.cpp. In your header, you should use the extern modifier for your struct so that all files that include the header file will look in the global namespace for the structure. Hope it helps.
The standard C/C++ approach:
// source.h
Put all struct, class, typedef, macro definitions, extern variable declaraltions
// source.cpp
Implement the class, functions, define global/external variables
// main.cpp, and other parts of program
You should define structure in the header file only, you should remove definition from main.cpp
May be you can give more information about what is the layout of your project.
Going by the guess, probably your problem can be either of the two:
you want forward declaration of struct.
using include guards to prevent redefinition.
See the following link for how to handle both:
The header files also use include guards, so you can figure out what exactly can solve your problem.
If you want to share any variable between multiple cpp files, you should declare it in header as extern. And without extern in one of that c++ files.
If you don't do it, it'll lack at linking, because multiple objects would have variable with same name. Instead when using extern one object would have this variable and other objects link it.
The header is where you declare what your struct will consist of (probably a common.h file included by main.cpp and myfile.cpp):
struct MyStruct {
int messageID;
int tempVariable;
In your main.cpp, this is where you actually use the struct:
void someFunction() {
struct MyStruct tempStruct;
// do something with it
tempStruct.messageID = 1;
Don't put the definition of your struct in both your main.h and main.cpp - or you will get a redefinition error!
Also, don't include the cpp file - include the header file (e.g. common.h). Without knowing more about the structure of your program, it is hard to provide better information.