Hello World PipeLine with ShelCommandlActivity - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to create a simple dataFlow pipeline with a single Activity of ShellCommandActivity type. I've attached the configuration of the activity and ec2 resource.
When I execute this the Ec2Resource sits in the WAITING_ON_DEPENDENCIES state then after sometime changes to TIMEDOUT. The ShellCommandActivity is always in the CANCELED state. I see the instance launch and very quicky changes to the terminated stated.
I've specified a s3 log file url, but that never gets updated.
Can anyone give me any pointers? Also is there any guidance out there on debugging this?

You are currently forcing your instance to shut down after 1 minute which gives the TIMEOUT status if it can't execute in that time. Try increasing it to 50 minutes.
Also make sure you are using an AMI that runs Amazon Linux and that you are using full absolute paths in your scripts.
S3 log files are written as:


How to send parameters to EC2 instance aws

I am fairly new to AWS and would like your suggestions. The problem I would like to solve is that I want to automate the process. I have this ec2 image running ubuntu and I want to call this executable "executable_hello_world_repeat" inside the image which prints "Hello World" every second. and when calling the executable I want to add input parameters such as "executable_hello_world_repeat -n10" this would print "hello world" 10 times.
Manually I can do the following:
go to AWS management console and choose the ec2 image to start
check if the instance is running successfully
from the terminal call "executable_hello_world_repeat -n10"
it prints the "Hello World"
I want to write a program to do them all programatically. Eventually I will have a web page in React/JS and automate this process.
Thanks for reading.
When an Amazon EC2 instance is first launched, a User Data script can be provided, which is automatically executed as the root user towards the end of the boot process. You can use this script to install software, configure settings, start process, etc.
Please note that this script only runs on the first boot, because the software does not need to be installed on subsequent boots.
If you want a script to run on every boot, put it in the /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/ directory.
If you later want to trigger a script to run, then you will need some mechanism that receives this request and runs the script. A few ways you could do this are:
Run a web server on the instance and the request comes via an HTTP / REST request, or
Trigger the AWS Systems Manager Run Command that will cause a script to be run on the instance, or even multiple instances, or
Have a program or script running on the instance that is continuously polling an Amazon SQS queue. When a message is received from the queue, trigger a program/script to process the message. This is known as a "Worker" that pulls from the Queue
The EC2 instance is basically just a normal Linux instance, so you'll need to somehow get something to trigger on the instance when desired.

How to run docker task with Amazon ECS - getting error `STOPPED (CannotStartContainerError: Error response from dae)`

My goal is to execute a benchmark deployed as a docker image. While doing so, I had too many issues, so I decided to first make something extremely trivial work.
So I decided to follow the guide in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/create-task-definition.html
and use the "ping" example - it should just ping a domain couple of times, and stop.
The problem is, I always receive this message in the task status:
STOPPED (CannotStartContainerError: Error response from dae)
I tried it with various subnets and security groups, but the result is always the same - the task starts, and after a minute or two fails with the message above.
I even tried it on a fresh new AWS account, using these steps:
in https://us-east-2.console.aws.amazon.com/ecs/ created new cluster (networking only)
in task definitions, created a taskdef
with docker image alpine:latest, command ping -c 4 google.com
then I select the cluster, switch to "tasks" tab, and enter the run dialog
with one of pre-created subnets
After executing:
the task appears in the cluster's tasks list in PENDING state
it takes couple of minutes
eventually (using refresh button), it changes to the mentioned message - STOPPED (CannotStartContainerError: Error response from dae)
My guess is that the reason is:
either the task cannot download the image
or the instance cannot reach outside net
What can I be doing wrong? How to fix?
In my case too the log group was the problem. The one I had configured wasnt working. Hence I enabled the "Auto-configure CloudWatch Logs" option in the "Log Configuration" of the container settings.
Also if you open the stopped task, navigate to the container section, expand it, under the Details section you can see a detailed error message. Screenshot below
It could be a problem with the entry point as pointed in the comments of the question (in the task definition) Entrypoint: ["sh","-c"]
It could also be a bad reference, for example a wrong log group in the LogConfiguration or something similar.
I just create de group log in my cloudwatch console because it have not created, and now everything is going well.

Cloud composer tasks fail without reason or logs

I run Airflow in a managed Cloud-composer environment (version 1.9.0), whic runs on a Kubernetes 1.10.9-gke.5 cluster.
All my DAGs run daily at 3:00 AM or 4:00 AM. But sometime in the morning, I see a few Tasks failed without a reason during the night.
When checking the log using the UI - I see no log and I see no log either when I check the log folder in the GCS bucket
In the instance details, it reads "Dependencies Blocking Task From Getting Scheduled" but the dependency is the dagrun itself.
Although the DAG is set with 5 retries and an email message it does not look as if any retry took place and I haven't received an email about the failure.
I usually just clear the task instance and it run successfully on the first try.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
Empty logs often means the Airflow worker pod was evicted (i.e., it died before it could flush logs to GCS), which is usually due to an out of memory condition. If you go to your GKE cluster (the one under Composer's hood) you will probably see that there is indeed a evicted pod (GKE > Workloads > "airflow-worker").
You will probably see in "Tasks Instances" that said tasks have no Start Date nor Job Id or worker (Hostname) assigned, which, added to no logs, is a proof of the death of the pod.
Since this normally happens in highly parallelised DAGs, a way to avoid this is to reduce the worker concurrency or use a better machine.
EDIT: I filed this Feature Request on your behalf to get emails in case of failure, even if the pod was evicted.

GoCD Custom Command

I am trying to run a very simple custom command "echo helloworld" in GoCD as per the Getting Started Guide Part 2 however, the job does not finish with the Console saying Waiting for console logs and raw output saying Console log for this job is unavailable as it may have been purged by Go or deleted externally.
My job looks like the following which was taken from typing "echo" in the Lookup Command (which is different to the Getting Started example which I tried first with the same result)
Judging from the screenshot, the problem seems to be that no agent is assigned to the task. For an agent to be assigned, it must satisfy all of these conditions:
An agent must be running, and connected to the server
The agent must be enabled on the "Agents" page
If you use environments, the job and the agent need to be in the same environment
The agent needs to have all of the resources assigned that are configured in the job
Found the issue.
The Pipelines have to be in the same Environment to work.

Recommendation for batch processing on aws

I'm new to using AWS, so any pointers would be appreciated.
I have a need to process large files using our in-house software.
It takes about 2GB of input and generates 5GB of output, running for 2 hours on a c3.8xlarge.
For now I do it manually, start an instance (either on-demand or spot-request), but now I want to reliably automate and scale this processing - what are good frameworks or platform or amazon services to do that?
Especially regarding the possibility that a spot-instance will be terminated half-way through (and I'll need to detect that and restart the job).
I heard about Python Celery, but does it work well with amazon and spot-instances?
Or are there other recommended mechanisms?
Thank you!
This is somewhat opinion-based, but you can mix and match some of the AWS pieces to make this easier:
put the input data on S3
push an entry into a SQS queue indicating a job needs to be processed with a long visibility timeout
set up an autoscaling policy based on SQS with your machine description in CloudFormation.
use UserData/cloudinit to set up the machine and start your application
write code to receive the queue entry, start processing, finish processing, then delete the SQS message.
code should check for another queued entry. If none, code should terminate machine.