Regex to "ignore" not "exclude" - regex

I'm totally lost. I need a regular expression that
can detect any of the 4 starting urls like below
And ... .
should detect:
(any punctuation or space or backspace)(3 times the letter w in upper or lower case)(one dot)(anything)
And ... . which is important
Should Ignore, but NOT Exclude... . the following exact string (either it's present in the page or not)
Which is complicated for me, because i still need to include it in the regex line
even if it's ignored, otherwise, it will match & be found in
And my aim is to find/match any url besides
even if it's in the page, Or if it's not present.
so if there's only this in the page:
& no other url.. then it shouldn't match.
Thanks Tyler but my regex knowledge is almost zero, i can only know what commands do when i right click on them to chose actions like in regulazy or regexr ((
So i updated my command according to the url i provided to you:
& it works:
But because of my lack of knowledge, i don't understand how to do that below
"What you could do is make the http part optional, or must match http or www or both. This type of regex came up in another question I answered recently - Multiple preg_replace RegEx for different URLs"
I tried to add this, but it doesn't work:
All i'm missing now is detection of urls starting with www
(any punctuation or space or backspace)(3 times the letter w in upper or lower case)(one dot)(anything till it reaches a space or the end of a line)

OK so try this:
Test here:
That test link uses javascript-style regex, but should work elsewhere.
The important part is the second half - a negative lookahead, that checks what follows is not the exact text
I compressed what you had: mine matches http then an optional s then either :// or %3A%2F%2F.
I wrapped the whole thing in word boundaries, you could change that to quotes or whatever you need. The global flag lets you match multiple items.
In regards to OP's questions:
could appear before http or https
this one is missing & should match:
If this matters, just remove the word boundary \b before and after the regex, so the http can match anywhere.
The regex command should detect: (any punctuation or space or backspace)(3 times the letter w in upper or lower case)(one dot)(anything)
This regex would fail to match a link like - looking for www is really not a good way to check for a link on its own. What you could do is make the http part optional, or must match http or www or both. This type of regex came up in another question I answered recently - Multiple preg_replace RegEx for different URLs
Edit #2:
(any punctuation or space or backspace)(3 times the letter w in upper or lower case)(one dot)(anything till it reaches a space or the end of a line)
As I mention above, what you are describing will not match a url like - but if that is what you want, use this:
Instead of that, what I think you want is this, which is a combination of my first answer, and the link to a different post above.
You'll want to use this regex with the Global and Insensitive flags


excluding canadian postal codes during shiping calculation

I'm currently designing a website on shopify, and now I have to create rules for shipping using parcelify.
We've manage to get our account to use the legacy version, which allows us to use regex to put restriction on where we can and can't ship. The only thing is I don't know anything about Regex, so I listened to a couple of tutorials online, and I've come up with a few options, but none of them do what I want to do:
allow shipping anywhere except for postal codes starting with:
So I've come up with this, I know it can probably be much simpler, but I'm just trying to get this rule to work, maybe I'm totally off and that's why I'm reaching out for help here.
/(^(?!g0C|G0E|G0G|G0J|g0t|g0w|g4r|g4t|g4w|g4w|g4x|g5j|g5l|g8p|j0m)) ?([a-zA-Z0-9]*.{3}$)/gim
From what I understand, if I use a negative lookahead that would be the key to exclude the every postal codes with the FSA (first three characters of a postal code) mentioned above.
When I try to put it in regex101, everything seems fine (unless I just don't get how to read the results), but when it comes to putting it into the shopify app (parcelify), acceptable postal codes are not able to place an order because I'm getting blocked at the shipping step...
Every Canadian postal code is built of 6 character if you don't count the space in the middle
If the string can also begin with a space, you can add that to the negative lookahead to rule out that as well.
The /i makes the pattern case insensitive.
Also allowing spaces at the end:
^(?! ?(?:g0C|G0E|G0G|G0J|g0t|g0w|g4r|g4t|g4w|g4x|g5j|g5l|g8p|j0m)) ?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9] *){6}$
The pattern matches:
^ Start of string
(?! Negative lookahead
?(?:g0C|G0E|G0G|G0J|g0t|g0w|g4r|g4t|g4w|g4w|g4x|g5j|g5l|g8p|j0m)) Match a space followed by any of the alternatives
? Match an optional space (Or * for multiple spaces)
(?:[a-zA-Z0-9] *){6} Repeat 6 times matching a char from the character class followed by optional spaces
$ End of string
Regex demo
A bit shortened version using character classes and accepting no spaces at the end:
^(?! ?(?:g0[Cw]|G0[EGJ]|g0t|g4[rtwx]|g5[jl]|g8p|j0m)) ?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9] *){5}[a-zA-Z0-9]$
Regex demo

Mistaken Squid Proxy regex? → ^.*stackoverflow\.*

I have several proxy rule files for Squid, and all contain rules like:
acl blacklisted dstdom_regex ^.*facebook\.* ^.*youtube\.* ^.*\.*
The patterns match against the domain name: dstdom_regex means destination (server) regular expression pattern matching.
The objective is to block some websites, but I don't know by what method: domain name, keywords in the domain name, ...
Let's expand/describe the pattern:
^.*stackexchange\.* The whole pattern
^ String beginning
.* Match anything (greedy quantifier, I presume)
stackexchange Keyword to match
\.* Any number of dots (.)
Totally legitimate matches: The Stack Exchange website.
stackoverflow.stackexchange: The imaginary Stack Exchange gTLD.
But these possible matches make it seem more like a keyword block:
And the pattern seems to contain a bug, since it allows the following invalid cases to match, thanks to the \.* at the end, although they never naturally occur:
you get the idea.
Anything containing stackexchange, even if separated by dots from everything else, is still a valid match.
So now, the question itself:
This all means that this is simply a match for stackexchange! (I'm assuming the original author didn't intend to match infinite dots.)
So why not just use the pattern stackexchange? Wouldn't it be faster and give the same results, except for the "bug" (\.*)?
I.e., isn't ^.*stackexchange equivalent to stackexchange?
Edit: Just to clarify, I didn't write those proxy rule files.
I don't understand why you use \.* to match all the following dots
However to bypass your problem you can try this out :
[^\.]* matches anything except a dot
\. then you match the dot
edit : formatting

Regex captures all occurrences but the last of certain characters

I want to exclude common punctuation from my URL Regex detector when my clients type a sentence with a URL in it. A common scenario would be the URL (which obviously needs to include the ?) versus a sentence saying
What do you think of
This expression suits my needs just fine:
However it includes all punctuation at the end, so I am iterating through each match to find and use this captured group to exclude said punctuation:
However, I'm not sure how to leverage the "end of string" technique when scanning the entire block of text which may have multiple URLs. Was hoping there'd be a way to capture the right blocks from the get-go without the extra work.
Just require non-whitespace after the punctuation instead of making it optional.
You will of course lose valid ending of URLs like will become but as far as I know there is no difference.

regex negative lookbehind - pcre

I'm trying to write a rule to match on a top level domain followed by five digits. My problem arises because my existing pcre is matching on what I have described but much later in the URL then when I want it to. I want it to match on the first occurence of a TLD, not anywhere else. The easy way to check for this is to match on the TLD when it has not bee preceeded at some point by the "/" character. I tried using negative-lookbehind but that doesn't work because that only looks back one single character.
e.g.: How it is currently working
matches .com/12345 even though I do not want this match because it is not the first TLD in the URL
e.g.: How I want it to work
matches on .net/12345 and ignores the later match on .com/12345
My current expression
EDIT: rewrote it so perhaps the problem is clearer in case anyone in the future has this same issue.
You're pretty close :)
You just need to be sure that before matching what you're looking for (i.e: (\.[a-z]{2,4})/\d{5}), you haven't met any / since the beginning of the line.
I would suggest you to simply preppend ^[^\/]*\. before your current regex.
Thus, the resulting regex would be:
How does it work?
^ asserts that this is the beginning of the tested String
[^\/]* accepts any sequence of characters that doesn't contain /
\.([a-z]{2,4})/\d{5} is the pattern you want to match (a . followed by 2 to 4 lowercase characters, then a / and at least 5 digits).
Here is a permalink to a working example on regex101.
You can use this regex:
Online Demo:

Notepad++ regex group capture

I have such txt file:
Trying to delete all subdomains with such regex:
Find: .+\.((.*?)\.(ru|ua|com\.ua|com|net|info))$
Replace with: \1
Why last line becomes instead of ?
This works without look around:
Find: [a-zA-Z0-9-.]+\.([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\.([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$
Replace: \1\.\2
It finds something with at least 2 periods and only letters, numbers, and dashes following the last two periods; then it replaces it with the last 2 parts. More intuitive, in my opinion.
There's something funny going on with that leading xxx. It doesn't appear to be plain ASCII. For the sake of this question, I'm going to assume that's just something funny with this site and not representative of your real data.
Interestingly, I previously had an incorrect answer here that accumulated a lot of upvotes. So I think I should preserve it:
Find: [a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\.(.+)$
Replace: \1\.\2
It just finds a host name with at least 2 periods in it, then replaces it with everything after the first dot.
The .+ part is matching as much as possible. Try using .+? instead, and it will capture the least possible, allowing the option to match.
This answer still uses the specific domain names that the original question was looking at. As some TLD (top level domains) have a period in them, and you could theoretically have a list including multiple subdomains, whitelisting the TLD in the regex is a good idea if it works with your data set. Both current answers (from 2013) will not handle the difference between "" and "" correctly.
Here is a quick explanation of why this psnig's original regex isn't working as intended:
The + is greedy.
.+ will zip all the way to the right at the end of the line capturing everything,
then work its way backwards (to the left) looking for a match from here:
With the regex engine will first fail to match a,
then it will move the token one place to the left to look at "ua"
At that point, ua from the regex (the second option) is a match.
The engine will not keep looking to find "" because ".ua" met that requirement.
Niet the Dark Absol's answer tells the regex to be "lazy"
.+? will match any character (at least one) and then try to find the next part of the regex. If that fails, it will advance the token, .+ matching one more character and then evaluating the rest of the regex again.
The .+? will eventually consume: srfsf.jwbefw before matching the period, and then matching
But the implimentation of ? also creates issues.
Adding in the question mark makes that first .+ lazy, but then causes group1 to match instead of
This is because that first period after the bb will match, then inside group 1 (.*?) will match bb.prontube. before \.(ru|ua|com\.ua|com|net|info))$ matches .ru
To avoid this, change that third group from (.*?) to ([\w-]*?) so it won't capture . only letters and numbers, or a dash.
resulting regex:
Note that you don't need to capture any groups other than the first. Adding ?: makes the TLD options non-capturing.
last change:
Search what: .+?\.(\w+\.(?:ru|com|com\.au))
Replace with: $1
Look in the picture above, what regex capture referring
It's color the way you will not need a regex explaination anymore ....