Accessibility for Vectors of Singly Linked Lists (or possibly a Linked List of Linked Lists) - c++

Been wracking my mind all day trying to hammer out the underlying data structures for a challenge assignment in one of my programming classes.
The problem is as follows:
Given an assortment of objects (each of which includes an identifier and a weight) and a supply of containers (which have a fixed weight capacity), pack all the items using as few containers as possible without overloading any of them.
I have the logic aspects hammered out using a hodgepodge of arrays, but the dynamic nature of this assignment has me wanting to optimize things by using vectors and/or linked lists.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Item
int number;
double weight;
bool operator < (const Item& str) const
return (weight < str.weight);
class Node
int number;
double weight;
Node* next;
void SetID(int iNum)
number = iNum;
void SetWeight(double iWeight)
weight = iWeight;
void SetNext(Node* iNext)
next = iNext;
int GetID()
return number;
double GetWeight()
return weight;
Node* Next()
return next;
class List
Node* head;
double weight;
head = NULL;
weight = 0;
int Size()
Node* tmp;
int count = 0;
for (tmp = head; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->Next())
return count;
double Weight()
return weight;
void Print()
Node *tmp = head;
if ( tmp == NULL )
cout << " E M P T Y" << endl;
cout << setw(8) << tmp->GetID() << " | " << setw(8) << tmp->GetWeight() << endl;
tmp = tmp->Next();
} while ( tmp != NULL );
void Append(int iNum, double iWeight)
Node* newNode = new Node();
Node *tmp = head;
if ( tmp != NULL )
while ( tmp->Next() != NULL )
tmp = tmp->Next();
head = newNode;
weight += iWeight;
double ItemWeights(vector<Item> iVect)
double total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < iVect.size(); i++)
total += iVect[i].weight;
return total;
int main()
const double MAX_WEIGHT = 20;
vector< Item > source;
// Segment of code which propagates the vector data
// works fine, but is excluded for the sake of brevity
double totalWeight = ItemWeights(source);
// Duplicate vector of items
vector< Item > items(source);
for(int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++)
cout << setw(8) << items[i].number << setw(8) << items[i].weight << endl;
cout << "\n Total weight = " << totalWeight << endl;
cout << "\n\n Press any key to continue... ";
// Solution A-Original
// vector< vector< Item > > boxesAO( vector< Item >);
// boxesAO[0].push_back({items[items.size()].number, items[items.size()].weight});
vector< List > boxesAO;
// boxesAO[0].Append(items[items.size()].number, items[items.size()].weight);
return 0;
I've left some of the methods I've tried in the code (commented out) - none of which worked. As I mentioned above, I've got it working with arrays of linked lists and with 2D arrays, but the vast range of potential input makes these problematic at best. Either a bunch of empty lists taking up space or, worse, not having enough.
I'm thinking that vector< List > is my best option, but I can't figure out how I'm supposed to access any of the List functionality.
If someone would be so helpful as to offer a suggestion for how to create a "dynamic 2D array" as well as a code example of how to access it, I would be most greatly appreciative. My deepest thanks in advance.
#jaredad7 ~ That's what I've been trying, but it keeps causing the program to crash.
List box;
box.Append(items[items.size()].number, items[items.size()].weight);
This works just fine - no problems whatsoever.
The earlier code propagates a 1D vector of Item structs, which also works properly.
vector< List > boxes;
boxes[0].Append(items[items.size()].number, items[items.size()].weight);
This compiles fine but crashes during execution, no matter what index is used. (I'm also using couts for debugging, and the issue most definitely lies with trying to access the List functions.)
I'm suspecting that .push_back or somesuch may be needed, but I haven't been able to find much information concerning vectors of List objects.

If you can, my first suggestion would be to go with the vector (if that is allowed). As for accessing functions/attributes of a member of a vector, it's done the same way as an array, that is:
The best way to do this without vectors would be to use your nodes as the item container (a struct), and handle node-creation, deletion, etc. in your list class. Then, you would only really need one container for as many objects of one type as you need. You can make the type dynamic (although it appears you only need doubles for this project) by adding a class template (use google if you are unfamiliar with templates in C++). This will allow your user to make a container for each type of data (much like a vector).


Hash table implementation in C++

I am trying the following code for Hash table implementation in C++. The program compiles and accepts input and then a popup appears saying " the project has stopped working and windows is checking for a solution to the problem. I feel the program is going in the infinite loop somewhere. Can anyone spot the mistake?? Please help!
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
/* Definitions as shown */
typedef struct CellType* Position;
typedef int ElementType;
struct CellType{
ElementType value;
Position next;
/* *** Implements a List ADT with necessary functions.
You may make use of these functions (need not use all) to implement your HashTable ADT */
class List{
Position listHead;
int count;
//Initializes the number of nodes in the list
void setCount(int num){
count = num;
//Creates an empty list
void makeEmptyList(){
listHead = new CellType;
listHead->next = NULL;
//Inserts an element after Position p
int insertList(ElementType data, Position p){
Position temp;
temp = p->next;
p->next = new CellType;
p->next->next = temp;
p->next->value = data;
return ++count;
//Returns pointer to the last node
Position end(){
Position p;
p = listHead;
while (p->next != NULL){
p = p->next;
return p;
//Returns number of elements in the list
int getCount(){
return count;
class HashTable{
List bucket[10];
int bucketIndex;
int numElemBucket;
Position posInsert;
string collision;
bool reportCol; //Helps to print a NO for no collisions
HashTable(){ //constructor
int i;
for (i=0;i<10;i++){
collision = "";
reportCol = false;
int insert(int data){
int col;
else { while(posInsert->next != NULL){
if (reportCol==true) col=1;
else col=0;
return col ;
/*code to insert data into
hash table and report collision*/
void listCollision(int pos){
cout<< "("<< pos<< "," << bucketIndex << "," << numElemBucket << ")"; /*codeto generate a properly formatted
string to report multiple collisions*/
void printCollision();
int main(){
HashTable ht;
int i, data;
for (i=0;i<10;i++){
int abc= ht.insert(data);
ht.listCollision(i);/* code to call insert function of HashTable ADT and if there is a collision, use listCollision to generate the list of collisions*/
//Prints the concatenated collision list
void HashTable::printCollision(){
if (reportCol == false)
cout <<"NO";
The output of the program is the point where there is a collision in the hash table, thecorresponding bucket number and the number of elements in that bucket.
After trying dubbuging, I come to know that, while calling a constructor you are not emptying the bucket[bucketIndex].
So your Hash Table constructor should be as follow:
HashTable(){ //constructor
int i;
for (i=0;i<10;i++){
bucket[i].makeEmptyList(); //here we clear for first use
collision = "";
reportCol = false;
//Creates an empty list
void makeEmptyList(){
listHead = new CellType;
listHead->next = NULL;
what you can do is you can get posInsert using
so that posInsert-> is defined
and there is no need to
while(posInsert->next != NULL){
because end() function is doing just that so use end() function

Adjacency list implementation in C++

I am looking for a concise and precise adjacency list representation of a graph in C++. My nodes are just node ids. Here is how I did it. Just want to know what experts think about it. Is there a better way?
This is the class implementation (nothing fancy, right now don't care about public/private methods)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
class adjList {
int head;
vector<int> listOfNodes;
void print();
void adjList :: print() {
for (int i=0; i<listOfNodes.size(); ++i) {
cout << head << "-->" << << endl;
class graph {
vector<adjList> list;
void print();
void graph :: print() {
for (int i=0; i<list.size(); ++i) {;
cout << endl;
My main function parses an input file line by line. Where each line is interpreted as following:
<source_node> <node1_connected_to_source_node> <node2_connected_to_source_node <node3_connected_to_source_node> <...>
Here is the main:
int main()
fstream file("graph.txt", ios::in);
string line;
graph g;
while (getline(file, line)) {
int source;
stringstream str(line);
str >> source;
int node2;
adjList l;
l.head = source;
while (str >> node2) {
return 0;
I know I should add addEdge() function inside adjList class instead of directly modifying its variable from main() however, right now I just wonder about the best structure.
There is one shortcoming in my approach. For a complicated graph with large number of nodes, node will indeed be a struct/class and in that case I will be duplicating values by storing the whole object. In that case I think I should use pointers. For example for an undirected graph, I will be storing copies of node objects in the adjList (connection between node 1 and 2 means 1's adjacency list will have 2 and vice versa). I can avoid that by storing pointers of node objects in the adjList instead of the whole object. Check the dfs implementation which get benefited by this approach. There I need to insure that each node gets visited only once. Having multiple copies of the same node will make my life harder. no?
In this case my class definitions will change like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class node {
node() {}
node(int id, bool _dirty): node_id(id), dirty(_dirty) {}
int node_id;
bool dirty;
class adjList {
node *head;
vector<node*> listOfNodes;
void print();
~adjList() { delete head;}
void adjList :: print() {
for (int i=0; i<listOfNodes.size(); ++i) {
cout << head->node_id << "-->" <<>node_id << endl;
class graph {
vector<adjList> list;
void print();
void dfs(node *startNode);
void graph::dfs(node *startNode) {
startNode->dirty = true;
for(int i=0; i<list.size(); ++i) {
node *stNode =;
if (stNode->node_id != startNode->node_id) { continue;}
for (int j=0; j<; ++j) {
if (!>dirty) {
cout << "Node: "<<startNode->node_id << endl;
void graph :: print() {
for (int i=0; i<list.size(); ++i) {;
cout << endl;
And this is how I implemented main() function. I am using a map<> to avoid duplication of objects. Creating a new object only when its not defined earlier. Checking existence of an object by its id.
int main()
fstream file("graph.txt", ios::in);
string line;
graph g;
node *startNode;
map<int, node*> nodeMap;
while (getline(file, line)) {
int source;
stringstream str(line);
str >> source;
int node2;
node *sourceNode;
// Create new node only if a node does not already exist
if (nodeMap.find(source) == nodeMap.end()) {
sourceNode = new node(source, false);
nodeMap[source] = sourceNode;
} else {
sourceNode = nodeMap[source];
adjList l;
l.head = sourceNode;
nodeMap[source] = sourceNode;
while (str >> node2) {
// Create new node only if a node does not already exist
node *secNode;
if (nodeMap.find(node2) == nodeMap.end()) {
secNode = new node(node2, false);
nodeMap[node2] = secNode;
} else {
secNode = nodeMap[node2];
startNode = sourceNode;
return 0;
After Ulrich Eckhardt suggestion to put adjacency list in node class, here is what I think is a better data structure to store a graph and perform dfs(), dijkstra() kind of operations. Please note that adjacency list is merged in node class.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class node {
node() {
node(int id, bool _dirty): node_id(id), dirty(_dirty) {
//cout << "In overloaded const\n";
int node_id;
bool dirty;
vector<node*> listOfNodes;
class graph {
vector<node*> myGraph;
void dfs(node* startNode);
void graph::dfs(node* startNode) {
startNode->dirty = true;
for (int j=0; j<startNode->listOfNodes.size(); ++j) {
if (!startNode->>dirty) {
cout << "Node: "<<startNode->node_id << endl;
Can we do better than this?
There are a few things that could be improved, but in general your approach is reasonable. Notes:
You are using int as index into a container, which will give you warning from some compilers, because the size of a container could exceed the size representable as int. Instead, use size_t.
Rewrite your for (int i=0; i<list.size(); ++i) to for(size_t i=0, size=list.size(); i!=size; ++i). Using != instead of < will work with iterators. Reading and storing the size once makes it easier to debug and possibly even more efficient.
Inside the loop to print, you have;. The will verify the index is valid and raise an exception when not. In this very simple case, I am sure that the index is valid, so using list[i] instead is faster. Also, it implicitly documents that the index is valid and not that you expect it to be invalid.
The print() functions should be constant.
I don't understand what the int head is. Is this some kind of ID for the node? And isn't the ID simply the index inside graph::list? If it is the index, you could compute that on demand using the address of the element minus the address of the first element, so there's no need to store it redundantly. Also, consider validating that index when reading, so you don't have any edges going to a vertex that doesn't exist.
If you don't care about encapsulation on a node-level (which is reasonable!), you could also make this a struct, which saves some typing.
Storing pointers instead of indices is tricky but could improve speed. The problem is that for reading, you might need a pointer to a vertex that doesn't exist yet. There is a hack that allows doing that without using additional storage, it requires first storing the indices in the pointer values (using reinterpret_cast) and after reading, making a second pass on the data where you adjust these values to the actual addresses. Of course, you can also use the second pass to validate that you don't have any edges going to vertices that don't exist at all (which is a place where the at(i) function becomes useful) so this second pass to verify some guarantees is a good thing anyway.
On explicit request, here's an example for how to store an index in a pointer:
// read file
for(...) {
size_t id = read_id_from_file();
node* node_ptr = reinterpret_cast<node*>(id);
/* Note that at this point, you do have node* that don't contain
valid addresses but just the IDs of the nodes they should finally
point to, so you must not use these pointers! */
// make another pass over all nodes after reading the file
for(size_t i=0, size=adjacency_list.size(); i!=size; ++i) {
// read ID from adjacency list
node* node_ptr = adjacency_list[i];
size_t id = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(node_ptr);
// convert ID to actual address
node_ptr = lookup_node_by_id(id);
throw std::runtime_error("unknown node ID in adjacency list");
// store actual node address in adjacency list
adjacency_list[i] = node_ptr;
I'm pretty sure that this works in general, though I'm not 100% sure if this is guaranteed to work, which was why I'm reluctant to post this here. However, I hope this also makes clear why I'm asking what exactly "head" is. If it is really just the index in a container, there is little need for it, neither inside the file nor in memory. If it is some kind of name or identifier for a node that you retrieved from a file, then you absolutely need it, but then you can't use it as index, the values there could as well start their IDs with 1 or 1000, which you should catch and handle without crashing!

singly linked chain printing c++

I am trying to pick my chain in the format {1,2,3,4,etc}. You can find the header file below which will have the layout of the nodes. I am just confused on how I should go about cycling through my list to print out Item.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
class Set
struct Node
int Item; // User data item
Node * Succ; // Link to the node's successor
unsigned Num; // Current count of items in the set
Node * Head; // Link to the head of the chain
// Return information about the set
bool is_empty() const { return Num == 0; }
unsigned size() const { return Num; }
// Initialize the set to empty
// Insert a specified item into the set, if possible
bool insert( int );
// Display the set
void display( ostream& ) const;
Here are two recommendations: 1) Sort the list first, then print all nodes; 2) Create another list (indices) to the data and sort those links (don't need data in those nodes).
Sorting List First
An often used technique is to order the nodes in the order you want them printed. This should involve changing the link fields.
Next, start at the head node and print each node in the list (or the data of each node in the list).
Using an Index list
Create another linked list without the data fields. The links in this list point to the data fields in the original list. Order the new list in the order you want the nodes printed.
This technique preserves the order of creation of the first list and allows different ordering schemes.
Changing Links
Since you're writing your own Linked List, the changing of the links is left as an exercise as I'm not getting paid to write your code. There are many examples on SO as well as the web for sorting and traversing linked lists.
You just want to do something like this:
void Set::display(ostream &out) const {
for(int i=0; i<Num; i++) {
out << Pool[i] << " ";
out << endl;
An ostream behaves as cout would.
It's hard to get your question. If you want to print the array to screen you should consider writing a display() like:
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
void Set::display() const {
ostream_iterator<int> out_it (cout," ");
cout << endl;
or if you want to write to a ostream& (as it is pointed out in the answer by #alestanis)
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
void Set::display(ostream &out) const {
ostream_iterator<int> out_it (out," ");
out << endl;
Without testing, I'd do something like this. (Assumes the last node has Succ set to NULL, as I would recommend it does.)
void LoopList(struct Node *head)
for (struct Node *p = head; p != null; p = p->Succ)
// Do whatever with this node
I think I was over thinking it. Anyway here is what I ended up doing. Now I just need to add some formatting for the commas and im all set.
Node * Temp;
Temp = new (nothrow) Node;
Temp = Head;
out << "{";
out << Temp->Item;
Temp = Temp->Succ;
out << '}' << endl;
Suppose your list is cyclical, you can use this:
struct Node *n = begin;
if (n != NULL) {
//do something on it
for (n = begin->Succ; n != begin; n = n->Succ) {
struct Node *n = begin;
if (n != NULL) {
do {
//do something
n = n->Succ;
} while (n != begin)

A Problem with Vectors (std::out_of_range)

Here is the description of my problem:
The Program's Description:
I am implementing a program in C++ that tests Prim's algorithm for finding minimum spanning trees. The objective of the program is calculating the number of seconds it takes to find the minimum spanning tree for a selected number of random graphs.
What i have done up to now?
I finished the implementation of the functions and the header files for the whole program. Since the source code is small, i decided for clarity reasons to paste it with this mail in order to provide a better visualization of the problem.
The Problem:
For some reason, i am facing some sort of "out of range" vector problem during the run time of the application.
The problem is marked in the ("Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.cpp") file.
Requesting help:
I would be really grateful if anyone can help me spotting the problem. I have inlined the source code with this question.
The Source Code:
The (Undirected_Graph.h) file:
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
#include <climits>
class Edge;
class Node
Node(int); //The constructor.
int id; //For the id of the node.
bool visited; //For checking visited nodes.
int distance;
vector <Edge*> adj; //The adjacent nodes.
class Edge
Edge(Node*, Node*, int); //The constructor.
Node* start_Node; //The start_Node start of the edge.
Node* end_Node; //The end of the edge.
int w; //The weight of the edge.
bool isConnected(Node* node1, Node* node2) //Checks if the nodes are connected.
return((node1 == this->start_Node && node2 == this->end_Node) ||
(node1 == this->end_Node && node2 == this->start_Node));
class Graph
Graph(int); //The Constructor.
int max_Nodes; //Maximum Number of allowed Nodes.
vector <Edge*> edges_List; //For storing the edges of the graph.
vector <Node*> nodes_List; //For storing the nodes of the graph.
void insertEdge(int, int, int);
int getNumNodes();
int getNumEdges();
The (Undirected_Graph.cpp) file:
#include "Undirected_Graph.h"
Node::Node(int id_Num)
id = id_Num;
visited = 0;
distance = INT_MAX;
Edge::Edge(Node* a, Node* b, int weight)
start_Node = a;
end_Node = b;
w = weight;
Graph::Graph(int size)
max_Nodes = size;
for (int i = 1; i <= max_Nodes; ++i)
Node* temp = new Node(i);
void Graph::insertEdge(int x, int y, int w)
Node* a = nodes_List[x-1];
Node* b = nodes_List[y-1];
Edge* edge1 = new Edge(a, b, w);
Edge* edge2 = new Edge(b, a, w);
int Graph::getNumNodes()
return max_Nodes;
int Graph::getNumEdges()
return edges_List.size();
The (Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.h) File:
class PKA
//inline void generateRandomGraph();
//-No Protected Data Members in this Class.
void runAlgorithms();
void prim();
The (Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.cpp) file
*(The problem is in this file and is marked below):*
#include "Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.h"
#include "Undirected_Graph.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
#include <cstdlib>
using std::rand;
using std::srand;
#include <ctime>
using std::time;
//============Global Variables and Settings for the program====================
const int numIterations = 1; //How many times the Prim function will run.
const int numNodes = 10; //The number of nodes in each graph.
const int numEdges = 9; //The number of edges for each graph.
const int sRandWeight = 1; //The "start" range of the weight of each edge in the graph.
const int eRandWeight = 100; //The "end" range of the weight of each edge in the graph.
void PKA::runAlgorithms() //Runs the Algorithms
srand( time(0) );
cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
//Calling the Functions:
cout << "\nRunning the Prim's Algorithms:\nPlease wait till the completion of the execution time" << endl;
//Start the clock for Prim's Algorithm:
clock_t start, finish;
start = clock();
for(int iter1 = 1; iter1 <= numIterations; ++iter1)
//Stop the clock for Prim and print the results:
finish = clock();
cout << "\n\tThe execution time of Prim's Algorithm:\t" << ((double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " s";
void PKA::prim()
//=============================Generating A Random Graph=======================
//Randomizing Values:
int randStartNode = rand() % numNodes; //Generation a random start node.
int randEndNode = rand() % numNodes; //Generating a random end node.
int randWeight; //Random weight for the edge.
while(randEndNode == randStartNode) //Checking if both randomized nodes are equal.
randEndNode = (rand() % numNodes);
Graph myGraph(numNodes);
for(int i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i)
//Generating a random weight:
randWeight = sRandWeight + rand() % eRandWeight;
//Inserting a new Edge:
myGraph.insertEdge(randStartNode, randEndNode, randWeight);
int currentNode = 0; //The current Node being under investigation.
int adjCounter = NULL; //How many adjacent nodes do we have for the current node.
int minDistance = NULL;
int minIndex = 0;
myGraph.nodes_List[0]->distance = 0; //Indicate the start node.
myGraph.nodes_List[0]->visited = 1; //The starting node is already considered as a visited node.
for(int i = 0; i < numNodes - 1; i++)
//Determine how many adjacent nodes there are for the current node:
adjCounter = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj.size();
if(adjCounter == 0) //If there are no adjacent nodes to the current node:
myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->>end_Node->visited = 1;
cout << "\n*******Not all nodes are connected!*******" << endl;
minDistance = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->>w;
minIndex = 0;
for(int counter = 0; adjCounter > 0; adjCounter--, counter++)
if(myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->end_Node->visited == false)
if(myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->distance > myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->w)
myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->distance = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->w;
if(minDistance > myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->w)
minDistance = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->adj[counter]->w;
minIndex = counter;
//=========================The Problem is in the following two lines====================
//Mark the current node as visited:
myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->>end_Node->visited = 1;
//Switching to the next node that we have just visited:
currentNode = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->>start_Node->id;
The (Client_Code.cpp) file: For testing the program.
#include "Prim_and_Kruskal_Algorithms.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main()
cout << "\nWelcome to the Prim and Kruskal Algorithms Comparison!" << endl;
cout << "\nPlease wait until the completion of the algorithms." << endl;
PKA myPKA; //Creating an object of the class.
myPKA.runAlgorithms(); //Running the Algorithm.
cout << "\n\nThe program terminated successfully!" << endl;
return 0;
Look at this line:
myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode]->>end_Node->visited = 1;
As an experienced C++ programmer, I find that line terrifying.
The immediate cause of trouble is that adj doesn't have as many members as you think it does; you're asking for (in my test run) the 5th element of a list of size zero. That sends you off the map, where you then start manipulating memory.
More generally, you are not checking bounds.
More generally still, you should allow these classes to manage their own members. Use accessors and mutators (getX() and setX(...)) so that member access happens all in one place and you can put the bounds checking there. Reaching down myGraph's throat like that is very unsafe.
You'll notice that I haven't said where/when/how the program diverges from intention so that the list doesn't have as many elements as it should. That's because it's too much trouble for me to track it down. If you organize the classes as I suggest, the code will be a lot cleaner, you can check your assumptions in various places, and the bug should become obvious.
To create a random connected graph, try this:
Graph myGraph(numNodes); //Create a new Graph.
// This ensures that the kth node is connected to the [1...(k-1)] subgraph.
for(int k=2 ; k<=numNodes ; ++k)
randWeight = rand() % eRandWeight;
myGraph.insertEdge(k, rand()%(k-1)+1, randWeight);
// This adds as many extra links as you want.
for(int i = 0; i < numExtraEdges; ++i)
randWeight = rand() % eRandWeight;
randStartNode = rand()%(numNodes-1)+1;
randEndNode = rand()%(numNodes-1)+1;
myGraph.insertEdge(randStartNode, randEndNode, randWeight);
You have too much code for a casual examination to be sure of anything. But the .at() method will throw the out-of-range exception that you mentioned and that crashing line occurs right after you've updated minIndex so I would suggest reviewing the code that determines that value. Are you using a debugger? What is the value of minIndex at the point of the exception and what is the allowable range?
Also, when you have a monster line of compounded statements like that, it can help in debugging problems like this and give you clearer, simpler looking code if you break it up. Rather than repeating big chunks of code over and over, you can have something like this:
Node * node = myGraph.nodes_List[currentNode];
Edge * minAdjEdge = node->;
Then use minAdjEdge to refer to that edge instead of that repeated compound statement.
It also seems odd to me that your first use of minIndex in the big loop is still using the value determined from the node in the previous iteration, but it's applying it to the new current node. Then you reset it to zero after possibly using the stale value. But that isn't near the line that you say is causing the crash, so that may not be your problem. Like I said, you have a lot of code pasted here so it's hard to follow the entire thing.
It is too much code, but what I can observe at the first glance is that for some reason you are mixing 0-based and 1-based iteration.
Is this intentional? Couldn't that be the cause of your problem?

How to add up int pointer values in a linked list in C++?

I've been working at this homework assignment for awhile and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. How my program is suppose to work:
User enters as many positive numbers as they so desire,
Numbers are in a linked list,
Numbers entered should be added up,
Divide by the amount of numbers entered,
Resulting in the average,
However, it's not working out as I had intended and I've been playing with this for over 3 hours now. I'd contact my teacher but she hasn't responded to my last message still and I need assistance right away. Thanks in advance.
Note: I need to traverse the list to add up all the entered numbers and count the number of nodes.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int num, total, num_entries = 1;
struct number_node
int number;
number_node *next;
number_node *head_ptr;
number_node *current_ptr;
int get_number_data(int &number);
void add_node(int &number);
void move_current_to_end();
void display_avg();
void delete_list();
int main()
head_ptr = new number_node;
head_ptr->number = num;
head_ptr->next = NULL;
return 0;
int get_number_data(int &number)
int keep_data = 1;
cout << "Enter a positive number (Enter a negative number to stop): ";
cin >> num;
if(num < 0)
keep_data = 0;
void add_node(int &number)
number_node *new_rec_ptr;
new_rec_ptr = new number_node;
new_rec_ptr->number = num;
new_rec_ptr->next = NULL;
current_ptr->next = new_rec_ptr;
void move_current_to_end()
current_ptr = head_ptr;
while(current_ptr->next != NULL)
current_ptr = current_ptr->next;
total = current_ptr->number + total;
void display_avg()
current_ptr = head_ptr;
cout << "Average = " << total / num_entries << endl;
void delete_list()
number_node *temp_ptr;
current_ptr = head_ptr;
temp_ptr = current_ptr->next;
delete current_ptr;
current_ptr = temp_ptr;
while(temp_ptr != NULL);
Right now you're mixing your data structure (linked list) with what you intend to use it for. Consider splitting your logic into:
Your I/O code.
The linked list implementation.
A function that takes a linked list, and computes the average.
You've got a lot of other stuff there and you didn't say what your code does, but I'd do something like this (untested):
int count = 0;
int total = 0;
for (ptr = head_ptr; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
total += ptr->number;
I know this won't help you with your homework, but here is a C++ STL program that satisfies your requirements:
As many inputs as the user desires
Numbers are stored in a linked list
Numbers are added up
Calculates and displays average
Good luck with your class.
#include <list>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
int main()
std::list<double> l;
std::insert_iterator<std::list<double> >(l, l.begin()));
size_t size = l.size();
std::cout << std::accumulate(l.begin(), l.end(), 0.0) / l.size()
<< std::endl;
Apologies: would have attached a comment to ask this introductory question. But apparently you need a higher rep than i currently have to do so.
#Brandon. Can i get you to clearly state that it is these functions:
int get_number_data(int &number)
void add_node(int &number)
void move_current_to_end()
void display_avg()
and only these that you are allowed to use? (And i quote you: "I just have to have it figure out the total and and # of nodes using those functions"
If so. Why? Have they been specified by your lecturer?