Is there a standard implementation to print std::duration as a human readable duration?
steady_clock::time_point start = steady_clock::now();
steady_clock::time_point end = steady_clock::now();
std::cout << "Operation took "
<< may_be_std::theMagic(start-end) << std::endl;
Which should print something similar to:
"Operation took 10d:15h:12m:14:s"
or something similar.
Agreed there is no standard implementation. Here is how you can write one yourself:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <chrono>
display(std::ostream& os, std::chrono::nanoseconds ns)
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
typedef duration<int, ratio<86400>> days;
char fill = os.fill();
auto d = duration_cast<days>(ns);
ns -= d;
auto h = duration_cast<hours>(ns);
ns -= h;
auto m = duration_cast<minutes>(ns);
ns -= m;
auto s = duration_cast<seconds>(ns);
os << setw(2) << d.count() << "d:"
<< setw(2) << h.count() << "h:"
<< setw(2) << m.count() << "m:"
<< setw(2) << s.count() << 's';
return os;
std::cout << "Operation took ";
display(std::cout, std::chrono::microseconds(918734000000));
std::cout << '\n';
Operation took 10d:15h:12m:14s
Based on Howard's answer, I wrote this to make sure that only the relevant data is printed out, so 120 seconds becomes 2m00s instead of 00d:00h:02m00s, and made sure to strip the leading zero, so its still 2m00s and not 02m00s.
Usage is simple:
std::chrono::seconds seconds{60*60*24 + 61};
std::string pretty_seconds = beautify_duration(seconds);
printf("seconds: %s", pretty_seconds.c_str());
>>seconds: 1d00h01m01s
std::string beautify_duration(std::chrono::seconds input_seconds)
using namespace std::chrono;
typedef duration<int, std::ratio<86400>> days;
auto d = duration_cast<days>(input_seconds);
input_seconds -= d;
auto h = duration_cast<hours>(input_seconds);
input_seconds -= h;
auto m = duration_cast<minutes>(input_seconds);
input_seconds -= m;
auto s = duration_cast<seconds>(input_seconds);
auto dc = d.count();
auto hc = h.count();
auto mc = m.count();
auto sc = s.count();
std::stringstream ss;
if (dc) {
ss << d.count() << "d";
if (dc || hc) {
if (dc) { ss << std::setw(2); } //pad if second set of numbers
ss << h.count() << "h";
if (dc || hc || mc) {
if (dc || hc) { ss << std::setw(2); }
ss << m.count() << "m";
if (dc || hc || mc || sc) {
if (dc || hc || mc) { ss << std::setw(2); }
ss << s.count() << 's';
return ss.str();
Here is a version that allows you to inline a duration with operator<<
It only prints what is necessary and allows setting the precision you want:
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, std::chrono::nanoseconds ns)
using namespace std::chrono;
using days = duration<int, std::ratio<86400>>;
auto d = duration_cast<days>(ns);
ns -= d;
auto h = duration_cast<hours>(ns);
ns -= h;
auto m = duration_cast<minutes>(ns);
ns -= m;
auto s = duration_cast<seconds>(ns);
ns -= s;
std::optional<int> fs_count;
switch (os.precision()) {
case 9: fs_count = ns.count();
case 6: fs_count = duration_cast<microseconds>(ns).count();
case 3: fs_count = duration_cast<milliseconds>(ns).count();
char fill = os.fill('0');
if (d.count())
os << d.count() << "d ";
if (d.count() || h.count())
os << std::setw(2) << h.count() << ":";
if (d.count() || h.count() || m.count())
os << std::setw(d.count() || h.count() ? 2 : 1) << m.count() << ":";
os << std::setw(d.count() || h.count() || m.count() ? 2 : 1) << s.count();
if (fs_count.has_value())
os << "." << std::setw(os.precision()) << fs_count.value();
if (!d.count() && !h.count() && !m.count())
os << "s";
return os;
Here are some usage examples:
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
int main()
cout << 918734032564785ns << "\n";
cout << setprecision(3) << 918734032564785ns << "\n";
cout << setprecision(9) << 918734032564785ns << "\n";
cout << setprecision(0) << 918734032564785ns << "\n";
cout << setprecision(3) << 432034ms << "\n";
cout << 14h + 32min + 37s + 645ms << "\n";
cout << 86472s << "\n";
cout << 4324ms << "\n";
return 0;
10d 15:12:14.032564
10d 15:12:14.032
10d 15:12:14.032564785
10d 15:12:14
1d 00:01:12.000
No, there is no standard implementation. You can get a human readable version of a std::chrono::time_point via std::put_time but not a std::chrono::duration.
Here is a templated version which works with all timeunits from chrono.
Credit goes to the responders before me.
template<typename T>
inline std::string format(T timeunit) {
nanoseconds ns = duration_cast<nanoseconds>(timeunit);
std::ostringstream os;
bool foundNonZero = false;
typedef duration<int, std::ratio<86400*365>> years;
const auto y = duration_cast<years>(ns);
if (y.count()) {
foundNonZero = true;
os << y.count() << "y:";
ns -= y;
typedef duration<int, std::ratio<86400>> days;
const auto d = duration_cast<days>(ns);
if (d.count()) {
foundNonZero = true;
os << d.count() << "d:";
ns -= d;
const auto h = duration_cast<hours>(ns);
if (h.count() || foundNonZero) {
foundNonZero = true;
os << h.count() << "h:";
ns -= h;
const auto m = duration_cast<minutes>(ns);
if (m.count() || foundNonZero) {
foundNonZero = true;
os << m.count() << "m:";
ns -= m;
const auto s = duration_cast<seconds>(ns);
if (s.count() || foundNonZero) {
foundNonZero = true;
os << s.count() << "s:";
ns -= s;
const auto ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(ns);
if (ms.count() || foundNonZero) {
if (foundNonZero) {
os << std::setw(3);
os << ms.count() << ".";
ns -= ms;
foundNonZero = true;
const auto us = duration_cast<microseconds>(ns);
if (us.count() || foundNonZero) {
if (foundNonZero) {
os << std::setw(3);
os << us.count() << ".";
ns -= us;
os << std::setw(3) << ns.count() << "ns" ;
return os.str();
I am trying to make a text game where there is a timer and once the game was finished before or in 60 seconds, there is a bonus points. However, I have no idea how can I get the value or the time from using the chrono without cout-ing it. I want to use the value for calculating the bonus point. i can cout the value through the .count() but I cannot get that value to use for the condition part.
here's my code for the scoring part:
void Game::score(auto start, auto end) {
int bonus = 0;
int total = 0;
string name;
gotoxy(10,8); cout << "C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S";
gotoxy(15,10); cout << "You have successfully accomplished all the levels!";
gotoxy(15,11); cout << "You are now a certified C-O-N-N-E-C-T-o-r-I-s-T" << char(002) << char(001);
gotoxy(20,13); cout << "= = = = = = = = = = GAME STATS = = = = = = = = = =";
gotoxy(25,15); cout << "Time Taken: " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::seconds>(end - start).count() << " seconds";
gotoxy(25,16); cout << "Points: " << pts << " points";
if (chrono::duration_cast<chrono::seconds>(end - start).count() <= 60) {
bonus == 5000;
} else if (chrono::duration_cast<chrono::seconds>(end - start).count() <= 90) {
bonus == 3000;
} else if (chrono::duration_cast<chrono::seconds>(end - start).count() <= 120) {
bonus == 1000;
gotoxy(30,17); cout << "Bonus Points (Time Elapsed): " << bonus;
total = pts + bonus;
gotoxy(25,18); cout << "Total Points: " << total << " points";
gotoxy(20,20); cout << "Enter your name: ";
cin >> name;"scoreboard.txt",ios::app);
scoreB << name << "\t" << total << "\n";
You should really use the chrono literals for comparing durations. See example here:
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using Clock = std::chrono::system_clock;
void compareTimes(std::chrono::time_point<Clock> startTime,
std::chrono::time_point<Clock> finishTime) {
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
std::chrono::duration<float> elapsed = finishTime - startTime;
std::cout << "elapsed = " << elapsed.count() << "\n";
if (elapsed > 10ms) {
std::cout << "over 10ms\n";
if (elapsed < 60s) {
std::cout << "under 60s\n";
int main() {
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
auto startTime = Clock::now();
auto finishTime = Clock::now();
compareTimes(startTime, finishTime);
return 0;
i have create a c++ app and need to read Ubuntu Netplan yaml files.
I found many websites with a lot of helpful information. mostly everything just does not work with netplan files. it crashes every time, usually when I set the root node to network. However, it is necessary because you still do not know what network card it is.
dhcp4: false
gateway4: ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- Network.local
renderer: networkd
version: 2
it must save into a struct for another works.
Parsing yaml with yaml cpp
yaml-cpp Easiest way to iterate through a map with undefined values
yaml-cpp read sequence in item
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include <yaml-cpp/node/node.h>
#include <yaml-cpp/node/iterator.h>
using namespace std;
static string path02 = "/Netzwerk.yaml";
struct NetInfo {
int ID;
string version;
string renderer;
string IF_Type;
string name;
string dhcp4;
vector<string> addresseIF;
string gateway4;
vector<string> NSsearch;
vector<string> NSaddress;
int main(){
NetInfo yamlsafe;
YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile(path02);
string NetzwerkTyp = config["network"]["ethernets"].as<std::string>();
string NetzManager = config["network"]["renderer"].as<string>();
string If_Name = config["network"]["eth0"].as<string>();
string DHCP4 = config["eth0"]["addresses"].as<string>();
string IP = config["eth0"]["dhcp4"].as<string>();
string Gateway = config["eth0"]["gateway4"].as<string>();
string NS_IP = config["nameservers"]["addresses"].as<string>();
string NS_Search = config["nameservers"]["search"].as<string>();
cout <<"NetzwerkTyp:" << "\t" << NetzwerkTyp << endl;
cout <<"Netz Manager:" << "\t" << NetzManager << endl;
cout <<"If-Name:" << "\t" << If_Name << endl;
cout <<"DHCP4" << "\t" << DHCP4 << endl;
cout <<"IP" << "\t" << IP << endl;
cout <<"Gateway" << "\t" << Gateway << endl;
cout <<"NS-IP" << "\t" << NS_IP << endl;
cout <<"NS-Search" << "\t" << NS_Search << endl;
//second test
YAML::Node config1 = YAML::LoadFile(path02);
const YAML::Node& sensors = config1["network"];
for (YAML::const_iterator it = sensors.begin(); it != sensors.end(); ++it) {
const YAML::Node& sensor = *it;
std::cout << "address: " << sensor["addresses"].as<std::string>() << "\n";
std::cout << "dhcp: " << sensor["dhcp4"].as<std::string>() << "\n";
return 0;
yes i had the same think i've bin see this tipe but
nothing is what it makes. it hange up the QT ide.
my second thing is the second test below.
YAML::Node config1 = YAML::LoadFile(path02);
const YAML::Node& node1 = config1["network"];
//network: ------------------------>node2
const YAML::Node& node2 = node1["network"]["ethernets"];
// ethernets: ------------------>node3
const YAML::Node& node3 = node2["ethernets"]["eth0"];
// eth0: --------------------->node4
const YAML::Node& node4 = node3["eth0"]["addresses"];
// addresses: ----------------------N1-> - seq1
const vector& node4s1 = node4["addresses"];
// -> - seq1 -p1
const YAML::Node& node4 = node3["eth0"]["dhcp4"];
// dhcp4: false ------------------>node4-2
const YAML::Node& node4 = node3["eth0"]["gateway4"];
// gateway4: ""-------->node4-3
const YAML::Node& node4 = node3["eth0"]["nameservers"];
// nameservers: ------------------>node4-4
const vector& node4s2 = node4["nameservers"]["addresses"];
// addresses: --------------------N5-> - seq2
// - ""--------------> - seq2 - p1
// - ""----------------> - seq2 - p2
// - ""---------------------> - seq2 - p3
const vector& node4s3 = node4["nameservers"]["search"];
// search: -----------------------N6-> - seq3
// - Network.local-----------------> - seq3 - p1
const YAML::Node& node2 = node1["network"]["renderer"];
// renderer: networkd---------->node5
const YAML::Node& node2 = node1["network"]["version"];
// version: 2------------------>node6
this is what i thing about it but it is not working.
Ok this is the answer i have a struct and i can read all nodes.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include <yaml-cpp/node/iterator.h>
using namespace std;
struct DateiLesen {
string version;
string renderer;
string IF_Type;
string name;
string dhcp4;
string dhcp6;
vector<string> addresseIF;
string gateway4;
string gateway6;
vector<string> NSsearch;
vector<string> NSaddress;
static vector<DateiLesen> DLS2;
static string path = "/QTProjects/YAML-15/test/Netzwerk.yaml";
void Yaml_lesen(){
YAML::Node nodew = YAML::LoadFile(path);
string NetIf = "eth0";
if (nodew["network"]) {
if (nodew["network"]["version"]) {
DLS2[0].version = nodew["network"]["version"].as<string>();
//std::cout << nodew["network"]["version"].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["renderer"]) {
DLS2[0].renderer = nodew["network"]["renderer"].as<std::string>();
//std::cout << nodew["network"]["renderer"].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"]) {
DLS2[0].IF_Type = "ethernets";
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]) {
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["dhcp4"]) {
DLS2[0].dhcp4 = nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["dhcp4"].as<string>();
//std::cout << nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["dhcp4"].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["dhcp6"]) {
DLS2[0].dhcp6 = nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["dhcp6"].as<string>();
//std::cout << nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["dhcp6"].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["addresses"]) {
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["addresses"].IsSequence()) {
for (unsigned long it = 0; it < nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["addresses"].size(); ++it) {
//cout << nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["addresses"][it].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["gateway4"]) {
DLS2[0].gateway4 = nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["gateway4"].as<string>();
//std::cout << nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["gateway4"].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["gateway6"]) {
DLS2[0].gateway6 = nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["gateway6"].as<string>();
//std::cout << nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["gateway4"].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["nameservers"]) {
//cout << "Nameservers" << endl;
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["search"]) {
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["search"].IsSequence()) {
for (unsigned long it = 0; it < nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["search"].size(); ++it) {
//cout << nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["search"][it].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["addresses"]) {
if (nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["addresses"].IsSequence()) {
for (unsigned long it = 0; it < nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["addresses"].size(); ++it) {
//cout << nodew["network"]["ethernets"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["addresses"][it].as<std::string>() << "\n";
}else if(nodew["network"]["wifis"]){
DLS2[0].IF_Type = "wifis";
if (nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]) {
if (nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["dhcp4"]) {
DLS2[0].dhcp4 = nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["dhcp4"].as<string>();
//std::cout << nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["dhcp4"].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["dhcp6"]) {
DLS2[0].dhcp6 = nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["dhcp6"].as<string>();
//std::cout << nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["dhcp6"].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["addresses"]) {
if (nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["addresses"].IsSequence()) {
for (unsigned long it = 0; it < nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["addresses"].size(); ++it) {
//cout << nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["addresses"][it].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["gateway4"]) {
DLS2[0].gateway4 = nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["gateway4"].as<string>();
//std::cout << nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["gateway4"].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["gateway6"]) {
DLS2[0].gateway6 = nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["gateway6"].as<string>();
//std::cout << nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["gateway4"].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["nameservers"]) {
cout << "Nameservers" << endl;
if (nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["search"]) {
if (nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["search"].IsSequence()) {
for (unsigned long it = 0; it < nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["search"].size(); ++it) {
//cout << nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["search"][it].as<std::string>() << "\n";
if (nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["addresses"]) {
if (nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["addresses"].IsSequence()) {
for (unsigned long it = 0; it < nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["addresses"].size(); ++it) {
//cout << nodew["network"]["wifis"][NetIf]["nameservers"]["addresses"][it].as<std::string>() << "\n";
}else if(nodew["network"]["bonds"]){
}else if(nodew["network"]["bridges"]){
}else if(nodew["network"]["vlans"]){
int main(){
for (unsigned long S = 0; S < DLS2.size(); S++){
cout << DLS2[S].renderer << endl;
cout << DLS2[S].name << endl;
cout << DLS2[S].IF_Type << endl;
cout << DLS2[S].dhcp4 << endl;
for (unsigned long S2 = 0; S2 < DLS2[S].addresseIF.size(); S2++){
cout << DLS2[S].addresseIF[S2] << endl;
cout << DLS2[S].gateway4 << endl;
for (unsigned long S2 = 0; S2 < DLS2[S].addresseIF.size(); S2++){
cout << DLS2[S].NSsearch[S2] << endl;
for (unsigned long S2 = 0; S2 < DLS2[S].addresseIF.size(); S2++){
cout << DLS2[S].NSaddress[S2] << endl;
return 0;
getMessage method extracts the first letter in each word of input string.
input = "Find the first letters of this Sentence"
output = FtflotS
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
class HiddenMessage {
bool space (char c) {
return isspace(c);
bool not_space (char c) {
return !isspace (c);
string getMessage(string text) {
string ret;
typedef string::const_iterator iter;
iter i, j;
i = text.begin();
while (i != text.end()) {
i = find_if (i, text.end(), not_space); // error here
j = find_if (i, text.end(), space); // error here
if (i != text.end()) {
ret += *i;
i = j;
return ret;
//compiler error:
//error: invalid use of non-static member function
I tried making definitions of space and not_space static and it did
not work.
getMessage is called from the main below:
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc == 1)
cout << "Testing HiddenMessage (250.0 points)" << endl << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
ostringstream s; s << argv[0] << " " << i;
int exitCode = system(s.str().c_str());
if (exitCode)
cout << "#" << i << ": Runtime Error" << endl;
int T = time(NULL)-1456061889;
double PT = T/60.0, TT = 75.0;
cout << endl;
cout << "Time : " << T/60 << " minutes " << T%60 << " secs" << endl;
cout << "Score : " << 250.0*(.3+(.7*TT*TT)/(10.0*PT*PT+TT*TT)) << " points" << endl;
int _tc; istringstream(argv[1]) >> _tc;
HiddenMessage _obj;
string _expected, _received;
time_t _start = clock();
switch (_tc)
case 0:
string text = "compete online design event rating";
_expected = "coder";
_received = _obj.getMessage(text); break;
case 1:
string text = " c o d e r ";
_expected = "coder";
_received = _obj.getMessage(text); break;
case 2:
string text = "round elimination during onsite contest";
_expected = "redoc";
_received = _obj.getMessage(text); break;
case 3:
string text = " ";
_expected = "";
_received = _obj.getMessage(text); break;
/*case 4:
string text = ;
_expected = ;
_received = _obj.getMessage(text); break;
/*case 5:
string text = ;
_expected = ;
_received = _obj.getMessage(text); break;
/*case 6:
string text = ;
_expected = ;
_received = _obj.getMessage(text); break;
default: return 0;
double _elapsed = (double)(clock()-_start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
if (_received == _expected)
cout << "#" << _tc << ": Passed (" << _elapsed << " secs)" << endl;
cout << "#" << _tc << ": Failed (" << _elapsed << " secs)" << endl;
cout << " Expected: " << "\"" << _expected << "\"" << endl;
cout << " Received: " << "\"" << _received << "\"" << endl;
You have two problems.
The first, is you are supplying non-static class member functions (space and not_space) to find_if which expects a function object or pointer. So, declare them static if you want them to remain your class, or make them global by placing them outside the class.
The second, your string text parameter is non-const, but, you are working with a const interator type. begin() and end() calls will return const or non-const iterator depending on the calling object (text in this case) and whether or not it is const qualified. So, declare your text parameter as const.
I've written a program that calculates values in a series and all of the values are particularly lengthy doubles. I want to print these values each displaying 15 significant figures. Here's some code that illustrates the issue I'm having:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
double x = 0.12345678901234567890;
double y = 1.12345678901234567890;
cout << setprecision(15) << fixed << x << "\t" << y << "\n";
return 0;
With just setprecision trailing zeros are not shown so I added fixed as I have seen in other answers on this site. However, now I just seem to have 15 decimal places and for values that aren't 0.something this is not what I want. You can see this from the output of the above:
0.123456789012346 1.123456789012346
The first number has 15 sig figs but the second has 16. What can I do to resolve this?
EDIT: I have been specifically asked to use setprecision, so I am unable to try cout.precision.
You can simply use scientific (note the 14 instead of 15):
std::cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(14) << -0.123456789012345678 << std::endl;
std::cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(14) << -1.234567890123456789 << std::endl;
or you can use a function:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
enum vis_opt { scientific, decimal, decimal_relaxed };
std::string figures(double x, int nfig, vis_opt vo=decimal) {
std::stringstream str;
str << std::setprecision(nfig-1) << std::scientific << x;
std::string s = str.str();
if ( vo == scientific )
return s;
else {
std::stringstream out;
std::size_t pos;
int ileft = std::stoi(s,&pos);
std::string dec = s.substr(pos + 1, nfig - 1);
int e = std::stoi(s.substr(pos + nfig + 1));
if ( e < 0 ) {
std::string zeroes(-1-e,'0');
if ( ileft < 0 )
out << "-0." << zeroes << -ileft << dec;
out << "0." << zeroes << ileft << dec;
} else if ( e == 0) {
out << ileft << '.' << dec;
} else if ( e < ( nfig - 1) ) {
out << ileft << dec.substr(0,e) << '.' << dec.substr(e);
} else if ( e == ( nfig - 1) ) {
out << ileft << dec;
} else {
if ( vo == decimal_relaxed) {
out << s;
} else {
out << ileft << dec << std::string(e - nfig + 1,'0');
return out.str();
int main() {
std::vector<double> test_cases = {
for ( auto i : test_cases) {
std::cout << std::setw(22) << std::right << figures(i,15,scientific);
std::cout << std::setw(22) << std::right << figures(i,15) << std::endl;
return 0;
My output is:
-1.23456789012345e+14 -123456789012345
-1.23456789012346e+01 -12.3456789012346
-1.23456789012346e-01 -0.123456789012346
-1.23400000000000e-04 -0.000123400000000000
0.00000000000000e+00 0.00000000000000
1.23400000000000e-04 0.000123400000000000
1.23456789012346e-01 0.123456789012346
1.23456789012346e+01 12.3456789012346
1.23456789012346e+00 1.23456789012346
1.23456789012340e+13 12345678901234.0
1.23456789012345e+14 123456789012345
1.23456789012346e+18 1234567890123460000
I've found some success in just computing the integer significant figures, and then setting the floating significant figures to be X - <integer sig figs>:
To address Bob's comments, I'll account for more edge cases. I've refactored the code somewhat to adjust the field precision based on leading and trailing zeros. There would still be an edge case I believe for very small values (like std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon:
int AdjustPrecision(int desiredPrecision, double _in)
// case of all zeros
if (_in == 0.0)
return desiredPrecision;
// handle leading zeros before decimal place
size_t truncated = static_cast<size_t>(_in);
while(truncated != 0)
truncated /= 10;
// handle trailing zeros after decimal place
_in *= 10;
while(static_cast<size_t>(_in) == 0)
_in *= 10;
return desiredPrecision;
With more tests:
double a = 0.000123456789012345;
double b = 123456789012345;
double x = 0.12345678901234567890;
double y = 1.12345678901234567890;
double z = 11.12345678901234567890;
std::cout.setf( std::ios::fixed, std:: ios::floatfield);
std::cout << "a: " << std::setprecision(AdjustPrecision(15, a)) << a << std::endl;
std::cout << "b: " << std::setprecision(AdjustPrecision(15, b)) << b << std::endl;
std::cout << "x " << std::setprecision(AdjustPrecision(15, x)) << x << std::endl;
std::cout << "y " << std::setprecision(AdjustPrecision(15, y)) << y << std::endl;
std::cout << "z: " << std::setprecision(AdjustPrecision(15, z)) << z << std::endl;
a: 0.000123456789012345
b: 123456789012345
x 0.123456789012346
y 1.12345678901235
z: 11.1234567890123
Live Demo
int GetIntegerSigFigs(double _in)
int toReturn = 0;
int truncated = static_cast<int>(_in);
while(truncated != 0)
truncated /= 10;
return toReturn;
(I'm sure there are some edge cases I'm missing)
And then using it:
double x = 0.12345678901234567890;
double y = 1.12345678901234567890;
std::cout << td::setprecision(15-GetIntegerSigFigs(x)) << x
<< "\t" << std::setprecision(15-GetIntegerSigFigs(y)) << y << "\n";
0.123456789012346 1.12345678901235
Live Demo
The issue that I am having is that with the code below, each plOvr for all of the class objects is the same. This causes them to have the same stats for everything. Also, I have an array with names that should be printed but it is skipping the first value.
using namespace std;
class Player
int plOvr;
float plSpg, plSps;
string werk;
void setPlayeName(string);
string plName;
void setPlyrVal()
srand (time(NULL));
plOvr = rand()% 29 + 70;
plSps = plOvr / 10;
plSpg = plSps / 2;
void Player::setPlayeName(string werk)
plName = werk;
int main()
Player plyr1,plyr2,plyr3,plyr4,plyr5;
string firstTime;
string name[5] = {"Eric Gelinas","John Merill", "Jaromir Jagr", "Travis Zajac","Reid Boucher"};
bool firstOp;
cout << "Is this the first time this program has run?" << endl;
cin >> firstTime;
if (firstTime == "Yes" || firstTime == "yes")
firstOp == firstOp;
ofstream playerSaveData; ("savedata.txt");
playerSaveData << plyr1.plName << "," << plyr1.plOvr << "," << plyr1.plSpg << "," << plyr1.plSps << "\n";
playerSaveData << plyr2.plName << "," << plyr2.plOvr << "," << plyr2.plSpg << "," << plyr2.plSps << "\n";
playerSaveData << plyr3.plName << "," << plyr3.plOvr << "," << plyr3.plSpg << "," << plyr3.plSps << "\n";
playerSaveData << plyr4.plName << "," << plyr4.plOvr << "," << plyr4.plSpg << "," << plyr4.plSps << "\n";
playerSaveData << plyr5.plName << "," << plyr5.plOvr << "," << plyr5.plSpg << "," << plyr5.plSps << "\n";
cout << "done.\n";
firstOp == !firstOp;
return 0;
You may use std::uniform_int_distribution<int> and an engine as std::mt19937 from <random>.
The engine (as srand) has to be initialized with seed only once.
Your program rewritten:
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <random>
class Player
void setPlayeName(const std::string& name) { plName = name; }
void setPlyrVal(std::mt19937& rand_engine)
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distr(70, 98);
plOvr = distr(rand_engine);
plSps = plOvr / 10;
plSpg = plSps / 2;
int plOvr;
float plSpg, plSps;
std::string werk;
std::string plName;
int main()
std::mt19937 rand_engine(time(nullptr));
Player plyrs[5];
const std::string names[5] = {"Eric Gelinas","John Merill", "Jaromir Jagr", "Travis Zajac","Reid Boucher"};
std::cout << "Is this the first time this program has run?" << std::endl;
std::string firstTime;
std::cin >> firstTime;
if (firstTime == "Yes" || firstTime == "yes") {
for (int i = 0; i != 5; ++i) {
std::ofstream playerSaveData; ("savedata.txt");
for (const auto& plyr : plyrs) {
playerSaveData << plyr.plName << "," << plyr.plOvr << "," << plyr.plSpg << "," << plyr.plSps << "\n";
std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
return 0;
Live example
You should call srand() only once in the whole program, instead of calling it before each rand().