List transform error in OCaml - ocaml

I am new to OCaml and I am trying to write a function to do this:
(4,a)(1,b)(2,c)(2,a)(1,d)(4,e) --> ((4 a) b (2 c) (2 a) d (4 e))
and this is what I wrote:
let rec transform l =
match l with
| (x,y)::t -> if x = 1 then y::transform(t) else [x; y]::transform(t)
| [] -> []
I put it in the ocaml interpreter but error generated like this:
Error: This expression has type int list
but an expression was expected of type int
Could anyone give some help?

Your example transformation doesn't make it clear what the types of the values are supposed to be.
If they're supposed to be lists, the result isn't a possible list in OCaml. OCaml lists are homogeneous, i.e., all the elements of the list have the same type. This is (in essence) what the compiler is complaining about.
Looking at your code, the problem is here:
if x = 1
then y :: transform (t)
else [x; y] :: transform t
Let's say the type of y is 'a. The expression after then seems to have type 'a list, because y is the head of the list. The expression after else seems to have type 'a list list, because a list containing y is the head of the list. These aren't the same type.

The main problem is to decide how to represent something as either (4 a) or b. The usual OCaml way to represent something-or-something-else is variants, so let's define one of those:
type 'a element =
| Single of 'a
| Count of int * 'a
let rec transform = function
| [] -> []
| (x,y)::t ->
if x = 1 then Single y::transform t
else Count (x, y)::transform t
Note that this won't print in quite the way you want, unless you register a printer with the toplevel.
Or better:
let compact (x, y) =
if x = 1 then Single y else Count (x, y)
let transform list = compact list


Return elements common in both lists in Ocaml

I need to implement a method to return common elements in two lists as part of an assignment problem:
My idea was to remove duplicates in both lists, concatenate them and return elements that are repeated in the resulting list. I want to define a Boolean function that check for each elements in the list if they appear more than once. My idea was to use List.fold_left with a specific element b in the list and use acc to keep track of the number of times it appears in the list. However, I have an error here:
I have another idea that involves sorting the lists first, But the list could be of any type, hence comparison has to be implemented for new types as well. Or can I just use < to compare any type of values?
Here are the codes that I have so far.
let rec remove (b : 'a) (l : 'a list)=
match l with
| [] -> []
| w::e -> if w=b then remove b e
else w::(remove b e)
let rec removeduplicates (l:'a list)=
match l with
| [] -> []
| w::e -> w::(removeduplicates(remove w e))
let removeduppair (l : 'a list * 'a list)=
let (l1,l2) = l in
(removeduplicates l1, removeduplicates l2)
This expression has a type error:
if x = b then acc + 1
The problem is that doesn't have an else part. In other words, it doesn't say what you want the value to be when x is not equal to b.
You can fix this just by adding an else part.
A little more detail: OCaml allows you to leave off the else part, but only if the then part has unit type. In such a case, the value when the test is false will be the same as when it is true, namely () (the only value of unit type).

SML: What would be the best way to go through a list to take every other value?

I've been doing a lot of practice recently in sml and one problem I've found in my textbook was asking to create a function that applies a function to the odd indexed values in a list. When trying to solve this I don't really understand how to get every other value. for instance
fun something f [] = 0
| something f (x:xs) =
Here above I know that we can get the values in order via the x value but is there a way to now apply this to get only odd indexed values? Sorry if this is a simple question sml has been an interesting but confusing language.
You can "destructure" the list with pattern matching in that case too – patterns can be arbitrarily complex.
For instance, a::b::bs matches a list with at least two elements, a::b::c::bs at least three, and so on.
If we index the first element 1:
fun everyOther _ [] = []
| everyOther f [x] = [f x]
| everyOther f (x::y::xs) = (f x)::y::(everyOther f xs)
val everyOther = fn : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
val it = () : unit
- fun square x = x * x;
val square = fn : int -> int
- everyOther square [1,2,3,4];
val it = [1,2,9,4] : int list
- everyOther square [1,2,3,4,5];
val it = [1,2,9,4,25] : int list
The case of the first element being indexed 0 rather than 1 left as an exercise.

Lazy list of x, f x, f (f x),

Batteries.LazyList allows one to define lazy lists. I would like to define a lazy list consisting of x, f x, f (f x), f (f (f x)), etc.
Based on comments in the module documentation, it appears that from_loop is the function I want:
"from_loop data next creates a (possibly infinite) lazy list from the successive results of applying next to data, then to the result, etc."
This description suggests that if I wanted a lazy list of non-negative integers, for example, I could define it like this:
let nat_nums = from_loop 0 (fun n -> n + 1)
However, this fails because the signature of from_loop is
'b -> ('b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a LazyList.t
so the next function has signature ('b -> 'a * 'b). In utop, the error message underlines n + 1 and says
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type 'a * int
I don't understand what 'a is supposed to be. Why is the next function supposed to return a pair? Why is the type of the list supposed to be a 'a LazyList.t? Shouldn't the type of the elements be the same as the type of the argument to the next function? The description of the function doesn't make the answers clear to me.
In case it's helpful, my conception of what I'm trying to do comes from Clojure's iterate. In Clojure I could create the above definition like this:
(def nat-nums (iterate (fn [n] (+ n 1)) 0))
The function passed to from_loop has to return a pair. The first element of the pair is the value you want to return. The second element of the pair is the state required to calculate the next element later on.
Your code:
(fun n -> n + 1)
Just calculates the next element of the lazy list, it doesn't return the state required for the next call. Something like this is what is wanted:
(fun n -> (n, n + 1))
(This will return a list starting with 0, which I think is what you want.)
This formulation is more flexible than your clojure example, because it allows you to maintain arbitrary state distinct from the values returned. The state is of type 'b in the type you give for from_loop.
I don't have Batteries right now, so I can't try this out. But I think it's correct based on the types.
It turns out that the function that I really wanted was LazyList.seq, not from_loop. While from_loop has its uses, seq is simpler and does what I wanted. The only trick is that you have to provide a third argument which is a termination test that returns false when the list should end. I wanted an infinite list. One can create that using use a termination function that always returns true:
let nat_nums = seq 0 (fun n -> n + 1) (fun _ -> true);;
LazyList.to_list (LazyList.take 8 nat_nums);;
- : int list = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7]

Ocaml: add up all the integers in an int list and output it as an int Option

. Write a function that takes an integer list and return sum of all elements of the list. If the list is empty then return None.
This is my code now:
let rec sum (xs: int list) =
match xs with
| [] -> None
| [x] -> Some x
| hd::tl -> let m = (hd + (sum tl)) in
Some m
The problem is that I can't seem to find a way to add up the last element without getting an error.
This is my error.
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type 'a option.
Your recursive call to sum does indeed return an int option. You know this because you're the author of the function, and you coded it up to return that type :-) You can either write a helper function that returns an int, or you can extract the int from the return value of sum, something like this:
let tlsum =
match sum tl with
| None -> (* figure this part out *)
| Some n -> (* figure this part out *)
You can define the addition of two int option.
let sum l =
let (+) a b =
match (a,b) with
| (None,x) | (x,None) -> x
| (Some x,Some y) -> Some (x+y)
let convert a = Some a in
let convert l in
List.fold_left (+) None opt_l
# sum [];;
- : int option = None
# sum [1;2];;
- : int option = Some 3
That looks like an assignment so I'll be vague:
The easiest way to do that is probably to first define a function of type int list -> int that returns the "normal" sum (with 0 for the empty case). That function will be recursive and 0 will correspond to the base case.
Then write another function of type int list -> int option that checks whether its argument is empty or not and does the right thing based on that.
Trying to write the recursion directly probably is not a good idea since there are two cases when you will need to handle []: when it's the only element in the list, and when it's at the end of a nonempty list.

OCaml expected type 'a

I am attempting to make a function such that it outputs a list that removes adjacent duplicates
let rec rem_adj_duplicates l =
let rec utn l n = match l with
[] -> n
| (x :: y :: xs) -> if (x != y) then utn (y::xs) (n::x)
else utn (y::xs) n
in utn l []
I get the following error:
Error: This expression has type 'a list
but an expression was expected of type 'a
The type variable 'a occurs inside 'a list
Why does n want to be type 'a instead of 'a list?
You have this:
if (x != y) then
utn (y::xs) (n::x)
utn (y::xs) n
In the first call you have n :: x, which says that x is a list and n is a non-list. Furthermore it says that the second argument to utn is a list. In the next call you have just n, which must be of the same type as the other call. Thus, n shows up as both a list and a non-list.
Possibly you wanted to have x :: n rather than n :: x?
You say you're not allowed to use the # operator. This is actually reasonable, as using it in the way you wanted is not a good way to solve the problem. (Adding things one at a time to the end of a list is slow, i.e., quadratic time in the length of the list.)
I may be giving away too much, but a common way to solve this problem is to build the list in reverse order and reverse it at the end. This takes only linear time.