Python how to plot graph sine wave - python-2.7

I have this signal :
from math import*
for n in range(sample):
How can I plot a graph (this sine wave)?
and create name of xlabel as 'voltage(V)' and ylabel as 'sample(n)'
What code to do this?
I am so thanksful for help ^_^

Setting the x-axis with np.arange(0, 1, 0.001) gives an array from 0 to 1 in 0.001 increments.
x = np.arange(0, 1, 0.001) returns an array of 1000 points from 0 to 1, and y = np.sin(2*np.pi*x) you will get the sin wave from 0 to 1 sampled 1000 times
I hope this will help:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Fs = 8000
f = 5
sample = 8000
x = np.arange(sample)
y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * x / Fs)
plt.plot(x, y)
P.S.: For comfortable work you can use The Jupyter Notebook.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # For ploting
import numpy as np # to work with numerical data efficiently
fs = 100 # sample rate
f = 2 # the frequency of the signal
x = np.arange(fs) # the points on the x axis for plotting
# compute the value (amplitude) of the sin wave at the for each sample
y = np.sin(2*np.pi*f * (x/fs))
#this instruction can only be used with IPython Notbook.
% matplotlib inline
# showing the exact location of the smaples
plt.stem(x,y, 'r', )

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
F = 5.e2 # No. of cycles per second, F = 500 Hz
T = 2.e-3 # Time period, T = 2 ms
Fs = 50.e3 # No. of samples per second, Fs = 50 kHz
Ts = 1./Fs # Sampling interval, Ts = 20 us
N = int(T/Ts) # No. of samples for 2 ms, N = 100
t = np.linspace(0, T, N)
signal = np.sin(2*np.pi*F*t)
plt.plot(t, signal)
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')

import math
import turtle
ws = turtle.Screen()
fred = turtle.Turtle()
for angle in range(360):
y = math.sin(math.radians(angle))
fred.goto(angle, y * 80)

The window of usefulness has likely come and gone, but I was working at a similar problem. Here is my attempt at plotting sine using the turtle module.
from turtle import *
from math import *
#init turtle
#sample size
#speed up the turtle
#range of hundredths from -1 to 1
xcoords=map(lambda x: x/100.0,xrange(-100,101))
#setup the origin
#move turtle
for x in xcoords:

A simple way to plot sine wave in python using matplotlib.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.title("SINE WAVE")

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#%matplotlib inline
def fun(k):
return np.sin(k)

This is another option
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('TKAgg') #use matplotlib backend TkAgg (optional)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sample_rate = 200 # sampling frequency in Hz (atleast 2 times f)
t = np.linspace(0,5,sample_rate) #time axis
f = 100 #Signal frequency in Hz
sig = np.sin(2*np.pi*f*(t/sample_rate))

Yet another way to plot the sine wave.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('TKAgg') #use matplotlib backend TKAgg (optional)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
t = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0, 50000) # time axis
sig = np.sin(t)

from math import *
Fs = 8000
f = 500
sample = 16
a = [0] * sample
for n in range(sample):
a[n] = sin(2*pi*f*n/Fs)
creating the x coordinates
Sample = [i for i in range(sample)]
importing matplotlib for plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
adding labels and plotting
plt.plot(Sample, a)


Improve curve fitting log

I try to make a fit of my curve. My raw data is in an xlsx file. I extract them using pandas. I want to do two different fit because there is a change in behavior from Ra = 1e6. We know that Ra is proportional to Nu**a. a = 0.25 for Ra <1e6 and if not a = 0.33.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import log10
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import lmfit
data=pd.read_excel('data.xlsx',sheet_name='Sheet2',index=False,dtype={'Ra': float})
plt.scatter(data['Ra'].values, data['Nu_top'].values, label='Nu_top')
plt.scatter(data['Ra'].values, data['Nu_bottom'].values, label='Nu_bottom')
plt.errorbar(data['Ra'].values, data['Nu_top'].values , yerr=data['Ecart type top'].values, linestyle="None")
plt.errorbar(data['Ra'].values, data['Nu_bottom'].values , yerr=data['Ecart type bot'].values, linestyle="None")
def func(x,a):
return 10**(np.log10(x)/a)
"""maxX = max(data['Ra'].values)
minX = min(data['Ra'].values)
maxY = max(data['Nu_top'].values)
minY = min(data['Nu_top'].values)
maxXY = max(maxX, maxY)
parameterBounds = [-maxXY, maxXY]"""
from lmfit import Model
mod = Model(func)
params = mod.make_params(a=0.25)
ret =['Nu_top'].head(10).values, params, x=data['Ra'].head(10).values)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, data['Ra'].head(10).values,
data['Nu_top'].head(10).values, sigma=data['Ecart type top'].head(10).values,
absolute_sigma=True, p0=[0.25])
plt.plot(data['Ra'].head(10).values, func(data['Ra'].head(10).values, *popt),
'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, data['Ra'].tail(4).values, data['Nu_top'].tail(4).values,
sigma=data['Ecart type top'].tail(4).values,
absolute_sigma=True, p0=[0.33])
plt.plot(data['Ra'].tail(4).values, func(data['Ra'].tail(4).values, *popt),
'b-', label='fit: a=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
plt.title("Nusselt en fonction de Ra")
So I use the log: logRa = a * logNu.
Ra = x axis
Nu = y axis
That's why I defined my function func in this way.
my two fit are not all correct as you can see. I have a covariance equal to [0.00010971]. So I had to do something wrong but I don't see it. I need help please.
Here the data file:
I noticed that the data values for Ra are large, and after scaling them I performed an equation search - here is my result with code. I use the standard scipy genetic algorithm module differential_evolution to determine initial parameter values for curve_fit(), and that module uses the Latin Hypercube algorithm to ensure a thorough search of parameter space which requires bounds within which to search. It is much easier to give ranges for the initial parameter estimates than to find specific values. This equation works well for both nu_top and nu_bottom, note that the plots are not log scaled as it is unnecessary in this example.
import numpy, scipy, matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
import pandas
import warnings
filename = 'data.xlsx'
data=pandas.read_excel(filename,sheet_name='Sheet2',index=False,dtype={'Ra': float})
# notice the Ra scaling by 10000.0
xData = data['Ra'].values / 10000.0
yData = data['Nu_bottom']
def func(x, a, b, c): # "Combined Power And Exponential" from
return a * numpy.power(x, b) * numpy.exp(c * x)
# function for genetic algorithm to minimize (sum of squared error)
def sumOfSquaredError(parameterTuple):
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # do not print warnings by genetic algorithm
val = func(xData, *parameterTuple)
return numpy.sum((yData - val) ** 2.0)
def generate_Initial_Parameters():
# min and max used for bounds
maxX = max(xData)
minX = min(xData)
maxY = max(yData)
minY = min(yData)
parameterBounds = []
parameterBounds.append([0.0, 10.0]) # search bounds for a
parameterBounds.append([0.0, 10.0]) # search bounds for b
parameterBounds.append([0.0, 10.0]) # search bounds for c
# "seed" the numpy random number generator for repeatable results
result = differential_evolution(sumOfSquaredError, parameterBounds, seed=3)
return result.x
# by default, differential_evolution completes by calling curve_fit() using parameter bounds
geneticParameters = generate_Initial_Parameters()
# now call curve_fit without passing bounds from the genetic algorithm,
# just in case the best fit parameters are aoutside those bounds
fittedParameters, pcov = curve_fit(func, xData, yData, geneticParameters)
print('Fitted parameters:', fittedParameters)
modelPredictions = func(xData, *fittedParameters)
absError = modelPredictions - yData
SE = numpy.square(absError) # squared errors
MSE = numpy.mean(SE) # mean squared errors
RMSE = numpy.sqrt(MSE) # Root Mean Squared Error, RMSE
Rsquared = 1.0 - (numpy.var(absError) / numpy.var(yData))
print('RMSE:', RMSE)
print('R-squared:', Rsquared)
# graphics output section
def ModelAndScatterPlot(graphWidth, graphHeight):
f = plt.figure(figsize=(graphWidth/100.0, graphHeight/100.0), dpi=100)
axes = f.add_subplot(111)
# first the raw data as a scatter plot
axes.plot(xData, yData, 'D')
# create data for the fitted equation plot
xModel = numpy.linspace(min(xData), max(xData))
yModel = func(xModel, *fittedParameters)
# now the model as a line plot
axes.plot(xModel, yModel)
axes.set_xlabel('X Data') # X axis data label
axes.set_ylabel('Y Data') # Y axis data label
plt.close('all') # clean up after using pyplot
graphWidth = 800
graphHeight = 600
ModelAndScatterPlot(graphWidth, graphHeight)
Here I put my data x and y in log10 (). The graph is in log scale. So normally I should have two affine functions with a coefficient of 0.25 and 0.33. I change the function func in your program James and bounds for b and c but I have no good result.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import log10, log
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import lmfit
data=pd.read_excel('data.xlsx',sheet_name='Sheet2',index=False,dtype={'Ra': float})
plt.scatter(np.log10(data['Ra'].values), np.log10(data['Nu_top'].values), label='Nu_top')
plt.scatter(np.log10(data['Ra'].values), np.log10(data['Nu_bottom'].values), label='Nu_bottom')
plt.errorbar(np.log10(data['Ra'].values), np.log10(data['Nu_top'].values) , yerr=data['Ecart type top'].values, linestyle="None")
plt.errorbar(np.log10(data['Ra'].values), np.log10(data['Nu_bottom'].values) , yerr=data['Ecart type bot'].values, linestyle="None")
def func(x,a):
return a*x
maxX = max(data['Ra'].values)
minX = min(data['Ra'].values)
maxY = max(data['Nu_top'].values)
minY = min(data['Nu_top'].values)
maxXY = max(maxX, maxY)
parameterBounds = [-maxXY, maxXY]
from lmfit import Model
mod = Model(func)
params = mod.make_params(a=0.25)
ret =['Nu_top'].head(10).values), params, x=np.log10(data['Ra'].head(10).values))
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, np.log10(data['Ra'].head(10).values), np.log10(data['Nu_top'].head(10).values), sigma=data['Ecart type top'].head(10).values, absolute_sigma=True, p0=[0.25])
plt.plot(np.log10(data['Ra'].head(10).values), func(np.log10(data['Ra'].head(10).values), *popt), 'r-', label='fit: a=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, np.log10(data['Ra'].tail(4).values), np.log10(data['Nu_top'].tail(4).values), sigma=data['Ecart type top'].tail(4).values, absolute_sigma=True, p0=[0.33])
plt.plot(np.log10(data['Ra'].tail(4).values), func(np.log10(data['Ra'].tail(4).values), *popt), 'b-', label='fit: a=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
plt.title("Nusselt en fonction de Ra")
With polyfit I have better results.
With my code I open the file and I calculate log (Ra) and log (Nu) then plot (log (Ra), log (Nu)) in log scale.
I'm supposed to have a = 0.25 for Ra <1e6 and if not a = 0.33
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import log10
from numpy import polyfit
import numpy.polynomial.polynomial as poly
data=pd.read_excel('data.xlsx',sheet_name='Sheet2',index=False,dtype={'Ra': float})
plt.scatter(x, y1, label='Nu_top')
plt.scatter(x, y2, label='Nu_bottom')
plt.errorbar(x, y1 , yerr=data['Ecart type top'].values, linestyle="None")
plt.errorbar(x, y2 , yerr=data['Ecart type bot'].values, linestyle="None")
"""a=np.ones(10, dtype=np.float)
weights = np.insert(a,0,1E10)"""
coefs = poly.polyfit(x2, y4, 1)
ffit = poly.polyval(x2, coefs)
plt.plot(x2, ffit, label='fit: b=%5.3f, a=%5.3f' % tuple(coefs))
absError = ffit - x2
SE = np.square(absError) # squared errors
MSE = np.mean(SE) # mean squared errors
RMSE = np.sqrt(MSE) # Root Mean Squared Error, RMSE
Rsquared = 1.0 - (np.var(absError) / np.var(x2))
print('RMSE:', RMSE)
print('R-squared:', Rsquared)
print('Predicted value at x=0:', ffit[0])
coefs = poly.polyfit(x3, y5, 1)
ffit = poly.polyval(x3, coefs)
plt.plot(x3, ffit, label='fit: b=%5.3f, a=%5.3f' % tuple(coefs))
plt.title("Nusselt en fonction de Ra")
My problem is solved, I managed to fit my curves with more or less correct results

How to animate and update the title,xlabel,ylabel?

I am new to Matplotlib. Based on my code in following, I wanted to update the data,title,xlabel,ylabel at same time. However, the title and labels did not been updated, but data did.Someone can give me a solution? That will help me a lot.Thank you.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
def updata(frame_number):
current_index = frame_number % 3
a = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
idata['position'][:,0] = np.asarray(a[current_index])
idata['position'][:,1] = np.asarray(a[current_index])
ax.set_xlabel('The Intensity of Image1')
ax.set_ylabel('The Intensity of Image2')
ax.set_title("For Dataset %d" % current_index)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
idata = np.zeros(3,dtype=[('position',float,2)])
ax.set_title(label='lets begin',fontdict = {'fontsize':12},loc='center')
scat = ax.scatter(idata['position'][:,0],idata['position'][:,1],s=10,alpha=0.3,edgecolors='none')
animation = FuncAnimation(fig,updata,interval=2000)
Running the code, I see an empty window. The reason is that the axes span the complete figure (fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])). In order to see the title and labels, you would need to make the axes smaller than the figure, e.g. by
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
Also, the scale of the axes is not defined, so the animation will happen outside the axes limits. You can use ax.set_xlim and ax.set_ylim to prevent that.
Here is a complete running code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
def updata(frame_number):
current_index = frame_number % 3
a = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
idata['position'][:,0] = np.asarray(a[current_index])
idata['position'][:,1] = np.asarray(a[current_index])
ax.set_xlabel('The Intensity of Image1')
ax.set_ylabel('The Intensity of Image2')
ax.set_title("For Dataset %d" % current_index)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
idata = np.zeros(3,dtype=[('position',float,2)])
ax.set_title(label='lets begin',fontdict = {'fontsize':12},loc='center')
scat = ax.scatter(idata['position'][:,0],idata['position'][:,1],
animation = FuncAnimation(fig,updata,frames=50,interval=600)

Matplotlib: Displaying and closing a plot using a loop

Using Matplotlib and a for loop, is it possible to display a plot for a given period of time and then have it close when the for loop is done?
I have tried the following, but the plot simply remains open and the loop doesn't end:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import psychopy
x = [34.00,108.00,64.00,99.00,99.00,51.00]
y = [5.00,17.00,11.00,8.00,14.00,5.00]
scatter(x, y, color = "black")
clock = core.Clock()
while clock.getTime() < 10.0:
You can use interactive mode plt.ion() in combination with plt.pause().
E.g. to show your window for 5 seconds:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [34.00,108.00,64.00,99.00,99.00,51.00]
y = [5.00,17.00,11.00,8.00,14.00,5.00]
plt.scatter(x, y, color = "black")

Python rose chart

i was trying to build a windrose chart. i found this link to the code:
i get the following error, which points to numpy:
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in rint
return round(decimals, out)
has anyone encountered this before?
here is the code:
from windrose import WindroseAxes
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import as cm
from numpy.random import random
from numpy import arange
#Create wind speed and direction variables
ws = random(500)*6
wd = random(500)*360
#A quick way to create new windrose axes...
def new_axes():
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w')
rect = [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]
ax = WindroseAxes(fig, rect, axisbg='w')
return ax
#...and adjust the legend box
def set_legend(ax):
l = ax.legend(borderaxespad=-0.10)
plt.setp(l.get_texts(), fontsize=8)
#A stacked histogram with normed (displayed in percent) results :
ax = new_axes(), ws, normed=True, opening=0.8, edgecolor='white')

Scipy to make the graph smoother

I try to make my graph smoother with scipy but result is a horizontal line.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import spline
dd = [1.0, 0.7071067811865476, 0.5, 0.3535533905932738, 0.25, 0.1767766952966369]
y = range(0,6)
dd1 = np.array(dd)
y1 = np.array(y)
xsmooth = np.linspace (dd1.max(),dd1.min(),5)
ysmooth = spline (dd1,y1,xsmooth)
plt.plot(xsmooth ,ysmooth)
Thanks in advance
I think you may be mixing up x and y in your code.
If dd are your y-values and y are your x-values, you could perform a spline interpolation like so:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import spline
y = [1.0, 0.7071067811865476, 0.5, 0.3535533905932738, 0.25, 0.1767766952966369]
x = range(0,6)
y = np.array(y)
x = np.array(x)
xsmooth = np.linspace (x.min(),x.max(),20) # an x vector with more intermediate values
ysmooth = spline(x,y,xsmooth)
plt.plot(xsmooth ,ysmooth)