I have a console application in c++ using boost program_options.
I have a parameter named --list-timezones
now I want to use it like that
myapp --list-timezones
which gives me all available timzones
myapp --list-timezones AT
which gives me onle the timezones for Austria
My options inializitation is the following
("date-format,d", po::value<string>()->value_name("<Formatstring>")->default_value("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S","\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\""),"Format-string for input or output\ne.g. \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"")
("input-format,i", po::value<string>()->value_name("<Representation>")->default_value("HEX"),"HEX hex value\nBIN binary value\nDEC decimal value")
("output-format,o", po::value<string>()->value_name("<Representation>")->default_value("HEX"),"HEX hex Value\nBIN binary value\nDEC decimal value")
("to,t", po::value<string>()->value_name("<Date-Format>"),"CHROME\nMAC\nUNIX\nUNIX_ms\nWin64\nWinCookie\nWinOle\nWinFiletime\nDOS\nHFS\nHFS+")
("from,f", po::value<string>()->value_name("<Date-Format>")/*->default_value("UNKNOWN")*/,"CHROME\nMAC\nUNIX\nUNIX_ms\nWin64\nWinCookie\nWinOle\nWinFiletime\nDOS\nHFS\nHFS+\nUNKNOWN")
("timezone,z", po::value<string>()->value_name("<Time-Zone>")->default_value("UTC"),"e.g \"Europe/Vienna\"\n execute '--list-timezones ALL' to see all available timezones")
("list-timezones,l", po::value<string>()->value_name("<ISO-3166 Country Code>"), "List all available timezones\nyou can filter with ISO3166 country code(e.g AT for Austria)")
("value,v", po::value<string>()->value_name("<value>"), "Input Value")
("swap-bytes,s", "Swap bytes of result")
Any ideas how I can handle that?
If I use --list-timezones without an parameter I get an Exception
You want this:
("list-timezones,l", po::value<string>()->implicit_value("")->value_name(...
Then you'll be able to give an argument or not. If none is given, the string value will be empty, which seems like a reasonable sentinel value in your case.
I have a table that has a text field which has formatted strings that represent money.
For example, it will have values like this, but also have "bad" invalid data as well
over 10,000
my money
I want to convert this to a numeric field but maintain the actual numbers that can be retained, and for any that can't , convert to null.
I was using this function originally which did convert clean numbers (numbers that didn't have any formatting). The issue was that it would not convert $5.55 as an example and set this to null.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.cast_text_to_numeric(
v_input text)
RETURNS numeric
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
COST 100
declare v_output numeric default null;
v_output := v_input::numeric;
exception when others then return null;
return v_output;
I then created a simple update statement which removes the all non digit characters, but keeps the period.
update public.numbertesting set field_1=regexp_replace(field_1,'[^\w.]','','g')
and if I run this statement, it correctly converts the text data to numeric and maintains the number:
alter table public.numbertesting
alter column field_1 type numeric
using field_1::numeric
But I need to use the function in order to properly discard any bad data and set those values to null.
Even after I run the clean up to set the text value to say 5.55
my "cast_text_to_numeric" function STILL sets this to null ? I don't understand why this sets it to null, but the above statement correctly converts it to a proper number.
How can I fix my cast_text_to_numeric function to properly convert values such as 5.55 , etc?
I'm ok with disgarding (setting to NULL) any values that don't end up with numbers and a period. The regular expression will strip out all other characters... and if there happens to be two numbers in the text field, with the script, they would be combined into one (spaces are removed) and I'm good with that.
In the example of data above, after conversion, the end result in numeric field would be:
FYI, I am on Postgres 11 right now
I need to check whether the given input value of date is valid or not in python. I normally used datetime.strptime is to check for date. Am getting Value Error doesn't match format when i given the input value date '06-06-'. It's wrong only but i want to display the output like invalid.
if (datetime.strptime(s,'%m-%d-%y')):
print "valid"
print "Invalid"
1 . s = '06-06-15'
when i given the input value like above, it display the correct output value "Valid"
s = '06-06-'
when i given the input value like above, am getting error like time data '06-13' does not match format '%m-%d-%y'. But i want to display the output "Invalid"
Please anyone suggest me to do that. Thanks in advance.
This is just how it works.
ValueError is raised if the date_string and format can’t be parsed by
Just turn it to
print "valid"
except ValueError:
print "Invalid"
It looks like a simple task, but how would you solve it? I don't get any solution right now.
ls_message-text = 'Pernr. 12345678 (Pete Peterson) is valid (06/2015).
append ls_message to lt_message.
ls_message-text = 'Pernr. 12345678 (Pete Peterson) is valid (07/2015).
append ls_message to lt_message.
This is the code I got, the thing is, this is the message I am showing in my application. The customer says that the 2 messages are the same. The second should be deleted.
How would you compare it to delete the line? The table might contain more then 2 lines and also with another text like "is not valid".
I can't extend the structure to have more fields for comparison, I can only use the string comparison on this one field. Are there string comparisons possible with a regex or something?
Maybe you could solve your requirement using the Levenshtein distance . ABAP has a built-in function "distance" that gives you the number of operations to convert one string into another. Ex:
DATA msg1 type string.
DATA msg2 type string.
msg1 = 'Levehnstein Distance 7/2015'.
msg2 = 'Levehnstein Distance 6/2015'.
data l_distance type i.
l_distance = distance( val1 = msg1 val2 = msg2 ).
if l_distance lt 2 .
"It's almost the same text
In this case l_distance will be 1, because only one operation is necessary (replacing).
Hope this helps,
Assuming you want to retain only one message for each unique Pernr. in lt_message, you can use regex to filter for the Pernr. and use that as "key". Now you can delete all but the first message of lt_message that matches this key.
Expand your regex if you want to keep only certain messages, e.g. only the "is valid" ones.
have you tried looking to program DEMO_REGEX_TOY.
Gives an idea on how to work with Regular expresion, that probably will save the problem
I'm having some trouble with displaying numbers in apex, but only when i fill them in through code. When numbers are fetched through an automated row fetch, they're fine!
Leading Zero
For example, i have a report where a user can click a link, which runs a javascript function. There i get detailed values for that record through an application process. The returned values are in JSON. Several fields are number fields.
My response looks as follows (fe):
{"AVAILABLE_STOCK": "15818", "WEIGHT": ".001", "VOLUME": ".00009", "BASIC_PRICE": ".06", "COST_PRICE": ".01"}
Already the numbers here 'not correct': values less than one do not have a zero before the .
I kind of hoped that the format mask on the items would catch this. If i specify FM999G990D000 for the item weight, i'd expect it to show '0.001' .
But okay, i suppose it only works that way when it comes through session state, and not when you set an item value through $("#").val() ?
Where do i go wrong? Is my only option to change my select in the app process?
'"WEIGHT": "' || WEIGHT ||'", '||
'"VOLUME": "' || VOLUME ||'", '||
'"BASIC_PRICE": "' || BASIC_PRICE ||'", '||
Do i need to provide my numberfields a to_char with the format mask here (to_char(available_stock, 'FM999G990D000')) ?
Right now i need to put my numbers between quotes ofcourse, or i get invalid json when i parse it.
Trailing Zero
I have an application process on a page on the after header point, right after an automated row fetch. Several fields are calculated here (totals). The variables used are all specified as number(10, 2). All values are correct and rounded to 2 values after the comma. My format masks on the items are also specified as FM999G999G990D00.
However, when one of the calculated values has only one meaningfull value after the comma, the trailing zeros get dropped. Instead of '987.50', it is displayed as '987.5'.
So, i have a number variable, and assign it like this: :P12_NDB_TOTAL_INCL := v_totI;
Would i need to convert my numbers here too, with format mask?
What am i doing wrong, or what am i missing?
If you aren't doing math on it and are more concerned with formatting, I suggest treating it as a varchar/string instead of as a number wherever you can.
I have this code:
msgs = int(post['time_in_weeks'])
for i in range(msgs):
tip_msg = Tip.objects.get(week_number=i)
it always results in an error saying that no values could be found.
week_number is an integer field. When I input the value of i directly,
the query works.
When i print out the value of i I get the expected values.
Any input at all would be seriously appreciated.
The range function will give you a zero based list of numbers up to and excluding msgs. I guess there is no Tip with week_number=0.
Also, to limit the number of queries you could do this:
for tip in Tip.objects.filter(week_number__lt=msgs):
#do something
or, if you want specific weeks:
for tip in Tip.objects.filter(week_number__in=weeks):
#do something