How would I render a 2D radial field in OpenGL? I know I can render it pixel by pixel but I'm wondering if there are more efficient solutions? I don't mind if it requires OpenGL3+ functionality.
How familiar are you with shaders? Because I'm thinking an easy-ish answer would be to render a quad and then write a fragment shader to color the quad based off of how far each pixel is from the center.
vertex shader:
vec2 center = vec2((x1+x2)/2,(y1+y2)/2); //pass this to the fragment shader
fragment shader:
float dist = distance(pos,center); //"pos" is the interpolated position of the fragment. Its passed in from the vertex shader
//Now that we have the distance between each fragment and the center, we can do all kinds of stuff:
gl_fragcolor = vec4(1,1,1,dist) //Assuming you're drawing a unit square, this will make each pixel's transparency smoothly vary from 1 (right next to the center) to 0 (on the edce of the square)
gl_fragcolor = vec4(dist, dist, dist, 1.0) //Vary each pixel's color from white to black
//etc, etc
Let me know if you need more detail
I am attempting to write and read from a 3D texture, but it seems my mapping is wrong. I have used Render doc to check the textures and they look ok.
A random layer of this voluemtric texture looks like:
So just some blue to denote absence and some green values to denote pressence.
The coordinates I calculate when I write to each layer are calculated in the vertex shader as:
pos.x = (2.f*pos.x-width+2)/(width-2);
pos.y = (2.f*pos.y-depth+2)/(depth-2);
pos.z -= level;
pos.z *= 1.f/voxel_size;
gl_Position = pos;
Since the texture itself looks ok it seems these coordinates are good to achieve my goal.
It's important to note that right now voxel_size is 1 and the scale of the texture is supposed to be 1 to 1 with the scene dimensions. In essence, each pixel in the texture represents a 1x1x1 voxel in the scene.
Next I attempt to fetch the texture values as follows:
vec3 pos = vertexPos;
pos.x = (2.f*pos.x-width+2)/(width-2);
pos.y = (2.f*pos.y-depth+2)/(depth-2);
pos.z *= 1.f/(4*16);
outColor = texture(voxel_map, pos);
Where vertexPos is the global vertex position in the scene. The z coordinate may be completely wrong however (i am not sure if I am supposed to normalize the depth component or not) but that is not the only issue. If you look at the final result:
There is a horizontal sclae component problem. Since each texel represents a voxel, the color of a cube should always be a fixed color. But as you can see I am getting multiple colors for a single cube on the top faces. So my horizontal scale is wrong.
What am i doing wrong when fetching the texels from the texture?
This was originally asked by #sydd here. I was curious about it so I try to code it but It was closed/deleted before I could answer so here it is.
Question: How to reproduce/implement this 2D ray casting lighting effect in GLSL?
The effect itself cast rays from mouse position to every direction, accumulating background map alpha and colors affecting the pixels strength.
So the input should be:
mouse position
background RGBA map texture
Background map
Ok I created a test RGBA map as 2 images one containing RGB (on the left) and second with the alpha channel (on the right) so you can see them both. Of coarse they are combined to form single RGBA texture.
I blurred them both a bit to obtain better visual effects on the edges.
Ray casting
As this should run in GLSL we need to cast the rays somewhere. I decided to do it in fragment shader. So the algo is like this:
On GL side pass uniforms needed for shaders Here goes mouse position as texture coordinate, max resolution of texture and light transmition strength.
On GL side draw quad covering whole screen with texture of background (o blending)
On Vertex shader just pass the texture and fragment coordinates needed
On Fragment shader per each fragment:
cast ray from mouse position to actual fragment position (in texture coordinates)
cumulate/integrate the light properties during the ray travel
stop if light strength near zero or target fragment position reached.
Vertex shader
// Vertex
#version 420 core
layout(location=0) in vec2 pos; // glVertex2f <-1,+1>
layout(location=8) in vec2 txr; // glTexCoord2f Unit0 <0,1>
out smooth vec2 t1; // texture end point <0,1>
void main()
Fragment shader
// Fragment
#version 420 core
uniform float transmit=0.99;// light transmition coeficient <0,1>
uniform int txrsiz=512; // max texture size [pixels]
uniform sampler2D txrmap; // texture unit for light map
uniform vec2 t0; // texture start point (mouse position) <0,1>
in smooth vec2 t1; // texture end point, direction <0,1>
out vec4 col;
void main()
int i;
vec2 t,dt;
vec4 c0,c1;
c0=vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0); // light ray strength
if (dot(t1-t,dt)>0.0)
for (i=0;i<txrsiz;i++)
if (dot(t1-t,dt)<=0.000f) break;
if (c0.r+c0.g+c0.b<=0.001f) break;
col=0.90*c0+0.10*texture2D(txrmap,t1); // render with ambient light
// col=c0; // render without ambient light
And Finally the result:
Animated 256 colors GIF:
The colors in GIF are slightly distorted due to 8 bit truncation. Also if the animation stops refresh page or open in decend gfx viewer instead.
I try to simulate reflection on a plane with render to texture.
My only problem is how to adjust the texture coordinates correctly to the current view.
In the shader i multiply the texture coordinates with a rotation matrix.
The rotation matrix is set with:
glm::vec3 v1 = glm::vec3(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
glm::vec3 v2=glm::vec3(camlocation[0],camlocation[1],0.0);
float alpha=glm::angle(v1,v2);
texturematrix = glm::translate(texturematrix,glm::vec3(0.5f,0.5f,0.0f));
texturematrix = glm::rotate(texturematrix,alpha,glm::vec3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f));
texturematrix = glm::translate(texturematrix,glm::vec3(-0.5f,-0.5f,0.0f));
I dont know if its the right way, but the reflection looks wrong.
Step 1: i bind a framebuffer and my reflection texture and render my model, a teapot for example.
in the shader i invert Z-position.
Step 2: i bind the texture again and draw the plane. in the shader i use
vec4 texcoord = texturematrix*vec4(VertexIn.texcoord,1.0,1.0);
vec4 firsttex = texture(reflectionMap,texcoord.xy);
Step 3: i draw the real model
vec4 texcoord = texturematrix*vec4(VertexIn.texcoord,1.0,1.0);
ok, one mistake was the third coordinate. it must be 0.0.
now it looks better, but still wrong. i have to add the current eye direction to the camera location angle
using simple shaders I've found a way to create gradients.
Here's result of my job: (A little updated after OpenGL ES 2.0 Shader - 2D Radial Gradient in Polygon question)
It's nice, but I still need to display this gradient pattern on each face of my meshes. Or on the billboard face, just like it's a texture.
The glsl function gl_FragCoord returns window-related coordinates. Could someone explain me the way how to translate this into face-related coords and then draw my pattern?
Okey. A little surfing of stackoverflow gave me this topic: OpenGL: How to render perfect rectangular gradient?
Here is the meaning string: gl_FragColor = mix(color0, color1, uv.u + uv.v - 2 * uv.u * uv.v);
Of course we cannot translate window-space coordinates into something "face-related", but we could use UV coordinates of a face. So, I decided, what if we have a square face with uv-coordinates corresponding to full-sized texture (like 0,0; 0,1; 1,0; 1,1); So the center of a structure is 0.5,0.5. This could be a center of my round-gradient.
so my code of fragment shader is:
vec2 u_c = vec2(0.5,0.5);
float distanceFromLight = length(uv - u_c);
gl_FragColor = mix(vec4(1.,0.5,1.,1.), vec4(0.,0.,0.,1.), distanceFromLight*2.0);
Vertex shader:
gl_Position = _mvProj * vec4(vertex, 1.0);
uv = uv1;
Of course, we need to give correct UV coordinates, but the point is understood.
Here's example:
I can render triangular gradient with simply just one triangle and using glColor for each corner.
But how to render perfect rectangular gradient? I tried with one quad, but the middle will get ugly seam. I also tried with texture of 2x2 size, it was like it should be done: proper blending from each corner, but the texture sampling precision becomes unprecise when stretched too much (i started to see pixels bigger than 1x1 size).
Is there some way of calculating this in a shader perhaps?
Edit: Link to images were broken(removed).
Indeed, the kind of gradient you want relies on 4 colors at each pixel, where OpenGL typically only interpolates input over triangles (so 3 inputs). Getting the perfect gradient is not possible just with the standard interpolants.
Now, as you mentioned, a 2x2 texture can do it. If you did see precision issues, I suggest switching the format of the texture to something that typically requires more precision (like a float texture).
Last, and as you mentioned also in your question, you can solve this with a shader. Say you pass an extra attribute per-vertex that corresponds to (u,v) = (0,0) (0,1) (1,0) (1,0) all the way to the pixel shader (with the vertex shader just doing a pass-through).
You can do the following in the pixel shader (note, the idea here is sound, but I did not test the code):
Vertex shader snippet:
varying vec2 uv;
attribute vec2 uvIn;
uv = uvIn;
Fragment shader:
uniform vec3 color0;
uniform vec3 color1;
varying vec2 uv;
// from wikipedia on bilinear interpolation on unit square:
// f(x,y) = f(0,0)(1-x)(1-y) + f(1,0)x(1-y) + f(0,1)(1-x)y + f(1,1) xy.
// applied here:
// gl_FragColor = color0 * ((1-x)*(1-y) + x*y) + color1*(x*(1-y) + (1-x)*y)
// gl_FragColor = color0 * (1 - x - y + 2 * x * y) + color1 * (x + y - 2 * x * y)
// after simplification:
// float temp = (x + y - 2 * x * y);
// gl_FragColor = color0 * (1-temp) + color1 * temp;
gl_FragColor = mix(color0, color1, uv.u + uv.v - 2 * uv.u * uv.v);
The problem is because you use a quad. The quad is drawn using two triangles, but the triangles are not in the orientation that you need.
If I define the quad vertices as:
A: bottom left vertex
B: bottom right vertex
C: top right vertex
D: top left vertex
I would say that the quad is composed by the following triangles:
The colors assigned to each vertex are:
A: yellow
B: red
C: yellow
D: red
Keeping in mind the geometry (the two triangles), the pixels between D and B are result of the interpolation between red and red: indeed, red!
The solution would be the a geometry with two triangles, but orientated in a different way:
But probably you will no get the exact gradient, since in middle of quad you will get a full yellow, instead of a yellow mixed with red. So, I suppose you can achieve the exact result using 4 triangles (or a triangle fan), in which the centered vertex is the interpolation between the yellow and the red.
Wooop! Effetively the result is not what I was expecting. I thought the gradient was produced by linear interpolation between colors, but surely is not (I really need to setup the LCD color space!). Indeed, the most scalable solution is rendering using fragment shaders.
Keep the solution proposed by Bahbar. I would advice to start the implementation of a pass-through vertex/fragment shader (specifying only vertices and colors you should get the previous result); then, start playing with the mix function and the texture coordinate passed to the vertex shader.
You really need to understand the rendering pipeline with programmable shaders: vertex shader is called once per vertex, fragment shader is called once per fragment (without multisampling, a fragment is a pixel; with multisampling, a a pixel is composed by a many fragments which are interpolated to get the pixel color).
The vertex shader take the input parameters (uniforms and inputs; uniforms are constant for all vertices issued between glBegin/glEnd; inputs are characteristic of each vertex shader instance (4 vertices, 4 vertex shader instances).
A fragment shader takes as input the vertex shader outputs which has produced the fragment (due the rasterization of triangles, lines and points). In the Bahbar answer the only output is the uv variable (common to both shader sources).
In you case, the vertex shader outputs the vertex texture coordinates UV (passed "as-are"). These UV coordinates are available for each fragment, and they are computed by interpolating the values outputted by the vertex shader depending on the fragment position.
Once you have those coordinates, you only need two colors: the red and the yellow in your case (in Bahbar answer corresponds to color0 and color1 uniforms). Then, mix those colors depending on the UV coordinates of the specific fragment. (*)
(*) Here is the power of shaders: you can specify different interpolation methods by simply modifying the shader source. Linear, Bilinear or Spline interpolation are implemented by specifying additional uniforms to the fragment shader.
Good practice!
Do all of your vertices have the same depth (Z) value, and are all of your triangles completely on-screen? If so, then you should have no problem getting a "perfect" color gradient over a quad made from two triangles with glColor. If not, then it's possible that your OpenGL implementation treats colors poorly.
This leads me to suspect that you may have a very old or strange OpenGL implementation. I recommend that you tell us what platform you're using, and what version of OpenGL you have...?
Without any more information, I recommend you attempt writing a shader, and avoid telling OpenGL that you want a "color." If possible, tell it that you want a "texcoord" but treat it like a color anyway. This trick has worked in some cases where color accuracy is too low.