Converting MFC classes to the C++ standard library - c++

I'd doing some research to see if it's possible to convert an MFC-based Windows app to an HTML5 browser-based app. However, I'd like to keep some non-visual classes in a separate library that can be called from the browser or used by other applications, as required. Mostly this non-visual code is CObject-derived data classes that use strings, collections, etc. I'm not really familiar with the C++ Standard Library, would it be possible to post most of my existing of code to it without too many problems? Also, if I wanted to port the serialization code could I use something like the Boost serialization library as an extension to the standard library?
Are there any tools out there that would help with this type of conversion, and identify potential problems?

It is certainly possible to replace a UI layer of an application with a different UI technology. Exactly how difficult this will be will depend on how well separated the layers are in the existing application architecture (i.e. it's easier to replace the 'V' of an MVC app then an app where the model is mixed with the presentation logic)
Keeping non-visual MFC code in separate libraries (typically DLLs) is common place, but this usually implies that the application will continue to be an MFC application.
There are a few unusual things mentioned in your post:
You are talking about replacing desktop UI (MFC) with web UI ("HTML5"). This is still somewhat unusual, unless you are also transitioning to a web application, and placing the non-visual code on the server. That said, if you search on "using html5 for desktop apps" you'll find a lot of tools and discussions. For some apps, coding a UI within the constraints of a browser is still too limiting (e.g. limits on top-level window management and placement, etc.). If your goal is to have a more portable desktop application, you may want to investigate desktop UI libraries (e.g. Qt, wxWindows, etc.)
The C++ standard library and MFC string and container classes are significantly different, aside from offering some of the same general data structures. AFAIK there are no automated tools to convert from MFC to C++ standard library. Again, if your goal is portability, this is a sensible step, and you can write some wrapper classes around the C++ implementation to help adapt your code (although this can be a good opportunity to re-implement classes, or even entire libraries.)
A not-so-unusual thing is to consider using Boost libraries in addition to the standard library - they are high-quality libraries, and can save you a lot of time over rolling your own.


Portable MFC datatypes substitute library(ies)

We're currently considering making our windows application portable to other platforms, and one of the biggest challenges we're facing is removing the massive dependency on MFC we currently have.
We're planning on thinning down our UI layer as much as we can (as there we really need separate implementations depending on platform) but try to keep much of the core shared between platforms. One of our issues is usage of MFC throughout 'core' libraries (relying on MFC non-UI specific data types such as CString, CRect, CPoint, etc.), and we're trying to identify possible solutions.
The first thing that came to mind was writing our own data types to substitute MFC ones. While this is almost definitely the best approach, giving us flexibility in their implementation, this would add some considerable time to the endeavour.
The second option would be using an actually portable library (or a set of them) that gave us these substitute to plug-in. I'm investigating this route to figure out if we can find some reasonably lightweight option to save off significant time with the conversion. Optimally we would be able to make do with a pure datatype set of libraries to use, without the need for all the added UI complexity, and which would provide easy integration with the actual existing MFC UI code. STL works in part (strings, list and other collections..) but it's lacking some coverage.
Has anyone here been through a similar situation and has some experience to share?

Windows GUI and native C++

I'm making a student project called "C++ Game Development". It's a card game with client and server. Client application contains few windows which I've already made with Windows Forms in Visual Studio 2013. For client/server communication I decided to use Internet Communications Engine (ICE). During Build in client's project I had errors in auto-generated code by ICE. I found that ICE doesn't support C++/CLI, only native C++ or C# (that I can't use).
So now I am at a crossroads, whether make the whole client application in native C++ (that means for ex. use MFC which I'm not familiar with) or use both native C++ and C++/CLI (put the work I've done with Windows Forms to CLR Class Library and link to it from native C++ project with entry point) which is also not trivial.
I'm trying to choose the less time-consuming option. I'm asking to help me estimate the complexity of these approaches. I like the second much more but I'm not sure it's the easiest.
It depends how much complexity is already in your GUI. If you have a hundred dialogs/controls then rewriting it in native C++ might be the wrong answer. In this case, making your GUI into a library makes more sense.
However, its probably a better option to keep your GUI as a process and build a proxy library in native C++ that passes the ICE calls onto your server. (so C++/CLI exe calls a function in a new C++ library that makes a ICE call to the server and vice-versa).
If your GUI is small, then rewriting it in a modern (and better supported that C++/CLI) system is the best thing. Qt is probably the ultimate in native GUIs nowadays (but there are alternatives such as MFC, or wxWidgets). Even in these cases, its still probably better to code your networking subsystem as a native library anyway. Then you can change your GUI and try out a load of the GUI stacks as you like, porting your game to Android or iOS with just 1 presentation layer change.
The third alternative is to choose a different comms system. Whilst RPC like ICE are nice, the 'where its at' today is web-based comms via REST services (try an embedded c++ webserver like Mongoose or NxWeb), if you need to push data back to the client, these support WebSockets, so will provide all the functionality you need. And then, you can rewrite your GUI to be HTML based!
So: put your comms in a native C++ library.
C++/CLI can use native C++ code just fine.
Stick the generated code into a "static library project" that builds without /clr. Then list that static library as a dependency of your C++/CLI DLL.
The linker will figure out the rest. The result is called a "mixed-mode assembly".
Note that your comm library may not accept managed types. That's ok, C++/CLI can perfectly well mix unmanaged data model and managed view (UI) classes.

What's the fundamental difference between MFC and ATL?

Assuming I am only using them for "normal" GUI programs (no COM, no ActiveX, nothing fancy), what is the fundamental difference I will see between ATL and MFC, to help me figure out which one to use?
I've done some searches on the web, but ultimately none of the answers really answered my question:
"ATL is a fast, easy way to both create a COM component in C++ and maintain a small footprint. Use ATL to create a control if you don't need all of the built-in functionality that MFC automatically provides."
Doesn't really answer my question, because:
I'm not working with COM.
Does this imply MFC isn't fast? Why/how?
"MFC allows you to create full applications, ActiveX controls, and active documents. If you have already created a control with MFC, you may want to continue development in MFC. When creating a new control, consider using ATL if you don't need all of MFC's built-in functionality."
Also doesn't answer my question, because:
I don't really even know what ActiveX is in the first place.
It looks as though Microsoft is discouraging the use of MFC, but I can't figure out why.
What exactly is MFC's "built-in functionality" that ATL doesn't provide?
In general, this doesn't answer my question because it doesn't explain the downsides and the reasons behind them.
because directly or indirectly, everything seems to link back to the previous page:
How do I decide whether to use ATL, MFC, Win32 or CLR for a new C++ project?
"ATL & MFC are somewhat trickier to decide between. [[No kidding!]] I'd refer you to MSDN's page for choosing in order to decide between them."
Obviously, this doesn't answer my question. :)
What I have currently observed (within the last couple of days, while trying to learn both):
ATL is based on templates, or compile-time polymorphism.
ATL methods tend to be non-virtual, and tend to return references.
MFC is based on virtual methods, or run-time polymorphism.
MFC methods tend to be virtual, and tend to return pointers.
But there doesn't seem to be any architectural difference between them:
Both use message maps (BEGIN_MSG_MAP vs. BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP... big deal)
Both wrap Win32 methods into classes
Both seem to have similar classes CWnd vs. CWindow
But then, if there's no real difference except for the compile-time vs. run-time aspect, then why do both of them exist? Shouldn't one of them be enough?
What am I missing here?
I think the answer to your question is mostly historical, if you look back at how the two libraries originated and evolved through time.
The short answer is, if you are not doing anything "fancy", use ATL. It's great for simple user interfaces with COM thrown in.
The long answer:
MFC was built in the early 90s to try out this new language called C++ and apply it to Windows. It made Office like features available to the development community when the OS didn't have them yet.
[Edit embellishment: I did not work at Microsoft, so I don't know if Office was ever built on MFC, but I think the answer is no. Back in Win 3.1, Win 95 days, Office UI team would invent new controls, package them up in libraries, then the Windows and MFC teams would incorporate wrappers and API to those controls with redistributable dlls. I would guess there was a bit of collaboration and code sharing between those teams. Eventually those controls would make it into the base operating system in service packs or the next Windows version. This pattern continued with the Office Ribbon which was added into Windows as an add-on component well after Office shipped, and is now part of the Windows OS.]
At that time the library was quite primitive, both because of the C++ language and compiler being new, and Microsoft building it up over time as Office evolved.
Because of this history, MFC:
Has a fairly clunky design. It started as a light wrapper around the Windows API, but grew. There are a bunch of little 'features' that had to be invented because the compiler and language just didn't support them. There were no templates, they invented a string class, they invented list classes, they designed their own run time type identification, etc.
Encapsulates 20 years of Office and Windows evolution, which includes a whole crap load of stuff you will probably never use: Single and Multiple Document interfaces, DDE, COM, COM+, DCOM, Document Linking and Embedding (so you can embed a word document in your app if you wanted to), ActiveX controls (evolution of object embedding for the web!), Structured Document Storage, Serialization and Versioning, Automation (from early VBA years), and of course MVC. The latest versions have support for Visual Studio style window docking, and the Office ribbon. Basically every technology out of Redmond in 20 years is in there somewhere. It's just HUGE!
Has a ton of little gotchas, bugs, workarounds, assumptions, support for things that are still there that you will never use, and they cause problems. You need to be intimately familiar with the implementation of many classes and how they interact to use it on a decent size project. Delving into MFC source code during debugging is common. Finding a 15 year old tech note on some pointer being null causing a crash still happens. Assumptions on initialization of ancient document embedding stuff can affect your application in weird ways. There's no such thing as abstraction in MFC, you need to work with it's quirks and internals daily, it doesn't hide anything. And don't get me started on the class wizard.
ATL was invented as the C++ language evolved, and templates arrived. ATL was a showcase of how to use templates to avoid the run-time problems of the MFC library:
Message maps: Since they are template based, types are checked, and if you screw up the bound function, it doesn't build. In MFC message maps are macro based, and run-time bound. This can cause odd bugs, message routed to the wrong window, a crash if you have function or macro defined incorrectly, or just simply not work because something isn't hooked up right. Much more difficult to debug, and easier to break without noticing.
COM/Automation: Similar to message maps, COM was originally run-time bound using Macros, requiring lots of error handing and causing odd problems. ATL made it template based, compile time bound, and much, much easier to deal with.
[Edit Embellishment: At the time ATL was created, Microsoft's technical road map was mainly focused on 'Document Management'. Apple was killing them in the desktop publishing business. Office 'Document Linking and Embedding' was a main component to enhancing the 'Document Management' features of Office to compete in this space. COM was a core technology invented for application integration, and Document Embedding API's were based on COM. MFC was difficult to use for this use case. ATL was a good solution to make this particular technology easier for 3rd party's to implement COM and utilize document embedding features.]
These little improvements make ATL hugely easier to deal with on a simple application that doesn't need all the office like features of MFC. Something with a simple UI and some Office automation thrown in. It's small, it's fast, it's compile time bound saving you much time and headache. MFC has a huge library of classes that can be clunky, and difficult to work with.
Unfortunately ATL stagnated. It had wrappers for the windows API and COM support, and then it never really went beyond that. When the Web took off, all this stuff was sort of forgotten as old news.
[Edit Embellishment: Microsoft realized that this 'Internet Thing' was going to be big. Their technical road map changed drastically to focus on Internet Explorer, Windows Server, IIS, ASP, SQL Server, COM/DCOM in Distributed Transaction Server. So the Document Linking and Embedding was no longer a high priority.]
The huge footprint of MFC made it impossible for them to dump, so it still evolves slowly. Templates have been incorporated back into the library, as well as other language and API enhancements. (I had not heard of WTL until I saw this question. :)
Ultimately, which one to use is simply a matter of preference. The majority of the features you need are in the base OS API, which you can call directly from either library, if there is no suitable wrapper in the library.
Just my 2 cents based on using MFC for many years, and I use it now daily. I dabbled in ATL when it was first released on a few projects for a couple of years. It was a breath of fresh air in those days, but never really went anywhere. And then the Web came along and I forgot all about it.
Edit: This answer has surprising longevity. Since it keeps popping up in my stack overflow page, I thought I'd add some embellishment to the original answer I thought was lacking.
I have been told by many people who have used both that their programming experience was less painful with ATL than with MFC. Your compiled executable will also be much smaller with ATL.
I recommend you take a look at WTL, as it builds upon ATL.
What is that "extra functionality" they keep mentioning? Do I need it?
If you define your requirements, it might be easier to answer if you can avoid using MFC. Unfortunately "nothing fancy" isn't exclusive enough. Being inclusive as to which features you intend to use might be more helpful (which controls, which frameworks/technologies/existing libraries you want to use, etc).
But here's an article that describes some features in MFC that aren't directly supported by WTL/ATL.
MFC also has evolved to the point it supports a great many desirable features, such as MAPI, support for the other Windows logo requirements, sockets, documents (if you like and/or use that pattern), and compound document files. WTL has its share of cool features, but MFC is the clear feature champ. Both environments support framed main window architectures (frame window with separate view window), SDI and MDI applications, split windows, dialog-based applications, and various COM-based classes for COM support.
ATL is a set of classes meant to simplify the implementation of COM objects.
You can use it without MFC. At my job, we use ATL to expose COM interfaces to computational code. There is no GUI involved, it is for us to be able to call this computational code from eg. Excel VBA.
Look at some COM guide/tutorial to see what it abstracts.
MFC is just a set of GUI wrapper classes to the Win32 API. Look at some Win32 API tutorial to see what it abstracts.

What is the best way to get started in GUI C++ programming?

So, I learned C++ (fundamentals) and I want to write software, however I have stumbled upon a problem where I don't know where to get started. It seems like learning C++ was the easiest part by far when it comes to understanding the libraries for the GUI construction the concept I yet don't fully comprehend. I searched a lot and couldn't even decide been a new guy on MFC, Win32 or Qt.
Qt C++ GUI seems like a fun and easy to use software with the definitions of classes available right there quickly.
With Visual's MFC I am seeing a lot of code upfront on the pre made project file and a lot of description of classes, however getting definitions is a bit slower as I have to go to the internet.
Win32 is apparently written in C and is not updated much?
A lot of people recommend Java and C# as well, but I am not interested in learning a new language when I don't have C++ set in stone and practiced with enough yet.
Not sure how to go about this.
Go with Qt if you envision porting your program to platforms other than Windows and/or your actual UI needs are relatively straightforward. But Qt, being "fun," abstracts you away from the Windows API, so if you find yourself needing to access features of that API not offered by Qt, then you'll be up the creek. So go with MFC if you're staying on Windows and you're building an application whose complexity or Windows-specific features may require more direct access to the Windows API. MFC provides a thin abstraction layer over that API; its concepts map more or less one-to-one with the API's concepts.
What kind of GUI do you want? Any framework should be able to do any kind of GUI, but some are optimized for certain work:
MFC is optimized for making applications that edit documents, like MS Office programs Word, Excel, Powerpoint.
wxWidgets and Qt (and .NET WinForms and WPF) are optimized for any sort of app that primarily uses widgets (textboxes, buttons, menus).
SDL is optimized if you want to draw stuff, like graphs or vector artwork.
I wouldn't recommend that you use MFC since it isn't a good fit for most applications, and also doesn't use modern C++ design, it's loaded with workarounds needed for stuff that was broken in early versions of Visual C++ and now can't shake those workarounds because of backward compatibility.
The Win32 API is actually really useful to know regardless of what kind of application you want to make, because it defines the rules for how the UI interfaces to the rest of the system. Yes, it's written in C, but this is to make it usable from any programming language, not because it's an obsolete design. Win32 API is highly object-oriented and uses polymorphism extensively.
Few things you need to be aware of:
If one day you want to sell a program written using Qt you might need to purchase a license.
If you feel like GUI applications/ GUI programming is what you want to do in general, for windows platform you better learn WinForms or even better WPF (with C# of course).
If you just want to quickly put up simple GUIs for your C++ programs for learning purposes, and you don't care much about learning the frameworks and licensing issues, just go with Qt or wxWidgets.
MFC is outdated. If sticking with C++ on Windows, I recommend you to lean C++ CLI.
However I suggest you to learn c# directly since c# is the mainstream language in .Net world.
For GUI, the windows world is now dominated by WPF.

Implementing A Plugin System in C or C++ [closed]

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What are your tips on implementing a plugin style system?
In C (and I think C++ too although I haven't done it myself), this is most typically done using dynamically loaded modules. The API:s for such are platform-dependent.
On POSIX (Linux), you use the dlopen() family of functions. Basically you build your plugin separately, then load it at run-time, look up its symbols by name, and can then call them.
For Win32, there is LoadLibrary() which does something very similar, you build your code into a DLL.
For a handy wrapper that makes all of these easy and transparent, check out GLib's GModule API.
In the '92/'93 time frame I worked on a plugin architecture for Aldus PageMaker, which was coded in C++. PageMaker was built on a C++ OOP framework called VAMP, which assisted its portability between Mac OS and Windows.
So we tried to use the features of C++ to build a plugin architecture. This proved to be very problematic for C++ classes due to the so-called brittle base class problem. I proceeded to write a paper that was published in journals and that I presented at OOPSLA '93 in a reflection workshop. I also made contact with Bjarne Stroustrup at a Usenix conference in Portland and proceeded to dialog with him for several months, where he championed the issue of dealing with the brittle base class problem on my behalf. (Alas, other issues were deemed more important at that time.)
Microsoft introduced the COM/DCOM system and for that platform that was looked on as a viable solution to the problem. C++ could be used as an implementation language for COM via abstract classes used to define COM interfaces.
However, these days developers shun away from COM/DCOM.
In contrast, NeXT devised a plugin architecture using Objective C in the early 90s in the NeXT Step framework. Today that lives on vibrantly in Mac OS X on Apple's computers and important platforms such as the iPhone.
I submit Objective C enabled solving the plugin problem in a superior manner.
I personally regard the brittle base class problem of C++ to be it's most fatal flaw.
If were building a plugin architecture with the C-based family of languages, would do so using Objective C.
The best platform and language neutral advice I can give is this:
Design your entire app around the plugin SDK.
IMO, a plugin SDK should not be an afterthought. If you design your app to basically be an empty shell which loads plugins, then the core features are implemented in your own SDK, you get the following benefits:
High modularity of components, and clear separation of purpose (it kind of forces your architecture to be good)
It forces your SDK to be really good
It allows other third party developers to make extremely powerful, core-level features as well
New developers/hires can easily start work on a major new feature without having to touch the main app - they can do all their work in a plugin (which prevents them screwing up anything else)
In C/C++, you probably use dynamic link libraries and either function pointers (C) or interfaces (classes solely consisting of pure virtual methods, for C++). However even if you use Javascript, I'd still recommend the above architecture.
Qt provides QPluginLoader:
If you need/want more fine grained control, Qt also provides a means to load libraries on the fly with QLibrary:
Even better, these are portable across platforms.
This may not be what you're looking for, but you could embed a scripting language in your application, such as Lua. Lua was designed to be embedded in other programs and used as a scripting language for writing plugins. I believe it's fairly easy to add the Lua interpreter to your program, though I don't know Lua so I can't vouch for how effective of a solution this would be. Others with more experience with Lua, please add comments about your experience with embedding Lua in another application.
This would, of course, mean that your plugins need to be written in Lua. If you don't like Lua then the de-facto standard Perl, Python and Ruby interpreters are all written in C, and can be embedded in a C program. I know of a number of programs that use these languages as scripting language extensions.
However, I don't know what you're looking for, as your question is a little vague. Perhaps more information about what you want people to be able to do with said plugins would be appropriate. For some tasks, a full-blown scripting language may be a bit overkill.
I have written an article about how to implement a plugin system using Dynamic Linking Libraries. The article is written from the point-of-view of a Windows programmer but the technique can be applied to a Linux/Unix type environment.
The article can be found here:
The main point is, you should create a "common" DLL that is implicitly linked by both the main application (the core application) and by the plugin implementations. The plugins can then be explicitly linked and loaded dynamically at run-time by the core application.
The article also shows how you can safely share static (singleton) instance of a class across multiple DLLs by using the "common" DLL.
The article also shows how you can export a "C" function or variables from a DLL and use the exported functions in the application at run-time.
It's best to use a framework like ACE ( that shields you (as good as possible) from platform specific coding.
ACE contains a plugin framework that is based on shared libraries that you can use to create dynamically assembled applications.
For a higher level abstraction check out CIAO ( the Open Source C++ implementation of the CORBA Component Model.
Look at Poco Class Loader, it can be interesting for you.
I have written a plugin library Pugg that loads C++ classes from dll files and here is the logic I used:
User exports a c function from dll that has a unique name. This name has to be unique enough as functions cannot be distinguished using their arguments while loading from dlls.
C function registers one or several factory classes called "Driver". Every Driver class is associated with a string. When the main application wants to create a class, it gathers the related factory class using the associated string. I also implemented a version checking system to not load old plugins.
Dll loading is accomplished using the LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress functions (Pugg currently works on windows).
One thing worth mentioning is that main application and dlls should be compiled using the same compiler and using the same compilation options (release/debug modes, optimization settings, stl versions etc...). Otherwise there might be issues with mapping of classes.
I have had some success using a fairly naive system:
Create API Specification for plug-ins
Use a singleton plug-in manager
Use LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress based run time dynamic linking
Implement Inversion of control based event handling for notifying the plug-ins
This podcast on plugin architectures might also be interesting.