Is REST a good solution if you have lots of requests? - web-services

I want people to controll my arduino robot via the internet. It's important that the controlling reacts very fast. The user may send many requests per second.
Let me explain my architecture:
The user connects to a web-frontend. He can use a virtual joystick and buttons. The frontend will then send orders (like "motor1:255" "motor2:0"....) to an application server (Wildfly).
When a frontend-session starts, Wildfly will establish a connection to my computer or smartphone using a socket. The orders will be passed to the arduino using bluetooth. When a frontend-session is not longer active, the socket will be closed.
One Wildfly should be able to controll up to 10 robots. One robot can be controlled by exactly one user. Some developers use a mysql table and add a row for each incoming order. I don't think this would work in my case.
Is it okay to use REST to send the orders from the frontend to the application server? Is there any other fast and secure way to transport the user input from the frontend to the business logic?

REST, when properly understood and applied, is a solution for problems of long-term evolution and maintenance of your application. It doesn't seem to be your case.
What you mean is probably if an HTTP API is a good solution if you have lots of requests, and the answer is, it depends. I'd probably look into something like ZeroMQ for doing what you want.


How to create a full-duplex communication between API and various clients?

In my website, I'd like to create a public API that would allow clients (unknown people) to interact with my services. A classic REST API would work well in that case.
However, I need to be able to send events to the clients too. These events are not related to client HTTP requests. I saw "webhooks" are a way to deal with this. If I understood well, with webhooks, my service would send HTTP POST requests to a URL specified by the client, with event data inside this request.
I think websocket can be used too as a solution for this full-duplex communication need.
What I want to know, is which method would be the simplest for clients to implement to talk to my services? Simplicity is the key point here.
The hard thing is that my clients can use various technologies (full websites with HTTP servers, iOS/Android apps without server, etc.)
What are implications for clients if I use REST API + webhooks? Websockets? etc?
How to make a choice?
Hope it's clear (but not sure). Thanks :)
I would consider webhooks a simpler solution. And yes, you understood it well, that with webhooks, a developer using your API would register a URL where your backend would POST event data. It's a common pattern that's used in APIs.
A great benefit of using a webhooks design is that a client/server connection does not need to stay open. After all, if events occur infrequently (i.e. only a few times per hour, or per day) or keeping a consistent connection open is a challenge, establishing a connection only when it's needed is rather efficient.
The challenge of using webhooks for you, the API provider, is designing an evented backend system that deals with change of state detection and reliable webhook calling mechanisms (i.e. dealing with webhook receiver URLs that are unresponsive or throw errors).
The challenge of using webhooks on the developer end is that they need to stand up a reliable web server that listens for the event POST data from your server.
Realtime APIs (i.e. based on Websockets, Bayeux/CometD) are really swell because that live connection means that new connections do not have to be established, which is particularly useful with very chatty sessions. Additionally, there are a lot of projects and companies out there that have taken care of the heavy lifting on the server and client with fully-baked libraries. One of those is which makes pushing messages between the client/server possible with just a few lines of code, utilizing XMPP, Bayeux, and Websockets when possible.
(I am not affiliated with Fanout, but I have used it)
So, to sum it up, webhooks are simple mostly because you are already familiar with the architecture needed to implement them, and the pattern is a well traveled one. If you are leaning toward a persistent connection approach, I would look at tools/platforms like Fanout because it takes care of the heavy lifting (i.e. subscribe/publish, concurrent connection scale, client/server libraries).

What is the modern programming standard for synchronizing data between a web service and a client?

The question is a little general, so to help narrow the focus, I'll share my current setup that is motivating this question. I have a LAMP web service running a RESTful API. We have two client implementations: one browser-based javascript client (local storage store) and one iOS-based client (core data store). Obviously these two clients store data very differently, but the data itself needs to be kept in two-way sync with the remote server as often as possible.
Currently, our "sync" process is a little dumb (as in, non-smart). Conceptually, it looks like:
Client periodically asks the server for ALL of the most-recent data.
Server sends down the remote data, which overwrites the current set of local data in the client's store.
Any local creates/updates/deletes after this point are treated as gold, and immediately sent to the server.
The data itself is stored relationally, and updated occasionally by client users. The clients in my specific case don't care too much about the relationships themselves (which is why we can get away with local storage in the browser client for now).
Obviously this isn't true synchronization. I want to move to a system where, conceptually, a "diff" of the most recent changes are sent to the server periodically, and the server sends back a "diff" of the most recent changes it knows about. It seems very difficult to get to this point, but maybe I just don't understand the problem very well.
REST feels like a good start, but REST only talks about the way two data stores talk to each other, not how the data itself is synchronized between them. (This sync process is left up to the implementer of each store.) What is the best way to implement this process? Is there a modern set of programming design patterns that apply to inform a specific solution to this problem? I'm mostly interested in a general (technology agnostic) approach if possible... but specific frameworks would be useful to look at too, if they exist.
Multi-master replication is always (and will always be) difficult and bespoke, because how conflicts are handled will be specific to your application.
IMO A more robust approach is to use Master-slave replication, with your web service as the master and the clients as slaves. To keep the clients in sync, use an archived atom feed of the changes (see event sourcing) as per RFC5005. This is the closest you'll get to a modern standard for this type of replication and it's RESTful.
When the clients are online, they do not update their replica directly, instead they send commands to the server and have their replica updated via the atom feed.
When the clients are offline things get difficult. Your clients will need to have a model of how your web service behaves. It will need to have an offline copy of your replica, which should be copied on write from the online replica (the online replica is the one that is updated by the atom feed). When the client executes commands that modify the data, it should store the command (for later replay against the web service), the expected result (for verification during replay) and update the offline replica.
When the client goes back online, it should replay the commands, compare the result with the expected result and notify the client of any variances. How these variances are handled will vary based on your application. The offline replica can then be discarded.
CouchDB replication works over HTTP and does what you are looking to do. Once databases are synced on either end it will send diffs for adds/updates/deletes.
Couch can do this with other Couch machines or with a mobile framework like TouchDB.
I've done a fair amount of it, but you can always set up CouchDB on one machine, set up TouchDB on a mobile device and then watch the HTTP traffic go back and forth to get an idea of how they do it.
Or read this:
Maybe something from the link above will help you get an idea of how to do your own diffs for your REST service. (Since they are both over HTTP thought it could be useful.)
You may want to look into the Dropbox Datastore API:
It sounds like it might be a very good fit for your purposes. They have iOS and javascript clients.
Lately, I've been interested in Meteor.
The platform sets up Mongo on the server and minimongo in the browser. The client subscribes to some data and when that data changes, the platform automatically sends down the new data to the client.
It's a clever solution to the syncing problem, and it solves several other problems as well. It will be interesting to see if more platforms do this in the future.

Django node.js

I am trying to make a realtime messaging application. There will be 2 distinct server(node.js and django) and when a user sends message to another user message will be stored in database than node.js will send a message to receiver like "You have new Message!". For that i am planing to call url which node.js serve. So node.js and django will interact each other. And what is best way send message to specifig client ? (I keep clients with their id's in a assosicative array.)
what do you think about that? is it efficent or do you suggest better way to do this ?
Now that I understand more about what you're trying to do, here my answer, just keep in mind that this only reflects my opinion, and I bet that many others would argue about it.
It all matter on how much traffic you expect to have in your application. If it's not a high traffic application, then efficiency in run-time is insignificant when compared to that of the development, and so choose the technology you feel most comfortable with.
If though you do aim for high traffic application, then I believe that this setup is not a good one.
First of all while http based communication between servers might seem comfortable, you are dealing with the overhead of http over tcp (since http is based on tcp). And so regular tcp sockets scale better, but on the other hand if you write the sockets server in python than you can run it from the same process as the django and then just use it as an object from django (you're entering the realm of threads here). But that's problematic if you have a few web instances, again depends on how much traffic you expect.
As for your choice for implementing the messaging server, I've never tested node.js but I believe that in benchmark tests it won't compare for something written in erlang or Java NIO. For example: JAVA AIO (NIO.2) VS NODEJS

A couple of questions for a websocket app

I'm currently using Jetty as my websocket server and I'm trying to make a real-time game. I'm really new to this. So far I've managed to work on the easiest one (which is the chat). Now, I have a couple of issues:
I'm trying to make a list of the current users connected in the server; how do I make such feature? I don't really know if this is practical but my idea is that there's a time interval that lets the server know that "Hey, I'm still alive." I want my user list to be dynamic in such a way that if a user logs out, the list will refresh.
I'm also trying to make "rooms" for my app. Basically, the people in "Room 1" can't see what people in "Room 2" are doing; the other room functionalities are already self-explanatory. I still don't have an idea for this; can someone recommend a way to implement this?
So far I've been having fun in learning this technology, and I would be very glad if there would be incoming help. These two are my issues so far. I'm also open for any suggestions for my app.
Thank you all in advance. :-)
(Uhm, can #1 and #2 be solvable solely by Javascript?)
Your question isn't really jetty or websocket specific.
Websockets simply provide a transport mechanism for your web browser to communicate with the server - what gets set over that transport, and how the server manages information are completely separate to the websocket.
Firstly, if you haven't read it already, read this article:
Secondly, consider using cometd to make this easier - version 2 (currently in Beta) supports websockets.
As for your questions - there are 2 things you'll need to do (cometd can help with this)
1. Define a protocol
Define a messaging protocol to sit on top of websockets. Websockets just provide a way to send chunks of data around, they don't define what that data means. You'll need to build something that does that, so you have messages that go from the client to the server like.
CONNECT "user"
JOIN_ROOM "room1"
SEND_MESSAGE "message"
And then you need messages form the server to the client
RECEIVE_MESSAGE "user" "message"
You need to come up with some reliable way to send that data over a websocket. You can invent your own simple protocol (like the Jetty chat example does), you could use JSON, or XML, or CometD channels.
2. Server-Side State
If you've got simple chat working, then you must have made a start on this, but the other bit you need is a way to keep track of
how many users are connected
what their names are
which socket they're connected to
which room they're in
Depending on how complex your system is going to become, you might be able to just store that in 1 big singleton on the server.

online game best-practice

I'm developing a django-based MMO, and I'm wondering what would be the best way for server-client communication. The solutions I found are:
periodical AJAX calls
keeping a connection alive and sending data through it
Later edit:
This would consist in "you have a message", "user x attacked you", "your transport to x has arrived" and stuff like this. They could grow in number (something like 1/second), but for a typical user they shouldn't reach 1/minute
Not sure if it's applicable to what you're looking for, but there's a pretty good live example of lightweight server-client communication using node.js for a simple chat service:
You might want to take a look at crossbar is an open-source server software that allows developers
to create distributed systems, composed of application components
which are loosely coupled, communicate in (soft) real-time and can be
implemented in different languages
There's also a third technique involving "hanging" queries:
Client requests an updated page (or whatever)
Server doesn't answer right away
Sometime before the request times out, there's a state update in the server, and the server finally answers the client, which can then update.
If there really is nothing new to tell the client within the update period, then the server responds before the timeout with a "no news" message, and the client starts up another "hanging" request.
Client doesn't have to do Ajax. You could even make regular HTML pages "interactive" like this.
Probably not quite as much senseless polling traffic.
Server needs to keep more active connections open, and service them at least once per timeout period. Also,
depending on how well the server code supports multi-threading (does PHP provide any help there?), it may be more difficult to code than AJAX response handling.