Setting or consulting boolean. Which has the best performance? - c++

Just for curiosity, which process is fastest: setting a value to a boolean (ex: changing it from true to false) or simple checking its value (ex: if(boolean)...)

The problem I have with "which is fastest" is that they are too underspecified to actually be answered conclusively, and at the same time too broad to yield useful conclusions even if answered conclusively. The only productive avenue your curiosity can take is to build a mental model of the machine and run both cases through it.
foo = true stores the value true to the location allocated to foo. That raises the question: Where and how is foo stored? This is impossible to answer without actually running the complete source code through the compiler with the right settings. It could be anywhere in RAM, or it could be in a register, or it could use no storage at all, being completely eliminated by compiler optimizations. Depending on where foo resides, the cost of overwriting it can vary: Hundreds of CPU cycles (if in RAM and not in cache), a couple cycles (in RAM and cache), one cycle (register), zero cycles (not stored).
if (foo) generally means reading foo and then performing a conditional branch based on it. Regarding the aspects I'll discuss here (I have to omit many details and some major categories), reading is effectively like writing. The conditional branch that follows has is even less predictable, as its cost depends on the run-time behavior of the program. If the branch is always taken, branch prediction will make it virtually free (a few cycles). If it's unpredictable, it may take tens of cycles and blow the pipeline (further reducing throughput). However, it's also possible that the conditional code will be predicated, invaliding most of the above concerns and replacing it with reasoning about instruction latency, data dependencies, and the gory details of the pipeline.
As you can see from the sheer volume to be written about it (despite omitting many details and even some important secondary effects), it's virtually impossible to really answer this in any generality. You need to look at concrete, complete programs to make any sort of prediction, and you need to know your whole system from top to bottom. Note that I had to assume a very specific kind of machine to even get this far: For a GPGPU or a embedded system or an early 90's consumer CPU, I'd have to rewrite almost all of that.

I think that this is so dependent on the context :
Is the boolean stored in memory, cache, or register
whether what's behind the if induce a jump or only a conditional move
whether the value of the boolean is predictable or not
that the question doesn't finally makes sense.


setting and checking a 32 bit variable

I am wondering if setting a 32 bit variable after checking it will be faster than just setting it? E.g. variable a is of uint32
if( a != 0)
a = 0;
a = 0;
The code will be running in a loop which it will run many times so I want to reduce the time to run the code.
Note variable a will be 0 most of the time, so the question can possibly be shortened to if it is faster to check a 32 bit variable or to set it. Thank you in advance!
edit: Thank you all who commented on the question, I have created a for loop and tested both assigning and if-ing for 100 thousand times. It turns out assigning is faster.(54ms for if-ing and 44ms for assigning)
What you describe is called a "silent store" optimization.
PRO: unnecessary stores are avoided.
This can reduce pressure on the store to load forwarding buffers, a component of a modern out-of-order CPU that is quite expensive in hardware, and, as a result, is often undersized, and therefore a performance bottleneck. On Intel x86 CPUs there are performance Event Monitoring counters (EMON) that you can use to investigate whether this is a problem in your program.
Interestingly, it can also reduce the number of loads that your program does. First, SW: if the stores are not eliminated, the compiler may be unable to prove that the do not write to the memory occupied by a different variable, the so-called address and pointer disambiguation problem, so the compiler may generate unnecessary reloads of such possibly but not actually conflicting memory locations. Eliminate the stores, some of these loDs may also be eliminated. Second, HW: most modern CPUs have store to load dependency predictors: fewer stores increase accuracy. If a dependency is predicted, the load may actually not be performed by hardware, and maybe converted into a register to register move. This was the subject of the recent patent lawsuits that the University of Wisconsin asserted against Intel and Apple, with awards exceeding hundreds of millions of dollars.
But the most important Reason to eliminate the unnecessary stores is to avoid unnecessarily dirtying the cache. A dirty cache line eventually has to be written to memory, even if unchanged. Wasting power. In many systems it will eventually be written to flash or SSD, wasting power and consuming the limited write cycles of the device.
These considerations have motivated academic research in silent stores, such as However, a quick google scholar search shows these papers are mainly 2000-2004, and I am aware of no modern CPUs implementing true silent store elimination - actually having hardware read the old value. I suspect, however, that this lack of deployment of silent stores us mainly because CPU design went on pause for more than a decade, as focus changed from desktop PCs to cell phones. Now that cell phones are almost caught up to the sophistication of 2000-era desktop CPUs, it may arise again.
CON: Eliminating the silent store in software takes more instructions. Worse, it takes a branch. If the branch is not very predictable, the resulting branch mispredictions will consume any savings. Some machines have instructions that allow you to eliminate such stores without a branch: eg Intel's LRBNI vector store instructions with a conditional vector mask. I believe AVX has these instructions. If you or your compiler can use such instructions, then the cost is just the load of the old value and a vector compare if the old value is already in a register, then just the compare.
By the way, you can get some benefit without completely eliminating the store, but by redirecting it to a safe address. Instead if
If a[i] != 0 then a[i] := 0
ptr = a+I; if *ptr == 0 then ptr.:= &safe; *ptr:=0
Still doing the store, but not dirtying so many cache lines. I have used this way if faking a conditional store instruction a lot. It is very unlikely that a compiler will do this sort of optimization.
So, unfortunately, the answer is "it depends". If you are on a vector mask machine or a GPU, and the silent stores are very common, like, more than 30%, worth thinking about. If in scalar code, probably need more like 90% silent.
Ideally, measure it yourself. Although it can be hard to make realistic measurements.
I would start with what is probably the best case for thus optimization:
char a[1024*1024*1024]; // zero filled
const int cachelinesize = 64;
for(char*p=a; p
Every store is eliminated here - mAke sure that the compiler still emits them. Good branch prediction, etc
If this limit case shows no benefit, your realistic code is unlikely to.
Come to think if it, I ran such a benchmark back in the last century. The silent store code was 2x faster, since totally memory bound, and the silent stores generate no dirty cache lines on a write back cache. Recheck thus, and then try on more realistic workload.
But first, measure whether you are memory bottlenecked or not.
By the way: if hardware implementations of silent store elimination become common, then you will never want to do it in software.
But at the moment I am aware of no hardware implementations of silent store elimination in commercially available CPUs.
As ECC becomes more common, silent store elimination becomes almost free - since you have to read the old bytes anyway to recalculate ECC in many cases.
The assignment would do you better as firstly the if statement is redundant and it would make it clearer if you omitted it, also the assignment only should be faster and even if you are not quite sure of it you can just create a simple function to test it with and without the if statement.

Measuring performance/throughput of fast code ignoring processor speed?

Is there a way I could write a "tool" which could analyse the produced x86 assembly language from a C/C++ program and measure the performance in such a way, that it wouldnt matter if I ran it on a 1GHz or 3GHz processor?
I am thinking more along the lines of instruction throughput? How could I write such a tool? Would it be possible?
I'm pretty sure this has to be equivalent to the halting problem, in which case it can't be done. Things such as branch prediction, memory accesses, and memory caching will all change performance irrespective of the speed of the CPU upon which the program is run.
Well, you could, but it would have very limited relevance. You can't tell the running time by just looking at the instructions.
What about cache usage? A "longer" code can be more cache-friendly, and thus faster.
Certain CPU instructions can be executed in parallel and out-of-order, but the final behaviour depends a lot on the hardware.
If you really want to try it, I would recommend writing a tool for valgrind. You would essentially run the program under a simulated environment, making sure you can replicate the behaviour of real-world CPUs (that's the challenging part).
EDIT: just to be clear, I'm assuming you want dynamic analysis, extracted from real inputs. IF you want static analysis you'll be in "undecidable land" as the other answer pointed out (you can't even detect if a given code loops forever).
EDIT 2: forgot to include the out-of-order case in the second point.
It's possible, but only if the tool knows all the internals of the processor for which it is projecting performance. Since knowing 'all' the internals is tantamount to building your own processor, you would correctly guess that this is not an easy task. So instead, you'll need to make a lot of assumptions, and hope that they don't affect your answer too much. Unfortunately, for anything longer than a few hundred instructions, these assumptions (for example, all memory reads are found in L1 data cache and have 4 cycle latency; all instructions are in L1 instruction cache but in trace cache thereafter) affect your answer a lot. Clock speed is probably the easiest variable to handle, but the details for all the rest that differ greatly from processor to processor.
Current processors are "speculative", "superscalar", and "out-of-order". Speculative means that they choose their code path before the correct choice is computed, and then go back and start over from the branch if their guess is wrong. Superscalar means that multiple instructions that don't depend on each other can sometimes be executed simultaneously -- but only in certain combinations. Out-of-order means that there is a pool of instructions waiting to be executed, and the processor chooses when to execute them based on when their inputs are ready.
Making things even worse, instructions don't execute instantaneously, and the number of cycles they do take (and the resources they occupy during this time) vary also. Accuracy of branch prediction is hard to predict, and it takes different numbers of cycles for processors to recover. Caches are different sizes, take different times to access, and have different algorithms for decided what to cache. There simply is no meaningful concept of 'how fast assembly executes' without reference to the processor it is executing on.
This doesn't mean you can't reason about it, though. And the more you can narrow down the processor you are targetting, and the more you constrain the code you are evaluating, the better you can predict how code will execute. Agner Fog has a good mid-level introduction to the differences and similarities of the current generation of x86 processors:
Additionally, Intel offers for free a very useful (and surprisingly unknown) tool that answers a lot of these questions for recent generations of their processors. If you are trying to measure the performance and interaction of a few dozen instructions in a tight loop, IACA may already do what you want. There are all sorts of improvements that could be made to the interface and presentation of data, but it's definitely worth checking out before trying to write your own:
To my knowledge, there isn't an AMD equivalent, but if there is I'd love to hear about it.

Pipeline optimzation, is there any point to do this?

Some very expencied programmer from another company told me about some low-level code-optimzation tips that targetting specific CPU, including pipeline-optimzation, which means, arrange the code (inlined assembly, obviously) in special orders such that it fit the pipeline better for the targetting hardware.
With the presence of out-of-order and speculative execuation, I just wonder is there any points to do this kind of low-level stuff? We are mostly invovled in high performance computing, so we can really focus on one very specific CPU type to do our optimzation, but I just dont know if there is any point to do this specific optimzation, anyone has any experience here, where to begin? are there any code examples for this kind of optimzation? many thanks!
I'll start by saying that the compiler will usually optimize code sufficiently (i.e. well enough) that you do not need to worry about this provided your high-level code and algorithms are optimized. In general, manual optimizing should only happen if you have hard evidence that there is an actual performance issue that you can quantify and have tracked down.
Now, with that said, it's always possible to improve things - sometimes a little, sometimes a lot.
If you are in the high-performance computing game, then this sort of optimization might make sense. There are all sorts of "tricks" that can be done, but they are best left to real experts and not for the faint of heart.
If you really want to know more about this topic, a good place to start is by reading Agner Fog's website.
Pipeline optimization will improve your programs performance:
Branches and jumps may force your processor to reload the instruction pipeline, which takes some time. This time could be devoted to data processing instructions.
Some platform independent methods for pipeline optimizations:
Reduce number of branches.
Use Boolean Arithmetic
Set up code to allow for conditional execution of instructions.
Unroll loops.
Make loops have short content (that can fit in a processor's cache
without loading).
Edit 1: Other optimizations
Reduce code by eliminating features and requirements.
Review and optimize the design.
Review implementation for more efficient implementations.
Revert to assembly language only when all other optimizations have
provided little performance improvement; optimize only the code that
is executed 80% of the time; find out by profiling.
Edit 2: Data Optimizations
You can also gain performance improvements by organizing your data. Search the web for "Data Driven Design" or "Optimize performance data".
One idea is that the most frequently used data should be close together and ultimately fit into the processor's data cache. This will reduce the frequency that the processor has to reload its data cache.
Another optimization is to: Load data (into registers), operate on data, then write all data back to memory. The idea here is to trigger the processor's data cache loading circuitry before it processes the data (or registers).
If you can, organize the data to fit in one "line" of your processor's cache. Sequential locations require less time than random access locations.
There are always things that "help" vs. "hinder" the execution in the pipeline, but for most general purpose code that isn't highly specialized, I would expect that performance from compiled code is about as good as the best you can get without highly specialized code for each model of processor. If you have a controlled system, where all of your machines are using the same (or a small number of similar) processor model, and you know that 99% of the time is spent in this particular function, then there may be a benefit to optimizing that particular function to become more efficient.
In your case, it being HPC, it may well be beneficial to handwrite some of the low-level code (e.g. matrix multiplication) to be optimized for the processor you are running on. This does take some reasonable amount of understanding of the processor however, so you need to study the optimization guides for that processor model, and if you can, talk to people who've worked on that processor before.
Some of the things you'd look at is "register to register dependencies" - where you need the result of c = a + b to calculate x = c + d - so you try to separate these with some other useful work, such that the calculation of x doesn't get held up by the c = a + b calculation.
Cache-prefetching and generally caring for how the caches are used is also a useful thing to look at - not kicking useful cached data out that you need 100 instructions later, when you are storing the resulting 1MB array that won't be used again for several seconds can be worth a lot of processor time.
It's hard(er) to control these things when compilers decide to shuffle it around in it's own optimisation, so handwritten assembler is pretty much the only way to go.

Function size vs execution speed

I remember hearing somewhere that "large functions might have higher execution times" because of code size, and CPU cache or something like that.
How can I tell if function size is imposing a performance hit for my application? How can I optimize against this? I have a CPU intensive computation that I have split into (as many threads as there are CPU cores). The main thread waits until all of the worker threads are finished before continuing.
I happen to be using C++ on Visual Studio 2010, but I'm not sure that's really important.
I'm running a ray tracer that shoots about 5,000 rays per pixel. I create (cores-1) threads (1 per extra core), split the screen into rows, and give each row to a CPU thread. I run the trace function on each thread about 5,000 times per pixel.
I'm actually looking for ways to speed this up. It is possible for me to reduce the size of the main tracing function by refactoring, and I want to know if I should expect to see a performance gain.
A lot of people seem to be answering the wrong question here, I'm looking for an answer to this specific question, even if you think I can probably do better by optimizing the contents of the function, I want to know if there is a function size/performance relationship.
It's not really the size of the function, it's the total size of the code that gets cached when it runs. You aren't going to speed things up by splitting code into a greater number of smaller functions, unless some of those functions aren't called at all in your critical code path, and hence don't need to occupy any cache. Besides, any attempt you make to split code into multiple functions might get reversed by the compiler, if it decides to inline them.
So it's not really possible to say whether your current code is "imposing a performance hit". A hit compared with which of the many, many ways that you could have structured your code differently? And you can't reasonably expect changes of that kind to make any particular difference to performance.
I suppose that what you're looking for is instructions that are rarely executed (your profiler will tell you which they are), but are located in the close vicinity of instructions that are executed a lot (and hence will need to be in cache a lot, and will pull in the cache line around them). If you can cluster the commonly-executed code together, you'll get more out of your instruction cache.
Practically speaking though, this is not a very fruitful line of optimization. It's unlikely you'll make much difference. If nothing else, your commonly-executed code is probably quite small and adjacent already, it'll be some small number of tight loops somewhere (your profiler will tell you where). And cache lines at the lowest levels are typically small (of the order of 32 or 64 bytes), so you'd need some very fine re-arrangement of code. C++ puts a lot between you and the object code, that obstructs careful placement of instructions in memory.
Tools like perf can give you information on cache misses - most of those won't be for executable code, but on most systems it really doesn't matter which cache misses you're avoiding: if you can avoid some then you'll speed your code up. Perhaps not by a lot, unless it's a lot of misses, but some.
Anyway, what context did you hear this? The most common one I've heard it come up in, is the idea that function inlining is sometimes counter-productive, because sometimes the overhead of the code bloat is greater than the function call overhead avoided. I'm not sure, but profile-guided optimization might help with that, if your compiler supports it. A fairly plausible profile-guided optimization is to preferentially inline at call sites that are executed a larger number of times, leaving colder code smaller, with less overhead to load and fix up in the first place, and (hopefully) less disruptive to the instruction cache when it is pulled in. Somebody with far more knowledge of compilers than me, will have thought hard about whether that's a good profile-guided optimization, and therefore decided whether or not to implement it.
Unless you're going to hand-tune to the assembly level, to include locking specific lines of code in cache, you're not going to see a significant execution difference between one large function and multiple small functions. In both cases, you still have the same amount of work to perform and that's going to be your bottleneck.
Breaking things up into multiple smaller functions will, however, be easier to maintain and easier to read -- especially 6 months later when you've forgotten what you did in the first place.
Function size is unlikely to be a bottleneck in your application. What you do in the function is much more important that it's physical size. There are some things your compiler can do with small function that it cannot do with large functions (namely inlining), but usually this isn't a huge difference anyway.
You can profile the code to see where the real bottleneck is. I suspect calling a large function is not the problem.
You should, however, break up the function into smaller function for code readability reasons.
It's not really about function size, but about what you do in it. Depending on what you do, there is possibly some way to optimize it.

What happens if function inlining is too aggressive?

Each time I read about inline keyword in C++ there's a long explanation that the compiler makes a "speed versus code volume" analysis and then decided whether to inline a function call in each specific case.
Now Visual C++ 9 has a __forceinline keyword that seems to make the compiler inline the call to the function unless such inlining is absolutely impossible (like a call is virtual).
Suppose I look through some project without understanding what goes inside it and decide myself that one third of functions are small enough and good for inlining and mark them with __forceinline and the compiler does inline them and now the executable has become say one hundred times bigger.
Will it really matter? What effect should I expect from having functions inlined overly aggressively and having one hundred times bigger executable?
The main impact will be to the cache. Inlining goes against the principal of locality; the CPU will have to fetch the instructions from the main memory far more often. So what was intended to make the code faster may actually make it slower.
Others have already mentioned the impact on cache. There's another penalty to pay. Modern CPU's are quite fast, but at a price. They have deep pipelines of instructions being processed. To keep these pipelines filled even in the presence of conditional branches, fast CPUs use branch prediction. They record how often a branch was taken and use that to predict whether a branch will be taken in the future.
Obviously, this history takes memory, and it's a fixed size table. It contains only a limited number of branch instructions. By increasing the number of instructions a hundredfold, you also increase the number of branches by that much. This means the number of branches with predictions decreases sharply. In addition, for the branches that are present in the prediction table, less data is available.
Having a bigger executable is its own punishment:
1) It takes more memory to store the program which matters more on some systems than others (cell phones for example can have very limited memory)
2) Having a larger program takes longer to load into memory
3) During execution, you will likely have more cache misses (you try to branch to part of your program which isn't in cache) because your program is spread out over more space. This slows down your program.
It will load and run more slowly, and may run out of virtual address space (100 times bigger is pretty dire).
Less of your program will fit in the CPU caches, disk caches etc. and therefore more time will be wasted as the CPU sits idle waiting for that code to become available. It's as simple as that really.
Ah - I hadn't looked at who'd posted the question - sharptooth hey ? :-) - you obviously won't have learned anything from the answer above. But, that's all there is too it - it's just a statistical balancing act, with defaults doubtless shaped by the compiler writers based on customer pressure to explain both larger executable sizes and slower execution speeds when compared to other compiler vendors.
Interesting if dated lectures notes here:
This is somewhat a complex topic, and I think you should have a look at this C++ faq lite about inline
It explains that there is no simple solution, and there are many things to consider (but it all boils down to a good intuition anyway!)