opengl GLFW application bad performance in debug mode - opengl

I'm making a small demo application learning opengl 3.3 using GLFW. MY problem is that, if I run a release compile it runs at about 120 fps. A debug compile runs at about 15 fps. Why would that be?
It's a demo shooting lots of particles that move and rotate.

If the app isn't optimized and spends a long time executing non-OpenGL commands, the OpenGL device can be easily in a idle situation.
You should profile the app without OpenGl commands (as if you have an infinitely fast OpenGL device) and check your FPS. If it's very slow this will be an indication that your app is CPU bound (probably in release mode too).
In addition if you're setting debug options in opengl/glsl, poor performance wouldn't be a big surprise.
Debug mode should be used to debug the app and 15fps still gives you a more or less interactive experience.
If the particle system is animated with the CPU (OpenGl only renders), you should consider a GPU accelerated solution.


GLFW VSync Issue

I'm having a slight issue with the GLFW library and VSync. I'm testing a very basic GLFW program on both my integrated processor and my "high performance NVIDIA processor".
When running the program on the integrated processor with the VSync callglfwSwapInterval(1), I get around 16 ms/frame (~60 FPS), as expected. However, when running the same program on the NVIDIA processor with the same VSync call, the frame rate drops to around 30 ms/frame (~30 FPS). I tried testing the program without the glfwSwapInterval call, and it behaved as expected when run on the integrated processor (less than 1 ms/frame). When I tested this on the NVIDIA processor, I was getting around 24 ms/frame, which definitely isn't correct. When running the program with the call glfwSwapInterval(0), both processors run as expected at less than 1 ms/frame.
At first I figured maybe this might be a GLFW issue, but I'm not quite sure anymore. I checked the settings for the NVIDIA processor, and they state that the VSync option is controlled by the application, as it should be.
Again this is a basic GLFW program with no draw calls whatsoever. Any insight into what could be causing the issue would be much appreciated. I can provide more information if needed.

opengl fixed function uses gpu or cpu?

I have a code which basically draws parallel coordinates using opengl fixed func pipeline.
The coordinate has 7 axes and draws 64k lines. SO the output is cluttered, but when I run the code on my laptop which has intel i5 proc, 8gb ddr3 ram it runs fine. One of my friend ran the same code in two different systems both having intel i7 and 8gb ddr3 ram along with a nvidia gpu. In those systems the code runs with shuttering and sometimes the mouse pointer becomes unresponsive. If you guys can give some idea why this is happening, it would be of great help. Initially I thought it would run even faster in those systems as they have a dedicated gpu. My own laptop has ubuntu 12.04 and both the other systems have ubuntu 10.x.
Fixed function pipeline is implemented using gpu programmable features in modern opengl drivers. This means most of the work is done by the GPU. Fixed function opengl shouldn't be any slower than using glsl for doing the same things, but just really inflexible.
What do you mean by coordinates having axes and 7 axes? Do you have screen shots of your application?
Mouse stuttering sounds like you are seriously taxing your display driver. This sounds like you are making too many opengl calls. Are you using immediate mode (glBegin glVertex ...)? Some OpenGL drivers might not have the best implementation of immediate mode. You should use vertex buffer objects for your data.
Maybe I've misunderstood you, but here I go.
There are API calls such as glBegin, glEnd which give commands to the GPU, so they are using GPU horsepower, though there are also calls to arrays, other function which have no relation to API - they use CPU.
Now it's a good practice to preload your models outside the onDraw loop of the OpenGL by saving the data in buffers (glGenBuffers etc) and then use these buffers(VBO/IBO) in your onDraw loop.
If managed correctly it can decrease the load on your GPU/CPU. Hope this helps.

freeglut GLUT_MULTISAMPLE very slow on Intel HD Graphics 3000

I just picked up a new Lenovo Thinkpad that comes with Intel HD Graphics 3000. I'm finding that my old freeglut apps, which use GLUT_MULTISAMPLE, are running at 2 or 3 fps as opposed to the expected 60fps. Even the freeglut example 'shapes' runs this slow.
If I disable GLUT_MULTISAMPLE from shapes.c (or my app) things run quickly again.
I tried multisampling on glfw (using GLFW_FSAA - or whatever that hint is called), and I think it's working fine. This was with a different app (glgears). glfw is triggering Norton Internet Security, which things it's malware so keeps removing .exes... but that's another problem... my interest is with freeglut.
I wonder if the algorithm that freeglut uses to choose a pixel format is tripping up on this card, whereas glfw is choosing the right one.
Has anyone else come across something like this? Any ideas?
That glfw triggeres Norton is a bug in Nortons virus definition. If it's still the case with the latest definitions, send them your glfw dll/app so they can fix it. Same happens on Avira and they are working on it (have already confirmed that it's a false positive).
As for the HD3000, that's quite a weak GPU, what resolution is your app and how many samples are you using? Maybe the amount of framebuffer memory gets to high for the little guy?

How can I stress the GPU

I would like to add some diagnostic code to our application that stresses both the CPU and GPU, and then measures heat. A third party tool is not an option. From what I can tell, CUDA is not an option either, as it requires Nvidia's compiler - is that right? As far as I can tell, my best option is DirectX. Anything simple and non visual on the GPU would do.
Platform: Windows XP Embedded
DirectX 9.0C
Simply create a shader in HLSL which contain an endless loop.
Turn off all culling and instancing and upload tones of triangle data to the gpu for processing and drawing, this will stress both the CPU (not too much these days) and the GPU should suffer under the overdrawing burden.
one should be able to use the code for any intro tutorial for this (ones that use DrawPrimitiveUP will stress the CPU more, but don't require creation of GPU buffers). you probably also want vsync disabled, so that the GPU works as fast as it can(aka it doesn't wait too much/at all on other events)

Graphics Profiling

Ive got an application which drops to around 10fps. I profiled it with xperf which showed my app was using just 20% of the CPU, with none of my methods using a larger than expected amount of that 20%.
This seems to indicate that the vast drop in fps is because the graphics card isnt able to keep up with rendering the frame, resulting in my program stopping while it catches up...
Is there some way to profile what the graphics card is up to and work out what my program is telling it to do thats slowing it down, so that I can try to improve the frame rate?
For debugging / profiling graphics, try Nvidia PerfHUD
NVIDIA PerfHUD is a powerful real-time performance analysis tool for Direct3D applications.
There is also an ATI solution, called 'GPU PerfStudio'
GPU PerfStudio is a real-time performance analysis tool which has been designed to help tune the graphics performance of your DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and OpenGL applications. GPU PerfStudio displays real-time API, driver and hardware data which can be visualized using extremely flexible plotting and bar chart mechanisms. The application being profiled maybe executed locally or remotely over the network. GPU PerfStudio allows the developer to override key rendering states in real-time for rapid bottleneck detection. An auto-analysis window can be used for identifying performance issues at various stages of the graphics pipeline. No special drivers or code modifications are needed to use GPU PerfStudio.
You can find more information and download links here:
Also, check out this article on FPS:
FPS vs Frame Time
Basically it talks about the fact that a drop from 200fps to 190fps is negligible, whereas a drop from 30fps to 20fps is a MUCH bigger deal. For better performance measuring, you should be calculating frame time rather than FPS.
You never told us what your fps is or what the program is doing at all, so your "vast drop" might not be a big deal at all.
For DirectX, there is PIX for profiling the CPU and GPU operations. It can give very detailed info, and might be worth looking into.
Hope that helps!
You can try using dxprof (search in google). It's lightweight app that draws real-time bars, each bar corresponding to one DirectX event (such as draw-call or resource copy). You can freeze the bars and check calls stack to find out where the draw-call originates from.
Are you developing for Windows? If so avoid using Video for Windows as this will limit you in the manner that you describe. Use DirectX instead.
No need to guess. Just pause it a few times under the IDE, and it will show you exactly what it's waiting for.