SAS sequential regression (in Quandt's log likelihood method) - sas

I am coding in SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2.
I am trying to calculate the Quandt's log likelihood ratio. But it is not important to understand that to understand my question.
The ratio is based on sequential regressions.
Namely regressions from 1 to t0 where 1<=t0<=T and T is the samplesize.
First perform regression on the first observation
Then perform regression on the first two observations
Then perform regression on the first 3 observations
...and so on
It is also performing a "forward regression" from t0+1 to T.
First perform regression on the last T-1 observations
Then perform regression on the last T-2 observations
Then perform regression on the last T-3 observations
...and so on
The regression is an Ordinary Least Squares regression.
After the regression is performed, the square of the residuals are summed.
So this is what I need.
For each observation t0 I want to:
do an OLS regression from 1 to t0 and sum up the square of the residuals
do an OLS regression from t0+1 to T and sum up the square of the residuals
The data consists of one group variable, one dependent variable and one independent variable.
The calculations should be performed grouped by the group variable (but that should'nt be too difficult).
I have been able to do part of this task myself, but it is horribly ineffeicient and since the data consists of over 1,000,000,000 observations efficiency is very important
I have also noticed that the procedure "autoreg" calculates the CUSUM statistic that is also based on sequential regression and therefore I suspect that this functionality could be availible in SAS but I haven't been able to find it.
And the part I am struggling with most right now is the summation.
Simple example of the summation I want to do:
col1 col2
1 2
2 5
5 4
7 6
2 =1*2
15 =1*5+2*5
32 =1*4+2*4+5*4
90 =1*6+2*6+5*6+7*6
Has anyone encounter a similar problem or have any idea on how to solve it in an efficient way?
All help is welcome and feel free to ask me to clarify something if it is unclear.

As far as the summation goes, the below should work (though your input dataset must be sorted by group first).
Since the summation you're asking for is basically col2 multiplied by the cumulative sum of col1 within each group, you can use a retain statement to keep track of the sum of col1, and by-group processing to reset the cumulative sum each time the data step encounters a new group.
data output;
retain cusum;
set input;
by group;
if then cusum = col1;
else cusum = cusum + col1;
col3 = cusum * col2;
drop cusum;


SAS propensity score matching: Observations considered for matching in PSMATCH is less than the total observations available in the data set

I am using SAS procedure PSMATCH to balance the cohorts. I am calculating the propensity score separately using logistic regression and then using the generated dataset in PSMATCH using PSDATA. I am doing multiple iterations of matching (to get the best results) by bringing variation in region, method (Optimal, Greedy and variable ratio), distance variable, caliper value and ratio. Please find the code below:
proc psmatch data=work.&data_set. region=&region_var.;
class &cat_var.;
psdata treatvar = case_cntrl_fl(Treated='1') PS=prop_score;
match method=&mtch_method.(&k_method.=&k_val.) exact= &.exact_mtch_var.
stat=&stat_var. caliper(mult=stddev)=&caliper_var.;
assess lps ps var=(prop_score &covar_asses.) / plots = (boxplot cloudplot);
output out(obs=match)=WORK.psm ps=ps lps=lps matchid=_MatchID matchwgt = _MATCHWGT_;
My concern is regarding the number of observation considered for matching (i.e. All Observations). The total observation logistic regression data set are Treatment Arm 1: 531 and Treatment Arm 2: 3252 However, in PSMATCH report All observations reported as Treatment Arm 1: 446 and Treatment Arm 2: 2784 The result is consistent irrespective of the variations in PSMATCH methods
Can somebody help me understand the possible reason of drop in counts?
You likely have missing values in your data. If any variable in the proc is missing, that entire row is excluded from the analysis overall.

How to compute the effect size for Friedman's test using sas?

I was looking for a way to compute the effect size for Friedman's test using sas, but could not find any reference. I wanted to see if there is any difference between the groups and what its size was.
Here is my code:
proc freq data=mydata;
tables id*b*y / cmh2 scores=rank noprint;
These are the results:
The FREQ Procedure
Summary Statistics for b by y
Controlling for id
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Statistics (Based on Rank Scores)
Statistic Alternative Hypothesis DF Value Prob
1 Nonzero Correlation 1 230.7145 <.0001
2 Row Mean Scores Differ 1 230.7145 <.0001
This question is correlated with the one posted on Cross Validated, that is concerned with the general statistical formula to compute the effect size for Friedman's test. Here, I would like to find out how to get the effect size in sas.

How to do proportionate stratified sampling without replacement?

I want to select my sample in Stata 13 based on three stratum variables with 12 strata in total (size - two strata; sector - three strata; intangible intensity - two strata). The selection should be proportional without replacement.
However, I can only find disproportionate selection commands that select for instance x% of each stratum.
Can anyone help me out with this problem?
Thank you for this discussion. I think I know where my problem was.
The command "gsample" can select strata based on different variables. Therefore, I thought I had to define three different stratum variables. But the solution should be more simple.
There are 12 strata in total (the large firms with high intensity in sector 1, the small firms with high intensity in sector 1, and so on) with each firm in the sample falling in to one of the strata.
All I have to do is creating a variable "strataident" with values from 1 to 12 identifying the different strata. I do this for the population dataset, so the number of firms falling into each stratum is representative for the population. The following code will provide me a stratified random sample that is representative for the population.
gsample 10, percent strata (strataident) wor
This command works as well and is much easier, see the example in 1:
gsample 10, percent wor strata(size sector intensity)
The problem is, that strata may "overlap". So you probably have to rebalance the sample after initial draft.
Now the question is, how this can be implemented. The final sample should represent the proportion of the population as good as possible.

"Automatically" calculate linear combination of parameter estimates with PROC GLM

Background: I have a categorical variable, X, with four levels that I fit as separate dummy variables. Thus, there are three total dummy variables representing x=1, x=2, x=3 (x=0 is baseline).
Problem/issue: I want to be able to calculate the value of a linear combination (i.e. using SAS as a calculator) of these dummy variables. For example, 2*B1 + 2*B2 + B3.
In Stata, this can be done using the lincom command, which uses the stored beta estimates to calculate linear combinations of the parameters.
In SAS in a procedure such as PROC GLM, I think I should use the ESTIMATE statement, but I'm not sure how I would specify the "weights" for each variable in this case.
You are looking for PROC SCORE. This takes output regression or factor estimates and scores a new data set. See here for an example.
FYI, PROC MODEL does allow this in the model statement, which may be less work than PROC SCORE. I know PROC MODEL can be used readily in place of PROC REG, but I'm not sure how advanced of modeling PROC MODEL does, so it may not be an option for more complex models. I was hoping for something with less coding, but given the nature of SAS, I think this and PROC SCORE are the best I'm going to get.
What if you add your linear combination as a variable in your input dataset?
data myDatasetWithLinCom;
set mydata;
LinComb=2*(x=1)+ 2*(x=2)+(x=3); /*equvilent to 2*B1 + 2*B2 + B3*/
then you can specify LinComb as one of the explanatory variables and you can lookup the coefficient directly from the output.

SAS: backward looking data step to compute the average

Sorry for the "not really informative" title of this post.
I have the following data set in SAS:
time Add time_delete
5 3.00 5
5 3.15 11
5 3.11 11
8 4.21 8
8 3.42 8
8 4.20 11
11 3.12 .
Where the time correspond to a new added (Add) price in an auction at every 3minute. This price can get delete within the same time interval or later as shown in time_delete. My objective is to compute the average price from the Add field standing at every time. For instance, my average price at time=5 is (3.15+3.11)/2 since the 3.00 gets deleted within the interval. Then the average price standing at time=8 is (4.20+3.15+3.11)/3. As you can see, I have to look at the current time where I am standing and look back and see which price is still valid standing at time=8. Also, I would like to have a field where for every time I know the highest price available that was not deleted.
Any help?
You have a variant of a rolling sum here. There's no one straightforward solution (especially as you undoubtedly have a few complications not mentioned); but here are a few pointers.
First, you may want to change the format of your data. This is actually a relatively easy problem to solve if you have one row for each possible timepoint rather than just a single row.
data have;
input time Add time_delete;
5 3.00 5
5 3.15 11
5 3.11 11
8 4.21 8
8 3.42 8
8 4.20 11
11 3.12 .
data want;
set have;
if time=time_delete then delete;
else do time=time to time_delete-1;
keep time add;
proc means data=want mean max n;
class time;
var add;
You could output the proc means to a dataset and have your maximum value plus the average value, and then either put that back on the main dataset or whatever you need.
The main downside to this is it's a much larger dataset, so if you're looking at hundreds of thousands of data points, this is not your best option likely.
You can also perform this in SQL without the extra rows, although this is where those "other complications" would potentially throw a wrench in things.
proc sql;
select H.time, mean(V.add), max(V.add) from (
select distinct H.time from have H
left join
(select * from have) V
on V.time le H.time
and V.time_delete gt H.time )
group by 1;
Fairly straightforward and quick query, except that if you have a lot of time values it might take some time to execute the join.
Other options:
Read the data into an array, with a second array tracking the delete points. This can get a bit complex as you probably need to sort your array by delete point - so rather than just adding a new record into the end, you need to move a bunch of records down. SAS isn't quite as friendly to this sort of operation as a c-type language would be.
Use a hash table solution. Somewhat less messy than an array, particularly as you can sort a hash table more easily than two separate arrays.
Use IML and vectors. Similar to the array solution but with more powerful manipulation techniques available.