Use of static collections within a class to store class - c++

I am reviewing some code and a common pattern I am seeing is where a collection of objects is stored as a static member of the class of object being stored.
If, for example, I have a class of objects: class widget, then a list of widgets would be stored as a static std::list within the widget class.
The obvious way to do this would be to have an application level (global level) std::list - and then to find an item lookup this application level list.
I can see that the static member collection idea is more convenient for the user of a. Are there other advantages? Are there other alternatives which should also be considered similar? What are the pros and cons of a and b approach?
Here are the two alternatives in code:
file a.hpp:
//Using collection as static member of class idea
class a {
class id2a_map;
static class id2a_map id_map;
static a* Find(unsigned id);
unsigned m_id;
file a.cpp:
#include <map>
#include "a.hpp"
class a::id2a_map : public std::map<int, a*>
a::id2a_map a::id_map;
a::a() {
static unsigned id_cnt = 0;
id_map.insert(id_map.end(), id2a_map::value_type(m_id = id_cnt, this));
a::~a() {
a* a::Find(unsigned id) {
id2a_map::iterator i = id_map.find(id);
return i==id_map.end() ? 0 : i->second;
file b.hpp:
// b class - not using static collection
class b {
b(unsigned id) : m_id(id) { }
unsigned get_id() const { return m_id; }
unsigned m_id;
file main.cpp to exercise a and b:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include "a.hpp"
#include "b.hpp"
int main() {
// approach using static map within class
a obj1;
a obj2;
a obj3;
a obj4;
a* fnd = a::Find(2);
std::cout << "object with id 2 " << (fnd ? "" : "not ") << "found\n";
// application level map
std::map<unsigned, b*> id2b_map;
unsigned id = 0;
b obj5(++id);
id2b_map.insert(id2b_map.end(), std::make_pair<unsigned, b*>(id, &obj5));
b obj6(++id);
id2b_map.insert(id2b_map.end(), std::make_pair<unsigned, b*>(id, &obj6));
b obj7(++id);
id2b_map.insert(id2b_map.end(), std::make_pair<unsigned, b*>(id, &obj7));
b obj8(++id);
id2b_map.insert(id2b_map.end(), std::make_pair<unsigned, b*>(id, &obj8));
std::map<unsigned, b*>::iterator i = id2b_map.find(2);
std::cout << "object with id 2 " << (i == id2b_map.end() ? "not " : "") << "found\n";
return 0;

I can see that the static member collection idea is more convenient for the user of a.
It is not more convenient, except for simple cases. Adding a static map of instances means you add a hidden dependency. Are there any use cases when you do not need this list? If you place it as a static private instance, you will always have it there (whether you use it or not).
Also, the code you wrote, will have unexpected results here:
class a::id2a_map : public std::map<int, a*>
std::map is not written to be inherited, which means it doesn't have a virtual destructor. When the class gets destroyed, it's destructor may not get called (compiler-dependent).
Are there other alternatives which should also be considered similar? What are the pros and cons of a and b approach?
B approach is better, but not as good as it could be. The implementation will not depend on std::list (minimizing dependencies is always a plus) but the list has pointers, and it shouldn't.
Could you write something like this instead?
class a {
unsigned m_id; // same as in your example
client code:
std::map<unsigned, a> instances; // not static; if you need it somewhere else,
// just pass it in as a parameter
a instance;
instances[a.m_id] = std::move(a);
// use instances.find from here on
The code is straight-foward, minimal and doesn't break SRP.

In the case of static members, if you have static methods doing something with them, since the compiler knows all about what the methods will do at compile time, it has a better chance to optimize them well. Depending on the compiler, the amount of optimization varies.
This is an interesting thread of discussion:


How to get a reference/pointer to a class (not an object)?

I have a std::map where key is string and I want the value to be, not an object, but a reference/pointer to a class which I can instantiate.
std::map<::std::string, ?class_reference?> handlers_;
Once the specific entry is chosen, I want to create instance of the class and execute a member function.
As others have already mentioned, if you want to create relevant objects via a string (such as class name), you'll need to use factory pattern which can create related objects (same base class). Here's a simple example easy to understand (you just store lambda which returns objects in the map):
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
class Base {};
class A : public Base{
A() { std::cout << "A ctr" << std::endl; }
class B : public Base {
B() { std::cout << "B ctr" << std::endl; }
int main() {
std::map<std::string, std::function<Base*()> > m;
m["a"] = []() { return new A(); };
m["b"] = []() { return new B(); };
How to get a reference/pointer to a class (not an object)?
Short answer, you can't. Unfortunately, C++ doesn't work that way.
However, to solve your specific problem, you have the option of a factory pattern, which would look something like this:
template <class T>
class factory {
virtual std::unique_ptr<T> createObject() = 0;
class base { // some base class common to all the types you are intending to create
class foo : public base { // some class you want to create
class fooCreator : public fatory<base> {
std::unique_ptr<T> createObject() {
return someUniquePointerToANewObject;
int main() {
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<factory<base>>> myMap; // because we are creating some bases
myMap["some key"] = new myFooCreator;
// now let's create some new `base`
if(myMap.find("some matching key") != myMap.end()) {
std::unique_ptr<base> myBaseObject = myMap["some matching key"]->createObject();
// use created object
return 0;
Of course, there are a lot of things that could go wrong here, like if for some reason you push a nullptr to myMap. But at least you have an idea of what it looks like now.

c++ Mapping class to number

I recently started with c++ development. I've come to a problem of which I am not able to solve, given that I am unaware if the following is possible.
I want to create a mapping between a number and class, which are derived from an abstract class.
Essentially what I would like to be able to do is create a factory method that can create a new instance of a class based on a given number associated with that class.
I know that I could do the following...
Vehicle *Vehicle::from_type(byte type)
case 0x00: return new Bicyle();
case 0x01: return new Car();
case 0x10: return new Truck();
return null;
..., but I'd rather not as I want to keep it DRY.
It there a way where one can do something along the lines of this:
// I know this is incorrect syntax
const map<byte, class extends Vehicle> VEHICLE_MAPPING = {{0x00, Bicyle}, {0x01, Car}, ..., {0x10, Truck}};
Vehicle *Vehicle::from_type(byte type)
return new VEHICLE_MAPPING[type]();
I can see how your approach could work with usage of std::map<uint8_t, std::unique_ptr<Vehicle>>, but there is a problem - you wouldn't be able to initialise that map with initializer_list, since it copies the elements and, as we all know, std::unique_ptr cannot be copied. You would have to create an init() function to initialise the map that would use similar logic to your Vehicle *Vehicle::from_type(byte type), which would simply be pointless given you already have your function.
Furthermore, I disagree that your first solution violates DRY. It is actually correct in a sense that you won't be forced to use switch or ifs elsewhere in the code. I'd definitely stick with it.
The final note - you could use std::map<uint8_t, std::shared_ptr<Vehicle>> instead of std::map<uint8_t, std::unique_ptr<Vehicle>> and initialise it with initializer_list, since std::shared_ptr can be copied, but I wouldn't advise that since it wrongly indicates the usage of shared_ptr. If you somehow feel forced to do so, here is an example:
class Base{ public: virtual ~Base() = default; };
class Derived1 : public Base{};
class Derived2 : public Base{};
class derived_factory{
static inline std::map<uint8_t, std::shared_ptr<Base>> base_map = {
{0x00, std::make_shared<Derived1>()},
{0x01, std::make_shared<Derived2>()}
static std::unique_ptr<Base> from_type(uint8_t type)
return std::make_unique<Base>(*base_map[type]);
int main()
auto ptr = derived_factory::from_type(0x00);
// ptr is of a type std::unique_ptr<Base> and points to Derived1 object
Additional note that should be a final discouragement of using this solution is that it's quite slow. It constructs the objects in a map and does nothing with them except for keeping them as 'templated' copy examples.
If they're all derived from a base class, you can use the factory pattern, e.g., from Loki's implementation (see Modern C++ Design for the details, though that book is pre-C++11).
The following creates some concrete vehicles and puts them in a vector and then calls the drive() method on each of them:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "factory.h"
struct Vehicle
virtual ~Vehicle() = default;
virtual void drive() = 0;
struct Car : Vehicle
static constexpr auto ID = 1;
void drive() override { std::cout << "Car\n"; }
struct Truck : Vehicle
static constexpr auto ID = 2;
void drive() override { std::cout << "Truck\n"; }
// Create the factory object
auto g_factory = MyUtil::Factory<std::unique_ptr<Vehicle>, int>{};
void RegisterTypesWithFactory()
// We pass in creator functions for each type. Note that these
// could be lambdas or some other freestanding function and they
// could accept parameters.
g_factory.Register( Car::ID, &std::make_unique<Car> );
g_factory.Register( Truck::ID, &std::make_unique<Truck> );
int main()
// Configure the factory
// Note: Registration can be done any time, e.g., later based on input
// from a file. I do them all at once here for convenience of illustration.
// Create some objects with the factory
auto vehicles = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Vehicle>>{};
vehicles.emplace_back( g_factory.Create( Car::ID ) );
vehicles.emplace_back( g_factory.Create( Truck::ID ) );
// Do something with the objects
for( const auto& v : vehicles )
Which prints:
See it run live on Wandbox.

C++ Function with side-effect used at file scope, accesses singleton

I've written a class with the following static method:
MyMap& Manager::GetMap( void )
static MyMap* factories = new MyMap();
return ( *factories );
Where "MyMap" is a typedef for:
unordered_map<string, function<Base* ( Dependency& d )>>
There are also a variety of types derived from Base e.g.
class Derived1 : public Base
Derived1( Dependency& d );
Consider the following usage.
I define the following in an implementation file for Derived1:
#include "Derived1.h"
#include "Manager.h"
int RegisterDerived1( void )
Manager::GetMap()["Test"] = []( Dependency& d ){ return new Derived1( d ); };
return 0;
int Reg = RegisterDerived1();
You can't call functions at file scope, but you can assign the return value of a function to a global variable even if that function has side effects. Hence, by the time that "Manager" is in use the "MyMap" will contain string/function pairs for various derived types of "Base" (so far). The intent is that new derived types of "Base" register themselves with "Manager", able to construct instances of that type and select which type based on a name.
I'm wondering if this represents safe behaviour and/or if there are alternative implementations to get the desired effect?
I've been made aware of this article that proposes a generic registration object that takes the above pair in its constructor and does the registering, a static instance of which is then defined for each class to be registered.
The principle is fine.
A few things you may want to consider:
returning raw pointers is a bad idea - use unique_ptr instead.
Did you really want the Dependency& reference to be non-const?
Hide the internal implementation. There's no need for users to know (or care) that it's an unordered_map.
A slightly modified version with inline comments for you to consider:
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
struct Base
virtual ~Base() = default;
struct Dependency
struct Manager
// I notice that Depdendency& is not const. Was that what you wanted?
using factory_function = std::function<std::unique_ptr<Base> ( Dependency& d )>;
// public registration function hides internal implementation of map
static bool register_function(const std::string ident, factory_function f)
return GetMap().emplace(std::move(ident), std::move(f)).second;
// public create function hides internal implementation of map
// returns a unique_ptr - much better!
static std::unique_ptr<Base> create(const std::string& ident, Dependency& d)
// this will throw an exception if the factory does not exist.
// another implementation could substitute a known version of Base,
// for example. But now it's under your control and the user does
// not have to think about it.
return GetMap().at(ident)(d);
using MyMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, factory_function>;
// private map implementation. In future we may want to add a mutex
// (in case the map can be dynamically updated?)
// so let's encapsulate
static MyMap& GetMap()
// no need for new here. Static variables are cleanly destructed at
// the end of the program, and initialised the first time the code
// flows over them.
static MyMap _map;
return _map;
struct Derived1 : Base
Derived1(Dependency&) {}
// now we don't need to care about Manager's implementation.
// this is better - we are decoupled.
bool derived1_registered = Manager::register_function("Derived1",
[](Dependency& d)
return std::make_unique<Derived1>(d);
int main()
Dependency d;
auto p = Manager::create("Derived1", d);
return 0;

Setting readonly property from another class

Suppose I have my classes as:
namespace scope
class A
int a;
class B
A method();
The method definition:
A B::method()
A object;
object.a = 3; // private member access error
// access via object (pointer) error if inheritance is used
return object;
The most common way to solve the access error is to use setters+getters.
However I don't want any other scope (or someone using the API) to set A.a, so a public setter method is forbidden for this case.
a may be public but it should be read-only on API side. It should be read+write on the source side, because, for instance, I want to set it with B::method. How can I achieve this behaviour?
I tried inheritance, also friend relation. I also played with immutable and const property declarations. The problem with these is, when I declare A object with the default constructor, property is set to some value like -918316838410 (which might arise from the fact that I'm not using extern, I'm not sure) and cannot be set by method later on.
Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You want B to have access to A that you don't want other people to have?
That is friendship.
Add friend class B, into the class A definition, and all will be happiness.
btw the common examples for this are when I am using multiple classes to generate a single interface. Eg: things like list<> and map<> usually need node classes, and those classes often want friend access on each other. This breach of encapsulation is fine, since they are really one big class from a logical perspective.
Be warned, most people should use friends rarely or never, its mostly for library writers, not for general programming.
Just like Richard said, you can use friendship. But keep in mind that when you need friendship, you should probably think again about your design. As Richard saids too, maybe putting a as a parameter of A constructor should do exactly what you want.
Here is a working example with friendship :
#include <iostream>
namespace scope
class A{
friend class B;
int a;
void print(){
std::cout << a << std::endl;
class B{
A method(){
A a;
return a;
int main(){
scope::B b;
scope::A a = b.method();
a.print(); //just to see it works...
Here is a way to do the same without friendship and keeping a private (Ok its ugly :-)
#include <iostream>
namespace scope
class B;
class A
int a;
void print(){
std::cout << a << std::endl;
// A way to only allow B instances to give a correct value
// of "a" member
void pleaseClassBSetMyPrivateMember(B& b);
class B
A method(){
A a;
return a;
int computeValueForMemberOfClassA(A& a){
// you can access public members of a to
// calculate the proper value of a.a member
return 3;
void A::pleaseClassBSetMyPrivateMember(B& b)
// ask for class B object the correct value for member a
a = b.computeValueForMemberOfClassA(*this);

getting all objects of a classes in C++

Is there a way through which we can get all the objects of a class in C++.Like in Python we can do
to get all the objects of a class.What's its analog in C++,if it exists?
You can do this yourself, but make sure you know what you're doing.
There's nothing within C++ that already does this, but it's pretty easy to do this yourself. The key is to recognize that a class can have static member variables and functions (i.e. functions that belong to the whole class, rather than to individual objects of the class).
So you can use some kind of table or other data structure to store a reference to each object. Like so:
class A {
//constructor assigns this object an id based on the static value curID,
//which is common to the class (i.e. the next class to call the constructor
//will be assigned an id thats 1 more than this one
//also, constructor adds the pointer to this object to a static map of ids
//to objects. This way, the map can be queried for the pointer to an object
//that has a particular id
A() {
id = curID++;
objects[id] = this;
//copy constructor ensures an object copied from another does not
//take the id of the other object, and gets added to the map
A(const A&) {
id = curID++; //don't want have the same ID as the object we are copying from
objects[id] = this;
x = A.x;
y = A.y;
A& operator=(const A&) {
id = curID++;
objects[id] = this;
x = A.x;
y = A.y;
return *this;
//destructor removes the pointer to this object from the map
~A() {
//function to get the map that stores all the objects
static map<int, A*>& GetMapOfObjects() {
return objects;
//the following variable is **static**, which means it does not
//belong to a single object but to the whole class. Here, it is
//used to generate a unique ID for every new object that's
//instantiated. If you have a lot of objects (e.g. more than
//32,767), consider using a long int
static int curID;
//this variable is also static, and is map that stores a pointer
//to each object. This way, you can access the pointer to a
//particular object using its ID. Depending on what you need, you
//could use other structures than a map
static map<int, A*> objects;
//this is a (non-static) member variable, i.e. unique to each object.
//Its value is determined in the constructor, making use of curID.
int id;
//these are some other member variables, depending on what your object actually is
double x;
double y;
Note: The above design is very basic and not complete, but just meant to give you an idea of how to implement what you're asking for using static members/functions. For example, for operations that you want to perform on all the objects, for example, it may be better to implement a static function that iterates through the map of elements, rather than getting the map and then doing the iterations "outside".
I've never used this method myself, but one potential use case I can think of is e.g. in a graphics or game application, where you may want to only draw objects that are in scope and change certain drawing-related properties of all of them at once, e.g. color or size. I'm working on an application that might eventually need something like this (sort of a visual debugger). I'm sure people can provide more examples in the comments.
Why not:
The picture gets complicated when inheritance is involved.
If you have a class B that derives from A (i.e. B "is an" A), then who should keep track of objects of B? A static member of objects in A, or a similar one in B, or both?
Let's say both. Then what happens if a static function that applies to all objects in A calls a virtual member function on each object? If the virtual function has been overridden in the derived class, then that function will be called instead for all objects being tracked in class A that are actually B objects. What happens if you then call that function again in another static function in B?
There is no way that I know of but you can implement one with static members
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class MyClass{
static std::vector<MyClass*> objList;
MyClass() {
static std::vector<MyClass*> getAllObjects(){
return objList;
std::vector<MyClass*> MyClass::objList;
MyClass m,a;
for (int i=0;i<MyClass::getAllObjects().size();i++){
No, unless you implement this mechanism yourself. By default it is not provided by C++ language.
You CAN implement this mechanism yourself quite easily - register class in some kind of table within constructor, unregister within destructor. As long as you follow rule of Three, it'll work fine.
Of course there is. Just use Factory pattern to create and destroy all your objects and, in Factory implementation, return a collection of live objects in a Factory function that you will provide.
As has already been stated C++ does not provide a mechanism to do this automatically. However (again has already been stated in the comments) you can use one of the standard library containers to maintain a list of created objects and then register them in the constructor and unregister them in the destructor. The example below shows one way to do this...
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <vector>
class Object
static std::map<const Object*, Object*> objects_;
objects_.insert(std::make_pair(this, this));
virtual ~Object()
static std::vector<Object*> get_all()
std::vector<Object*> o;
for (auto obj : objects_)
return std::move(o);
template<class Type>
static std::vector<Type*> get_bytype()
std::vector<Type*> o;
for(auto obj : objects_)
Type *t = dynamic_cast<Type*>(obj.second);
if (t != nullptr)
return std::move(o);
void print() const
std::cout << "I'm a " << typeid(*this).name() << " object # " << this << std::endl;
std::map<const Object*, Object*> Object::objects_;
class Foo : public Object {};
class Bar : public Object {};
int main()
std::unique_ptr<Object> o1 = std::unique_ptr<Object>(new Foo());
std::unique_ptr<Object> o2 = std::unique_ptr<Object>(new Bar());
std::unique_ptr<Object> o3 = std::unique_ptr<Object>(new Foo());
std::unique_ptr<Object> o4 = std::unique_ptr<Object>(new Bar());
std::vector<Object*> objects = Object::get_all();
for (auto o : objects)
std::cout << "-----" << std::endl;
std::vector<Foo*> foos = Object::get_bytype<Foo>();
for (auto o : foos)
std::cout << "-----" << std::endl;
std::vector<Bar*> bars = Object::get_bytype<Bar>();
for (auto o : bars)
The above example produces the following output
I'm a class Foo object # 003FED00
I'm a class Bar object # 003FED30
I'm a class Foo object # 003FED60
I'm a class Bar object # 003FED90
I'm a class Foo object # 003FED00
I'm a class Foo object # 003FED60
I'm a class Bar object # 003FED30
I'm a class Bar object # 003FED90