review my beginners clojure reverse function [closed] - clojure

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I am just starting out in my clojure journey and I wonder if anybody can point out my beginners mistakes in my function below that simply reverses a list. I know that there is already a reverse function so this is purely for learning.
(defn rev
(if (= (count l) 1) l (rev '() l)))
([l orig]
(if (= (count orig) 0)
(rev (conj l (first orig)) (rest orig)))))
In my defence, it does work but what I am finding myself doing a lot in clojure is overloading the arguments list to take into account when I need a working list like in this example where I conj new items onto.

First, it's a really good idea to look at the existing implementation of reverse function first:
(defn reverse [coll]
(reduce conj () coll))
The main difference from your code is that existing implementation of reverse uses higher-order function reduce. It's a good practice to use higher-order functions instead of recursion wherever possible.
But let's assume that your goal is to learn recursion. Here is how I would've written it:
(defn rev
(rev coll ()))
([coll acc]
(if-let [[h & ts] (seq coll)]
(recur ts (conj acc h))
Let's have a closer look at my code.
First, I'm using if-let and seq to check that coll is a non-empty collection.
Then I'm using destructuring to get the first element of the given collection and the rest of it.
In other words, my construction
(if-let [[h & ts] (seq coll)]
(recur ts (conj acc h))
could be rewritten with if, let, first and rest:
(if-not (empty? coll)
(let [h (first coll)
ts (rest coll)]
(recur ts (conj acc h)))
which is almost what you wrote yourself.
The last important thing is that I'm using recur instead of calling rev directly.
It allow clojure compiler to perform tail recursion optimization.
You should also consider using loop instead of creating an overloaded function, unless you want to make two-arguments form public:
(defn rev [coll]
(loop [coll coll
acc ()]
(if-let [[h & ts] (seq coll)]
(recur ts (conj acc h))
So, there is a lot of things to improve in your code. But I can see only three real mistakes there:
you should use recur;
there is no point in checking (= (count l) 1);
you should use empty? instead of (= (count orig) 0).
Here I fixed these two mistakes in your code:
(defn rev
(rev '() l))
([l orig]
(if (empty? orig)
(recur (conj l (first orig)) (rest orig)))))

If you don't want to expose the function with other arities, define and employ them locally:
(defn rev [l]
((fn rev2 [l orig]
(if (empty? orig)
(rev2 (conj (first orig) l) (rest orig))))
() l))
You may find it easier to use let or letfn:
(defn rev [l]
(letfn [(rev2 [l orig]
(if (empty? orig)
(rev2 (conj l (first orig)) (rest orig))))]
(rev2 () l)))
And, by the way, ...
Don't count the sequence if you just want to know whether there is
anything in it. Use seq or empty?.
Get rid of the special case of 1 element sequences: it isn't special.
() doesn't need quoting.
And, of course, we can and ought to use recur instead of the recursive call to rev2, to avoid blowing the stack on long sequences:
(defn rev [l]
(letfn [(rev2 [l orig]
(if (empty? orig)
(recur (conj l (first orig)) (rest orig))))]
(rev2 () l)))


Clojure Lazy Sequence Issue

I'm working on 4clojure problems and a similar issue keeps coming up. I'll write a solution that works for all but one of the test cases. It's usually the one that is checking for lazy evaluation. The solution below works for all but the last test case. I've tried all kinds of solutions and can't seem to get it to stop evaluating until integer overflow. I read the chapter on lazy sequences in Joy of Clojure, but I'm having a hard time implementing them. Is there a rule of thumb I'm forgetting, like don't use loop or something like that?
; This version is non working at the moment, will try to edit a version that works
(defn i-between [p k coll]
(loop [v [] coll coll]
(let [i (first coll) coll (rest coll) n (first coll)]
(cond (and i n)
(let [ret (if (p i n) (cons k (cons i v)) (cons i v))]
(recur ret coll))
(cons i v )
:else v))))
Problem 132
Ultimate solution for those curious:
(fn i-between [p k coll]
(letfn [(looper [coll]
(if (empty? coll) coll
(let [[h s & xs] coll
c (cond (and h s (p h s))
(list h k )
(and h s)
(list h )
:else (list h))]
(lazy-cat c (looper (rest coll))))
))] (looper coll)))
When I think about lazy sequences, what usually works is thinking about incremental cons'ing
That is, each recursion step only adds a single element to the list, and of course you never use loop.
So what you have is something like this:
(cons (generate first) (recur rest))
When wrapped on lazy-seq, only the needed elements from the sequence are realized, for instance.
(take 5 (some-lazy-fn))
Would only do 5 recursion calls to realize the needed elements.
A tentative, far from perfect solution to the 4clojure problem, that demonstrates the idea:
(fn intercalate
[pred value col]
(letfn [(looper [s head]
(if-let [sec (first s)]
(if (pred head sec)
(cons head (cons value (looper (rest s) sec)))
(cons head (looper (rest s) sec)))
(if head [head] []))))]
(looper (rest col) (first col))))
There, the local recursive function is looper, for each element tests if the predicate is true, in that case realizes two elements(adds the interleaved one), otherwise realize just one.
Also, you can avoid recursion using higher order functions
(fn [p v xs]
#(if (p %1 %2) [%1 v] [%1])
(lazy-cat (rest xs) (take 1 xs))))
But as #noisesmith said in the comment, you're just calling a function that calls lazy-seq.

Deep-Reverse Clojure

I'm trying to implement deep-reverse in clojure. If lst is (1 (2 (3 4 5)) (2 3)), it should return ((3 2) ((5 4 3) 2) 1). This is what I have so far:
defn dRev [lst]
( if (= lst ())
( if (list? (first lst))
( dRev (first lst) )
( concat
( dRev (rest lst)) (list (first lst))
However, my implementation only works if the nested list is the last element, but the resulted list is also flattened.
For eg: (dRev '(1 2 (3 4)) will return (4 3 2 1).
Otherwise, for eg: (dRev '(1 (2 3) 4)) will return (3 2 1) only.
I hit this brick wall for a while now, and I can't find out the problem with my code. Can anyone please help me out?
The other answer gave you the best possible implementation of a deep-reverse in Clojure, because it uses the clojure.walk/postwalk function which generalizes the problem of deep-applying a function to every element of a collection. Here I will instead walk you through the problems of the implementation you posted.
First, the unusual formatting makes it hard to spot what's going on. Here's the same just with fixed formatting:
(defn dRev [lst]
(if (= lst ())
(if (list? (first lst))
(dRev (first lst))
(concat (dRev (rest lst))
(list (first lst))))))
Next, some other small fixes that don't yet fix the behaviour:
change the function name to conform to Clojure conventions (hyphenation instead of camel-case),
use the usual Clojure default name for collection parameters coll instead of lst,
use empty? to check for an empty collection,
return () in the default case because we know we want to return a list instead of some other kind of seq,
and use coll? instead list? because we can just as well reverse any collection instead of just lists:
(If you really want to reverse only lists and leave all other collections as is, reverse the last change.)
(defn d-rev [coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(if (coll? (first coll))
(d-rev (first coll))
(concat (d-rev (rest coll))
(list (first coll))))))
Now, the formatting fix makes it obvious what's the main problem with your implementation: in your recursive call ((d-rev (first coll)) resp. (dRev (first lst))), you return only the result of that recursion, but you forget to handle the rest of the list. Basically, what you need to do is handle the rest of the collection always the same and only change how you handle the first element based on whether that first element is a list resp. collection or not:
(defn d-rev [coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(concat (d-rev (rest coll))
(list (if (coll? (first coll))
(d-rev (first coll))
(first coll))))))
This is a working solution.
It is terribly inefficient though, because the concat completely rebuilds the list for every element. You can get a much better result by using a tail-recursive algorithm which is quite trivial to do (because it's natural for tail-recursion over a sequence to reverse the order of elements):
(defn d-rev [coll]
(loop [coll coll, acc ()]
(if (empty? coll)
(recur (rest coll)
(cons (if (coll? (first coll))
(d-rev (first coll))
(first coll))
As one final suggestion, here's a solution that's halfways towards the one from the other answer by also solving the problem on a higher level, but it uses only the core functions reverse and map that applies a function to every element of sequence but doesn't deep-recurse by itself:
(defn deep-reverse [coll]
(reverse (map #(if (coll? %) (deep-reverse %) %) coll)))
You can build what you are writing with clojure.walk/postwalk and clojure.core/reverse. This does a depth-first traversal of your tree input and reverses any seq that it finds.
(defn dRev [lst]
(clojure.walk/postwalk #(if (seq? %) (reverse %) %) lst))
Here is my version of the problem, if you enter something like this:
(deep-reverse '(a (b c d) 3))
It returns
=> '(3 (d c b) a)
The problem is taken from Ninety-Nine Lisp Problems
My code ended up like this, though, they might be better implementations, this one works fine.
(defn deep-reverse
"Returns the given list in reverse order. Works with nested lists."
(empty? (rest lst)) lst
(list? (first lst)) (deep-reverse(cons (deep-reverse (first lst)) (deep-reverse (rest lst))))
(concat (deep-reverse (rest lst)) (list (first lst)))))
Hope this is what you were looking for!

Clojure: What is wrong with my implementation of flatten?

I've been working through problems on 4Clojure today, and I ran into trouble on Problem 28, implementing flatten.
There are a couple of definite problems with my code.
(fn [coll]
((fn flt [coll res]
(if (empty? coll)
(if (seq? (first coll))
(flt (into (first coll) (rest coll)) res)
(flt (rest coll) (cons (first coll) res))))) coll (empty coll)))
I could use some pointers on how to think about a couple of problems.
How do I make sure I'm not changing the order of the resulting list? cons and conj both add elements wherever it is most efficient to add elements (at the beginning for lists, at the end for vectors, etc), so I don't see how I'm supposed to have any control over this when working with a generic sequence.
How do I handle nested sequences of different types? For instance, an input of '(1 2 [3 4]) will will output ([3 4] 2 1), while an input of [1 2 '(3 4)] will output (4 3 2 1)
Am I even approaching this from the 'right' angle? Should I use a recursive inner function with an accumulator to do this, or am I missing something obvious?
You should try to use HOF (higher order functions) as much as possible: it communicates your intent more clearly and it spares you from introducing subtle low-level bugs.
(defn flatten [coll]
(if (sequential? coll)
(mapcat flatten coll)
(list coll)))
Regarding your questions about lists and vectors. As you might see in tests, output is list. Just make correct abstraction. Fortunately, clojure already has one, called sequence.
All you need is first, rest and some recursive solution.
One possible approach:
(defn flatten [[f & r]]
(if (nil? f)
(if (sequential? f)
(concat (flatten f) (flatten r))
(cons f (flatten r)))))
Here's how to do it in a tail call optimised way, within a single iteration, and using the least amount of Clojure.core code as I could:
#(loop [s % o [] r % l 0]
(and (empty? s) (= 0 l))
(empty? s)
(recur r
(dec l))
(sequential? (first s))
(recur (first s)
(if (= 0 l)
(rest s)
(inc l))
(recur (rest s)
(conj o (first s))

my own interpose function as an exercise

I'm resolving a 4Clojure exercise, this exercise asks you to build your own interpose function. My answer follows:
(fn my-interpose
([separator input] (my-interpose separator input nil))
([separator input result]
(empty? input)
(reverse (rest result))
(my-interpose separator (rest input) (cons separator (cons (first input) result))))))
I'm doing these exercises to learn the language as I read a Clojure book. I will like to know the opinion about my code of people with an experience in the language. Could I avoid the reverse call? Are there any conventions I'm breaking hardly with this kind of code?
What you have is a good proper starting point :). Excellent work.
Starting with what you have you may want to:
Replace your recursive call with a call to recur because as written it will hit a stack overflow
(defn foo [stuff]
(dostuff ... )
(foo (rest stuff)))
(defn foo [stuff]
(dostuff ...)
(recur (rest stuff)))
to avoid blowing the stack. this then often becomes:
(map dostuff stuff)
Replace the recustion entirely with the for function
(for [a one-list b another-list]
Yes you can avoid the reverse call,
(defn my-interpose [sep coll]
(when (seq coll)
(lazy-cat [(first coll) sep]
(my-interpose sep (rest coll)))))
as arthur suggest you can use recur in order to not to blow the stack but 99% of the time you don't need it.
This is a bit cleaner,
(defn my-interpose [sep coll]
(if-let [[first & rest] coll]
(lazy-cat [first sep] (my-interpose sep rest))))
Got to various answers using mapcat and for but in the end I found this:
#(rest (interleave (repeat %1) %2))
Where the first argument is the separator and the second is the collection. Just posting this answer for pure curiosity of other Clojure noobs like me.
Here is my solution, trying to rely on lower-level lisp or scheme-like functions.
(defn my-interpose[sep coll]
(letfn [(f [c]
(when-not (empty? c)
(cons sep (cons (first c)
(f (next c))))))]
(next (f coll))))
You may want to use map
(defn my-interpose [sep coll]
(rest (apply concat (map #(vector sep %) coll))))
or a directly a reduce and compute the answer as you go
(defn my-interpose [sep coll]
(rest (reduce #(conj %1 sep %2) [] coll)))
The idea behind this is to compute a sequence like (sep x0 sep x1 sep x2 ... sep xn) and then skip the first element to get (x0 sep x1 sep x2 ... xn).
Using just reduce and conj:
(defn my-interpose [sep a-seq]
(if (empty? a-seq)
(reduce (fn [e1 e2] (if (empty? e1)
(conj e1 e2)
(conj e1 sep e2))) [] a-seq)))

Grouping a sequence of bools in clojure?

I would like to transform the following sequence:
(def boollist [true false false false true false true])
Into the following:
[[true] [false false false true] [false true]]
My code leads to a Stackoverflow:
(defn sep [boollst]
(loop [lst boollst
separated [[]]
[left right] (take 2 lst)]
(if (nil? left) separated)
(recur (next lst)
(if (false? left)
(conj (last separated) left)
(conj separated [left]))
(take 2 (next lst)))))
Is there an elegant way of transforming this?
There's probably a much more elegant way, but this is what I came up with:
(defn f
([xs] (f xs [] []))
([[x & xs :as all] acc a]
(if (seq all)
(if x
(recur xs [] (conj a (conj acc x)))
(recur xs (conj acc x) a))
It just traverses the sequence keeping track of the current vector of falses, and a big accumulator of everything so far.
A short, "clever" solution would be:
(defn sep [lst]
(let [x (partition-by identity lst)]
(filter last (map concat (cons [] x) x))))
The "stack overflow" issue is due to the philosophy of Clojure regarding recursion and is easily avoided if approached correctly. You should always implement these types of functions* in a lazy way: If you can't find a trick for solving the problem using library functions, as I did above, you should use "lazy-seq" for the general solution (like pmjordan did) as explained here:
* Functions that eat up a list and return a list as the result. (If something other than a list is returned, the idiomatic solution is to use "recur" and an accumulator, as shown by dfan's example, which I would not consider idiomatic in this case.)
Here's a version that uses lazy evaluation and is maybe a little more readable:
(defn f [bools]
(when-not (empty? bools)
[[l & r] bools
[lr rr] (split-with false? r)]
(lazy-seq (cons
(cons l lr)
(f rr))))))
It doesn't return vectors though, so if that's a requirement you need to manually pass the result of concat and of the function itself to vec, thus negating the advantage of using lazy evaluation.
The stack overflow error is because your recur is outside of the if. You evaluate the if form for side effects, then unconditionally recur. (feel free to edit for format, I'm not at a real keyboard).