Attach file option is not available for Discussion Board list items in SharePoint 2013 - sharepoint-2013

I could not find any option to attach a file with 'Discussion Board' list item in SharePoint 2013. I have confirmed from Advanced Settings of this list that 'Attachments to list items' option is enabled.

There is a change in SP2013 and you cannot add attachment to the item the same way as in 2010. In SP2013 you add an attachment directly to Body field using option in Ribbon (Insert | Upload file).
When uploading a file, by default, files will be stored in SiteAssets library, however you can choose different one if you want.


Unable to expose existing control on a new project form

TFS 2017 on-premise Version 15.117.27024.0
I have a custom Work Item field which exists as a global field, and has been added to work item templates in other projects on the same instance without issue. I've added the custom field to the User Story template for a new TFS Project (which uses the same TFS project template as other projects), and added it to the layout under the 'Value Area' control. Whatever I try, I cannot get the field to show in the web UI of TFS, but when I preview form using the Visual Studio Process Editor add-in, the field shows.
I've tried moving the control into another group, a different column, re-ordering the controls in the column, cleared cache, tried incognito, tried another users machine who has access to the same project. When the other user edits the template, he can see my new field in the template editor.
Exported the XML for the WIT using witadmin, and the elements are there as expected as a Field and as a control in the correct group & column.
In TFS 2017 and higher versions the fields should be exist also in the <WebLayout> to be displaying in the TFS web interface.
In your case the field exist only in the <Layout> so you can see him only in Visual Studio.

Sharepoint 2013 | Direct link from List Item to Document Set

I need a direct link from a list item lookup column (other column types might be correct I am not sure) to a document set.
At the moment a dialog opens and then I have to click open to then send me to the document set. This doesn't feel very cohesive and isn't the best for the user experience.
I have a custom list of 'solutions' and want to link to the relevant document sets.
Your 'Associated Documents' column should be a hyperlink/picture column, which will allow you to directly launch to whatever your URL is without a dialog.

Sitecore field for selecting multiple files from media library with the ability to upload files

I'm looking for something that allow content editors to select multiple files from the media library, which will be listed in a rendering. They also need to be able upload files and to search. It has to work in the Page Editor (named Experience Editor in version 8).
What I have have considered so far:
A bunch of File fields - but I don't know how many files the editor need to select at most, and having something like 20 similar fields seems bad.
Using a field that supports multiple items like a Treelist with the datasource set to the Media Library allows the user to select files in an acceptable way but not uploading. I tested adding one File field just for the upload function, but was not really satisfied.
Currently using Sitecore 7.5 but moving to 8 in a few days, so a solution working in Sitecore 8 is preferred.
I have asked the Sitecore support too and will update here if I get useful answers.
And the winner is.... the answer from Sitecore support:
In the Email Experience Manager module there is a field called "File List".
The image shows the dialog in Sitecore 8 and the field itself (below). It has search, supports multiple files and upload. It stores the value as pipe-separated GUIDs (just as similar fields like Treelist).
The Field Types Module on Sitecore Marketplace includes "Visual List" and "Carousel" custom field types which may provide what you need. I have used this in the past and found it to work well, though I'm not sure if it's compatible with Sitecore 8. As I remember, I don't think they provided the option for uploading new media from the field.
An alternative solution is to use a placeholder and a file component with a DataSource.
Give the component a standard File Field. So upload is possible.
But for every new file the editor must add a new component to the placeholder with the page editor. This is with a lot of files more work for the editor. But a standard solution. (and the ability to personalize the files with the rules engine)

Control SharePoint to MS Project column mappings when synced from external Project file

I'm syncing an external Project file to a SharePoint list. This list was created by a third-party. When I sync the file, there are a set of column mappings that appear inside the Project file. Some of these columns are custom columns created by the third-party (so I'm not talking about just standard SharePoint columns).
Does anyone know how this is done? I've looked at the site column definitions and I don't see anything special that would indicate Project column mappings. I would like to add additional columns and have them appear automatically in the Project file as well (the Project file is generated by Team Foundation Server), and would like to mimic what they have done for forward-compatibility purposes.
I've put out a question to the vendor, but thought I would post a question here in hopes of getting a faster response (assuming they are using something out-of-the-box and that they didn't hack this solution together).
I figured it out.
You can get the field mapping using the following code (where list is the SPList that represents your task list):
If a project file has been synced with the list previously, then the above will return an XML fragment (not a full document) that describes the field mappings. If no such sync has been done, then the property will not exist!
If you open Project and view the mappings, you will see some are not allowed to be changed. These mappings are always assumed by SharePoint and they will not appear in the XML fragment.

Moving items between folders in a SharePoint 2010 list

Is there a way to move items or folders around in a SharePoint 2010 list? Either in Designer or SharePoint? I have a single list, with multiple levels of folders and items within those folders. Can I move an item and/or folder containing items to a different folder within that list without being required to delete the items and/or folder and manually recreate the item/folder in the new desired location? It seems like that would be desirable functionality for list maintenance.
Open your list in Windows Explorer. In the Ribbon on the Libary tab in "Connect & Export" - "Open with Explorer. I than add it to my favoirites so I do not have to go into SharePoint
Have you tried using the Manage Content and Structure tool:
If possible, you can try some third-part tools such as BoostSolutions list transfer, hope it can help you to solve this issue.