I create a API for a Game.
My Problem: I want to read a float value from the Memory.
Result (Cheat Engine) 100
My Result with the API: 0.00000
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) float samp_health()
hwnd = FindWindow(NULL, L"MyGame");
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &pid);
HANDLE phandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, false, pid);
float value = 0;
ReadProcessMemory(phandle, (float*)(PlayerPointer + HealthOffset), &value, 4, NULL);
return value;
What is wrong?
With this line,
HANDLE phandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ, false, pid);
you need to check for failure.
And in this following line,
ReadProcessMemory(phandle, (float*)(PlayerPointer + HealthOffset), &value, 4, NULL);
assuming the ReadProcessMemory works as roughly indicated by the arguments, the PlayerPointer needs to be a valid pointer in the process identified by phandle, and if the HealthOffset is an offset in bytes, then PlayerPointer needs to be a pointer to byte.
Most likely it's not.
Reading process memory is generally not a good way to communicate between processes.
Here are some alternatives:
Don't do process communication, do threads or whatever.
Use Windows COM technology.
Use Windows mailslots.
Use Windows window messages (e.g. WM_DATA).
Use sockets.
Use files.
Use pipes.
Almost anything, just not the direct access of process memory.
Summing up, the main problem is use of a too low level of abstraction.
I have been attempting to run a 64-bit DLL purely in a processes virtual memory without 'manually mapping' it (i.e. manually resolving relocations/imports).
The plan was to inject code into the target application and load the module via conventional means, such as LoadLibrary.
I was under the assumption LoadLibrary would fix the module relocations/imports on it's own, as that's what it is designed to do.
After loading the module, the injected code would obtain information regarding the module with GetModuleInformation, transfer it to a temporary memory buffer, free the module, allocate memory at the same address it was originally loaded at, write it back, and execute the entry point.
That last step is where I believe the error is occurring.
In order to test this theory, I have hard-coding entry point addresses, debugged the remote application via Visual Studio's 'Attach to Process' feature, emulated a similar environment to correct bad pointer arithmetic, all in order to gain a bit more information on what the error might be.
Here is some general information which may or may not be useful:
Both applications (the injector, and DLL) are compiled to run in 64-bit architectures
The test application I have been using to test the injection method is the windows update applicaiton (wuauclt.exe - located in /System32/), it is of course compiled to run as a 64-bit PE
Host machine: Windows 7 Home Premium (system type: 64-bit operating system)
As far as information relating directly to the injector goes:
The primary code injection method works (as far as I can tell), and I have proven this via caveman debugging with MessageBoxA
The project is using a multi-byte character set with code optimizations disabled. The code was compiled using VS 2013 Ultimate (both projects built for Release x64)
SDL checks are off since unsafe functions are used (strcpy and friends)
The injector is debugged with elevated privileges (as high as SE_DEBUG_PRIVILEGES) every time its ran.
Code Preface:
The code exhibited below is not in any which way meant to look pretty or exhibit good programming practices. Keep this in mind when viewing the code. It was specifically designed to test a code-injection method to verify it works. If you have issues with the program layout, structure, etc, feel free to correct them and/or restructure them on your own. It's not the reason I'm here. Unless it is what resulted in the error, then it is entirely the reason I'm here :)
The code for the injector: http://pastebin.com/FF5G9nnR
Some of the code was truncated (functions not pertaining to the injection), but
I have verified the code compiles and works correctly with it's injeteme.dll counterpart
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Psapi.h>
#define TARGET_PID 1124
typedef BOOL(WINAPI* pFreeLibrary)(HMODULE);
typedef HMODULE(WINAPI* pLoadLibraryA)(LPCSTR);
typedef HANDLE(WINAPI* pGetCurrentProcess)(void);
typedef HANDLE(WINAPI* pOpenProcess)(DWORD, BOOL, DWORD);
typedef BOOL(WINAPI* pVirtualFree)(LPVOID, SIZE_T, DWORD);
typedef int(__stdcall* pMessageBoxA)(HWND, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, UINT);
typedef BOOL(WINAPI* pWriteProcessMemory)(HANDLE, LPVOID, LPCVOID, SIZE_T, SIZE_T*);
struct IINFO
LPVOID stubAddr;
LPVOID retStatusPtr;
char fullModulePath[MAX_PATH];
DWORD pId, sizeOfCurrStruct;
pMessageBoxA messageBox;
pOpenProcess openProcess;
pVirtualFree virtualFree;
pFreeLibrary freeLibrary;
pLoadLibraryA loadLibrary;
pVirtualAlloc virtualAlloc;
pGetCurrentProcess getCurrProc;
pWriteProcessMemory writeMemory;
pGetModuleInformation getModInfo;
static DWORD WINAPI stub(IINFO *iInfo)
DLL_MAIN dllMain;
LPVOID lpNewMod, lpTempModBuff;
iInfo->messageBox(NULL, iInfo->fullModulePath, NULL, 0);
hMod = iInfo->loadLibrary(iInfo->fullModulePath);
if (!hMod)
return 0;
if (!iInfo->getModInfo(iInfo->getCurrProc(), hMod, &mInfo, sizeof(MODULEINFO)))
return 0;
lpTempModBuff = iInfo->virtualAlloc(NULL, mInfo.SizeOfImage, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
if (!lpTempModBuff)
return 0;
if (!iInfo->writeMemory(iInfo->getCurrProc(), lpTempModBuff, mInfo.lpBaseOfDll, mInfo.SizeOfImage, NULL))
return 0;
if (!iInfo->freeLibrary(hMod))
return 0;
lpNewMod = iInfo->virtualAlloc(mInfo.lpBaseOfDll, mInfo.SizeOfImage, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
if (!lpNewMod)
return 0;
// using wpm since we have already acquired the function
if (!iInfo->writeMemory(iInfo->getCurrProc(), lpNewMod, lpTempModBuff, mInfo.SizeOfImage, NULL))
return 0;
if (!iInfo->virtualFree(lpTempModBuff, 0, MEM_RELEASE))
return 0;
/*if (!iInfo->virtualFree(iInfo, 0, MEM_RELEASE))
return 0;
iInfo->messageBox(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); */
if (!pIDH)
return 0;
pINH = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((LPBYTE)lpNewMod + pIDH->e_lfanew);
if (!pINH)
return 0;
dllMain = (DLL_MAIN)((LPBYTE)lpNewMod + pINH->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint);
if (!dllMain)
return 0;
iInfo->messageBox(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
return 1;
static DWORD WINAPI stubEnd(){ return 0; }
int main()
HANDLE hThread = 0;
DWORD dwStubSize = 0;
int sucResp = 0, count = 0;
HMODULE hUser32 = 0, hNtdll = 0;
char fullPathName[] = "C:\\injectme.dll";
if (!hProc || hProc == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return 0;
__int64 SizeOfStub = (LPBYTE)stubEnd - (LPBYTE)stub;
if (!lpStub)
return 0;
hUser32 = LoadLibraryA("user32.dll");
if (!hUser32)
return 0;
hNtdll = LoadLibraryA("kernel32.dll");
if (!hNtdll)
return 0;
IINFO iInfo = {};
iInfo.retStatusPtr = &sucResp;
strcpy(iInfo.fullModulePath, fullPathName);
iInfo.sizeOfCurrStruct = sizeof(IINFO);
iInfo.stubAddr = lpStub;
iInfo.pId = GetCurrentProcessId();
iInfo.messageBox = (pMessageBoxA)GetProcAddress(hUser32, "MessageBoxA");
iInfo.openProcess = (pOpenProcess)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "OpenProcess");
iInfo.virtualFree = (pVirtualFree)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "VirtualFree");
iInfo.freeLibrary = (pFreeLibrary)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "FreeLibrary");
iInfo.loadLibrary = (pLoadLibraryA)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "LoadLibraryA");
iInfo.virtualAlloc = (pVirtualAlloc)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "VirtualAlloc");
iInfo.getCurrProc = (pGetCurrentProcess)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "GetCurrentProcess");
iInfo.writeMemory = (pWriteProcessMemory)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "WriteProcessMemory");
iInfo.getModInfo = (pGetModuleInformation)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "K32GetModuleInformation");
if (!lpStubInfo)
return 0;
if (!WriteProcessMemory(hProc, lpStub, stub, SizeOfStub, NULL))
return 0;
if (!WriteProcessMemory(hProc, lpStubInfo, &iInfo, sizeof(iInfo), NULL))
return 0;
hThread = CreateRemoteThread(hProc, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)lpStub, lpStubInfo, 0, NULL);
if (!hThread || hThread == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return 0;
WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);
return 1;
The code for the DLL to be injected: http://pastebin.com/8WXxcpu1
#include <Windows.h>
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDll, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpParam)
switch (fdwReason)
MessageBoxA(NULL, "Hello from injectme.dll!", "", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
return TRUE;
The error when running the code above verbatim (assuming you also applied the settings above and have a similar environment) in VS2013's debugger is as follows:
"Unhandled exception at 0x000007FEEA5125D4 in wuauclt.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x000007FEEA5125D4."
Upon viewing the process "wuauclt.exe" in Process Hacker, I can clearly see the module was allocated originally (upon being loaded via LoadLibrary) at 0x7fef67c0000. This is shown in the context menu->under miscellaneous->unloaded modules.
Once double-clicking "wuauclt.exe", you can browse over the application's virtual memory to ensure everything is working as it should be. I can confirm for this current session, an RWX memory buffer has been allocated at 0x7fef67c0000 with the exact size of the unloaded module, containing the injectme.dll module. When digging into injectme.dll with CFF Explorer, then entry point RVA seems to be 0x132C, which does not add up, considering the error is much further away in memory. Additionally, I can verify two more RWX memory buffers containing the code injection stub, and information structure. Looking back the information structure probably doesn't need RWX. Anyway, I can't for the life of me figure out the error.
I'm hoping one you may be able to assist me. I am extremely grateful for your time.
My gut feeling is that you're lacking the fundamental understanding for such a challenging project. You're mixing concepts from rather distinct realms.
Windows itself cares very, very little about the programming language you used in development. Either you get CLR code (.Net) or native code. In this case it's x64. But Windows really doesn't care about strcpy or SDL checks. That's for the compiler to deal with, not the OS. Chances are strcpy wouldn't even survive, when its code is fully inlined. But you apparently have optimizations turned off, for some strange reason - again a compiler versus OS confusion.
However, Windows does care about other concepts that you don't mention. Chiefly those would be ASLR and DEP - Address Space Layout Randomization and Data Execution Prevention. They're techniques to keep hackers out, and you're hacking. So that's not really a surprise.
I'm not sure if by "RWX" you mean Read Write Execute" because you should know that's asking for problems. DEP is inspired by the more aptly named W^X, Write XOR eXecute.
The more likely culprit is ASLR, though. Windows by design tries to load DLL's at unpredicatble addresses, as that eliminates an entire class of hacks. It appears you're assuming a load address, while Windows really is using another address.
A final mistake might be that you're failing to understand where the relocations are done. To improve the amount of shareable pages, relocations are done on the Import Address Table, not the code itself. The IAT is a trampoline table, and therefore executable. Your failure might also be a missing IAT.
I want to monitor a process in c++, so I'm using:
std::wstring windowName = TEXT("needle");
HWND windowHandle = FindWindowW(NULL, windowName.c_str());
The FindWindow function, as I understand it, checks the title for all windows (Why did Microsoft name their OS after a core part of it, checking windows in Windows, madness). If a title matches "needle" then it gives me the...
HWND windowHandle
Next I am using:
GetWindowThreadProcessId(windowHandle, PID);
This gives me the processID or PID as I've named it. I can then use that to...
DWORD state;
GetExitCodeProcess(p, &state);
... get the state of the process, I'm going to check for it being "STILL_ACTIVE", like so:
if (state != STILL_ACTIVE) {
std::cout << "excessive profanity\n";
else {
std::cout << "sigh of relief\n";
Except this doesn't work, "cout-ing" (new verb) the value of state gives me some kind of hexadecimal code. It's never "STILL_ACTIVE" despite having multiple windows with "needle" as the title. The code compiles fine, it's just something to do with conversion, pointers, LPCWSTR's or something I've never come across. Help would be appreciated. Thanks
You have two problems:
1) As PaulMcKenzie points out in his answer, PID points to nothing, and will cause problems. Instead you should declare a DWORD and pass a pointer to it to GetWindowThreadProcessId:
// note: &PID instead of just PID
GetWindowThreadProcessId(windowHandle, &PID);
// note: Just PID instead of *PID
2) GetExitCodeProcess needs a handle to a process, not an uninitialized HWND. Instead you should give it the handle returned from OpenProcess:
DWORD state;
// note: this is the hProcess returned from OpenProcess
GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &state);
Note that this will still only work for one process. If multiple processes have windows with the title "needle" then the result of your FindWindow call will be unpredictable.
One error (and probably not the only error) is that there is no way this can work correctly:
GetWindowThreadProcessId(windowHandle, PID);
You are giving GetWindowThreadProcessId an uninitialized pointer, PID. There is nothing that the function can do with it except dereference it (causing undefined behavior), or at best, check if the value is NULL.
When a function asks for a pointer, it doesn't mean you literally declare a pointer and pass it to the function. The function wants the address of an existing entity:
GetWindowThreadProcessId(windowHandle, &PID);
The origin of my question effectively stems from wanting to provide an implementation of pthreads on Windows which supports user provide stacks. Specifically, pthread_attr_setstack should do something meaningful. My actual requirements are a bit more involved than this but this is good enough for the purpose of the post.
There are no public Win APIs for providing a stack in either the Fiber or Thread APIs. I've searched around for sneaky backdoors, workarounds and hacks, there's nothing going. In fact, I looked that the winpthread source for inspiration and that ignores any stack provided to pthread_attr_setstack.
Instead I tried the following "solution" to see if it would work. I create a Fiber using the usual combination of ConvertThreadToFiber, CreateFiberEx and SwitchToFiber. In CreateFiberEx I provide a minimal stack size. In the entry point of the fibre I then allocate memory for a stack, change the TIB fields: "Stack Base" and "Stack Limit" appropriately (see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Win32_Thread_Information_Block) and then set ESP to the high address of my stack.
(In a real world case I would setup the stack better than this and change EIP as well so that this step behaves more like the posix funciton swapcontext, but you get the idea).
If I make any OS calls when on this different stack then I'm pretty much screwed (printf for example dies). However this isn't an issue for me. I can ensure that I never make sure calls when on my custom stack (hence why I said my actual requirements are a bit more involved). Except...I need exceptions to work. And they don't! Specifically, if I try to throw and catch an exception on my modified stack then I get an assert
Unhandled exception at 0xXXXXXXXX ....
So my (vague) question is, does anyone have any insight as to how exceptions and a custom stack might not be playing nicely together? I appreciate that this is totally unsupported and can happily except nil response or "go away". In fact, I've pretty much decided that I need a different solution and, despite this involving compromise, I'm likely to use one. However, curiosity gets the better of me so I'd like to know why this doesn't work.
On a related note, I wondered how Cygwin dealt with this for ucontext. The source here http://szupervigyor.ddsi.hu/source/in/openjdk-6-6b18-1.8.13/cacao-0.99.4/src/vm/jit/i386/cygwin/ucontext.c uses GetThreadContext/SetThreadContext to implement ucontext. However, from experimentation I see that this also fails when an exception is thrown from inside a new context. In fact the SetThreadContext call doesn't even update the TIB block!
EDIT (based on the answer from #avakar)
The following code, which is very similar to yours, demonstrates the same failure. The difference is that I don't start the second thread suspended but suspend it then try to change context. This code exhibits the error I was describing when the try-catch block is hit in foo. Perhaps this simply isn't legal. One notable thing is that in this situation the ExceptionList member of the TIB is a valid pointer when modifyThreadContext is called, whereas in your example it's -1. Manually editing this doesn't help.
As mentioned in my comment to your answer. This isn't precisely what I need. I would like to switch contexts from the thread I'm current on. However, the docs for SetThreadContext warn not to call this on an active thread. So I'm guessing that if the below code doesn't work then I have no chance of making it work on a single thread.
HANDLE ghSemaphore = 0;
void foo()
throw 6;
void modifyThreadContext(HANDLE thread)
typedef NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQueryInformationThread_t(HANDLE ThreadHandle, DWORD ThreadInformationClass, PVOID ThreadInformation, ULONG ThreadInformationLength, PULONG ReturnLength);
HMODULE hNtdll = LoadLibraryW(L"ntdll.dll");
auto NtQueryInformationThread = (NtQueryInformationThread_t *)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "NtQueryInformationThread");
DWORD stackSize = 1024 * 1024;
void * mystack = VirtualAlloc(0, stackSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
DWORD threadInfo[7];
NtQueryInformationThread(thread, 0, threadInfo, sizeof threadInfo, 0);
NT_TIB * tib = (NT_TIB *)threadInfo[1];
CONTEXT ctx = {};
ctx.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL;
GetThreadContext(thread, &ctx);
ctx.Esp = (DWORD)mystack + stackSize - ((DWORD)tib->StackBase - ctx.Esp);
ctx.Eip = (DWORD)&foo;
tib->StackBase = (PVOID)((DWORD)mystack + stackSize);
tib->StackLimit = (PVOID)((DWORD)mystack);
SetThreadContext(thread, &ctx);
ReleaseSemaphore(ghSemaphore, 1, NULL);
while (1)
// Never gets here
return 1;
} // namespace
int main()
ghSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 1, NULL);
HANDLE th = CreateThread(0, 0, threadMain, 0, 0, 0);
while (WaitForSingleObject(ghSemaphore, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0);
while (WaitForSingleObject(th, 10) != WAIT_OBJECT_0);
return 0;
Both exceptions and printf work for me, and I don't see why they shouldn't. If you post your code, we can try to pinpoint what's going on.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
throw 1;
catch (int i)
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;
typedef NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQueryInformationThread_t(HANDLE ThreadHandle, DWORD ThreadInformationClass, PVOID ThreadInformation, ULONG ThreadInformationLength, PULONG ReturnLength);
int main()
HMODULE hNtdll = LoadLibraryW(L"ntdll.dll");
auto NtQueryInformationThread = (NtQueryInformationThread_t *)GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "NtQueryInformationThread");
DWORD stackSize = 1024 * 1024;
void * mystack = VirtualAlloc(0, stackSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
DWORD dwThreadId;
HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, &ThreadProc, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &dwThreadId);
DWORD threadInfo[7];
NtQueryInformationThread(hThread, 0, threadInfo, sizeof threadInfo, 0);
NT_TIB * tib = (NT_TIB *)threadInfo[1];
CONTEXT ctx = {};
ctx.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL;
GetThreadContext(hThread, &ctx);
ctx.Esp = (DWORD)mystack + stackSize - ((DWORD)tib->StackBase - ctx.Esp);
tib->StackBase = (PVOID)((DWORD)mystack + stackSize);
tib->StackLimit = (PVOID)((DWORD)mystack);
SetThreadContext(hThread, &ctx);
WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);
I want to access a certain address of a process. But for that i need to get the base address of the process first. I'm using a tool to see if i'm actually doing it right. The tool shows i need the following: "app.exe"+0x011F9B08 = 0x119F8300
I thought i could obtain the base address of a process through OpenProcess(), but that gives me: 0x0000005c as a result. I don't think that is right? Atleast, not what i need.
I think the base address i need is: 0x119F8300 - 0x011F9B08 = 0x107FE7F8 <-- base?
This is my code:
hWindow = FindWindow(NULL, lpWindowName);
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWindow, &dwProcId);
if(dwProcId != 0)
// hProcHandle -> 0x0000005c
hProcHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dwProcId);
return 0;
How can i get the base address of the process that i've opened?
If you want to get the virtual address within the other process's address space, you can do that like so:
Open the process using OpenProcess -- if successful, the value returned is a handle to the process, which is just an opaque token used by the kernel to identify a kernel object. Its exact integer value (0x5c in your case) has no meaning to userspace programs, other than to distinguish it from other handles and invalid handles.
Call GetProcessImageFileName to get the name of the main executable module of the process.
Use EnumProcessModules to enumerate the list of all modules in the target process.
For each module, call GetModuleFileNameEx to get the filename, and compare it with the executable's filename.
When you've found the executable's module, call GetModuleInformation to get the raw entry point of the executable.
This will give you the virtual address, but there's not a whole lot you can do with it since it's not mapped into your current process's address space.
I wanted to elaborate a bit on #Adam Rosenfield's answer. I will use League of Legends as an example here.
In order to open the process (Getting a handle) we need it's PID (Process ID). We can do that via a window handle (HWND) because usually the title of the window is known
//You will need to change this the name of the window of the foreign process
HWND WindowHandle = FindWindow(nullptr, L"League of Legends (TM) Client");
GetWindowThreadProcessId(WindowHandle, &PID);
Now that we are able to get a handle to the process let's continue
HMODULE Module = GetModule();
DWORD BaseAddress = (DWORD)Module;
The GetModule function
HMODULE GetModule()
HMODULE hMods[1024];
HANDLE pHandle = GetHandle();
DWORD cbNeeded;
unsigned int i;
if (EnumProcessModules(pHandle, hMods, sizeof(hMods), &cbNeeded))
for (i = 0; i < (cbNeeded / sizeof(HMODULE)); i++)
if (GetModuleFileNameEx(pHandle, hMods[i], szModName, sizeof(szModName) / sizeof(TCHAR)))
wstring wstrModName = szModName;
//you will need to change this to the name of the exe of the foreign process
wstring wstrModContain = L"League of Legends.exe";
if (wstrModName.find(wstrModContain) != string::npos)
return hMods[i];
return nullptr;
as for me personally I like to write 2 separate functions one for getting a handle and one for getting the module.
There we go, we have successfully gotten the base address of a foreign process.
I'm trying to read the process memory of a console program using ReadProcessMemory() API function.
Updated Code:
HWND hWnd = FindWindow(NULL, "Read Memory Window");
DWORD ProcessId;
ProcessId = GetProcessId(hWnd);
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &ProcessId);
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_READ,FALSE, ProcessId);
SIZE_T NumberOfBytesRead;
CHAR Buffer[128] = {0};
dwAddr = 0x0012FD6C; //address of array to get
BOOL sucess = ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, &dwAddr, &Buffer, 128, &NumberOfBytesRead);
I get null and garbage values as i run the program along with program to read the array.
your using a fixed address, that is generally a very bad idea, even more so now that windows vista and windows 7 use ASLR, making it unsafe for even fixed based modules(even without ASLR its unsafe, because the image can reallocated for various reasons).
also, that address looks very dodgy, how did you derive that address? and is it adjusted correctly as a virtual address and not a relative address?
finally and most importantly, you shouldn't be passing the address and buffer as you do, it should be passed like so:
BOOL sucess = ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)dwAddr, &Buffer[0], 128, &NumberOfBytesRead);
BOOL sucess = ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)dwAddr, Buffer, 128, &NumberOfBytesRead);