Tkinter - Changing the list in Option Menu - python-2.7

Is there a way to manipulate the List displayed by the OptionMenu in respect to what the user has currently selected?
For example, let's say I have a list - ["A","B","C"].
If the user currently selected A then if he clicks the optionmenu with A currently selected, what he will see in the list is not the original list but only B and C.
If he switches his answer from, let's say, A to B, then now, he will only see A and C in the OptionMenu.
And the same will follow if he chose B or C.

The OptionMenu widget is a button that shows a dropdown menu when pressed. You might do better to use a ttk.Combobox instead as that is a more modern UI element and you can very simply configure the values configuration item.
You can configure the attached menu at runtime. You access the menu using optionmenu['menu'] and you can then query items on the menu optionmenu['menu'].entrycget(0, 'label') or use entryconfigure to modify the items. Or you can delete items optionmenu['menu'].delete(index) and add new items. See the menu documentation for hints on manipulating the menu entries.


Winforms controlling controls

I couldn't think of a coherent search term for my problem so please forgive me if this has been asked before.
I have 24 combo boxes sitting on a panel control, displayed in 4 rows of 6.
After the user defines the value for each combo and hits the "go" button, I add all combo boxes to list so I can use the values in another section of my program.
The problem is that the order the comboboxes are added to the list is messed up, compared to their visual layout on the panel, and I would like to define the order. Currently, it adds the 9th combobox to the list first then the 20th, 2nd, 16th etc etc.
I tried TabIndex but that didnt work.
Before I manually rename and relabel all of the boxes, any other suggestions will be gratefully received.
The controls of your form exist in Controls collection of the container controls, for example when you add a Panel and a Button to a Form and two ComboBox to the Panel, then:
Form.Controls contains button1 and panel1
Panel.Controls contains comboBox1 and comboBox2
Controls are added to the Controls collection, with the same order that you add them to designer. Open designer.cs, look at the end of InitializeComponent to see the order.
You can also see/change the order using Document Outline window.
That said, now it should be obvious that panel1.Controls.OfType<ComboBox>() returns combo boxes with the same order that you see in Document Outline (or based on their z-index, and it doesn't have anything to do with their x/y placements).
You may want to order them based on TabIndex, or any other property that you like:
In general, if you are going to use those values for a search, instead of relying on the order of values, a much better idea is creating a SearchModel class which has a few properties, the set those properties to the selected value of the corresponding combo box (manually or using databinding) then pass the search model to the other classes.

In MFC how to select multiple items in the Combo-box?

In MFC dialog based application, I have a combo box. Is it possible to select multiple items in the Combo-box through mouse and keyboard operations and also by pro-grammatically?
How to achieve it?
From the documentation:
A combo box consists of a list and a selection field. The list presents the options that a user can select, and the selection field displays the current selection. If the selection field is an edit control, the user can enter information not available in the list; otherwise, the user can only select items in the list.
The selection field is only capable of displaying a single selected item (at most). There is no way to allow a user (or code) to select multiple items at the same time. This is immediately obvious when looking at the CB_GETCURSEL and CB_SETCURSEL messages, that only allow for a single index to be passed.
A list view control allows multiple items to be selected at the same time.

Dealing with huge select lists

I often use select lists with my projects but when it comes to a huge select list, I couldn't find a solution. I need a easy, plug and play solution for solution will be used in a few places.
When you have a select box or text box to be filled from a model data, I want to show user a text box, right side of text box, there should be a button to choice the value. Upon clicking that button, popup or a modal will be opened and I filter all the records and find my value, upon clicking value, modal or popup closes and I get choosen value to form control.
İmagine you have a text box to choose your customer, and among 2500 customer,
PS:don't suggest autocomplete, don't want to accomplish it.
Why don't you look at something like Chozen plugin It allows you to easily search large select lists

How to display a menu based on another menu's submenu items (Joomla 2.5)

This is probably really easy to do and I'm probably missing the wood for the trees but I'm trying to display a menu on a selection of pages which contains the sub menu items from the equivalent main menu item.
For example, the main menu has 'Products' (parent item) listed with 'Product 1', 'Product 2' and 'Product 3' as sub menu items (child items). Is it possible (without creating duplicate articles) to create a submenu which only shows the child items but which links to the same articles as from the main menu?
I've read about using menu-alias but none of the documentation I've found gives a clear message on this.
1) Go to Menus -> Menu Manager -> Add Menu.
2) Add a new menu item in it, choose for type Menu Item Alias and on the right side under Menu Item choose which Menu you want it to be the copy of (not a real copy, but an alias).
3) Repeat 2) for all menu items you want to display
4) In Module Manager, add new Menu module, choose your newly created Menu, assign it to some position and publish.
#Marko D's solution works well and can be customised to suit many variations.
There's another option in this case where you don't event need to create another menu or menu aliases.
1) In module manager, add a new menu module, name it, position it, apply it to the relevant pages, then under Basic Options choose the main menu in question and a start level of 2 and publish
2) No number 2 ;)
It's always good to have more than 1 option!

AutoSuggestion in Combobox

I created a Combobox with CreateWindowEx. Everything goes well. But I would like to make a final feature: AutoSuggestion. The Combobox is used to do search text in a document, hence at some point, it have items that are the strings a user searched. The AutoSuggestion should be: drop down the list of items, find those items that begin with the string that a user typed in the edit control, but do not select one of them, do not display all other items, and finally do not change select item when keydown or keyup occurs, only highlight the item and select only when a user press Enter. Do you have any idea how to accomplish this task?
It sounds like you want Autocomplete functionality.