Slow data receiving via QSerialPort - c++

I've got a problem with speed of reading recieved data from serial port. I am using QSerialPort class. I've confgured it right (set the same serial port options as these ones set on transmitter). In MainWindow constructor I've connected signal from QSerialPort to MainWindow's method (readData()) when I'm reading the raw data. It looks like:
std::shared_ptr<QSerialPort> serial; //don't aks me why shared_prt - it has to be shared_ptr, no other option.
serial = std::shared_ptr<QSerialPort>(new QSeralPort)
connect(serial.get(),SIGNAL( readyRead()),this,SLOT(readData()));
void MainWindow::readData()
QByteArray data = serial->readLine();
qDebug() << data;
The data looks like: "s03445\n". Program reads and presents data correctly, but very, very slow (for example it prints "s3445"). Data are send with about 20 Hz frequency (400 samples - after that is one secand pause), but in my program data, are present with frequency about 3-4 Hz. It is also noteworthly that when I connect to my transmitter via simple serial port terminal (Hercules) I recieve data with full speed. What could be reason of that behaviour? What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions?


QSerialPort continuous reading accumulative delay

I am trying to do communication from QT Application to Arduino. The flow is like this: QT Application sends a '1' and Arduino is expected to respond with some data(the data String length is huge, around 300). QT Application is sending '1' at the rate of around 5Hz(every 200ms).
The problem I am facing is, there is an accumulative delay between the Arduino to QT communication. That is, the data I receive from Arduino is not recent data but the frequency of data coming of Arduino is 5Hz only(which is as expected), just the data coming is not recent. This delay keeps on increasing with time. I believe there is some problem with buffer or something.
What I tried:
QSerialPort serialPort; is my device port
Increasing and decreasing Baud Rate from both ends.
Reduce character length from Arduino, here delay reduces significantly but the accumulated delay is observed after a long time.
to clear serial communication buffer, but the issue still persists.
Here is my code snippet:
connect(timer_getdat, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(Rec()));
where Rec() is the function where I do communication part.
In Rec():
serialPort.write("1", 2);
// serialPort.waitForBytesWritten(100);
long long bytes_available = serialPort.bytesAvailable();
if (bytes_available >= 1)
serialPort.readLine(temp, 500);
serialPort.flush(); // no change
serialPort.clear(); // no change by .clear() also
I have been stuck on this issue for a quite long time. The above code snippet is what I think is necessary but if anyone needs more clarification, I may reveal more of the code.
I also encountered with the same issue, and yes QSerialPort.clear() and QSerialPort.flush() doesn't help. Try doing readAll()
So change the part in your Rec() function to something like this:
serialPort.write("1", 2);
long long bytes_available = serialPort.bytesAvailable();
if (bytes_available >= 1)
serialPort.readLine(temp, 500);
serialPort.readAll(); // This reads all the data in buffer at once and clears the queue.
Even on QT forums, I didn't find the answer to this, was playing with all functions available with QSerialPort class and readAll() seems to work.
About readAll(), Qt documentation says:
Reads all remaining data from the device, and returns it as a byte
My explanation for the resolution is that readAll captures all of the data from the communication buffer and empties it.
This should be the job of clear() function but apparently readAll() seems to work.

UART doesn't receive all sent values in Qt

I'm triying to send data from a PSoc via UART to my PC where a want to store data with Qt. The PSoc sends 3 bytes of data. Theses 3 bytes are repeatet with a frequency of 2.5Hz. When I check the signals with my oscilloscope everything is fine. When I receive the data with the software HTerm also everything is as expected. When I use my code written in c++ with Qt I get the problem that not all data are received in Qt, only one third is in the memory. I expected that the signal readyRead is emitted with every new byte? But it seems that the signal is only emitted at the begin of the package of the 3 bytes. Also my qDebug output doesn't react on changes from the PSoc. So when I change values at PSoc the output in qDebug doesn't change.
I already tried reading 3 Bytes (serial->read(3)) and then I first received some single bytes and after a few readings I get the 3 bytes I sended but this is not so reproducible.
connect(serial, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readData()));
void uart::readData()
QByteArray data = serial->read(1);
qDebug() << data;
I expect an output like "0x01" "0x02" "0x03" 2.5 times a second, but I get only "0x01"
You are only reading a fixed size with read.
Could it be that you get readyRead signals with varying bytes available but you only read fixed size of them
In your readyRead slot try to read all available bytes.
qint64 available = serial->bytesAvailable();
if (available > 0)
QByteArray data = serial->read(available);
qDebug() << data;
You can also use readAll() function.
I just found the solution!
You have to set the read-buffer size to the right value.
So for reading a package of three bytes I must set:

Qt reading serial data - working code but needs to be more reliable

I'm sending a few kB of data from an Arduino microcontroller to my PC running Qt.
Arduino measures the data on command from the PC and then sends the data back like this:
void loop(){
// I wait for trigger signal from PC, then begin data acquisition
// Data are acquired from a sensor, typically few thousand 16-bit values
// 1 kHz sampling rate, store data on SRAM chip
// Code below transfers data to PC
for(unsigned int i=0;i<datalength;i++){
// Get data from SRAM
// Serial write
} // Loop over
Qt is receiving the data like this:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
// open and configure serialport
connect(microcontroller, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &MainWindow::readData);
void MainWindow::readData() // Read in serial data bytes
serialData += microcontroller->readAll();
// Once all serial data received
// Do something, like save data to file, plot or process
Now the above code works pretty well, but once in a while (let's say once out of every few hundred acquisitions, so less than 1% of the time) not all of the data will get received by Qt and my readData function above is left hanging. I have to reset the program. So my question is: how can I make the data transfer more reliable and avoid missing bytes?
FYI: I am aware there exists an Arduino stackexchange. I'm not posting there because this seems a problem more related to Qt than Arduino.
I didn't much look into it, but it seems the problem might be related to this line:
So if you got some extra data you just give up on the whole thing? It is not guaranteed that data will arrive at neatly discrete blocks after all.
You should read in the data if length is greater or equal, read in the specified length and leave the remaining data because it is part of the next block.
It would also explain why your function hangs - if you happen to exceed 2*datalength the condition is never true.
But even if you fix this, the implementation is kinda naive and not something that can be considered fullproof. There are other things that can go wrong, and you will need to have more descriptive block data so you can figure out what went wrong and how to fix it or skip errors without throwing a wrench in the gears so to speak.
Some thing I would suggest is wrapping your data in an envelop. Add a header character ('H' for example) and signature ('S' maybe?) every time you wanna send the data. In the receiving part check for the first and last char of your message And make sure it is what it should be. This will eliminate the noise and non-complete data pretty much.

What means blocking for boost::asio::write?

I'm using boost::asio::write() to write data from a buffer to a com-Port. It's a serial port with a baud rate 115200 which means (as far as my understanding goes) that I can write effectively 11520 byte/s or 11,52KB/s data to the socket.
Now I'm having a quite big chunk of data (10015 bytes) which i want to write. I think that this should take little less than a second to really write on the port. But boost::asio::write() returns already 300 microseconds after the call with the transferred bytes 10015. I think this is impossible with that baud rate?
So my question is what is it actually doing? Really writing it to the port, or just some other kind of buffer maybe, which later writes it to the port.
I'd like the write() to only return after all the bytes have really been written to the port.
EDIT with code example:
The problem is that i always run into the timeout for the future/promise because it takes alone more than 100ms to send the message, but I think the timer should only start after the last byte is sent. Because write() is supposed to block?
void serial::write(std::vector<uint8_t> message) {
//create new promise for the request
promise = new boost::promise<deque<uint8_t>>;
boost::unique_future<deque<uint8_t>> future = promise->get_future();
// --- Write message to serial port --- //
//wait for data or timeout
if (future.wait_for(boost::chrono::milliseconds(100))==boost::future_status::timeout) {
cout << "ACK timeout!" << endl;
//delete pointer and set it to 0
delete promise;
//delete pointer and set it to 0 after getting a message
delete promise;
How can I achieve this?
In short, boost::asio::write() blocks until all data has been written to the stream; it does not block until all data has been transmitted. To wait until data has been transmitted, consider using tcdrain().
Each serial port has both a receive and transmit buffer within kernel space. This allows the kernel to buffer received data if a process cannot immediately read it from the serial port, and allows data written to a serial port to be buffered if the device cannot immediately transmit it. To block until the data has been transmitted, one could use tcdrain(serial_.native_handle()).
These kernel buffers allow for the write and read rates to exceed that of the transmit and receive rates. However, while the application may write data at a faster rate than the serial port can transmit, the kernel will transmit at the appropriate rates.

Emitting signal when bytes are received in serial port

I am trying to connect a signal and a slot in C++ using the boost libraries. My code currently opens a file and reads data from it. However, I am trying to improve the code so that it can read and analyze data in real time using a serial port. What I would like to do is have the analyze functions called only once there is data available in the serial port.
How would I go about doing this? I have done it in Qt before, however I cannot use signals and slots in Qt because this code does not use their moc tool.
Your OS (Linux) provides you with the following mechanism when dealing with the serial port.
You can set your serial port to noncanonical mode (by unsetting ICANON flag in termios structure). Then, if MIN and TIME parameters in c_cc[] are zero, the read() function will return if and only if there is new data in the serial port input buffer (see termios man page for details). So, you may run a separate thread responsible for getting the incoming serial data:
ssize_t count, bytesReceived = 0;
char myBuffer[1024];
if (count = read(portFD,
myBuffer + bytesReceived,
sizeof(myBuffer)-bytesReceived) > 0)
Here we check the arrived bytes. If they can be processed as a complete message,
you can alert other thread in a way you choose, put them to some kind of
queue etc. The details depend greatly on communication protocol being used.
If there is not enough bytes to process, you just store them in buffer
bytesReceived += count;
if (MyProtocolMessageComplete(myBuffer, bytesReceived))
ProcessMyData(myBuffer, bytesReceived);
AlertOtherThread(); //emit your 'signal' here
bytesReceived = 0; //going to wait for next message
//process read() error
The main idea here is that the thread calling read() is going to be active only when new data arrives. The rest of the time OS will keep this thread in wait state. Thus it will not consume CPU time. It is up to you how to implement the actual signal part.
The example above uses regular read system call to get data from port, but you can use the boost class in the same manner. Just use syncronous read function and the result will be the same.