I have an email helper extension I have written for my application. I use settings I have defined on the application like so:
set :mailgun_options, JSON.parse(File.open('config/mailer.json').read)[ENV['RACK_ENV']]
which reads configuration settings from a json file into the global Sinatra settings.
I then have my email helper which references these settings to create connections and what not.
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'faraday'
module Sinatra
module EmailHelper
def connect opts={}
connection = Faraday.new(:url => settings.mailgun_options['mailgun_url']) do |faraday|
if settings.mailgun_options['test']
faraday.adapter :test do |stubs|
stubs.post(settings.mailgun_options['domain'] + '/messages') {[ 200, {}, 'success' ]}
faraday.request :url_encoded
faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
connection.basic_auth('api', settings.mailgun_options['key'])
return connection
def send_email params={}
connect.post((settings.mailgun_options['domain'] + '/messages'), params)
def send_password_reset_email email
template = File.open( File.expand_path( '../../helpers/email_helper/templates/password_reset.erb', __FILE__ ), 'r' ).read
:from => 'REscour <noreply#' + settings.mailgun_options['domain'] + '>',
:to => email,
:subject => 'REscour.com Password Reset',
:text => ERB.new(template).result(binding)
So, when I am trying to write my specs to test the "connect" method, I get the following error:
undefined local variable or method `settings' for #<Class:0x007faaf9c9bd18>
My spec code is as follows:
module Sinatra
describe EmailHelper
let(:dummy_class) { Class.new { extend EmailHelper } }
it 'should connect to mailgun\'s api' do
app.set :mailgun_options, ::JSON.parse(File.open('config/mailer.json').read)['test']
puts dummy_class.connect
I'm not sure how to interact with the global Sinatra settings from my specs to have the local "settings" variable be defined during execution of the helper code.
I could have the architecture of my application wrong here for all I know. Does anyone have any experience in writing Sinatra extensions using the global settings and write specs for them?
The spec you've written seems to want to be a unit test, because you've not run the extension the way it would be used in an app. In the specs, try something like:
describe "connect" do
let(:app) { Sinatra.new do
helpers Sinatra::EmailHelper
configure do
:mailgun_options, ::JSON.parse(File.open('config/mailer.json')
get "/" do
# now write specs for the `connect` helper
Using an anonymous class (Sinatra.new do…) lets you quickly set up an app that's convenient for a small test, but there are other ways too.
In the extension, you need to add:
helpers EmailHelper
as per the example in the docs.
How to change code in hooks to reset (iOS) app at specific scenario ?
means only to those scenario where tags mention as #reset
UPDATED for Calabash 0.17 and run-loop 2.0.2
This project contains an example of how to use Cucumber tags and Before hooks to re-install apps and clear application data on simulators and devices.
In particular, see these two files:
ideviceinstaller wrapper
I won't reproduce the entire 01_launch.rb example here, but here are the hooks:
Before("#no_relaunch") do
#no_relaunch = true
Before('#reset_app_btw_scenarios') do
if xamarin_test_cloud? || LaunchControl.target_is_simulator?
Before('#reset_device_settings') do
if xamarin_test_cloud?
elsif LaunchControl.target_is_simulator?
target = LaunchControl.target
instruments = RunLoop::Instruments.new
xcode = instruments.xcode
device = instruments.simulators.find do |sim|
sim.udid == target || sim.instruments_identifier(xcode) == target
Before do |scenario|
launcher = LaunchControl.launcher
options = {
#:uia_strategy => :host
#:uia_strategy => :shared_element
:uia_strategy => :preferences
relaunch = true
if #no_relaunch
attach_options = options.dup
attach_options[:timeout] = 1
relaunch = launcher.device == nil
rescue => e
RunLoop.log_info2("Tag says: don't relaunch, but cannot attach to the app.")
RunLoop.log_info2("#{e.class}: #{e.message}")
RunLoop.log_info2("The app probably needs to be launched!")
if relaunch
# Re-installing the app on a device does not clear the Keychain settings,
# so we must clear them manually.
if scenario.source_tag_names.include?('#reset_device_settings')
if xamarin_test_cloud? || LaunchControl.target_is_physical_device?
The key is recognize the difference between testing on simulators and devices and testing on the Test Cloud and locally.
You can reset the application settings and content before every Scenario using the RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS env variable.
You can also implement a backdoor method to reset your app to a good known state. This example is a bit wonky and out of date, but I have used it to great effect in the past - it really speeds up tests - briar-ios-example You can do all kinds of things with backdoors: log users in/out, reset databases, wipe user preferences, add/remove files from the sandbox.
I'm trying to test a directive using Karma and Jasmine that does a couple of things. First being that it uses a templateUrl and second that it defines a controller. This may not be the correct terminology, but it creates a controller in its declaration. The Angular application is set up so that each unit is contained within its own module. For example, all directives are included within module app.directive, all controllers are contained within app.controller, and all services are contained within app.service etc.
To complicate things further, the controller being defined within this directive has a single dependency and it contains a function that makes an $http request to set a value on the $scope. I know that I can mock this dependency using $httpBackend mock to simulate the $http call and return the proper object to the call of this function. I've done this numerous times on the other unit tests that I've created, and have a pretty good grasp on this concept.
The code below is written in CoffeeScript.
Here is my directive:
.directive 'exampleDirective', [() ->
restrict: 'A'
templateUrl: 'partials/view.html'
scope: true
controller: ['$scope', 'Service', ($scope, Service) ->
$scope.model = {}
$scope.model.value_one = 1
# Call the dependency
.success (data) ->
$scope.model.value_two = data
.error ->
$scope.model.value_two = 0
Here is the dependency service:
.factory 'Service', ['$http', ($http) ->
getValue: () ->
options.method = "GET"
options.url = "example/fetch"
$http _.defaults(options)
Here is the view:
{{model.value_one}} {{model.value_two}}
I've simplified this quite a bit, as my goal is only to understand how to wire this up, I can take it from there. The reason I'm structuring it this way is because I did not initially create this. I'm working on writing tests for an existing project and I don't have the ability to configure it any other way. I've made an attempt to write the test, but cannot get it to do what i want.
I want to test to see if the values are being bound to the view, and if possible to also test to see if the controller is creating the values properly.
Here is what I've got:
'use strict'
describe "the exampleDirective Directive", ->
beforeEach module("app.directive")
beforeEach module("app/partials/view.html")
ServiceMock = {
getValue : () ->
options.method = "GET"
options.url = "example/fetch"
$http _.defaults(options)
#use the mock instead of the service
beforeEach module ($provide) ->
$provide.value "Service", ServiceMock
$httpBackend = null
scope = null
elem = null
beforeEach inject ($compile, $rootScope, $injector) ->
# get httpBackend object
$httpBackend = $injector.get("$httpBackend")
$httpBackend.whenGET("example/fetch").respond(200, "it works")
#set up the scope
scope = $rootScope
#create and compile directive
elem = angular.element('<example-directive></example-directive>')
I don't know how close I am, or if this is even correct. I want to be able to assert that the values are bound to the view correctly. I've used Vojtajina's example to set up html2js in my karma.js file to allow me to grab the views. I've done a lot of research to find the answer, but I need some help. Hopefully a programmer wiser than I can point me in the right direction. Thank you.
Create the element in karma, then use the .controller() function with the name of your directive to grab the controller. For your example, replace the last couple of lines with these:
elem = angular.element('<div example-directive></div>');
var controller = elem.controller('exampleDirective');
Note, that given how you defined your directive, it should be by attribute, and not as an element. I'm also not 100% sure, but I don't think you need the scope.$digest; usually I just put anything that needs to be applied into a scope.$apply(function() {}) block.
I'm working on my first ZF project and am a bit stuck. I have a controller named 'WebServiceController' and I have a unit test for the WebServiceController but when I run the test it doesn't assert the controller properly. My test code is:
public function testIndexAction() {
$params = array('action' => 'index', 'controller' => 'WebService', 'module' => 'default');
$url = $this->url($this->urlizeOptions($params));
// assertions
'div#view-content p',
'View script for controller <b>' . $params['controller'] . '</b> and script/action name <b>' . $params['action'] . '</b>'
The error I get is:
1) WebServiceControllerTest::testIndexAction
Failed asserting last controller used <"Web-Service"> was "WebService"
It looks like its trying to assert the controller was 'Web-Service' instead of 'WebService'. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
p.s. I am using ZF 1.11.5
In Zend Framework a camel case name for controller is rewritten in the URL :
WebService in the class name becomes web-service in the URL.
This is a normal behavior, see http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.controller.basics.html :
Since humans are notoriously
inconsistent at maintaining case
sensitivity when typing links, Zend
Framework actually normalizes path
information to lowercase. This, of
course, will affect how you name your
controller and actions... or refer to
them in links. If you wish to have
your controller class or action method
name have multiple MixedCasedWords or
camelCasedWords, you will need to
separate those words on the url with
either a '-' or '.' (though you can
configure the character used). As an
example, if you were going to the
action in
you'd refer to it on the url as
/foo-bar/baz-bat or /foo.bar/baz.bat.
I want to automatically generate the JavaDoc using buildr. I tried using the approach suggested in the official Guide PDF from the Homepage. However, it did not work.
define "SharedState_ebBP", :layout=>eclipse_layout do
project.version = VERSION_NUMBER
project.group = GROUP
doc :windowtitle => "Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here", :private => true
The error message is as follows:
RuntimeError: Don't know how to generate documentation from windowtitleAbandon ......
The correct syntax for setting the window title is
doc.using(:windowtitle => "Abandon All Hope", :private => true)
and with end on a line by itself. However that in and of itself does not cause the doc task to get run automatically.
To automatically build the JavaDoc when you run buildr simply add to the end of your buildfile:
task :default => [:build, :doc]
This redefines the default task to first build and then doc.
I am using both Zend framework and Django, and they both have they strengths and weakness, but they are both good framworks in their own way.
I do want to create a highly modular web application, like this example:
I also want all modules to be self contained with all confid and template files.
I have been looking into a way to solve this is zend the last days, but adding one omer level to the module setup doesn't feel right. I am sure this could be done, but should I? I have also included Doctrine to my zend application that could give me even more problems in my module setup!
When we are talking about Django this is easy to implement (Easy as in concept, not in implementation time or whatever) and a great way to create web apps. But one of the downsides of Django is the web hosing part. There are some web hosts offering Django support, but not that many..
So then I guess the question is what have the most value; rapid modular development versus hosting options!
Well, comments are welcome!
You can implement sub-modules with relatively little effort in ZF. Let's say you have directory structure such as:
You'd register the modules like this in your bootstrap (sub-modules use _ to separate the sub-module from the main module):
'default' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/default/controllers',
'admin' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/admin/controllers',
'admin_cms' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/modules/admin/cms/controllers'
The issue with this is that it would actually use an underline in the URL instead of a slash, so eg: "admin_cms/conteroller/action" instead of "admin/cms/controller/action". While this "works", it's not pretty. One way to solve the issue is to provide your own route for the default route. Since the default Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module does it almost right, you can simply extend from it and add the wanted behavior:
class App_Router_Route_Module extends Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module
public function __construct()
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$dispatcher = $frontController->getDispatcher();
$request = $frontController->getRequest();
parent::__construct(array(), $dispatcher, $request);
public function match($path)
// Get front controller instance
$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
// Parse path parts
$parts = explode('/', $path);
// Get all registered modules
$modules = $frontController->getControllerDirectory();
// Check if we're in default module
if (count($parts) == 0 || !isset($modules[$parts[0]]))
array_unshift($parts, $frontController->getDefaultModule());
// Module name
$module = $parts[0];
// While there are more parts to parse
while (isset($parts[1])) {
// Construct new module name
$module .= '_' . $parts[1];
// If module doesn't exist, stop processing
if (!isset($modules[$module]))
// Replace the parts with the new module name
array_splice($parts, 0, 2, $module);
// Put path back together
$path = implode('/', $parts);
// Let Zend's module router deal with the rest
return parent::match($path);
And in your bootstrap:
$router = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRouter();
$router->addRoute('default', new App_Router_Route_Module);
What this does is traverse the path as long as it finds a module, and transparently rewrites the path so that the default Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Module can do the real work. For example the following path: "/admin/cms/article/edit" will be transformed into "/admin_cms/article/edit", which allows the standard convention of the ZF's ":module/:controller/:action" do the magic.
This allows you to have nice modular structure with self-contained modules, while still use pretty, logical URLs. One thing you want to make note of is that if you use Zend_Navigation and specify the navigation items using module/controller/action parameters, you need to tell ZF how to correctly build the URL using "/" instead of "_" in module names (by default ZF uses the :module/:controller/:action spec when it builds the URLs). You can do this by implementing your own Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url, like this:
class App_Router_Helper_Url extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url
public function url($urlOptions = array(), $name = null, $reset = false, $encode = false)
// Replace the _ with / in the module name
$urlOptions['module'] = str_replace('_', '/', $urlOptions['module']);
// Let the router do rest of the work
return $this->getFrontController()->getRouter()->assemble($urlOptions, $name, $reset, $encode);
And in your bootstrap:
Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::addHelper(new App_Router_Helper_Url);
Now Zend_Navigation works nicely with your sub-module support as well.
I (despite of being happy ZF user) would go for Django. In ZF the "fully-modular" application is kind of holly grail. It's nearly impossible (or at least without extreme effort) to create selfcontained modules, instalable like "copy this folder into your modules directory" :) Not sure about Django, but from what I head it's simplier there...