Chrome Packaged apps and Ember.JS - ember.js

I'm trying to understand if Ember.JS would work with chrome packaged apps, as I get these errors when I first run it.
Would these errors end up being a big issue? I can see the localstorage one being an issue, but I can always change that part of the api if needed I suppose.


Why is my debug Django server takes so long to load on my localhost? I'm using Django, django-compressor, django-libsass and bootstrap

I have a problem with developing a Django website. I started out with using CDN Boostrap and JS as recommended in Boostrap 5 docs but then I wanted to customize the CSS, so I changed the setup to compile Bootstrap's source scss files with django-libsass. I followed the installation guides for django-libsass and django-compressor.
What I discovered is that while everything works, it works very slow on my local machine (5-6s per opening a new page). I'm not very experienced in web development so I'm not sure what could be causing this.
If it's relevant, I don't use a frontend yet and I'm sticking to Django's templates.
I tried to download a sample django libsass project and put bootstrap there and the outcome was the same.
I expected the time for loading the pages to increase slightly due to the fact that now it has to compile scss files but not so much.
Googling turned up no results:(
Is this an expected behavior when debugging from a local machine or am I missing something? Huge thanks!

Webpack prod config vs dev config issues

I am trying to reuse one webapp that's been open sourced a while ago that was written using some Django and ReactJS... Now I am a devops engineer so my skillset when it comes to JS and even Django are fairly limited so I am stuck .. My main problem is that this webapp can run just fine locally.. so I can start it and connect using http://localhost:8000 , but whenever I try and set it up on a server and make it "public" for the internal network it fails with accessing all the JS assets.
I know the problem comes with my webpack configs but I can't sort it out.. Been trying all day but I can't even find the proper documentation since it's using Webpack 2.5.
I am attaching the link to the webpack configs from the repo.. If anyone can at least point me to the right thing to look at, that would be helpful.
Thanks in advance!
I dont think its an issue with your webpack. You are trying to run your react app (which is at client side) from django server. I believe you will need to use some kind of middleware to let django know that it needs to use static files generated for react using webpack. I dont know exactly how its done, but same procedure is followed if react app needs to be served from node/express server.
Or see if this helps:

Ember: app not being fetched by Google

Having tested a simple (hello world) app in ember a few months ago, I was really excited because I knew that Google was able to fetch and therefore index it. Another app I built in Angular a few years was also being indexed! So I pressed on with my ember development and now have an application ready to deploy. This uses a PHP/MySQL backend api.
Today, I uploaded the production build to a server and then checked things in webmaster tools using the fetch and render tool. This time, nothing is being rendered !!!! I have double checked and uploaded the hello world app to the same server, which was fetched and rendered without any problem. I have absolutely no idea why this is happening!
I then looked at ember-cli-fastboot (having not really worried about it before because I thought that Google could index single page apps) and when I run
ember fastboot --serve-assets
I get
jQuery is not defined
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
So I'm now at a complete standstill after a lot of work!
Any help in resolving this would be much appreciated! Ideally I don't want to have to use fastboot, but if I have to, I'm not sure how to resolve the above issue.
unfortunately, ember-fastboot has some limitations and jQuery is one of them. You could use Phantom-based prerender instead.

Django website rendering as a total mess (intermittently, not always)

I have a website built in Django 1.5 that - at times - doesn't load correctly. And by not loading correctly, I specifically mean that if I type its url in my samsung s6 edge's mobile browser, I sometimes (but not mostly) see the page below. I am clueless regarding why this is happening (not much shows up in my logs), and how I can troubleshoot it. Please advise.
Unfortunately you didn't include enough information in your post to properly debug your issue. Also, Django is now on version 1.8.5 and it may be possible that your issue has been patched since then.
Posting your source code is the best way to get help on issues like this.
If you are trying to troubleshoot it yourself and your app is using logging properly you should try writing unit tests for the various components that make up your app.

Webpage not fully loading with Ember

Made a website with Ember, and deployed it to the server.
However, the page does not fully load on my desktop Chrome and Safari due to errors.
I'm getting...
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token . ember-1.0.0-rc.6.1.js:18872
Uncaught ReferenceError: Ember is not defined buyahome.js:3
It works fine on localhost.
Also works fine on mobile devices.
Also noticed that some users can load it on their desktop on either Chrome or Safari.
Tried jshint, but doesn't seem to be able to find what's wrong with it.
Does anyone seen this issue before?
Have you tried the javascript console with halt on errors? There may be an error preceding the loading of ember.js that isn't logging anything which is causing this error further down the line. Another error is usually what causes things not to get defined on the namespace later on.
Have you tried to update to lastest build of ember.js? I believe that you are using a release candidate version pre 1.0. Download the current starter kit from the Ember website which will have the current stable builds of ember.js and handlebars.js and see of that fixes your error. It is strange that you can not load it from your Browser but others can. I ran into a few issues with Chrome on my Linux machine but try to upgrade and see what happens.