Bigcommerce: %%SNIPPET_SideCategoryList%% - where is the underlying template file? - templates

In the file template/Panels/SideCategoryList.html there is line %%SNIPPET_SideCategoryList%%.
When I modify the file I think this line is referring to (template/Snippets/SideCategoryList.html) I see no change in the resulting output at all.
Any idea where the underlying template file is?
UPDATE: according to this post it could be a 'hidden snippet' which can't be edited. Can anyone confirm this? If so, what is the purpose of template/Snippets/SideCategoryList.html?
<div class="CategoryList" id="SideCategoryList">
<div class="BlockContent">
<div class="%%GLOBAL_SideCategoryListTypeClass%%">
<li class="%%GLOBAL_LastChildClass%%">
As you can see from the above template code, between the Panels and Snippets SideCategoryList.html there isn't a <ul>. Making changes to template/Snippets/SideCategoryList.html makes no difference. This seems to point to %%SNIPPET_SideCategoryList%% pulling in code from elsewhere.

Judging by the superfish classes being present on the ul, it sounds like you're using the 'Flyout menu' as the 'Category Menu Style' (This option can be found in Setup & Tools > Store Settings > Display).
When using the Flyout menu, the snippet that is being referenced is not 'Snippets/SideCategoryList.html'. Instead, try using the 'Snippets/FlyoutTree.html' and 'Snippets/FlyoutNode.html' templates.


Load django template dynamically

I've 2 section in my screen. Left section is for showing tabs and right is for displaying that tab template(as shown in screenshot). I'm not able to understand how to load different templates when I click these tabs
For example, when I click change password, I should be able to load change_password.html template
This is by far I've tried with code.
<div class="nav">
<li class="active"></i><span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Home</span></li>
<li></i><span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Change Password</span></li>
<li></i><span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Settings</span></li>
I've tried to use with but no luck.
I've just started with django, so if anything is missed let me know. Thanks for your help!
I think what you're attempting is not possible. If you don't want a page reload upon clicking on a tab, you need to use Javascript to dynamically show/hide elements. If page reload is acceptable, you can create different views for each tab, each view rendering a different html file.
You can use the Django include tag to render another template with the current context. E.g. {% include "foo/bar.html" %} (see documentation here). But this will not solve your problem of displaying different content upon clicking on a tab.

Drupal 8 - Broken default image link in view

I'm new to Drupal and I've been given a project to fix a couple of bugs on...
I've got a view with several fields, it displays OK when there is a picture but when there is no picture (and thus the need to display a default picture), then a broken image link appears...For some reason the path points to a different directory...
This works:
<div class="item-header"> <div class="views-field views-field-field-selection-photos"> ... <div class="content">
<div class="field field--name-field-photo field--type-image field--label-hidden field--item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/somepicture.jpeg?itok=sJ6SOjXo" width="445" height="334"/>
This does not, due to the path pointing to ../sites instead of /sites:
<div class="item-header">
<div class="views-field views-field-field-selection-photos"><div class="field-content"><img src="../sites/default/files/structures/photos/defaultpic.jpg" width="100%" />
I've been looking at theming fields but that seems overkill, I wonder if there's a nice and clean way to sort this out rather than override a template or anything else that would seem a bit too much...

Angular-xeditable - How to change height of a Textarea as you type in?

Recently I had a request to change the height of a Angular-xeditable TextArea as you type in, I've been trying to do a lot of changes to css but it doesn't work. Any help is highly appreciated.
Here is a solution for this that is to create your own directive on top of Angular-Xeditable. The key thing is when you use that directive and want to inject into Angular-Xeditable, you need to add the prefix "e-". For example, if you directive called "expanding", when you use that directive along with angular-xeditable, the directive name should be "e-expanding"
Have a look at my sample code below. Hope it helps
Link to example code
<h4>Angular-xeditable Textarea (Bootstrap 3)</h4>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="Ctrl">
<a href="#" editable-textarea="user.desc" e-expanding >
<pre>{{ user.desc || 'no description' }}</pre>

ModX: Using Ditto with template variables

I am having a great deal of difficulty getting my head round displaying secveral resources on one page with Ditto. I cant seem to get TV's to show along with my content.
Heres how I have set it out:
I have a page with my Ditto call:
[!Ditto? &parents='134' &orderBy='createdon ASC' &tpl='temp'!]
I have a simple chunk called temp set up as such:
<div id="content">
And I have a template with the TV articlename assigned to all the resource under parent 134.
The content shows fine but none of the TV's do. Can anyone point me in the right direction? thanks!
I think the problem is in your syntax. You need to use a placeholder tag in the chunk for your TV:
Try this:
<div id="content"> [+articlename+] [+content+] </div>
I have found the answer: You are meant to use [+articlename+] for 'chunk TVs' rather then [*articlename*]. This is different to getResources.

Have separate template for each tab without having separate URL - Django

I'm trying to develop a reporting system using Django. I have to display reports about various categories of data.I have put each category as a tab-tab1,tab2, etc. Is it possible to have different template for each tab without having to change the url.
I have tried template inheritance but that requires have separate url for each tab.
My concern is that if the number of tabs grow, then the number of urls will also increase.
Any suggestions please?
Thanks in Advance.
Why is it a problem for the number of URLs to increase?
Presumably you don't need separate URLconf entries for each tab, you can just capture the tab name in the URL and send it on to the view:
url(r'^reports/(?P<tab_name>\w+)/$', views.reports, name='reports')
def reports(request, tab_name):
... do something depending on tab_name ...
You can just use {% include %} tag and include different templates.
And I think it's better to have unique URL for each tab, it least with hashtag.
You can use a library like jquery tabs to create the tabs, then load each template individually either through include as suggested by #DrTyrsa or by a custom template tag (which would be my personal preference).
Here is an example (from the excellent bootstrap framework from twitter):
<ul class="tabs">
<li class="active">Home</li>
<div class="pill-content">
<div class="active" id="home">...</div>
<div id="profile">...</div>
<div id="messages">...</div>
<div id="settings">...</div>
$(function () {