How build harfbuzz without dependencies - c++

I want build latest harfbuzz-ng library on Windows 7. But in build system by default I must go through long quest to gain: ragel, pkg-config, gtkdocize and other stuff. Even in the end if I get all what need for build system I get errors (sorry cannot say which concrete errors), last time I tried to build this library 2 month ago). Maybe on Linux system it is easy to get and build all this stuff but on Windows always something doesn't want to be compiled. Or the problem is that I don't find instructions which guide me on Windows, only Linux.
What I want to get is simple instructions how build only harfbuzz-ng with freetype dependency (and maybe add ICU) by MinGW compiler on Windows.
Thanks you very much.

For anyone reading this, have a look at in the project which makes you able to use harfbuzz without any build system, just include it in one of your sources, no build system is required, define HB_NO_MT or even HB_TINY (which brings a minimal harfbuzz) if you don't use harfbuzz in multithread mode.

I don't know i this is the answer you are looking for. I am trying to work with Harfbuzz as well and did this through several attempts which did not work out for various reasons.
One (old) example you could use as a starter is: HarfBuzz static lib. The .lib-file generated works with UCDN and just needs this file plus a source for the Freetype-functions to provide the necessary FT_Face-parameter (i did this by compiling another .lib via the freetype-sourcecode (
But I am unsure if this will work out for the MinGW-compiler (you don't use VC++ as IDE do you??).

You may find of interest the MSYS2 build system. It is essentially a linux-style packaging system built on top of Windows(TM). You can download and install binary packages with simple commands (including automatic dependency solving). If you want to download a source package you can do that as well.


How do you package GCC for distribution?

I am making a modified C++ compiler and I have it built and tested locally. However, I would like to be able to package my build for Windows, Linux (Debian), and Mac OSX.
All of the instructions I can find online deal with building gcc but have no regard for making something distributable (or perhaps I am missing something?). I know for Windows I will need to bundle MinGW somehow, but that only further confuses me - and I have no idea how well Mac works with GCC these days..
Can anyone layout a set of discrete high-level steps I could try on each system so I can allow people to install my modified compiler easily?
First make sure your project installs well including executables, headers, runtime dependencies. If you're using something like cmake, this is a matter of installing things to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX while possibly appending GnuInstallDirs. If you are using make, then you need to ensure that make install --prefix=... works well.
From here, you can target each platform independently. Treat the packaging independently from your project. Like Chipster mentioned, making rpm files isn't so tough. deb files for Debian-based OSs, tar.xz files for Arch-based OSs are similar. The rules for creating these packages can use your install rules to create the package. You mentioned mingw. If you're targeting an msys distribution of mingw for Windows deployment, then the Arch-based packaging of pacman will work on msys as well. You can slowly work on supporting one-platform at a time with almost no changes to your actual project.
Typically in the open-source world, people will release a tar.gz file supporting ./configure && make && make install or similar. Then someone associated with the platform (like a Debian-developer) will find your project, make some packaging rules for it, and release it into their distribution. That means your project can be totally agnostic to where it's being release. It also means you don't really need to worry about MacOS yet, you can wait until you have someone who wants it there, or some hardware to test it on.
If you really want to be in control of how things are packaged for each platform from inside of your project, and you are already using cmake, cpack is a great tool which helps out. After writing cpack rules for your project, you can simply type cpack to generate many types of deployable archives. You won't get the resulting *.deb file into Debian or Ubuntu official archives, but at least people can using those formats can install your package.
Also, consider releasing one package with the runtime libraries, and one with the development content (headers, compiler, static libraries). This way, if someone uses your compiler, they can re-distribute the runtime libraries which is probably going to be a much simpler install.

Setting up midiIO library on Windows

I've downloaded the midiIO library and in the readme it says:
edit the file Makefile.library and set the OSTYPE and OSSUBTYPE to match your hardware/os setup.
type "make library" to compile the library. It will be created as lib/libmidiio.a in unix.
edit the file Makefile.examples and set the OSTYPE and OSSUBTYPE to match your hardware/os setup.
Also, if you are using ALSA, then uncomment out the POSTFLAG to use the alsa library (-lasound).
type "make examples" to compile the example programs in the examples directory. The example programs will be place in the bin directory.
1 + 3 are fine but 2 + 4 are over my head. I've worked in a unix environment before and have used gcc with flags but I need to get this done in Windows. I typically use Visual Studio but don't know how to achieve this with that.. I've downloaded Dev-C++ if that's any use but I don't know what to do with the makefiles?
Ignore the makefiles and set up a fresh project in Visual C++. Make your target a static library (which will be a .lib file in Win32, not a .a file as in unix as you probably know). It is unlikely that the project will build out of the box, so you might have to deal with some compilation errors relating to unix-specific symbols. I took a quick look at the source code, and it looks fairly well-written, so I don't think you should have many problems building it directly in Windows.
Alternately, you could build the source using the real make tool in cygwin, but this means that you would need to distribute the cygwin library with your final product. This may or may not be more trouble than it's worth, especially if you are already using VC++ for the rest of your project's code.

Poppler library for QT4 on windows

I am making a program in which I will include datasheets of PIC processors. I now want to display these inside the QT program itself as a widget. I wanted to use poppler for this, but I am having a very hard time trying to get hold of these binaries! I can't seem to Cmake the poppler for QT4. Could anyone help me on how to make these libraries on Windows 7.
(I have never compiled/build anything yet on Windows, only Unix, I downloaded the CMAKE program, and tried to use this to generate it with the CMakeLists.txt file, but no luck so far.)
The best solution (because this way I could learn it myself, and never have this problem again) is a 'tutorial' on how to do it myself.
If not then giving me the libraries itself would be very much appreciated!
I'd wanted to point you to SumatraPDF, but it looks like they're not using poppler any more. You could have a look at the mupdf subdirectory though, it has MSVC makefiles for several libraries required for poppler. You might have some luck adapting them for building libpoppler itself.
You could also use Cygwin or MingW to get/build poppler.
You might have to take a look at this: Poppler: Displaying PDF Files with Qt
You can use the KDEWin installer to automatically get all the appropriate binaries for your machine. This is very useful and is the strategy used in many projects (including my CarMusTy, Carnatic Music Typesetting application).
Check out:
It automatically downloads all the required dependencies when you ask it download the required binaries. And you can get the dlls suited for your particular compiler. (MSVC, MingW supported)
Also you can get the source code for poppler. KDEWin supports versions, so you can get the latest version binaries or any previous version you like.
Check out for more details.
All the best
Gopalakrishna Palem
Creator of CFugue and CarMusTy

How do I compile my own C++ library for Android?

I have written and tested a library in C++. The code even works in my Android application if I add the source files directly. While I do have experience compiling static and dynamic libraries for common operating systems, I have zero experience compiling for a mobile system like this. I've done some research, and I'm still a bit lost as to exactly how to approach this. For example, I am unsure of whether to build a makefile for use with ndk-build or to just invoke one of the Android's compilers directly.
I did see this question, but it does not quite match my situation. I just want to run build and have it spit out libfoo.a (I'd like to produce as well, but libfoo.a is of greater interest to me right now.) The example in that question's winning answer implied that it would build the library as one step/module for building the final application. I tried doing it that way just to see, but I had no luck.
Can anyone please guide me in this endeavor?
CLARIFICATION -- I do not want to build the library and immediately pipe it into an application. I want a .a or .so file that I can link against in multiple future Android applications.
Create a dummy java file with empty code and make sure there is a android_main function in your C++ code. Build using ndk-build. the resulting apk will make your library an application.
See the samples from the android-ndk-r5/samples directory, see the sample native-bitmap to get some idea.
If I understand it correctly that a shared library is not acceptable and you want to be static (but why is that so important?), probably the easiest way to do so is to simply supply source code that can be added to a project.
Ultimately there is nothing special about the ndk build system other than it knowing the right commands to issue to build the necessary files for the assortment of curent android architectures. If you really want to do something different, you can log the operation of the android build system in creating a shared library, and then write your own Makefile that performs the analogous steps to create a static library. HOWEVER, you will have to update your Makefile any time the underlying assumptions or target collections change in a new android version.

C++ Buildsystem with ability to compile dependencies beforehand

I'm in the middle of setting up an build environment for a c++ game project. Our main requirement is the ability to build not just our game code, but also its dependencies (Ogre3D, Cegui, boost, etc.). Furthermore we would like to be able build on Linux as well as on Windows as our development team consists of members using different operating systems.
Ogre3D uses CMake as its build tool. This is why we based our project on CMake too so far. We can compile perfectly fine once all dependencies are set up manually on each team members system as CMake is able to find the libraries.
The Question is if there is an feasible way to get the dependencies set up automatically. As a Java developer I know of Maven, but what tools do exist in the world of c++?
Update: Thanks for the nice answers and links. Over the next few days I will be trying out some of the tools to see what meets our requirements, starting with CMake. I've indeed had my share with autotools so far and as much as I like the documentation (the autobook is a very good read), I fear autotools are not meant to be used on Windows natively.
Some of you suggested to let some IDE handle the dependency management. We consist of individuals using all possible technologies to code from pure Vim to fully blown Eclipse CDT or Visual Studio. This is where CMake allows use some flexibility with its ability to generate native project files.
In the latest CMake 2.8 version there is the new ExternalProject module.
This allows to download/checkout code, configure and build it as part of your main build tree.
It should also allow to set dependencies.
At my work (medical image processing group) we use CMake to build all our own libraries and applications. We have an in-house tool to track all the dependencies between projects (defined in a XML database). Most of the third party libraries (like Boost, Qt, VTK, ITK etc..) are build once for each system we support (MSWin32, MSWin64, Linux32 etc..) and are commited as zip-files in the version control system. CMake will then extract and configure the correct zip file depending on which system the developer is working on.
I have been using GNU Autotools (Autoconf, Automake, Libtool) for the past couple of months in several projects that I have been involved in and I think it works beautifully. Truth be told it does take a little bit to get used to the syntax, but I have used it successfully on a project that requires the distribution of python scripts, C libraries, and a C++ application. I'll give you some links that helped me out when I first asked a similar question on here.
The GNU Autotools Page provides the best documentation on the system as a whole but it is quite verbose.
Wikipedia has a page which explains how everything works. Autoconf configures the project based upon the platform that you are about to compile on, Automake builds the Makefiles for your project, and Libtool handles libraries.
A example and a example should help you get started.
Some more links:
One thing that I am not certain on is any type of Windows wrapper for GNU Autotools. I know you are able to use it inside of Cygwin, but as for actually distributing files and dependencies on Windows platforms you are probably better off using a Windows MSI installer (or something that can package your project inside of Visual Studio).
If you want to distribute dependencies you can set them up under a different subdirectory, for example, libzip, with a specific entry which will build that library. When you perform a make install the library will be installed to the lib folder that the configure script determined it should use.
Good luck!
There are several interesting make replacements that automatically track implicit dependencies (from header files), are cross-platform and can cope with generated files (e.g. shader definitions). Two examples I used to work with are SCons and Jam/BJam.
I don't know of a cross-platform way of getting *make to automatically track dependencies.
The best you can do is use some script that scans source files (or has C++ compiler do that) and finds #includes (conditional compilation makes this tricky) and generates part of makefile.
But you'd need to call this script whenever something might have changed.
The Question is if there is an feasible way to get the dependencies set up automatically.
What do you mean set up?
As you said, CMake will compile everything once the dependencies are on the machines. Are you just looking for a way to package up the dependency source? Once all the source is there, CMake and a build tool (gcc, nmake, MSVS, etc.) is all you need.
Edit: Side note, CMake has the file command which can be used to download files if they are needed: file(DOWNLOAD url file [TIMEOUT timeout] [STATUS status] [LOG log])
Edit 2: CPack is another tool by the CMake guys that can be used to package up files and such for distribution on various platforms. It can create NSIS for Windows and .deb or .tgz files for *nix.
At my place of work (we build embedded systems for power protection) we used CMake to solve the problem. Our setup allows cmake to be run from various locations.
CMakeLists.txt "install precompiled dependencies and build project"
CMakeLists.txt "build the project managing dependencies of subsystems"
CMakeLists.txt "build subsystem 1 assume dependecies are already met"
CMakeLists.txt "build subsystem 2 assume dependecies are already met"
The trick is to make sure that each CMakeLists.txt file can be called in isolation but that the top level file can still build everything correctly. Technically we don't need the sub CMakeLists.txt files but it makes the developers happy. It would be an absolute pain if we all had to edit one monolithic build file at the root of the project.
I did not set up the system (I helped but it is not my baby). The author said that the boost cmake build system had some really good stuff in it, that help him get the whole thing building smoothly.
On many *nix systems, some kind of package manager or build system is used for this. The most common one for source stuff is GNU Autotools, which I've heard is a source of extreme grief. However, with a few scripts and an online depository for your deps you can set up something similar like so:
In your project Makefile, create a target (optionally with subtargets) that covers your dependencies.
Within the target for each dependency, first check to see if the dep source is in the project (on *nix you can use touch for this, but you could be more thorough)
If the dep is not there, you can use curl, etc to download the dep
In all cases, have the dep targets make a recursive make call (make; make install; make clean; etc) to the Makefile (or other configure script/build file) of the dependency. If the dep is already built and installed, make will return fairly promptly.
There are going to be lots of corner cases that will cause this to break though, depending on the installers for each dep (perhaps the installer is interactive?), but this approach should cover the general idea.
Right now I'm working on a tool able to automatically install all dependencies of a C/C++ app with exact version requirement :
tools (cmake, autotools)
Right now it works, for my app. (Installing UnitTest++, Boost, Wt, sqlite, cmake all in correct order)
The tool, named «C++ Version Manager» (inspired by the excellent ruby version manager), is coded in bash and hosted on github :
Any advices and suggestions are welcomed.