Qt - retrieving text from QTextBrowser - c++

This seems like it should be very straightforward, and I hope I'm just accidentally overlooking something simple. I have a dialog in my Qt (4.7) project with a QTextBrowser object. At a certain point in the code, I need to access the text inside this QTextBrowser, but while I found functions in the docs to set the text, I'm not seeing anything to get the text. Is there a way to do this? Thanks!

In documentation you can see
Inherits: QTextEdit.
List of all members, including inherited members
So this should work for QTextBrowser QString QTextEdit::toPlainText()
QString text = textBrowser.toPlainText();


Hide label text for Qt tabs without setting text to empty string

I need a QTabWidget with icons only:
How can I hide the label text of a tab in Qt? I cannot set the text to an empty string (""), as I am using docked widgets ( QDockWidget ) and the label text is set automatically (and I need it if the widget is floating).
But in tabbed mode I just want to display the icons (of the tabs).
Possible approaches:
Font size to 0?
I need to create my own bar class and override the paint event as here
Anything easier / cleaner?
--- Edit ---
Ok, the "set window title to empty string, and reset it the original text" approach works. I am using the topLevelChanged signal for this. However, it has some drawbacks, as the empty text still occupies some space. Another issue, with the text the tooltip is gone, and I cannot set it back.
What I am currently trying is something in-between the "text empty" and Prasad Silva's approach. I try to identify the text label inside the tab and set its size to 0, then reset it. It's slightly different, but would keep the text intact.
Btw, I see a line on top of my tabs, any idea what this is (where it comes from)?
Edit: There seems to be no "easy way" (style sheet, attribute) for this, see Hiding bottom line in QTabBar
Maybe I will create the whole tab bar on my own, as the automatically generated stuff is just too hard to handle (agree with PS on this).
This can not be done easily. Use empty text.
The way I solved something like was to create a QDockWidget subclass that installed a QWidget subclass as the titlebar (via setTitleBarWidget). This gave me control over showing/hiding the text in the titlebar when the dock widget fires topLevelChanged, dockLocationChanged and visiblityChanged.
This is really a big hack to get around the fact that Qt has refused to expose a public API for the docking system. We have since moved on to a custom docking implementation due to these limitations.
If you do not want to see the text, you can set it to an empty text after saving the current text, and when you want to see it again, restore it from the stored variable.
I do not think there is anything in the API for this not so common case, which means you will need to do it yourself.
Now, you could claim that it is tedious to do for many widgets, but on the other hand, you could write a simple hash define or inline function to do this repetitive work for you, which would only result a one-liner call, basically, which you would need to use anyway when changing the state.

QTextEdit auto text finisher

Is there any QT class for creation text finisher (If I type "hel", it will automatically finished word with "lo")? Sorry for bad terminology, I don't know how to describe it better.
There is QCompleter but that works an QLineEdit and QComboBox by default only. I never used it but I suppose it should be possible to attach it to a customized QTextEdit too.
Maybe google with QCompleter and QTextEdit as keywords.

Using different fonts/attributes in QTextEdit

I have a problem with displaying a text to area with different attributes.
My project has a multi-threading build. I reach to GUI text area by using signal-slot mechanism. I put my texts to the text area like this;
I want to append my text to this area with different font, size, etc..
I'm using Qt Creator 2.7.2 / Qt 5.1. Could someone explain this to me with an example?
What you want is a rich text edit. Luckily QTextEdit is able to handle that. Check the acceptRichText property (which should be true by default).
Then the methods you're looking for are:
Then, instead of appendPlainText() you should use append() to add text to the QTextEdit. Also see this Q/A. As proposed in the accepted answer, you can also use html formatted text instead.

Qt C++ - displaying the links in QText Browser

Right now I am displaying the result in QTextBrowser. Results will be something like /home/User/, /media/Arena/ etc i.e path to different folders. Now I want to open the folder in a window by clicking on this result which is displayed in QTextBrowser. But I have no ideas how to do that. So can anyone let me know how to do it.
Thanx in advance.
P.S. I am using QtCreator & see the image http://i53.tinypic.com/qyxp1s.png.
can you insert html rather than plain text into the QTextBrowser widget? then you can use a URL to describe the paths.
BasementCat's right. You can use setHtml QTextBrowser's method to set HTML into the widget. You'll then probably need to call setOpenLinks(false) to disable default behavior and connect custom slot to widget's anchorClicked(QUrl const&) signal to handle links.

Qt - How to do superscripts and subscripts in a QLineEdit?

I need to have the ability to use superscripts asnd subscripts in a QLineEdit in Qt 4.6. I know how to do superscripts and subscripts in a QTextEdit as seen below but I can't figure out how to do them in QLineEdit because the class doesn't contain a mergeCurrentCharFormat() function like QTextEdit does. Please help. Thanks
void MainWindow::superscriptFormat()
QTextCharFormat format;
QLineEdit wasn't really made for this type of thing, as it was designed for simple text entry. You have a few options, however. The simplest one is to do as Hostile Fork suggested and use a QTextEdit, and add a style override to not show the scroll bar (which I assume would remove the arrows). The more complex one would be to either inherit QLineEdit and do your own drawing, or to make your own widget completely that appears similar to the QLineEdits do.