I am pulling my hair out trying to resolve the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not locate composer/midi/short_message__init.class or composer/midi/short_message.clj on classpath: , compiling:(events.clj:12:1)
The reference to short-message is in the namespace declaration of events.clj:
(ns composer.ui.events
(:use [seesaw core border chooser])
(:require [composer.midi
[io :as io]
[time :as time]
[player :as player]
[short-message :as short]]))
And here is the namespace declaration of short-message itself in short-message.clj:
(ns composer.midi.short-message
(:require [composer.algorithm.transform :refer :all]
[composer.algorithm.markov.transform :refer :all]
[composer.midi [io :refer :all] [message :as message]]))
short-message is in the same directory as all other files in composer.midi, and yet this seems to be the only one that is resulting in an issue. Indeed, after verifying the target directory in my project, this is the only namespace which doesn't seem to contain a corresponding class file. I thought it could be an error with the code, but if I try to load the file with (load-file "src/composer/midi/short-message.clj") at the REPL I don't have any issues.
Your comment is right. In clojure dashes in namespaces correspond to underscore in filenames. So your file name should be short_message.clj as you found.
I am trying out the function (starts-with?) shown here: https://clojure.github.io/clojure/clojure.string-api.html and when I try to use it I get Unable to resolve symbol: starts-with? in this context error message . I modified my project dependencies too by specifying :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]] but that didn't seem to help.
You may have forgotten to require the namespace ? See the example below:
(ns simple.strings
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(str/starts-with? "hello, world" "hello")
; true
When I:
clone the cljs-webgl project,
Compile it with:
lein cljsbuild once
Start the repl with
lein trampoline cljsbuild repl-listen
Paste the following into the REPL
(ns learningwebgl.lesson-06
[learningwebgl.common :refer [init-gl init-shaders get-perspective-matrix
get-position-matrix deg->rad animate load-image]]
[cljs-webgl.buffers :refer [create-buffer clear-color-buffer clear-depth-buffer draw!]]
[cljs-webgl.shaders :refer [get-attrib-location]]
[cljs-webgl.constants.buffer-object :as buffer-object]
[cljs-webgl.constants.capability :as capability]
[cljs-webgl.constants.draw-mode :as draw-mode]
[cljs-webgl.constants.data-type :as data-type]
[cljs-webgl.constants.texture-parameter-name :as texture-parameter-name]
[cljs-webgl.constants.texture-filter :as texture-filter]
[cljs-webgl.constants.webgl :as webgl]
[cljs-webgl.texture :refer [create-texture]]
[cljs-webgl.typed-arrays :as ta]))`
I get the following:
WARNING: No such namespace: WebGLUtils at line 1 <cljs repl>
(even though it is defined in the project.clj as:
:foreign-libs [
{:file "resources/js/gl-matrix-min.js" :provides ["mat4","mat3","vec3"]}
{:file "resources/js/webgl-utils.js" :provides ["WebGLUtils"]}]}
My question is: Is there a bug with foreign-libs in the cljsbuild repl?
:foreign-libs support in ClojureScript REPLs is quite new, and cljs-webgl is using a fairly old version of the compiler without the support.
Trying to get Timbre to load in my test project along with clojure.test. My first attempt is
(ns foo.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[foo.core :refer :all]))
which compiles until I follow the next step in the Timbre documentation, adding
(timbre/refer-timbre) ; Provides useful Timbre aliases in this ns
I now get the following compile error
IllegalStateException report already refers to #'clojure.test/report in namespace foo.core-test
clojure.lang.Namespace.warnOrFailOnReplace (Namespace.java:88)
ok, groovy, I'll try
(ns foo.core-test ; ------vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv-----
(:require [clojure.test :exclude [report]]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[foo.core :refer :all]))
mmmm, nope. I notice that clojure has a report, too. How about
(ns foo.core-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [report])
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[foo.core :refer :all]))
mmmmm, nope.
I hacked around for a while till I got tired of combinatorial trial-and-error. I haven't found a way to make them coexist. Any clues, please & thanks?
There's no report in clojure.core. In your second ns form you seem to be missing :refer :all for clojure.test. Try the following form:
(ns foo.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all :exclude [report]]
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre]
[foo.core :refer :all]))
in one file (core.clj) I have
(ns nac.core)
(def bar "something")
And in another file in the same directory, I have
(ns nac.io
(:require [nac.core :as c]))
(defn foo [] c/bar)
Upon evaluation I get an error saying
Unable to resolve symbol: c in this context
So the file is found in the require, but the namespace as I have named it is not.
What am I missing here? Thanks.
I wrote a small namespace to do some database operations and I would like to use it from within another namespace. Normally having the files in the same directory and then doing
(ns program (:require [other-ns :as other]) (:gen-class))
would be all that's necessary. However this doesn't work in Clojure CLR, compiler complains about not knowing about other-ns. So what is the proper method of doing this? Having a seperate assembly for every namespace?
[EDIT] Another example
(ns another)
(defn hello [name] (str "Hello " name))
(ns program
(:require [another :as a])
I load up program.clj in the repl and get this message:
FileNotFoundException Could not locate another.clj.dll or another.clj on load path. clojure.lang.RT.load (d:\work\clojure-clr\Clojure\Clojure\Lib\RT.cs:3068)
I created two files in the same directory filea.clj and fileb.clj. Here's filea.clj:
(ns filea)
(defn hi []
(println "hi from filea"))
Here's fileb.clj:
(ns fileb
(require [filea :as a])
(defn -main []
(println "hi from fileb")
I then changed into the directory where these files live and ran:
C:\temp\multi-ns>clojure.compile fileb
Compiling fileb to . -- 59 milliseconds.
And when I ran it I saw:
hi from fileb
hi from filea
Are you using vsClojure or writing your code outside of VS?