What information is used when parsing a (float) number? - c++

What information does the Standard library of C++ use when parsing a (float) number?
Here's the possibilities I know to parse a (single) float number with std c++:
double atof( const char *str )
double strtod( const char* str, char** str_end );
istringstream, via operator>> or
via num_get directly
It seems obvious, that at the very least, we have to know what character is used as decimal separator.
iostreams, in particular num_get::get, in addition also talk about:
ios_base I/O format flags - Is there any information here that is used when parsing floating point?
the thousands_separator (* see below)
On the other hand, in std::strtod, which seems to be what sscanf is defined in terms of (which in turn is referenced by num_get), there the only variable information seems to be what is considered a space and the decimal character, although it doesn't seem to be specified where that is defined. (At least neither on cppref nor on MSDN.)
So, what information is actually used, and what comprises a valid parseable float representation for the C++ Standard lib?
From what I see, only the decimal separator from the global (Cor C++ ???) is needed and, in addition, if the number contains a thousands separator, I would expect it to only be parsed correctly by num_get since strod/sscanf do not support the thousands separator.
(*) The group (thousands) separator is an interesting case to me. As far as I can tell the "C" functions do not make any reference to it and last time I checked C and C++ standard printf function will never write it. So is it really processed by the strtod/scanf functions? (I know that there is a POSIX printf extension for the group separator, but that's not really standard, and notably missing from Microsoft's implementation.)

The C11 spec for strtod() seems to have a opening big enough for any size truck to drive through. It appears so open ended, I see no limitation.
§ 6 In other than the "C" locale, additional locale-specific subject sequence forms may be accepted.
For non- "standard C" locales, the isspace(), decimal (radix) point, group separator, digits per group and sign seem to constitute the typical variants. But apparently there is no limit.
For fun experimented with 500+ locales using printf(), sscanf(), strftime() and isspace().
All tested locales had a radix (decimal) point of '.' or ',', the same +/- sign, no digit grouping, and the expected 0-9.
strftime(... "%Y" ...) did not use a digit separator over years 1000-99999.
sscanf("1,234.5", "%lf", .. and sscanf("1.234,5", "%lf", .. did not produce 1234.5 in any locale.
All int values in the range 0 to 255 produced the same isspace() results with the sometimes exception of 154 and 160.
Of course these test do not prove a limit to what may occur, but do represent a sample of possibilities.


Get number of characters in string?

I have an application, accepting a UTF-8 string of a maximum 255 characters.
If the characters are ASCII, (characters number == size in bytes).
If the characters are not all ASCII and contains Japanese letters for example, given the size in bytes, how can I get the number of characters in the string?
Input: char *data, int bytes_no
Output: int char_no
You can use mblen to count the length or use mbstowcs
The number of characters can be counted in C in a portable way using
mbstowcs(NULL,s,0). This works for UTF-8 like for any other supported
encoding, as long as the appropriate locale has been selected. A
hard-wired technique to count the number of characters in a UTF-8
string is to count all bytes except those in the range 0x80 – 0xBF,
because these are just continuation bytes and not characters of their
own. However, the need to count characters arises surprisingly rarely
in applications.
you can save a unicode char in a wide char wchar_t
There's no such thing as "character".
Or, more precisely, what "character" is depends on whom you ask.
If you look in the Unicode glossary you will find that the term has several not fully compatible meanings. As a smallest component of written language that has semantic value (the first meaning), á is a single character. If you take á and count basic unit of encoding for the Unicode character encoding (the third meaning) in it, you may get either one or two, depending on what exact representation (normalized or denormalized) is being used.
Or maybe not. This is a very complicated subject and nobody really knows what they are talking about.
Coming down to earth, you probably need to count code points, which is essentially the same as characters (meaning 3). mblen is one method of doing that, provided your current locale has UTF-8 encoding. Modern C++ offers more C++-ish methods, however, they are not supported on some popular implementations. Boost has something of its own and is more portable. Then there are specialized libraries like ICU which you may want to consider if your needs are much more complicated than counting characters.

Encoding binary data using string class

I am going through one of the requirment for string implementations as part of study project.
Let us assume that the standard library did not exist and we were
foced to design our own string class. What functionality would it
support and what limitations would we improve. Let us consider
following factors.
Does binary data need to be encoded?
Is multi-byte character encoding acceptable or is unicode necessary?
Can C-style functions be used to provide some of the needed functionality?
What kind of insertion and extraction operations are required?
My question on above text
What does author mean by "Does binary data need to be encoded?". Request to explain with example and how can we implement this.
What does author mean y point 2. Request to explain with example and how can we implement this.
Thanks for your time and help.
Regarding point one, "Binary data" refers to sequences of bytes, where "bytes" almost always means eight-bit words. In the olden days, most systems were based on ASCII, which requires seven bits (or eight, depending on who you ask). There was, therefore, no need to distinguish between bytes and characters. These days, we're more friendly to non-English speakers, and so we have to deal with Unicode (among other codesets). This raises the problem that string types need to deal with the fact that bytes and characters are no longer the same thing.
This segues onto point two, which is about how you represent strings of characters in a program. UTF-8 uses a variable-length encoding, which has the remarkable property that it encodes the entire ASCII character set using exactly the same bytes that ASCII encoding uses. However, it makes it more difficult to, e.g., count the number of characters in a string. For pure ASCII, the answer is simple: characters = bytes. But if your string might have non-ASCII characters, you now have to walk the string, decoding characters, in order to find out how many there are1.
These are the kinds of issues you need to think about when designing your string class.
1This isn't as difficult as it might seem, since the first byte of each character is guaranteed not to have 10 in its two high-bits. So you can simply count the bytes that satisfy (c & 0xc0) != 0xc0. Nonetheless, it is still expensive relative to just treating the length of a string buffer as its character-count.
The question here is "can we store ANY old data in the string, or does certain byte-values need to be encoded in some special way. An example of that would be in the standard C language, if you want to use a newline character, it is "encoded" as \n to make it more readable and clear - of course, in this example I'm talking of in the source code. In the case of binary data stored in the string, how would you deal with "strange" data - e.g. what about zero bytes? Will they need special treatment?
The values guaranteed to fit in a char is ASCII characters and a few others (a total of 256 different characters in a typical implementation, but char is not GUARANTEED to be 8 bits by the standard). But if we take non-european languages, such as Chinese or Japanese, they consist of a vastly higher number than the ones available to fit in a single char. Unicode allows for several million different characters, so any character from any european, chinese, japanese, thai, arabic, mayan, and ancient hieroglyphic language can be represented in one "unit". This is done by using a wider character - for the full size, we need 32 bits. The drawback here is that most of the time, we don't actually use that many different characters, so it is a bit wasteful to use 32 bits for each character, only to have zero's in the upper 24 bits nearly all the time.
A multibyte character encoding is a compromise, where "common" characters (common in the European languages) are used as one char, but less common characters are encoded with multiple char values, using a special range of character to indicate "there is more data in the next char to combine into a single unit". (Or,one could decide to use 2, 3, or 4 char each time, to encode a single character).

How to parse numbers like "3.14" with scanf when locale expects "3,14"

Let's say I have to read a file, containing a bunch of floating-point numbers. The numbers can be like 1e+10, 5, -0.15 etc., i.e., any generic floating-point number, using decimal points (this is fixed!). However, my code is a plugin for another application, and I have no control over what's the current locale. It may be Russian, for example, and the LC_NUMERIC rules there call for a decimal comma to be used. Thus, Pi is expected to be spelled as "3,1415...", and
sscanf("3.14", "%f", &x);
returns "1", and x contains "3.0", since it refuses to parse past the '.' in the string.
I need to ignore the locale for such number-parsing tasks.
How does one do that?
I could write a parseFloat function, but this seems like a waste.
I could also save the current locale, reset it temporarily to "C", read the file, and restore to the saved one. What are the performance implications of this? Could setlocale() be very slow on some OS/libc combo, what does it really do under the hood?
Yet another way would be to use iostreams, but again their performance isn't stellar.
My personal preference is to never use LC_NUMERIC, i.e. just call setlocale with other categories, or, after calling setlocale with LC_ALL, use setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");. Otherwise, you're completely out of luck if you want to use the standard library for printing or parsing numbers in a standared form for interchange.
If you're lucky enough to be on a POSIX 2008 conforming system, you can use the uselocale and *_l family of functions to make the situation somewhat better. There are at least 2 basic approaches:
Leave the default locale unset (at least the troublesome parts like LC_NUMERIC; LC_CTYPE should probably always be set), and pass a locale_t object for the user's locale to the appropriate *_l functions only when you want to present things to the user in a way that meets their own cultural expectations; otherwise use the default C locale.
Have your code that needs to work with data for interchange keep around a locale_t object for the C locale, and either switch back and forth using uselocale when you need to work with data in a standard form for interchange, or use the appropriate *_l functions (but there is no scanf_l).
Note that implementing your own floating point parser is not easy and is probably not the right solution to the problem unless you're an expert in numerical computing. Getting it right is very hard.
POSIX.1-2008 specifies isalnum_l(), isalpha_l(), isblank_l(), iscntrl_l(), isdigit_l(), isgraph_l(), islower_l(), isprint_l(), ispunct_l(), isspace_l(), isupper_l(), and isxdigit_l().
Here's what I've done with this stuff in the past.
The goal is to use locale-dependent numeric converters with a C-locale numeric representation. The ideal, of course, would be to use non-locale-dependent converters, or not change the locale, etc., etc., but sometimes you just have to live with what you've got. Locale support is seriously broken in several ways and this is one of them.</rant>
First, extract the number as a string using something like the C grammar's simple pattern for numeric preprocessing tokens. For use with scanf, I do an even simpler one:
" %1[-+0-9.]%[-+0-9A-Za-z.]"
This could be simplified even more, depending on how what else you might expect in the input stream. The only thing you need to do is to not read beyond the end of the number; as long as you don't allow numbers to be followed immediately by letters, without intervening whitespace, the above will work fine.
Now, get the struct lconv (man 7 locale) representing the current locale using localeconv(3). The first entry in that struct is const char* decimal_point; replace all of the '.' characters in your string with that value. (You might also need to replace '+' and '-' characters, although most locales don't change them, and the sign fields in the lconv struct are documented as only applying to currency conversions.) Finally, feed the resulting string through strtod and see if it passes.
This is not a perfect algorithm, particularly since it's not always easy to know how locale-compliant a given library actually is, so you might want to do some autoconf stuff to configure it for the library you're actually compiling with.
I am not sure how to solve it in C.
But C++ streams (can) have a unique locale object.
std::stringstream dataStream;
// Note: You must imbue the stream before you do anything wit it.
// If any operations have been performed then an imbue() can
// be silently ignored by the stream (which is a pain to debug).
dataStream << "3.14";
float x;
dataStream >> x;

How do you cope with signed char -> int issues with standard library?

This is a really long-standing issue in my work, that I realize I still don't have a good solution to...
C naively defined all of its character test functions for an int:
int isspace(int ch);
But char's are often signed, and a full character often doesn't fit in an int, or in any single storage-unit that used for strings******.
And these functions have been the logical template for current C++ functions and methods, and have set the stage for the current standard library. In fact, they're still supported, afaict.
So if you hand isspace(*pchar) you can end up with sign extension problems. They're hard to see, and thence they're hard to guard against in my experience.
Similarly, because isspace() and it's ilk all take ints, and because the actual width of a character is often unknown w/o string-analysis - meaning that any modern character library should essentially never be carting around char's or wchar_t's but only pointers/iterators, since only by analyzing the character stream can you know how much of it composes a single logical character, I am at a bit of a loss as to how best to approach the issues?
I keep expecting a genuinely robust library based around abstracting away the size-factor of any character, and working only with strings (providing such things as isspace, etc.), but either I've missed it, or there's another simpler solution staring me in the face that all of you (who know what you're doing) use...
** These issues don't come up for fixed-sized character-encodings that can wholly contain a full character - UTF-32 apparently is about the only option that has these characteristics (or specialized environments that restrict themselves to ASCII or some such).
So, my question is:
"How do you test for whitespace, isprintable, etc., in a way that doesn't suffer from two issues:
1) Sign expansion, and
2) variable-width character issues
After all, most character encodings are variable-width: UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, as well as older standards such as Shift-JIS. Even extended ASCII can have the simple sign-extension problem if the compiler treats char as a signed 8 bit unit.
Please note:
No matter what size your char_type is, it's wrong for most character encoding schemes.
This problem is in the standard C library, as well as in the C++ standard libraries; which still tries to pass around char and wchar_t, rather than string-iterators in the various isspace, isprint, etc. implementations.
Actually, it's precisely those type of functions that break the genericity of std::string. If it only worked in storage-units, and didn't try to pretend to understand the meaning of the storage-units as logical characters (such as isspace), then the abstraction would be much more honest, and would force us programmers to look elsewhere for valid solutions...
Thank You
Everyone who participated. Between this discussion and WChars, Encodings, Standards and Portability I have a much better handle on the issues. Although there are no easy answers, every bit of understanding helps.
How do you test for whitespace, isprintable, etc., in a way that doesn't suffer from two issues:
1) Sign expansion
2) variable-width character issues
After all, all commonly used Unicode encodings are variable-width, whether programmers realize it or not: UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, as well as older standards such as Shift-JIS...
Obviously, you have to use a Unicode-aware library, since you've demonstrated (correctly) that C++03 standard library is not. The C++11 library is improved, but still not quite good enough for most usages. Yes, some OS' have a 32-bit wchar_t which makes them able to correctly handle UTF32, but that's an implementation, and is not guaranteed by C++, and is not remotely sufficient for many unicode tasks, such as iterating over Graphemes (letters).
UTF-8 CPP, version 1.0
and many more at http://unicode.org/resources/libraries.html.
If the question is less about specific character testing and more about code practices in general: Do whatever your framework does. If you're coding for linux/QT/networking, keep everything internally in UTF-8. If you're coding with Windows, keep everything internally in UTF-16. If you need to mess with code points, keep everything internally in UTF-32. Otherwise (for portable, generic code), do whatever you want, since no matter what, you have to translate for some OS or other anyway.
I think you are confounding a whole host of unrelated concepts.
First off, char is simply a data type. Its first and foremost meaning is "the system's basic storage unit", i.e. "one byte". Its signedness is intentionally left up to the implementation so that each implementation can pick the most appropriate (i.e. hardware-supported) version. It's name, suggesting "character", is quite possibly the single worst decision in the design of the C programming language.
The next concept is that of a text string. At the foundation, text is a sequence of units, which are often called "characters", but it can be more involved than that. To that end, the Unicode standard coins the term "code point" to designate the most basic unit of text. For now, and for us programmers, "text" is a sequence of code points.
The problem is that there are more codepoints than possible byte values. This problem can be overcome in two different ways: 1) use a multi-byte encoding to represent code point sequences as byte sequences; or 2) use a different basic data type. C and C++ actually offer both solutions: The native host interface (command line args, file contents, environment variables) are provided as byte sequences; but the language also provides an opaque type wchar_t for "the system's character set", as well as translation functions between them (mbstowcs/wcstombs).
Unfortunately, there is nothing specific about "the system's character set" and "the systems multibyte encoding", so you, like so many SO users before you, are left puzzling what to do with those mysterious wide characters. What people want nowadays is a definite encoding that they can share across platforms. The one and only useful encoding that we have for this purpose is Unicode, which assigns a textual meaning to a large number of code points (up to 221 at the moment). Along with the text encoding comes a family of byte-string encodings, UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32.
The first step to examining the content of a given text string is thus to transform it from whatever input you have into a string of definite (Unicode) encoding. This Unicode string may itself be encoded in any of the transformation formats, but the simplest is just as a sequence of raw codepoints (typically UTF-32, since we don't have a useful 21-bit data type).
Performing this transformation is already outside the scope of the C++ standard (even the new one), so we need a library to do this. Since we don't know anything about our "system's character set", we also need the library to handle that.
One popular library of choice is iconv(); the typical sequence goes from input multibyte char* via mbstowcs() to a std::wstring or wchar_t* wide string, and then via iconv()'s WCHAR_T-to-UTF32 conversion to a std::u32string or uint32_t* raw Unicode codepoint sequence.
At this point our journey ends. We can now either examine the text codepoint by codepoint (which might be enough to tell if something is a space); or we can invoke a heavier text-processing library to perform intricate textual operations on our Unicode codepoint stream (such as normalization, canonicalization, presentational transformation, etc.). This is far beyond the scope of a general-purpose programmer, and the realm of text processing specialists.
It is in any case invalid to pass a negative value other than EOF to isspace and the other character macros. If you have a char c, and you want to test whether it is a space or not, do isspace((unsigned char)c). This deals with the extension (by zero-extending). isspace(*pchar) is flat wrong -- don't write it, don't let it stand when you see it. If you train yourself to panic when you do see it, then it's less hard to see.
fgetc (for example) already returns either EOF or a character read as an unsigned char and then converted to int, so there's no sign-extension issue for values from that.
That's trivia really, though, since the standard character macros don't cover Unicode, or multi-byte encodings. If you want to handle Unicode properly then you need a Unicode library. I haven't looked into what C++11 or C1X provide in this regard, other than that C++11 has std::u32string which sounds promising. Prior to that the answer is to use something implementation-specific or third-party. (Un)fortunately there are a lot of libraries to choose from.
It may be (I speculate) that a "complete" Unicode classification database is so large and so subject to change that it would be impractical for the C++ standard to mandate "full" support anyway. It depends to an extent what operations should be supported, but you can't get away from the problem that Unicode has been through 6 major versions in 20 years (since the first standard version), while C++ has had 2 major versions in 13 years. As far as C++ is concerned, the set of Unicode characters is a rapidly-moving target, so it's always going to be implementation-defined what code points the system knows about.
In general, there are three correct ways to handle Unicode text:
At all I/O (including system calls that return or accept strings), convert everything between an externally-used character encoding, and an internal fixed-width encoding. You can think of this as "deserialization" on input and "serialization" on output. If you had some object type with functions to convert it to/from a byte stream, then you wouldn't mix up byte stream with the objects, or examine sections of byte stream for snippets of serialized data that you think you recognize. It needn't be any different for this internal unicode string class. Note that the class cannot be std::string, and might not be std::wstring either, depending on implementation. Just pretend the standard library doesn't provide strings, if it helps, or use a std::basic_string of something big as the container but a Unicode-aware library to do anything sophisticated. You may also need to understand Unicode normalization, to deal with combining marks and such like, since even in a fixed-width Unicode encoding, there may be more than one code point per glyph.
Mess about with some ad-hoc mixture of byte sequences and Unicode sequences, carefully tracking which is which. It's like (1), but usually harder, and hence although it's potentially correct, in practice it might just as easily come out wrong.
(Special purposes only): use UTF-8 for everything. Sometimes this is good enough, for example if all you do is parse input based on ASCII punctuation marks, and concatenate strings for output. Basically it works for programs where you don't need to understand anything with the top bit set, just pass it on unchanged. It doesn't work so well if you need to actually render text, or otherwise do things to it that a human would consider "obvious" but actually are complex. Like collation.
One comment up front: the old C functions like isspace took int for
a reason: they support EOF as input as well, so they need to be able
to support one more value than will fit in a char. The
“naïve” decision was allowing char to be signed—but
making it unsigned would have had severe performance implications on a
Now to your questions:
1) Sign expansion
The C++ functions don't have this problem. In C++, the
“correct” way of testing things like whether a character is
a space is to grap the std::ctype facet from whatever locale you want,
and to use it. Of course, the C++ localization, in <locale>, has
been carefully designed to make it as hard as possible to use, but if
you're doing any significant text processing, you'll soon come up with
your own convenience wrappers: a functional object which takes a locale
and mask specifying which characteristic you want to test isn't hard.
Making it a template on the mask, and giving its locale argument a
default to the global locale isn't rocket science either. Throw in a
few typedef's, and you can pass things like IsSpace() to std::find.
The only subtility is managing the lifetime of the std::ctype object
you're dealing with. Something like the following should work, however:
template<std::ctype_base::mask mask>
class Is // Must find a better name.
std::locale myLocale;
//< Needed to ensure no premature destruction of facet
std::ctype<char> const* myCType;
Is( std::locale const& l = std::locale() )
: myLocale( l )
, myCType( std::use_facet<std::ctype<char> >( l ) )
bool operator()( char ch ) const
return myCType->is( mask, ch );
typedef Is<std::ctype_base::space> IsSpace;
// ...
(Given the influence of the STL, it's somewhat surprising that the
standard didn't define something like the above as standard.)
2) Variable width character issues.
There is no real answer. It all depends on what you need. For some
applications, just looking for a few specific single byte characters is
sufficient, and keeping everything in UTF-8, and ignoring the multi-byte
issues, is a viable (and simple) solution. Beyond that, it's often
useful to convert to UTF-32 (or depending on the type of text you're
dealing with, UTF-16), and use each element as a single code point. For
full text handling, on the other hand, you have to deal with
multi-code-point characters even if you're using UTF-32: the sequence
\u006D\u0302 is a single character (a small m with a circumflex over
I haven't been testing internationalization capabilities of Qt library so much, but from what i know, QString is fully unicode-aware, and is using QChar's which are unicode-chars. I don't know internal implementation of those, but I expect that this implies QChar's to be varaible size characters.
It would be weird to bind yourself to such big framework as Qt just to use strings though.
You seem to be confusing a function defined on 7-bit ascii with a universal space-recognition function. Character functions in standard C use int not to deal with different encodings, but to allow EOF to be an out-of-band indicator. There are no issues with sign-extension, because the numbers these functions are defined on have no 8th bit. Providing a byte with this possibility is a mistake on your part.
Plan 9 attempts to solve this with a UTF library, and the assumption that all input data is UTF-8. This allows some measure of backwards compatibility with ASCII, so non-compliant programs don't all die, but allows new programs to be written correctly.
The common notion in C, even still is that a char* represents an array of letters. It should instead be seen as a block of input data. To get the letters from this stream, you use chartorune(). Each Rune is a representation of a letter(/symbol/codepoint), so one can finally define a function isspacerune(), which would finally tell you which letters are spaces.
Work with arrays of Rune as you would with char arrays, to do string manipulation, then call runetochar() to re-encode your letters into UTF-8 before you write it out.
The sign extension issue is easy to deal with. You can either use:
isspace((unsigned char) ch)
isspace(ch & 0xFF)
the compiler option that makes char an unsigned type
As far the variable-length character issue (I'm assuming UTF-8), it depends on your needs.
If you just to deal with the ASCII whitespace characters \t\n\v\f\r, then isspace will work fine; the non-ASCII UTF-8 code units will simply be treated as non-spaces.
But if you need to recognize the extra Unicode space characters \x85\xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000, it's a bit more work. You could write a function along the lines of
bool isspace_utf8(const char* pChar)
uint32_t codePoint = decode_char(*pChar);
return is_unicode_space(codePoint);
Where decode_char converts a UTF-8 sequence to the corresponding Unicode code point, and is_unicode_space returns true for characters with category Z or for the Cc characters that are spaces. iswspace may or may not help with the latter, depending on how well your C++ library supports Unicode. It's best to use a dedicated Unicode library for the job.
most strings in practice use a multibyte encoding such as UTF-7,
UTF-8, UTF-16, SHIFT-JIS, etc.
No programmer would use UTF-7 or Shift-JIS as an internal representation unless they enjoy pain. Stick with ŬTF-8, -16, or -32, and only convert as needed.
Your preamble argument is somewhat inacurate, and arguably unfair, it is simply not in the library design to support Unicode encodings - certainly not multiple Unicode encodings.
Development of the C and C++ languages and much of the libraries pre-date the development of Unicode. Also as system's level languages they require a data type that corresponds to the smallest addressable word size of the execution environment. Unfortunately perhaps the char type has become overloaded to represent both the character set of the execution environment and the minimum addressable word. It is history that has shown this to be flawed perhaps, but changing the language definition and indeed the library would break a large amount of legacy code, so such things are left to newer languages such as C# that has an 8-bit byte and distinct char type.
Moreover the variable encoding of Unicode representations makes it unsuited to a built-in data type as such. You are obviously aware of this since you suggest that Unicode character operations should be performed on strings rather than machine word types. This would require library support and as you point out this is not provided by the standard library. There are a number of reasons for that, but primarily it is not within the domain of the standard library, just as there is no standard library support for networking or graphics. The library intrinsically does not address anything that is not generally universally supported by all target platforms from the deeply embedded to the super-computer. All such things must be provided by either system or third-party libraries.
Support for multiple character encodings is about system/environment interoperability, and the library is not intended to support that either. Data exchange between incompatible encoding systems is an application issue not a system issue.
"How do you test for whitespace, isprintable, etc., in a way that
doesn't suffer from two issues:
1) Sign expansion, and
2) variable-width character issues
isspace() considers only the lower 8-bits. Its definition explicitly states that if you pass an argument that is not representable as an unsigned char or equal to the value of the macro EOF, the results are undefined. The problem does not arise if it is used as it was intended. The problem is that it is inappropriate for the purpose you appear to be applying it to.
After all, all commonly used Unicode encodings are variable-width,
whether programmers realize it or not: UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16, as well
as older standards such as Shift-JIS
isspace() is not defined for Unicode. You'll need a library designed to use any specific encoding you are using. This question What is the best Unicode library for C? may be relevant.

Simplest way to mix sequences of types with iostreams?

I have a function void write<typename T>(const T&) which is implemented in terms of writing the T object to an ostream, and a matching function T read<typename T>() that reads a T from an istream. I am basically using iostreams as a plain text serialisation format, which obviously works fine for most built-in types, although I'm not sure how to effectively handle std::strings just yet.
I'd like to be able to write out a sequence of objects too, eg void write<typename T>(const std::vector<T>&) or an iterator based equivalent (although in practice, it would always be used with a vector). However, while writing an overload that iterates over the elements and writes them out is easy enough to do, this doesn't add enough information to allow the matching read operation to know how each element is delimited, which is essentially the same problem that I have with a single std::string.
Is there a single approach that can work for all basic types and std::string? Or perhaps I can get away with 2 overloads, one for numerical types, and one for strings? (Either using different delimiters or the string using a delimiter escaping mechanism, perhaps.)
EDIT: I appreciate the often sensible tendency when confronted with questions like this is to say, "you don't want to do that" and to suggest a better approach, but I would really like suggestions that relate directly to what I asked, rather than what you believe I should have asked instead. :)
A general-purpose serialisation framework is hard, and the built-in features of the iostream library are really not up to it - even dealing with strings satisfactorily is quite difficult. I suggest you either sit down and design the framework from scratch, ignoring iostreams (which then become an implementation detail), or (more realistically) use an existing library, or at least an existing format, such as XML.
Basically, you will have to create a file format. When you're restricted to built-ins, strings, and sequences of those, you could use whitespace as delimiters, write strings wrapped in " (escaping any " - and then \, too - occurring within the streams themselves), and pick anything that isn't used for streaming built-in types as sequence delimiter. It might be helpful to store the size of a sequence, too.
For example,
5 1.4 "a string containing \" and \\" { 3 "blah" "blubb" "frgl" } { 2 42 21 }
might be the serialization of an int (5), a float (1.4), a string ("a string containing " and \"), a sequence of 3 strings ("blah", "blubb", and "frgl"), and a sequence of 2 ints (42 and 21).
Alternatively you could do as Neil suggests in his comment and treat strings as sequences of characters:
{ 27 'a' ' ' 's' 't' 'r' 'i' 'n' 'g' ' ' 'c' 'o' 'n' 't' 'a' 'i' 'n' 'i' 'n' 'g' ' ' '"' ' ' 'a' 'n' 'd' ' ' '\' }
If you want to avoid escaping strings, you can look at how ASN.1 does things. It's overkill for your stated requirements: strings, fundamental types and arrays of these things, but the principle is that the stream contains unambiguous length information. Therefore nothing needs to be escaped.
For a very simple equivalent, you could output a uint32_t as "ui4" followed by 4 bytes of data, a int8_t as "si1" followed by 1 byte of data, an IEEE float as "f4", IEEE double as "f8", and so on. Use some additional modifier for arrays: "a134ui4" followed by 536 bytes of data. Note that arbitrary lengths need to be terminated, whereas bounded lengths like the number of bytes in the following integer can be fixed size (one of the reasons ASN.1 is more than you need is that it uses arbitrary lengths for everything). A string could then either be a<len>ui1 or some abbreviation like s<len>:. The reader is very simple indeed.
This has obvious drawbacks: the size and representation of types must be independent of platform, and the output is neither human readable nor particularly compressed.
You can make it mostly human-readable, though with ASCII instead of binary representation of arithmetic types (careful with arrays: you may want to calculate the length of the whole array before outputting any of it, or you may use a separator and a terminator since there's no need for character escapes), and by optionally adding a big fat human-visible separator, that the deserializer ignores. For example, s16:hello, worlds12:||s12:hello, world is considerably easier to read than s16:hello, worlds12:s12:hello, world. Just beware when reading that what looks like a separator sequence might not actually be one, and you have to avoid falling into traps like assuming s5:hello|| in the middle of the code means there's a string 5 chars long: it might be part of s15:hello||s5:hello||.
Unless you have very tight constraints on code size, it's probably easier to use a general-purpose serializer off the shelf than it is to write a specialized one. Reading simple XML with SAX isn't difficult. That said, everyone and his dog has written "finally, the serializer/parser/whatever that will save us ever hand-coding a serializer/parser/whatever ever again", with greater or lesser success.
You may consider using boost::spirit, which simplifies parsing of basic types from arbitrary input streams.