No serial output after retargetting and calling fopen() - c++

I'm trying to implement a basic application on an embedded device using lwIP.
I got the basic project set up, the retarget-ing works as expected.
However when I add lwIP into the project and call lwip_init() I have no more output. If I leave out the call to lwip_init() everything is back to normal.
What's more interesting, is that if I call fopen() the same behavior appears as before, I have no other output on the serial. I get no output no matter if I use the retarget-ed printf() function or if I use the driver's function USART_SendData().
What did I got wrong?
I posted below the retarget.c file and my Main.cpp (if I un-comment either BLOCK 1 or BLOCK 2, I have no more output) along with the initialization code.
Note: the retarget-ed functions send data to USART3 and USART_SendData() sends it to USART1.
I also tried to use the ITM port for debugging, but I get the same behavior.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <LibSTM/stm32f10x_usart.h>
#include <rt_sys.h>
#pragma import(__use_no_semihosting_swi)
struct __FILE { int handle; };
FILE __stdout;
FILE __stdin;
FILE __stderr;
FILE *__aeabi_stdin;
FILE *__aeabi_stdout;
FILE *__aeabi_stderr;
int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
while (!(USART3->SR & 0x0080));
USART3->DR = ch;
return (ch);
int ferror(FILE *f)
return EOF;
void _ttywrch(int ch)
fputc(ch, stdout);
void _sys_exit(int return_code)
label: goto label;
//retargeting since otherwise lwIP inclusion produces errors
#define DEFAULT_HANDLE 0x100
const char __stdin_name[] = "my_stdin";
const char __stdout_name[] = "my_stdout";
const char __stderr_name[] = "my_stderr";
int _sys_write(FILEHANDLE fh, const unsigned char * buf, unsigned len, int mode){
int i;
fputc(buf[i], stdout);
return 0;
FILEHANDLE _sys_open(const char* name, int openmode){
int _sys_istty(FILEHANDLE fh){
return 0;
int _sys_seek(FILEHANDLE fh, long pos){
return -1;
long _sys_flen(FILEHANDLE fh){
return 0;
int _sys_close(FILEHANDLE fh){
return 0;
int _sys_ensure(FILEHANDLE fh){
return 0;
#include <HW/HWSetup.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "lwip/init.h"
int main()
/* //BLOCK 1
FILE *f;
f = fopen("foobar", "r");
/* //BLOCK 2
USART_SendData(USART1, 'x');
#include <HW/HWSetup.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void SetupGPIO()
void SetupTraces()
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
// Trace GPIO
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_10;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;
GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
// Trace USART
RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_USART3, ENABLE);
USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStructure;
USART_InitStructure.USART_BaudRate = 921600;
USART_InitStructure.USART_WordLength = USART_WordLength_8b;
USART_InitStructure.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_1;
USART_InitStructure.USART_Parity = USART_Parity_No;
USART_InitStructure.USART_HardwareFlowControl = USART_HardwareFlowControl_None;
USART_InitStructure.USART_Mode = USART_Mode_Tx;
USART_Init(USART3, &USART_InitStructure);
void SetupUSART_RS232()
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_9;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;
GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_10;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_OD;
GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_USART1, ENABLE);
USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStructure;
USART_InitStructure.USART_BaudRate = 115200;
USART_InitStructure.USART_WordLength = USART_WordLength_8b;
USART_InitStructure.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_1;
USART_InitStructure.USART_Parity = USART_Parity_No ;
USART_InitStructure.USART_Mode = USART_Mode_Rx | USART_Mode_Tx;
USART_InitStructure.USART_HardwareFlowControl = USART_HardwareFlowControl_None;
void HWSetup()
I also tried debugging the code, but after I step in at BX R0 (which I expect to get me into main()) I just have to stop debugging since I cannot see where it's going, nor I have any other control over the debugger:
; Reset handler
Reset_Handler PROC
EXPORT Reset_Handler [WEAK]
IMPORT __main
IMPORT SystemInit
LDR R0, =SystemInit
LDR R0, =__main

The following code worked for me with a LPC1788 and µVision5 with and without microlib:
//retarget minimum requirements to work with printf
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rt_misc.h>
#ifndef __MICROLIB
#pragma import(__use_no_semihosting_swi) // some projects need this, some don't like it
#include <rt_sys.h>
extern void $Super$$_sys_open(void);
extern int sendchar(int ch); //needed for printf
extern int getch(void); //needed for scanf
FILEHANDLE $Sub$$_sys_open(const char *name, int openmode)
return 1; /* everything goes to the same output */
extern void $Super$$_sys_close(void);
int $Sub$$_sys_close(FILEHANDLE fh)
return 0;
extern void $Super$$_sys_write(void);
int $Sub$$_sys_write(FILEHANDLE fh, const unsigned char *buf,
unsigned len, int mode)
//your_device_write(buf, len);
return 0;
extern void $Super$$_sys_read(void);
int $Sub$$_sys_read(FILEHANDLE fh, unsigned char *buf,
unsigned len, int mode)
return -1; /* not supported */
extern void $Super$$_ttywrch(void);
void $Sub$$_ttywrch(int ch)
//char c = ch;
//your_device_write(&c, 1);
extern void $Super$$_sys_istty(void);
int $Sub$$_sys_istty(FILEHANDLE fh)
return 0; /* buffered output */
extern void $Super$$_sys_seek(void);
int $Sub$$_sys_seek(FILEHANDLE fh, long pos)
return -1; /* not supported */
extern void $Super$$_sys_flen(void);
long $Sub$$_sys_flen(FILEHANDLE fh)
return -1; /* not supported */
extern void $Super$$_sys_exit(void);
long $Sub$$_sys_exit(FILEHANDLE fh)
return -1; /* not supported */
hope, it helps you, too.
Don't forget to initialize uart in main, or try to put initialization in _sys_open()


How do I get the inputs from rotary encoder while runing another function

I am trying to make a menu for a project of mine. I have it working but when I run a function I want to be able to cancel it but when I run the function I can't get any inputs from my rotary encoder while it is still waiting. I think i need to cancel de function of the rotary encode but I don't now how to do that. How can I read from the rotary encoder while this function is playing?
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <bcm2835.h>
#include <pigpio.h>
#include "rotary_encoder.hpp"
#include "i2cControl.hpp"
#include "lcdDriver.hpp"
using namespace std;
int pos = 1;
int maxmenu;
int minmenu;
int menustate;
void callback(int way);
void callbackS(int way);
int test(){
while (true){
//wait for conditions or cancel command
//run function
void homeMenu(){
maxmenu = 2;
minmenu = 1;
menustate = 0;
pos = 1;
void callback(int way){
int prevpos = pos;
pos = pos + way;
if (pos > maxmenu){
pos = minmenu;
if (pos < minmenu){
pos = maxmenu;
void callbackS(int way){
int switchState = way;
//home menu
if (menustate == 0){
if (pos = 1){
menustate == 1;
if (menustate == 1){
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
if (gpioInitialise() < 0) return 1;
re_decoder dec(12, 16, 26, callback, callbackS);
while (true){
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <pigpio.h>
#include "rotary_encoder.hpp"
void re_decoder::_pulse(int gpio, int level, uint32_t tick)
if (gpio == mygpioA) levA = level; else levB = level;
if (gpio != lastGpio) /* debounce */
lastGpio = gpio;
if ((gpio == mygpioA) && (level == 1))
if (levB) (mycallback)(1);
else if ((gpio == mygpioB) && (level == 1))
if (levA) (mycallback)(-1);
void re_decoder::_pulseS(int gpio, int level, uint32_t tick)
levS = level;
if (levS) {
void re_decoder::_pulseEx(int gpio, int level, uint32_t tick, void *user)
Need a static callback to link with C.
re_decoder *mySelf = (re_decoder *) user;
mySelf->_pulse(gpio, level, tick); /* Call the instance callback. */
void re_decoder::_pulseExS(int gpio, int level, uint32_t tick, void *user)
Need a static callback to link with C.
re_decoder *mySelf = (re_decoder *) user;
mySelf->_pulseS(gpio, level, tick); /* Call the instance callback. */
re_decoder::re_decoder(int gpioA, int gpioB, int gpioS, re_decoderCB_t callback, re_decoderCB_t callbackS)
mygpioA = gpioA;
mygpioB = gpioB;
mygpioS = gpioS;
mycallback = callback;
mycallbackS = callbackS;
lastGpio = -1;
gpioSetMode(gpioA, PI_INPUT);
gpioSetMode(gpioB, PI_INPUT);
gpioSetMode(gpioS, PI_INPUT);
/* pull up is needed as encoder common is grounded */
gpioSetPullUpDown(gpioA, PI_PUD_UP);
gpioSetPullUpDown(gpioB, PI_PUD_UP);
gpioSetPullUpDown(gpioS, PI_PUD_UP);
/* monitor encoder level changes */
gpioSetAlertFuncEx(gpioA, _pulseEx, this);
gpioSetAlertFuncEx(gpioB, _pulseEx, this);
gpioSetAlertFuncEx(gpioS, _pulseExS, this);
void re_decoder::re_cancel(void)
gpioSetAlertFuncEx(mygpioA, 0, this);
gpioSetAlertFuncEx(mygpioB, 0, this);
gpioSetAlertFuncEx(mygpioS, 0, this);
#include <stdint.h>
typedef void (*re_decoderCB_t)(int);
class re_decoder
int mygpioA, mygpioB, mygpioS, levA, levB, levS, lastGpio;
re_decoderCB_t mycallback;
re_decoderCB_t mycallbackS;
void _pulse(int gpio, int level, uint32_t tick);
void _pulseS(int gpio, int level, uint32_t tick);
/* Need a static callback to link with C. */
static void _pulseEx(int gpio, int level, uint32_t tick, void *user);
static void _pulseExS(int gpio, int level, uint32_t tick, void *user);
re_decoder(int gpioA, int gpioB, int gpioS, re_decoderCB_t callback, re_decoderCB_t callbackS);
This function establishes a rotary encoder on gpioA and gpioB.
When the encoder is turned the callback function is called.
void re_cancel(void);
This function releases the resources used by the decoder.

Clicking on keyboard will create 3-7 characters

Summarize The Problem
I'm building an operating system using C++ on Linux Mint in Parallels Desktop Mac.
I just added keyboard support except there was a problem...
When I press one key on the keyboard, it will create around 5 or more characters. This is an image of the problem:
Describe What you've tried
All of the sources were talking about Linux kernel so I couldn't find anything. I didn't try anything.
Show some code
#ifndef PRINT_H
#define PRINT_H
#include "types.h"
#include "colours.h"
class print {
void printf(char *str);
void printf(int num);
void itoa(int num, char *number);
uint32_t digit_count(int num);
uint32_t strlen(const char *str);
void print_char(char ch);
void newLine();
void init_vga(uint8_t fore_color, uint8_t back_color);
void clear_vga_buffer(uint16_t **buffer, uint8_t fore_color, uint8_t back_color);
uint16_t vga_entry(unsigned char ch, uint8_t fore_color, uint8_t back_color);
void setTextColors(uint8_t foreColor, uint8_t back_color);
print *getPrinter();
void setPrinter(print *printer1);
print *ksafdkjlasdlfk;
//index for video buffer array
uint32_t vga_index;
//counter to store new lines
uint32_t next_line_index = 1;
//fore & back color values
uint8_t g_fore_color = WHITE, g_back_color = BLUE;
//digit ascii code for printing integers
int digit_ascii_codes[10] = {0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39};
#define VGA_ADDRESS 0xB8000
#define BUFSIZE 2200
uint16_t *vga_buffer;
#define NULL 0
#include "print.h"
void print::printf(char *str) {
uint32_t index = 0;
while (str[index]) {
void print::printf(int num) {
char str_num[digit_count(num) + 1];
itoa(num, str_num);
void print::itoa(int num, char *number) {
int dgcount = digit_count(num);
int index = dgcount - 1;
char x;
if (num == 0 && dgcount == 1) {
number[0] = '0';
number[1] = '\0';
} else {
while (num != 0) {
x = num % 10;
number[index] = x + '0';
num = num / 10;
number[dgcount] = '\0';
uint32_t print::digit_count(int num) {
uint32_t count = 0;
if (num == 0)
return 1;
while (num > 0) {
num = num / 10;
return count;
uint32_t print::strlen(const char *str) {
uint32_t length = 0;
while (str[length])
return length;
void print::print_char(char ch) {
vga_buffer[vga_index] = vga_entry(ch, g_fore_color, g_back_color);
void print::newLine() {
if (next_line_index >= 55) {
next_line_index = 0;
clear_vga_buffer(&vga_buffer, g_fore_color, g_back_color);
vga_index = 80 * next_line_index;
void print::init_vga(uint8_t fore_color, uint8_t back_color) {
vga_buffer = (uint16_t *) VGA_ADDRESS;
clear_vga_buffer(&vga_buffer, fore_color, back_color);
g_fore_color = fore_color;
g_back_color = back_color;
void print::clear_vga_buffer(uint16_t **buffer, uint8_t fore_color, uint8_t back_color) {
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++) {
(*buffer)[i] = vga_entry(NULL, fore_color, back_color);
next_line_index = 1;
vga_index = 0;
uint16_t print::vga_entry(unsigned char ch, uint8_t fore_color, uint8_t back_color) {
uint16_t ax = 0;
uint8_t ah = 0, al = 0;
ah = back_color;
ah <<= 4;
ah |= fore_color;
ax = ah;
ax <<= 8;
al = ch;
ax |= al;
return ax;
void print::setTextColors(uint8_t foreColor, uint8_t back_color) {
g_fore_color = foreColor;
g_back_color = back_color;
print *print::getPrinter() {
return ksafdkjlasdlfk;
void print::setPrinter(print *printer1) {
ksafdkjlasdlfk = printer1;
#include "../../utils/types.h"
#include "../../utils/print.h"
#include "char.h"
class keyboard {
void enableKeyboard();
void test_input();
void sleep(uint32_t timer_count);
void wait_for_io(uint32_t timer_count);
char get_input_keycode();
void outb(uint16_t port, uint8_t data);
uint8_t inb(uint16_t port);
#include "keyboard.h"
uint8_t keyboard::inb(uint16_t port) {
uint8_t ret;
asm volatile("inb %1, %0" : "=a"(ret) : "d"(port));
return ret;
void keyboard::outb(uint16_t port, uint8_t data) {
asm volatile("outb %0, %1" : "=a"(data) : "d"(port));
char keyboard::get_input_keycode() {
char ch = 0;
while ((ch = inb(KEYBOARD_PORT)) != 0) {
if (ch > 0)
return ch;
return ch;
keep the cpu busy for doing nothing(nop)
so that io port will not be processed by cpu
here timer can also be used, but lets do this in looping counter
void keyboard::wait_for_io(uint32_t timer_count) {
while (1) {
asm volatile("nop");
if (timer_count <= 0)
void keyboard::sleep(uint32_t timer_count) {
void keyboard::test_input() {
char ch = 0;
char keycode = 0;
do {
keycode = get_input_keycode();
if (keycode == KEY_ENTER) {
print printt;
} else {
ch = get_ascii_char(keycode);
print printt;
} while (ch > 0);
void keyboard::enableKeyboard() {
The kernel.cpp just has the test_intput command and prints a few things.
There are a few files there, but that main ones are the kernel.cpp, hardware/keyboard/all the files there.
Either use a seperate Thread to handle the input reckognition function, that way you can use a sleep without blocking the main Thread. You could also save the current pressed key and save it as a previous key and check if it has changed, if not the button has not been released yet. so you can avoid multiples.

Arduino how to count external interrupts inside array of objects?

I'm starting to play with Arduino IoT (ESP32). I read the GPIO configuration from a file on the SD card. I have a problem with external interrupts. I need to count the number of interrupts on a given GPIO.
I wrote a class that stores the GPIO configuration, and put the objects of this class in a global array. How can I count interrupts on a given pin, so that the result is available by using the appropriate object method?
I tried different solutions, but the problem lies in the ISR method, which must be static. This method has no access to object fields, so I do not know where and how to increment the counter of interrupts.
I divided the code into several files. I attach only the necessary to solve this problem.
This holds up my project. Please help.
Main file:
#define GPIO_CONFIG_FILE "cfg/gpio.txt"
#define WIFI_AP_CONFIG_FILE "cfg/ap.txt"
#define WIFI_STA_CONFIG_FILE "cfg/sta.txt"
#include "FS.h"
#include "SD_MMC.h"
#include "GPIO_CONFIG.h"
uint32_t gpio_int_cnt[AVAILABLE_GPIO_CNT] = {0};
void setup() {
if (checkSdCard()) {
void loop() {
#ifndef GPIO_CONFIG_h
#define GPIO_CONFIG_h
#include "Arduino.h"
#define ID_LENGTH 7
void setUp(const char * key);
void printConfig();
uint8_t number();
uint8_t mode();
uint16_t multiplier();
bool inversion();
char * id();
static void isr();
static uint32_t int_cnt();
uint8_t gp_number;
uint8_t gp_mode;
uint16_t gp_multiplier;
uint32_t gp_init_value;
bool gp_inversion;
char gp_id[ID_LENGTH];
// const uint8_t gp_mode_array[4] = {INPUT, OUTPUT, INPUT_PULLUP};
#include "GPIO_CONFIG.h"
gp_number = 0;
gp_multiplier = 1;
gp_inversion = false;
gp_init_value = 0;
void GPIO_CONFIG::setUp(const char * key) {
char cfg[sizeof(key)];
for (uint8_t b = 0; b < sizeof(key); ++b) {
cfg[b] = key[b];
char * tok = strtok(cfg, "|");
gp_number = atoi(tok);
tok = strtok(NULL, "|");
for (int b = 0; b < sizeof(tok); b++) {
if (b < ID_LENGTH) {
gp_id[b] = tok[b];
} else {
gp_id[ID_LENGTH - 1] = '\0';
strtok(NULL, "|");
tok = strtok(NULL, "|");
gp_mode = atoi(tok);
tok = strtok(NULL, "|");
gp_multiplier = atoi(tok);
tok = strtok(NULL, "|");
gp_inversion = (atoi(tok) > 0);
tok = strtok(NULL, "|");
gp_init_value = atoi(tok);
//0-in; 1-out; 2-int
if (gp_mode != 1) {
if (gp_inversion) { //sterowanie podstawowe przez vcc
pinMode(gp_number, INPUT_PULLUP);
} else {
pinMode(gp_number, INPUT);
if (gp_mode > 2) {
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(gp_number), isr, FALLING);
} else {
pinMode(gp_number, OUTPUT);
void GPIO_CONFIG::printConfig() {
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.print(" -no:");
Serial.print(" -id:");
Serial.print(" -mode:");
Serial.print(" -multi:");
Serial.print(" -inv:");
uint8_t GPIO_CONFIG::number() {
return gp_number;
uint8_t GPIO_CONFIG::mode() {
return gp_mode;
uint16_t GPIO_CONFIG::multiplier() {
return gp_multiplier;
bool GPIO_CONFIG::inversion() {
return gp_inversion;
char * GPIO_CONFIG::id() {
return gp_id;
void GPIO_CONFIG::isr() {
// gpio_int_cnt[0]++;
uint32_t GPIO_CONFIG::int_cnt() {
// return gpio_int_cnt[0];
#EDIT 2018/01/04 08:10
I add some changes to files:
Main .ino file
isr_ptr isrptr[AVAILABLE_GPIO_CNT];
typedef /*static*/ void (*isr_ptr)();
extern isr_ptr isrptr[AVAILABLE_GPIO_CNT];
void setIndex(const uint8_t * i);
uint8_t index();
uint8_t gp_index;
uint32_t gp_cnt_value;
void GPIO_CONFIG::setIndex(const uint8_t * i){
gp_index = *i;
isrptr[gp_index] = &isr;
uint8_t GPIO_CONFIG::index(){
return gp_index;
void GPIO_CONFIG::setUp(const char * key) {
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(gp_number), isrptr[gp_index], FALLING);
void GPIO_CONFIG::isr() {
for(uint8_t i=0; i<AVAILABLE_GPIO_CNT; ++i){
if(&isrptr[i] == &gpio[i].isr()){ //here is my actualy problem. how can i compare this?
uint32_t GPIO_CONFIG::int_cnt() {
return gp_cnt_value;
Here I place short fragments which have to be modified:
From isrptr[gp_index] = &isr; to isrptr[gp_index] = isr;
From if(&isrptr[i] == &gpio[i].isr){ to if(isrptr[i] == gpio[i].isr){
I've looked over your code several times and can't find your ISR(s). I know how to handle this sort of problem in simple C code: You just define an array with one element for each interrupt pin, and increment that element from its respective ISR. I don't know how to relate that to what you've shown.
The part that often causes trouble is that you usually need to define variables shared between the main code and ISR as volatile. Failing to do this can cause problems that are really hard to find, due to the compiler optimizing away things that it decides aren't changed (in the ISR or the main code).
Best regards,

error: 'track_t' was not declared in this scope

I'm fiddling with an Arduino project where I've got these structs in my main file:
struct gpsCoord_t {
long latitude;
long longitude;
struct track_t {
char code[4];
gpsCoord_t bounds[4];
gpsCoord_t points[4];
Next to that I've got a function to dump variables of this type to the serial bus in that same file:
void dumpTrack(track_t track) {
Serial.print("\nTrack: ");
Serial.print("\nTrack bounds: ");
Serial.print("\n- 1 lat: ");
Serial.print("\n- 1 lon: ");
The compiler produces 2 errors without line numbers from which I believe the first one is caused by the second one:
error: variable or field 'dumpTrack' declared void
error: 'track_t' was not declared in this scope
EDIT here's the complete file:
#include <Wire.h> //I2C library
#include <I2C_eeprom.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <TinyGPS.h>
I2C_eeprom ee(0x50);
const int baseTrackAddress = 3;
const int trackSize = 68;
const int maxTracks = 480;
int powerOnLED = 2;
int gpsFixLED = 3;
int trackFoundLED = 4;
int errorLED = 6;
int gpsSensor = 7;
TinyGPS gps;
SoftwareSerial nss(gpsSensor, 255);
int calcTrackAddress(int trackId) {
return (trackId*trackSize) + baseTrackAddress;
struct gpsCoord_t {
long latitude;
long longitude;
struct track_t {
char code[4];
gpsCoord_t bounds[4];
gpsCoord_t points[4];
track_t tracks[maxTracks];
void setup()
Serial.print("Demo I2C eeprom library ");
strcpy(tracks[0].code, "X11");
tracks[0].bounds[0].latitude = 0;
tracks[0].bounds[0].longitude = 0;
tracks[0].points[0].latitude = 0;
tracks[0].points[0].longitude = 0;
ee.writeBlock(3, (uint8_t*)&tracks[0], trackSize);
void loop()
Serial.println("\nTEST: 64 byte page boundary writeBlock");
dumpEEPROM(0, 255);
void dumpTrack(track_t track) {
Serial.print("\nTrack: ");
Serial.print("\nTrack bounds: ");
Serial.print("\n- 1 lat: ");
Serial.print("\n- 1 lon: ");
void readTrack(int trackId) {
track_t track;
ee.readBlock(60, (uint8_t*)&track, 10);
void readTracks() {
void dumpEEPROM(unsigned int addr, unsigned int length)
// block to 10
addr = addr / 10 * 10;
length = (length + 9)/10 * 10;
byte b = ee.readByte(addr);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (addr % 10 == 0)
b = ee.readByte(++addr);
Serial.print(" ");
void ProcessCommand(char* command) {
char* ReadSerialCommand() {
int i=0;
char commandbuffer[100];
while( Serial.available() && i< 99) {
commandbuffer[i++] =;
return (char*)commandbuffer;
return 0L;
When I put the entire dumpTrack function in comment, the errors go away. I've checked a couple of times for a typo but failed to find any.
It seems you are compiling this code as C.
Instead of
struct track_t {
char code[4];
gpsCoord_t bounds[4];
gpsCoord_t points[4];
typedef struct {
char code[4];
gpsCoord_t bounds[4];
gpsCoord_t points[4];
} track_t;
I suspect somewhere in a header there is a variable called dumpTrack. Why don't you just rename the function to something else?
Also in general it is good to avoid using reserved words as function names; "loop" is not a good choice for a function name.
Edit: the latter is probably the reason for your problem.

Espeak SAPI/dll usage on Windows?

Question: I am trying to use the espeak text-to-speech engine.
So for I got it working wounderfully on linux (code below).
Now I wanted to port this basic program to windows, too, but it's nearly impossible...
Part of the problem is that the windows dll only allows for AUDIO_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS, which means it requires a callback, but I can't figure out how to play the audio from the callback... First it crashed, then I realized, I need a callback function, now I get the data in the callback function, but I don't know how to play it... as it is neither a wav file nor plays automatically as on Linux.
The sourceforge site is rather useless, because it basically says use the SAPI version, but then there is no example on how to use the sapi espeak dll...
Anyway, here's my code, can anybody help?
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
//#include "speak_lib.h"
#include "espeak/speak_lib.h"
// libespeak-dev: /usr/include/espeak/speak_lib.h
// apt-get install libespeak-dev
// apt-get install libportaudio-dev
// g++ -o mine mine.cpp -lespeak
// g++ -o mine mine.cpp -I/usr/include/espeak/ -lespeak
// gcc -o mine mine.cpp -I/usr/include/espeak/ -lespeak
char voicename[40];
int samplerate;
int quiet = 0;
static char genders[4] = {' ','M','F',' '};
//const char *data_path = "/usr/share/"; // /usr/share/espeak-data/
const char *data_path = NULL; // use default path for espeak-data
int strrcmp(const char *s, const char *sub)
int slen = strlen(s);
int sublen = strlen(sub);
return memcmp(s + slen - sublen, sub, sublen);
char * strrcpy(char *dest, const char *source)
// Pre assertions
assert(dest != NULL);
assert(source != NULL);
assert(dest != source);
// tk: parentheses
while((*dest++ = *source++))
const char* GetLanguageVoiceName(const char* pszShortSign)
static char szReturnValue[LANGUAGE_LENGTH] ;
memset(szReturnValue, 0, LANGUAGE_LENGTH);
for (int i = 0; pszShortSign[i] != '\0'; ++i)
szReturnValue[i] = (char) tolower(pszShortSign[i]);
const espeak_VOICE **voices;
espeak_VOICE voice_select;
voices = espeak_ListVoices(NULL);
const espeak_VOICE *v;
for(int ix=0; (v = voices[ix]) != NULL; ix++)
if( !strrcmp( v->languages, szReturnValue) )
strcpy(szReturnValue, v->name);
return szReturnValue;
} // End for
strcpy(szReturnValue, "default");
return szReturnValue;
} // End function getvoicename
void ListVoices()
const espeak_VOICE **voices;
espeak_VOICE voice_select;
voices = espeak_ListVoices(NULL);
const espeak_VOICE *v;
for(int ix=0; (v = voices[ix]) != NULL; ix++)
printf("Shortsign: %s\n", v->languages);
printf("age: %d\n", v->age);
printf("gender: %c\n", genders[v->gender]);
printf("name: %s\n", v->name);
} // End for
} // End function getvoicename
int main()
printf("Hello World!\n");
const char* szVersionInfo = espeak_Info(NULL);
printf("Espeak version: %s\n", szVersionInfo);
samplerate = espeak_Initialize(AUDIO_OUTPUT_PLAYBACK,0,data_path,0);
strcpy(voicename, "default");
// espeak --voices
strcpy(voicename, "german");
strcpy(voicename, GetLanguageVoiceName("DE"));
if(espeak_SetVoiceByName(voicename) != EE_OK)
printf("Espeak setvoice error...\n");
static char word[200] = "Hello World" ;
strcpy(word, "TV-fäns aufgepasst, es ist 20 Uhr 15. Zeit für Rambo 3");
strcpy(word, "Unnamed Player wurde zum Opfer von GSG9");
int speed = 220;
int volume = 500; // volume in range 0-100 0=silence
int pitch = 50; // base pitch, range 0-100. 50=normal
// espeak.cpp 625
espeak_SetParameter(espeakRATE, speed, 0);
// espeakRANGE: pitch range, range 0-100. 0-monotone, 50=normal
// espeakPUNCTUATION: which punctuation characters to announce:
// value in espeak_PUNCT_TYPE (none, all, some),
espeak_VOICE *voice_spec = espeak_GetCurrentVoice();
voice_spec->gender=2; // 0=none 1=male, 2=female,
//voice_spec->age = age;
espeak_Synth( (char*) word, strlen(word)+1, 0, POS_CHARACTER, 0, espeakCHARS_AUTO, NULL, NULL);
strcpy(voicename, GetLanguageVoiceName("EN"));
strcpy(word, "Geany was fragged by GSG9 Googlebot");
strcpy(word, "Googlebot");
espeak_Synth( (char*) word, strlen(word)+1, 0, POS_CHARACTER, 0, espeakCHARS_AUTO, NULL, NULL);
printf("Espeak terminated\n");
if(espeak_SetVoiceByName(voicename) != EE_OK)
voice_select.languages = voicename;
if(espeak_SetVoiceByProperties(&voice_select) != EE_OK)
fprintf(stderr,"%svoice '%s'\n",err_load,voicename);
The above code is for Linux.
The below code is about as far as I got on Vista x64 (32 bit emu):
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "speak_lib.h"
//#include "espeak/speak_lib.h"
// libespeak-dev: /usr/include/espeak/speak_lib.h
// apt-get install libespeak-dev
// apt-get install libportaudio-dev
// g++ -o mine mine.cpp -lespeak
// g++ -o mine mine.cpp -I/usr/include/espeak/ -lespeak
// gcc -o mine mine.cpp -I/usr/include/espeak/ -lespeak
char voicename[40];
int iSampleRate;
int quiet = 0;
static char genders[4] = {' ','M','F',' '};
//const char *data_path = "/usr/share/"; // /usr/share/espeak-data/
//const char *data_path = NULL; // use default path for espeak-data
const char *data_path = "C:\\Users\\Username\\Desktop\\espeak-1.43-source\\espeak-1.43-source\\";
int strrcmp(const char *s, const char *sub)
int slen = strlen(s);
int sublen = strlen(sub);
return memcmp(s + slen - sublen, sub, sublen);
char * strrcpy(char *dest, const char *source)
// Pre assertions
assert(dest != NULL);
assert(source != NULL);
assert(dest != source);
// tk: parentheses
while((*dest++ = *source++))
const char* GetLanguageVoiceName(const char* pszShortSign)
static char szReturnValue[LANGUAGE_LENGTH] ;
memset(szReturnValue, 0, LANGUAGE_LENGTH);
for (int i = 0; pszShortSign[i] != '\0'; ++i)
szReturnValue[i] = (char) tolower(pszShortSign[i]);
const espeak_VOICE **voices;
espeak_VOICE voice_select;
voices = espeak_ListVoices(NULL);
const espeak_VOICE *v;
for(int ix=0; (v = voices[ix]) != NULL; ix++)
if( !strrcmp( v->languages, szReturnValue) )
strcpy(szReturnValue, v->name);
return szReturnValue;
} // End for
strcpy(szReturnValue, "default");
return szReturnValue;
} // End function getvoicename
void ListVoices()
const espeak_VOICE **voices;
espeak_VOICE voice_select;
voices = espeak_ListVoices(NULL);
const espeak_VOICE *v;
for(int ix=0; (v = voices[ix]) != NULL; ix++)
printf("Shortsign: %s\n", v->languages);
printf("age: %d\n", v->age);
printf("gender: %c\n", genders[v->gender]);
printf("name: %s\n", v->name);
} // End for
} // End function getvoicename
/* Callback from espeak. Directly speaks using AudioTrack. */
#define LOGI(x) printf("%s\n", x)
static int AndroidEspeakDirectSpeechCallback(short *wav, int numsamples, espeak_EVENT *events)
char buf[100];
sprintf(buf, "AndroidEspeakDirectSpeechCallback: %d samples", numsamples);
if (wav == NULL)
LOGI("Null: speech has completed");
if (numsamples > 0)
//audout->write(wav, sizeof(short) * numsamples);
sprintf(buf, "AudioTrack wrote: %d bytes", sizeof(short) * numsamples);
return 0; // continue synthesis (1 is to abort)
static int AndroidEspeakSynthToFileCallback(short *wav, int numsamples,espeak_EVENT *events)
char buf[100];
sprintf(buf, "AndroidEspeakSynthToFileCallback: %d samples", numsamples);
if (wav == NULL)
LOGI("Null: speech has completed");
// The user data should contain the file pointer of the file to write to
//void* user_data = events->user_data;
FILE* user_data = fopen ( "myfile1.wav" , "ab" );
FILE* fp = static_cast<FILE *>(user_data);
// Write all of the samples
fwrite(wav, sizeof(short), numsamples, fp);
return 0; // continue synthesis (1 is to abort)
int main()
printf("Hello World!\n");
const char* szVersionInfo = espeak_Info(NULL);
printf("Espeak version: %s\n", szVersionInfo);
iSampleRate = espeak_Initialize(AUDIO_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS, 4096, data_path, 0);
if (iSampleRate <= 0)
printf("Unable to initialize espeak");
//samplerate = espeak_Initialize(AUDIO_OUTPUT_PLAYBACK,0,data_path,0);
strcpy(voicename, "default");
// espeak --voices
//strcpy(voicename, "german");
//strcpy(voicename, GetLanguageVoiceName("DE"));
if(espeak_SetVoiceByName(voicename) != EE_OK)
printf("Espeak setvoice error...\n");
static char word[200] = "Hello World" ;
strcpy(word, "TV-fäns aufgepasst, es ist 20 Uhr 15. Zeit für Rambo 3");
strcpy(word, "Unnamed Player wurde zum Opfer von GSG9");
int speed = 220;
int volume = 500; // volume in range 0-100 0=silence
int pitch = 50; // base pitch, range 0-100. 50=normal
// espeak.cpp 625
espeak_SetParameter(espeakRATE, speed, 0);
// espeakRANGE: pitch range, range 0-100. 0-monotone, 50=normal
// espeakPUNCTUATION: which punctuation characters to announce:
// value in espeak_PUNCT_TYPE (none, all, some),
//espeak_VOICE *voice_spec = espeak_GetCurrentVoice();
//voice_spec->gender=2; // 0=none 1=male, 2=female,
//voice_spec->age = age;
unsigned int unique_identifier;
espeak_ERROR err = espeak_Synth( (char*) word, strlen(word)+1, 0, POS_CHARACTER, 0, espeakCHARS_AUTO, &unique_identifier, NULL);
err = espeak_Synchronize();
strcpy(voicename, GetLanguageVoiceName("EN"));
strcpy(word, "Geany was fragged by GSG9 Googlebot");
strcpy(word, "Googlebot");
espeak_Synth( (char*) word, strlen(word)+1, 0, POS_CHARACTER, 0, espeakCHARS_AUTO, NULL, NULL);
// espeak_Cancel();
printf("Espeak terminated\n");
Have you tried passing the buffer you obtain in your callback to sndplaysnd()??
Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
Its standard winAPI is as follows:
sndPlaySound(buffer[0], SND_ASYNC | SND_MEMORY)
Alternately, if you have a wav-file that has the audio to play:
sndPlaySound(filename, SND_ASYNC)
playsound has a ASYNC mode that wouldn't block your program's execution while the audio is being played.
NOTE: I have used it in VB and the above snippets are for use in VB. If you are coding in VC++, you might have to modify them accordingly. But the basic intention remains the same; to pass the buffer to sndPlaySound with the ASYNC flag set.
Good LUCK!!
Several changes in source code are needed to make the windows library have the same functionality as the one on Linux. I listed the changes here. The ready to use binary is also available.
All the patches and the description were also sent to espeak maintainer (publicly, through the mailing list and patches tracker), so maybe in future it will be available directly.