building an amazon store with drupal 7 - amazon-web-services

I've been playing around with an idea for an amazon store with Drupal 7. I do a lot of product reviews, and I typically link to amazon pages already (without referrer IDs, since I wanted toa void any questions of integrity all together), but having a seperate storefront link, well I'm playing with the idea.
I'm using Drupal 7, and I installed the Amazon API and Amazon Store module. It uses an Amazon AWS account and amazon associates ID. Basically creates a light storefront that does all the lifting through amazon itself. It only even uses Amazon items, which is fine since what isn't on Amazon, and only gives you a referral payout.
Well, what I'd love to do is have a stronger control over the items in the store. The Amazon Store module just gives you the option to control the basic items that are visible upon loading.
What I'd like to do: Create a store where categories match the contents of my site, and disable the search options. Is this possible with these modules? Does anyone have advice on creating something like this?

please see the below module and I hope it will be handy


AWS hosted application need autosuggest & wild card search feature

I 'm not sure if this is the correct platform to ask architecture related question, actually I have a webapplication developed in nodejs & typescript hosted in AWS, and the backend is mongodb and my requirement is to include a search box with wild card & auto suggest search functionality so when I start typing on the text box, it will autosuggest just like we do in google search, so how would I achieve this, querying everytime to mongodb will be kind of slow and if 100's of user start doing that, then my application might start dangling so need your suggestion.
Not tried as this more of architecture help required
Not tried as this more of architecture help required
It's not a very detailed answer but may point you in a direction.
I just built something similar using AWS Lambda, ElasticSearch and API Gateway.
ElasticSearch is great for text searches but needs to be populated with indexed data.
If your dataset is changing, you will have to remember about updating ElasticSearch.
API Gateway routes requests from HTTP to Lambda, of which there are two:
one for analysing data in my data warehouse and producing indices for ElasticSearch, the other for doing the actual search and returning results.

Using DynamoDB from CakePHP 3 installed to Elastic Beanstalk

I have installed CakePHP 3 using directions from this tutorial:
It is working perfectly and actually installation was quite easy. There is PHP, CakePHP, MySQL working and also I noticed that the newest AWS SDK as whole is installed in vendor directory. So I am fully set to use also DynamoDB as my data source. You might ask why I should use DynamoDb since I am already using MySQL/MarianDB, this is because we have an application that is already in production and it is using DynamoDB. But we should be able to write admin application using CakePHP in top of DynamoDB. This is not technical decision but coming from business side.
I found good tutorial written by StarTutorial how to use DynamoDB as session handler in CakePHP 3:
Well, there is not long way to using DynamoDB for putting data, getting data and doing scans, isn't there? Do you have any simple example how to do it, how to write data to DynamoDB or do scan?
I have also read the article:
and this is working fine, no problem. But I would like to all the advantages of the CakePHP 3, templating, security and so on, thousands of hours time saved with well written code and very fast to start coding for example admin console :)
Thank you,
You could create a Lambda function (in case you want to go serverless) or any other microservice to abstract communication with your DynamoDB. This will definitely simplify your PHP code. You may call Lambda functions directly (via API Gateway), or post messages to SQS for better decoupling. I would recommend the use of SQS -- you'll need some kind of microservice anyway to consume messages and deal with your DynamoDB in a CQRS fashion. Hope it helps!
Thank you for your answer, I was looking for a example how to use the AWS SDK for DynamoDB without creating more complexity to this environment as it is. This way I would have to create yet another layer without using the SDK that already exists. Can you please give wokring example how AWS SDK is used from CakePHP 3 so that it can use DynamoDB as a data source for its applications without losing it´s own resources an capabilities (MVC, security etc).
Thank you,
After a hard debug and found bugs I was able to get it working with only using AWS SDK in CakePHP 3.

Can I create an algorithm using Amazon MWS API?

I am working with my team to prep a project for a potential client. We've researched Amazon MWS API, and we're trying to develop an algorithm using the data scraped from this API.
Just want to make sure we understand the research correctly:
Is it possible to scrape data from like the plugins RevSeller or HowMany do? Then can we add that data to a database for use in an algorithm to determine whether or not an Amazon reseller should invest in reselling a product?
I am doing a similar project. I don't know the specifics of RevSeller or HowMany, but another very popular plugin is Amzpecty. If you use a tool like Fiddler, you can see the HTTP traffic and figure out what it does. They basically scrape out the ASIN and offer listing ID's on the current page you are looking at and one-by-one call the Amazon Product Advertising API, which is not the same thing as MWS. Out of that data returned, they produce a nice overlay that tells you all kinds of important stuff.
Instead of a browser plugin, I'm just writing an app that makes HTTP calls based on a list of ASIN's to the PA API and then I can run the results through my own algorithms. Hope that gives you a starting point.

Distributing files using AWS (from AWS to local)

we start working with AWS and are currently making our first steps. We picked a first application we want to move to AWS and maybe even re-build using AWS cloud technology.
Application is connecting to a database and based on some query it is going to create documents. Once created it needs to distribute those documents to local file shares to ahve them on site in case network goes down etc...
Wondering what might be a good approach for getting documents from AWS back to our local fileshares? Would be great if someone could point me into a good direction!

Amazon AWS / Rakuten API - Inventory Management

I am sure this question may seem a bit lacking, but I literally do not know where to begin with. I want to develop a solution that will allow me to manage ALL of my Amazon and Rakuten/ inventory from my own website.
My main concern is keeping the inventory in sync, so the process would be as follows:
1.Fetch Orders sold today
a.Subtract the respective quantities
2.Fetch Rakuten orders sold
a.Subtract the respective quantities
3.Update Internal DB of products
a.Send out updated feeds to Amazon and Rakuten.
Again, I apologize if this question may seem a bit lacking, but I am having trouble understanding how exactly to implement this, any tips would be appreciated
For the Amazon part look at
Rakuten, I think you will be able to do what you want with it via the FTP access, I'm still researching this. If I find more I'll respond with a better answer.
In order to process orders, you'll need to use be registered with Rakuten in order to get an authorisation token. For the API doc etc... try sending an email to
Incidentally, to send out updated feeds, you'll need to use the inventory API in order to update stock quantities (given that you'll be selling the same item Amazon etc..).