Command Line closing despite using QProcess::startDetached() - c++

I'm trying to open a server via batch file in cmd.exe in my Qt application. Despite I'm using QProcess::startDetached() to start the command line it closes immediately after start. The server is starting, but instead of "serving" the process is killed. Here is my code:
void DICOMReceiver::startReceiver()
QProcess receiver;
boost::filesystem::path dbDir = boost::filesystem::absolute(databaseDirectory.toStdString());
receiver.startDetached("cmd.exe", QStringList() << "/c" <<
"dcmrcv.bat" << "AETitle:11112" << "-dest " << dbDir.string().c_str());
When I run the batch file manually in the cmd.exe it is working as desired.
Does anybody have an idea how to keep the process running so that I can use the server?

startDetached is a static function. You don't need a process instance.
You should pass a working directory to startDetached. For all I know it "closes" because the batch file doesn't exist where it's looking for it.
Your waitForStarted() call is a no-op since the startDetached method does not know anything about your receiver instance. You simply wrote obfuscated C++ that deceives you. There is no way to wait for a detached process to start when using Qt. A detached process is fire-and-forget.
Do not use waitForXxx methods, as they block the thread they're in, and make the UI unresponsive. Use signal-slot connections and write asynchronous code instead.
So, your method should be fixed as follows:
void DICOMReceiver::startReceiver()
boost::filesystem::path dbDir =
const QString batchPath = QStringLiteral("/path/to/the/batch/file");
QProcess::startDetached("cmd.exe", QStringList() << "/c"
<< "dcmrcv.bat" << "AETitle:11112" << "-dest "
<<< dbDir.string().c_str(), batchPath);


How do I keep a command executed by QProcess when the process ends?

I'm trying to find a way to keep the commands executed by QProcess after GUI program is terminated in Linux system. Now, when the process ends, all the commands executed are gone. Is there a way to keep that after QProcess is terminated?
// code which executes command in linux
QProcess *mproc = new Qprocess(this);
QStringList args;
args << "-c" << "source tool_def1.env; source tool_def2.env; myProg";
mproc->start("/bin/csh", args);
The tool_def1.env and tool_def2.env file are included some environment variables for executing myProg, like set path = (~~~~).
In GUI Program, this code is well done. And, I want to execute myProg program in terminal which GUI program is run after GUI program is terminated.
But, if GUI Program is terminated, I can't run myProg because the environment variables of tool_def1.env and tool_def2.env file is disappear.
Is it possible to keep the environment variables? Or, is it possible to execute myProg program in other process with environment variables of mproc process as following?
QProcess *mproc2 = new QProcess(this);
The overload of QProcess::startDetached you are using is a static method, so it will not take into consideration attributes of particular instances, i.e., mproc->setWorkingDirectory("/home/test") doesn't set the working directory for the static method, only for mproc. When you launch the process, as the working directory is not set for the static call, the program cannot be found and it fails.
As you can see in the documentation, the static startDetached also admits the working directory as a parameter, so you can change your code to:
QStringList args;
args << "-c" << "source tool_def1.env; source tool_def2.env; myProg";
QProcess::startDetached("/bin/csh", args, "/home/test");
Another way is using the non-static version, which requires the program to be specified separately:
QProcess mproc(this);
QStringList args;
args << "-c" << "source tool_def1.env; source tool_def2.env; myProg";
qint64 pid; // to store the process ID (will become invalid if the child process exits)
Regarding your second question, take a look at QProcess::setProcessEnvironment. Just that you'll have to use the non-static way to set the environment of the process. You can get the environment variables of the current process using QProcess::systemEnvironment.
Update from comments: if you want to always use the environment variables active when the GUI application was running (is it some kind of configurator?) you can just save them to a file (a JSON for example), then load and set them manually from the second process.
To extract them, you can do something like:
const auto env_vars = QProcess::systemEnvironment().toStringList();
Now env_vars will be a list of strings with format NAME_OF_ENVAR=VALUE_OF_ENVAR. You can save such list to the file (you will need to prepend an export at the beginning of each line to be usable with source).
I've tested the static version in Windows (VS 15.8.2 and Qt 5.10.0) and it worked as expected. Code used:
#include <qprocess.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QProcess::startDetached("cmd", QStringList() << "/c" << "test.exe", "../test/");
return 0;
where test.exe's code is basically a never ending process.
Note: An interesting fact, and as a note for developer using VS. For the same program and build, if it is executed from the command line it works correctly: application ends and the second process keeps running in the background, but if executed from the VS IDE then the console window keeps alive, and if I close it, the the second process is killed too. When debugged, the debugger ends but the console is still shown. I suppose it is because VS somehow tracks all created processes when launched from the IDE.

Using QProcess to read standard output

In my QT widget application I am attempting to run a shellscript that opens a C++ program and provides inputs to the program as well. The program starts a command prompt that requires the users input to start. Once the program is started the output of the program is redirected via the standard output to a text file. I am attempting to use QProcess to open and run this shellscript, then read the standard output that is being used to print the result of the C++ program to the text file. The shell script only runs this process and does not terminate it. This is because I need to continuously read this output into the GUI as the program is running. It will not be sufficient to wait until the program is finished to read this information. I am fairly new to QT and C++ programming. I was hoping that someone could help me with my implementation of this.
QProcess process;
QString output =process.readAllStandardOutput();
qDebug() << output;
QString err = process.readAllStandardError();
qDebug() << err;
I have experimented with using other read function such as readline and also trying to start the process as a detatched process. I have not had success with any of my experimentations. Is it possible to do what I am attempting in QT. I just need the program to run continuously and for QT to read this output every so often.
Shell script:
cd Desktop
cd tutorial3App
cd bin
echo "start" | ./tutorial3
C++ code: I need the meanTOE value to be captured in standard output to use in my GUI.
/ Calculate average time to end of discharge
double meanToE = std::accumulate(ToESamples.begin(), ToESamples.end(), 0.0)/ToESamples.size();
file << ": EOL in " << meanToE << " s" << std::endl;
As I said in my comments one of the main problems is that when you run tutorial3 that process is separated so you can not get the output. Therefore, I recommend executing it directly, and QProcess is probably a local variable, eliminating after printing an empty text, a possible solution is to create a pointer. Another improvement would be to use the readyReadStandardOutput and readyReadStandardError signals since the impressions are not automatic.
QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
connect(process, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, [process, this](){
QString output =process->readAllStandardOutput();
qDebug() << "output: "<< output;
connect(process, &QProcess::readyReadStandardError, [process](){
QString err = process->readAllStandardError();
qDebug() << "error: "<<err;
process->start("tutorial3", QStringList() << "start");
I think you have to read about signals and slots in Qt. QProcess has got a signal readyReadStandardOutput. So you have to connect to this signal and in your slot you should use QProcess function readAllStandardOutput. In other words when your shell programm outputs something you catch it in your slot and dump it or whatever you want.
Check the answer on this question. It might help you.
reading and writing to QProcess in Qt Console Application

ubuntu server pipeline stop process termination when the first exit

The situation is: I have an external application so I don't have the source code and i can't change it. While running, the application writes logs to the stderr. The task is to write a program that check the output of it and separate some part of the output to other file. My solution is to start the app like
./externalApp 2>&1 | myApp
the myApp is a c++ app with the following source:
using namespace std;
int main ()
string str;
ofstream A;"A.log");
ofstream B;"B.log");
A << "test start" << endl;
int i = 0;
while (getline(cin,str))
if(str.find("asdasd") != string::npos)
A << str << endl;
B << str << endl;
A << "test end: " << i << " lines" << endl;
return 0;
The externalApp can crash or be terminated. A that moment the myApp gets terminated too and it is don't write the last lines and don't close the files. The file can be 60Gb or larger so saving it and processing it after not a variant.
Correction: My problem is that when the externalApp crash it terminate myApp. That mean any code after while block will never run. So the question is: Is there a way to run myApp even after the externalApp closed?
How can I do this task correctly? I interesed in any other idea to do this task.
There's nothing wrong with the shown code, and nothing in your question offers any evidence of anything being wrong with the shown code. No evidence was shown that your logging application actually received "the last lines" to be written from that external application. Most likely that external application simply failed to write them to standard output or error, before crashing.
The most likely explanation is that your external application checks if its standard output or error is connected to an interactive terminal; if so each line of its log message is followed by an explicit buffer flush. When the external application's standard output is a pipe, no such flushing takes place, so the log messages get buffered up, and are flushed only when the application's internal output buffer is full. This is a fairly common behavior. But because of that, when the external application crashes its last logged lines are lost forever. Because your logger never received them. Your logger can't do anything about log lines it never read.
In your situation, the only available option is to set up and connect a pseudo-tty device to the external application's standard output and error, making it think that's connected to an interactive terminal, while its output is actually captured by your application.
You can't do this from the shell. You need to write some code to set this up. You can start by reading the pty(7) manual page which explains the procedure to follow, at which point you will end up with file descriptors that you can take, and attach to your external application.
If you want your program to cleanly deal with the external program crashing you will probably need to handle SIGPIPE. The default behaviour of this signal is to terminate the process.
So the problem was not that when the first element of the pipe ended it terminate the second. The real problem was that the two app with pipes launched from bash script and when the bash script ended it terminated all of it child process. I solved it using
that way my app executed to the end.
Thank you for all the answer at least I learned lot about the signals and pipes.

Qt QProcess startDetached can't end process (bash session)

I'm trying to call a shell script from a Qt GUI, but after running the script, the bash session stays open when it should finish.
Having this code:
QString s = "./ " + argument;
qint64 *pid = NULL;
QProcess process;
process.startDetached("/bin/bash", QStringList() << "-c" << s, NULL, pid);
bool finished = process.waitForFinished(-1);
std::cout << "ended";
So after running the script, it is expecting a command to be entered, I can put any command and it will execute it. The problem is that it never finishes until I enter a command.
I also tried modifying the s variable like this:
QString s = "./ " + argument + " ;exit";
hoping that it would end up the bash session, but nothing happens.
If instead of using the function startDetached I use start it does close the bash session without the ;exit command.
Hope someone knows how to solve it or a workaround!
startDetached() is a static method; you started a new process, but it's not represented by the process object.
When you wait for process to finish, it will wait forever, because process was never started.
Try something like:
process.start("/bin/bash", QStringList() << "-c" << s);
bool finished = process.waitForFinished(-1);
You might want to redirect I/O before start().

C++ Run Batch file as standalone process and kill and remove argv[0]

Let's imagine I have following code:
ofstream selfdelfile;"selfdel.bat",ios::out);
selfdelfile << "del \"" << argv[0] << "\"" << endl;
selfdelfile << "del %0";
system("cmd /K selfdel.bat &");
C++ Application creates/writes file selfdel.bat with following lines
del "C:\Users\temp\test_app.exe"
del %0
So, Batch should remove/delete the exe application, and itself.
So heres trouble: since C++ app runs batch by system("selfdel.bat") theres no way to delete exe application, the output says Process can't be terminated. Ofc, C++ app is waiting for batch, and batch cannot delete .exe.
I was trying, to Kill process, delte file, e.t.c.
SO how to do that? May be Start a new Process or Thread? Could someone provide an simple example C++ runs Batch , and Batch removes itself + application. Thank you
I found the working solution for me, just by adding "start" before batchfile
system("start selfdel.bat &");
Now batch opens in a new windows, and c++ application is getting closed and deleted.