Performance impact of objects - c++

I am a beginner programmer with some experience at c and c++ programming. I was assigned by the university to make a physics simulator, so as you might imagine there's a big emphasis on performance.
My questions are the following:
How many assembly instructions does an instance data member access
through a pointer translate to (i.e for an example vector->x )?
Is it much more then say another approach where you simply access the
memory through say a char* (at the same memory location of variable
x), or is it the same?
Is there a big impact on performance
compiler-wise if I use an object to access that memory location or
if I just access it?
Another question regarding the subject would be
whether or not accessing heap memory is faster then stack memory

C++ is a compiled language. Accessing a memory location through a pointer is the same regardless of whether that's a pointer to an object or a pointer to a char* - it's one instruction in either case. There are a couple of spots where C++ adds overhead, but it always buys you some flexibility. For example, invoking a virtual function requires an extra level of indirection. However, you would need the same indirection anyway if you were to emulate the virtual function with function pointers, or you would spend a comparable number of CPU cycles if you were to emulate it with a switch or a sequence of ifs.
In general, you should not start optimizing before you know what part of your code to optimize. Usually only a small part of your code is responsible for the bulk of the CPU time used by your program. You do not know what part to optimize until you profile your code. Almost universally it's programmer's code, not the language features of C++, that is responsible for the slowdown. The only way to know for sure is to profile.

On x86, a pointer access is typically one extra instruction, above and beyond what you normally need to perform the operation (e.x. y = object->x; would be one load of the address in object, and one load of the value of x, and one store to y - in x86 assembler both loads and stores are mov instructions with memory target). Sometimes it's "zero" instructions, because the compiler can optimise away the load of the object pointer. In other architectures, it's really down to how the architecture works - some architectures have very limited ways of accessing memory and/or loading addresses to pointers, etc, making it awkward to access pointers.
Exactly the same number of instructions - this applies for all
As #2 - objects in themselves have no impact at all.
Heap memory and stack memory is the same kind. One answer says that "stack memory is always in the caceh", which is true if it's "near the top of the stack", where all the activity goes on, but if you have an object that is being passed around that was created in main, and a pointer to it is used to pass it around for several layers of function calls, and then access through the pointer, there is an obvious chance that this memory hasn't been used for a long while, so there is no real difference there either). The big difference is that "heap memory is plenty of space, stack is limited" along with "running out of heap is possible to do limited recovery, running out of stack is immediate end of execution [without tricks that aren't very portable]"
If you look at class as a synonym for struct in C (which aside from some details, they really are), then you will realize that class and objects are not really adding any extra "effort" to the code generated.
Of course, used correctly, C++ can make it much easier to write code where you deal with things that are "do this in a very similar way, but subtly differently". In C, you often end up with :
void drawStuff(Shape *shapes, int count)
for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
switch (shapes[i].shapeType)
case Circle:
... code to draw a circle ...
case Rectangle:
... code to draw a rectangle ...
case Square:
case Triangle:
In C++, we can do this at the object creation time, and your "drawStuff" becoems:
void drawStuff(std::vector<Shape*> shapes)
for(auto s : shapes)
"Look Ma, no switch..." ;)
(Of course, you do need a switch or something to do the selection of which object to create, but once choice is made, assuming your objects and the surrounding architecture are well defined, everything should work "magically" like the above example).
Finally, if it's IMPORTANT with performance, then run benchmarks, run profiling and check where the code is spending it's time. Don't optimise too early (but if you have strict performance criteria for something, keep an eye on it, because deciding on the last week of a project that you need to re-organise your data and code dramatically because performance sucks due to some bad decision is also not the best of ideas!). And don't optimise for individual instructions, look at where the time is spent, and come up with better algorithms WHERE you need to. (In the above example, using const std::vector<Shape*>& shapes will effectively pass a pointer to the shapes vector passed in, instead of copying the entire thing - which may make a difference if there are a few thousand elements in shapes).

It depends on your target architecture. An struct in C (and a class in C++) is just a block of memory containing the members in sequence. An access to such a field through a pointer means adding an offset to the pointer and loading from there. Many architectures allow a load to already specify an offset to the target address, meaning that there is no performance penalty there; but even on extreme RISC machines that don't have that, adding the offset should be so cheap that the load completely shadows it.
Stack and heap memory are really the same thing. Just different areas. Their basic access speed is therefore the same. The main difference is that the stack will most likely already be in the cache no matter what, whereas heap memory might not be if it hasn't been accessed lately.

Variable. On most processors instructions are translated to something called microcode, similar to how Java bytecode are translated to processor-specific instructions before you run it. How many actual instructions you get are different between different processor manufacturers and models.
Same as above, it depends on processor internals most of us know little about.
1+2. What you should be asking are how many clock cycles these operations take. On modern platforms the answer are one. It does not matter how many instructions they are, a modern processor have optimizations to make both run on one clock cycle. I will not get into detail here. I other words, when talking about CPU load there are no difference at all.
Here you have the tricky part. While there are no difference in how many clock cycles the instruction itself take, it needs to have data from memory before it can run - this can take a HUGE ammount of clock cycles. Actually someone proved a few years ago that even with a very optimized program a x86 processor spends at least 50% of its time waiting for memory access.
When you use stack memory you are actually doing the same thing as creating an array of structs. For the data, instructions are not duplicated unless you have virtual functions. This makes data aligned and if you are going to do sequential access, you will have optimal cache hits. When you use heap memory you will create an array of pointers, and each object will have its own memory. This memory will NOT be aligned and therefore sequential access will have a lot of cache misses. And cache misses are what really will your application slower and should be avoided at all cost.
I do not know exactly what you are doing but in many cases even using objects are much slower than plain arrays. An array of objects are aligned [object1][object2] etc. If you do something like pseudocode "for each object o {o.setX() = o.getX() + 1}"... this means that you will only access one variable and your sequential access would therefore jump over the other variables in each object and get more cache misses than if your X-variables where aligned in their own array. And if you have code that use all variables in your object, standard arrays will not be slower than object array. It will just load the different arrays into different cache blocks.
While standard arrays are faster in C++ they are MUCH faster in other languages like Java, where you should NEVER store bulk data in objects - as Java objects use more memory and are always stored at the heap. This are the most common mistake that C++ programmers do in Java, and then complain that Java are slow. However if they know how to write optimal C++ programs they store data in arrays which are as fast in Java as in C++.
What I usually do are a class to store the data, that contains arrays. Even if you use the heap, its just one object which becomes as fast as using the stack. Then I have something like "class myitem { private: int pos; mydata data; public getVar1() {return data.getVar1(pos);}}". I do not write out all of the code here, just illustrating how I do this. Then when I iterate trough it the iterator class do not actually return a new myitem instance for each item, it increase the pos value and return the same object. This means you get a nice OO API while you actually only have a few objects and and nicely aligned arrays. This pattern are the fastest pattern in C++ and if you don't use it in Java you will know pain.
The fact that we get multiple function calls do not really matter. Modern processors have something called branch prediction which will remove the cost of the vast majority of those calls. Long before the code actually runs the branch predictor will have figured out what the chains of calls do and replaced them with a single call in the generated microcode.
Also even if all calls would run each would take far less clock cycles the memory access they require, which as I pointed out makes memory alignment the only issue that should bother you.


Pointer against not pointer

I read in many places including Effective C++ that it is better to store data on the stack and not as pointer to the data.
I can understand doing this with small object, because the number of new and delete calls is also reduced, which reduces the chance of a memory leak. Also, the pointer can take more space than the object itself.
But with large object, where copying them will be expensive, is it not better to store them in a smart pointer?
Because with many operations with the large object there will be few object copying which is very expensive (I am not including the getters and setters).
Let's focus purely on efficiency. There's no one-size-fits-all, unfortunately. It depends on what you are optimizing for. There's a saying, always optimize the common case. But what is the common case? Sometimes the answer lies in understanding your software's design inside out. Sometimes it's unknowable even at the high level in advance because your users will discover new ways to use it that you didn't anticipate. Sometimes you will extend the design and reveal new common cases. So optimization, but especially micro-optimization, is almost always best applied in hindsight, based on both this user-end knowledge and with a profiler in your hand.
The few times you can usually have really good foresight about the common case is when your design is forcing it rather than responding to it. For example, if you are designing a class like std::deque, then you're forcing the common case write usage to be push_fronts and push_backs rather than insertions to the middle, so the requirements give you decent foresight as to what to optimize. The common case is embedded into the design, and there's no way the design would ever want to be any different. For higher-level designs, you're usually not so lucky. And even in the cases where you know the broad common case in advance, knowing the micro-level instructions that cause slowdowns is too often incorrectly guessed, even by experts, without a profiler. So the first thing any developer should be interested in when thinking about efficiency is a profiler.
But here's some tips if you do run into a hotspot with a profiler.
Memory Access
Most of the time, the biggest micro-level hotspots if you have any will relate to memory access. So if you have a large object that is just one contiguous block where all the members are getting accessed in some tight loop, it'll aid performance.
For example, if you have an array of 4-component mathematical vectors you're sequentially accessing in a tight algorithm, you'll generally fare far, far better if they're contiguous like so:
... with a single-block structure like this (all in one contiguous block):
This is because the machine will fetch this data into a cache line which will have the adjacent vectors' data inside of it when it's all tightly packed and contiguous in memory like this.
You can very quickly slow down the algorithm if you used something like std::vector here to represent each individual 4-component mathematical vector, where every single individual one stores the mathematical components in a potentially completely different place in memory. Now you could potentially have a cache miss with each vector. In addition, you're paying for additional members since it's a variable-sized container.
std::vector is a "2-block" object that often looks like this when we use it for a mathematical 4-vector:
ptr --> [x y z w] another block
It also stores an allocator but I'll omit that for simplicity.
On the flip side, if you have a big "1-block" object where only some of its members get accessed in those tight, performance-critical loops, then it might be better to make it into a "2-block" structure. Say you have some Vertex structure where the most-accessed part of it is the x/y/z position but it also has a less commonly-accessed list of adjacent vertices. In that case, it might be better to hoist that out and store that adjacency data elsewhere in memory, perhaps even completely outside of the Vertex class itself (or merely a pointer), because your common case, performance-critical algorithms not accessing that data will then be able to access more contiguous vertices nearby in a single cache line since the vertices will be smaller and point to that rarely-accessed data elsewhere in memory.
Creation/Destruction Overhead
When rapid creation and destruction of objects is a concern, you can also do better to create each object in a contiguous memory block. The fewer separate memory blocks per object, the faster it'll generally go (since whether or not this stuff is going on the heap or stack, there will be fewer blocks to allocate/deallocate).
Free Store/Heap Overhead
So far I've been talking more about contiguity than stack vs. heap, and it's because stack vs. heap relates more to client-side usage of an object rather than an object's design. When you're designing the representation of an object, you don't know whether it's going on the stack or heap. What you do know is whether it's going to be fully contiguous (1 block) or not (multiple blocks).
But naturally if it's not contiguous, then at least part of it is going on the heap, and heap allocations and deallocations can be enormously expensive if you are relating the cost to the hardware stack. However, you can mitigate this overhead often with the use of efficient O(1) fixed allocators. They serve a more special purpose than malloc or free, but I would suggest concerning yourself less with the stack vs. heap distinction and more about the contiguity of an object's memory layout.
Copy/Move Overhead
Last but not least, if you are copying/swapping/moving objects a lot, then the smaller they are, the cheaper this is going to be. So you might want to sort pointers or indices to big objects sometimes, for example, instead of the original object, since even a move constructor for a type T where sizeof(T) is a large number is going to be expensive to copy/move.
So move constructing something like the "2-block" std::vector here which is not contiguous (its dynamic contents are contiguous, but that's a separate block) and stores its bulky data in a separate memory block is actually going to be cheaper than move constructing like a "1-block" 4x4 matrix that is contiguous. It's because there's no such thing as a cheap shallow copy if the object is just one big memory block rather than a tiny one with a pointer to another. One of the funny trends that arises is that objects which are cheap to copy are expensive to move, and ones which are very expensive to copy are cheap to move.
However, I would not let copying/move overhead impact your object implementation choices, because the client can always add a level of indirection there if he needs for a particular use case that taxes copies and moves. When you're designing for memory layout-type micro-efficiency, the first thing to focus on is contiguity.
The rule for optimization is this: if you have no code or no tests or no profiling measurements, don't do it. As others have wisely suggested, your number one concern is always productivity (which includes maintainability, safety, clarity, etc). So instead of trapping yourself in hypothetical what-if scenarios, the first thing to do is to write the code, measure it twice, and change it if you really have to do so. It's better to focus on how to design your interfaces appropriately so that if you do have to change anything, it'll just affect one local source file.
The reality is that this is a micro-optimisation. You should write the code to make it readable, maintainable and robust. If you worry about speed, you use a profiling tool to measure the speed. You find things that take more time than they should, and then and only then do you worry about speed optimisation.
An object should obviously only exist once. If you make multiple copies of an object that is expensive to copy you are wasting time. You also have different copies of the same object, which is in itself not a good thing.
"Move semantics" avoids expensive copying in cases where you didn't really want to copy anything but just move an object from here to there. Google for it; it is quite an important thing to understand.
What you said is essentially correct. However, move semantics alleviate the concern about object copying in a large number of cases.

Does the static keyword play a role in C/C++ and the storage level?

This question has been bugging me for a while.
From what I understand that are various levels of storage. They are
CPU Registers
Lower Level Cache
Memory (RAM/ROM)
Hard Disk Space
With "fastest access time / fewest number" of at the top and "slowest access time / most number of" towards the bottom?
In C/C++ how do you control whether variables are put into (and stay in) Lower Level Cache? I'm assuming there is not a way to control which variables say in CPU registers since there are a very limited number.
I want to say that the C/C++ static keyword plays some part in it, but wanted to get clarification on this.
I understand how the static works in theory. Namely that
#include <stdio.h>
void increment(){
static int iSum = 0;
printf(" iSum = %d\n", ++iSum);
void main(int argc, char* argv[]){
int iInc = 0;
for(iInc = 0; iInc < 5; iInc++)
Would print
iSum = 1
iSum = 2
iSum = 3
iSum = 4
iSum = 5
But I am not certain how the different levels of storage play a part. Does where a variable lies depend more on the optimziation level such as through invoking the -o2 and -o3 flags on GCC?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
The static keyword has nothing to do with cache hinting and the compiler is free to allocate registers as it thinks suits better. You might have thought of that because of the storage class specifiers list with a deprecated register specifier.
There's no way to precisely control via C++ (or C) standard-conformant language features how caching and/or register allocation work because you would have to deeply interface with your underlying hardware (and writing your own register allocator or hinting on how to store/spill/cache stuff). Register allocation is usually a compiler's back-end duty while caching stuff is processor's work (along with instruction pipelining, branch prediction and other low-level tasks).
It is true that changing the compiler's optimization level might deeply affect how variables are accessed/loaded into registers. Ideally you would keep everything into registers (they're fast) but since you can't (their size and number is limited) the compiler has to make some predictions and guess what should be spilled (i.e. taken out of a register and reloaded later) and what not (or even optimized-out). Register allocation is a NP-complete problem. In CUDA C you usually can't deal with such issues but you do have a chance of specifying the caching mechanism you intend to use by using different types of memory. However this is not standard C++ as extensions are in place.
Caches are intermediate storage areas between main memory and registers.
They are used because accessing memory today is very expensive, measured in clock ticks, compared to how things used to be (memory access hasn't increased in speed anywhere near what's happened to CPUs).
So they are a way to "simulate" faster memory access while letting you write exactly the same code as without them.
Variables are never "stored" in the cache as such — their values are only held there temporarily in case the CPU needs them. Once modified, they are written out to their proper place in main memory (if they reside there and not in a register).
And statichas nothing to do with any of this.
If a program is small enough, the compiler can decide to use a register for that, too, or inline it to make it disappear completely.
Essentially you need to start looking at writing applications and code that are cache coherent. This is a quick intro to cache coherence:
Its a long and complicated subject and essentially boils down to actual implementation of algorithms along with the platform that they are targeting. There is a similar discussion in the following thread:
Can I force cache coherency on a multicore x86 CPU?
A function variable declared as static makes it's lifetime that of the duration of the program. That's all C/C++ says about it, nothing about staorage/memory.
To answer this question:
In C/C++ how do you control whether variables are put into (and stay
in) Lower Level Cache?
You can't. You can do some stuff to help the data stay in cache, but you can't pin anything in cache.
It's not what those caches are for, they are mainly fed from the main memory, to speed up access, or allow for some advanced techniques like branch prediction and pipelining.
I think there may be a few things that need clarification. CPU cache (L1, L2, L3, etc...) is a mechanism the CPU uses to avoid having to read and write directly to memory for values that will be accessed more frequently. It isn't distinct from RAM; it could be thought of as a narrow window of it.
Using cache effectively is extremely complex, and it requires nuanced knowledge of code memory access patterns, as well as the underlying architecture. You generally don't have any direct control over the cache mechanism, and an enormous amount of research has gone into compilers and CPUs to use CPU cache effectively. There are storage class specifiers, but these aren't meant to perform cache preload or support streaming.
Maybe it should be noted that simply because something takes fewer cycles to use (register, L1, L2, etc...) doesn't mean using it will necessarily make code faster. For example, if something is only written to memory once, loading it into L1 may cause a cache eviction, which could move data needed for a tight loop into a slower memory. Since the data that's accessed more frequently now takes more cycles to access, the cumulative impact would be lower (not higher) performance.

Will a modern processor (like the i7) follow pointers and prefetch their data while iterating over a list of them?

I want to learn how to write better code that takes advantage of the CPU's cache. Working with contiguous memory seems to be the ideal situation. That being said, I'm curious if there are similar improvements that can be made with non-contiguous memory, but with an array of pointers to follow, like:
struct Position {
int32_t x,y,z;
std::vector<Position*> posPointers;
updatePosition () {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < posPointers.size(); i++) {
Position& nextPos = *posPointers[i];
This is just some rough mock-up code, and for the sake of learning this properly let's just say that all Position structs were created randomly all over the heap.
Can modern, smart, processors such as Intel's i7 look ahead and see that it's going to need X_ptr's data very shortly? Would the following line of code help?
... // for loop
Position& nextPos1 = *posPointers[i];
Position& nextPos2 = *posPointers[i+1];
Position& nextPos3 = *posPointers[i+2];
Position& nextPos4 = *posPointers[i+3];
... // Work on data here
I had read some presentation slides that seemed to indicate code like this would cause the processor to prefetch some data. Is that true? I am aware there are non-standard, platform specific, ways to call prefetching like __builtin_prefetch, but throwing that all over the place just seems like an ugly premature optimization. I am looking for a way I can subconsciously write cache-efficient code.
I know you didn't ask (and probably don't need a sermon on proper treatment of caches, but I thought I'd contribute my two cents anyways. Note that all this only applies in hot code. Remember that premature optimization is the root of all evil.
As has been pointed out in the comments, the best way is to have containers of actual data. Generally speaking, flat data structures are much preferable to "pointer spaghetti", even if you have to duplicate some data and/or pay a price for resizing/moving/defragmenting your data structures.
And as you know, flat data structures (e.g. an array of data) only pay off if you access them linearly and sequentially most of the time.
But this strategy may not always be usable. In lieu of actual linear data, you can use other strategies like employing pool allocators, and iterating over the pools themselves, instead of over the vector holding the pointers. This of course has its own disadvantages and can be a bit more complicated.
I'm sure you know this already, but it bears mentioning again that one of the most effective techniques for getting most out of your cache is having smaller data! In the above code, if you can get away with int16_t instead of int32_t, you should definitely do so. You should pack your many bools and flags and enums into bit-fields, use indexes instead of pointers (specially on 64-bit systems,) use fixed-size hash values in your data structures instead of strings, etc.
Now, about your main question that whether the processor can follow random pointers around and bring the data into cache before they are needed. To a very limited extent, this does happen. As probably you know, modern CPUs employ a lot of tricks to increase their speed (i.e. increase their instruction retire rate.) Tricks like having a store buffer, out-of-order execution, superscalar pipelines, multiple functional units of every kind, branch prediction, etc. Most of the time, these tricks all just help the CPU to keep executing instructions, even if the current instructions have stalled or take too long to finish. For memory loads (which is the slowest thing to do, iff the data is not in the cache,) this means that the CPU should get to the instruction as soon as possible, calculate the address, and request the data from the memory controller. However, the memory controller can have only a very limited number of outstanding requests (usually two these days, but I'm not sure.) This means that even if the CPU did very sophisticated stuff to look ahead into other memory locations (e.g. the elements of your posPointers vector) and deduce that these are the addresses of new data that your code is going to need, it couldn't get very far ahead because the memory controller can have only so many requests pending.
In any case, AFAIK, I don't think that CPUs actually do that yet. Note that this is a hard case, because the addresses of your randomly distributed memory locations are themselves in memory (as opposed to being in a register or calculable from the contents of a register.) And if the CPUs did it, it wouldn't have that much of an effect anyways because of memory interface limitations.
The prefetching technique you mentioned seems valid to me and I've seen it used, but it only yields noticeable effect if your CPU has something to do while waiting for the future data to arrive. Incrementing three integers takes a lot less time than loading 12 bytes from memory (loading one cache line, actually) and therefor it won't mean much for the execution time. But if you had something worthwhile and more heavyweight to overlay on top of the memory prefetches (e.g. calculating a complex function that doesn't require data from memory!) then you could get very nice speedups. You see, the time to go through the above loop is essentially the sum of the time of all the cache misses; and you are getting the coordinate increments and the loop bookkeeping for free. So, you'd have won more if the free stuff were more valuable!
Modern processors have hardware prefetching mechanisms: Intel Hardware prefetcher. They infer stride access patterns to memory and prefetch memory locations that are likely to be accessed in the near future.
However in the case of totally random pointer chasing such techniques can not help. The processor does not know that the program in execution is performing pointer chasing, therefore it can not prefetch accordingly. In such cases hardware mechanisms are detrimental for performance as they would prefetch values that are not likely to be used.
The best that you can do is try to organize you data structures in memory in such a way that accesses to contiguous portions of memory are more likely.

std::sort on container of pointers

I want to explore the performance differences for multiple dereferencing of data inside a vector of new-ly allocated structs (or classes).
struct Foo
int val;
// some variables
std::vector<Foo*> vectorOfFoo;
// Foo objects are new-ed and pushed in vectorOfFoo
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
Foo *f = new Foo;
In the parts of the code where I iterate over vector I would like to enhance locality of reference through the many iterator derefencing, for example I have very often to perform a double nested loop
for (vector<Foo*>::iterator iter1 = vectorOfFoo.begin(); iter!=vectorOfFoo.end(); ++iter1)
int somevalue = (*iter)->value;
Obviously if the pointers inside the vectorOfFoo are very far, I think locality of reference is somewhat lost.
What about the performance if before the loop I sort the vector before iterating on it? Should I have better performance in repeated dereferencings?
Am I ensured that consecutive ´new´ allocates pointer which are close in the memory layout?
Just to answer your last question: no, there is no guarantee whatsoever where new allocates memory. The allocations can be distributed throughout the memory. Depending on the current fragmentation of the memory you may be lucky that they are sometimes close to each other but no guarantee is - or, actually, can be - given.
If you want to improve the locality of reference for your objects then you should look into Pool Allocation.
But that's pointless without profiling.
It depends on many factors.
First, it depends on how your objects that are being pointed to from the vector were allocated. If they were allocated on different pages then you cannot help it but fix the allocation part and/or try to use software prefetching.
You can generally check what virtual addresses malloc gives out, but as a part of the larger program the result of separate allocations is not deterministic. So if you want to control the allocation, you have to do it smarter.
In case of NUMA system, you have to make sure that the memory you are accessing is allocated from the physical memory of the node on which your process is running. Otherwise, no matter what you do, the memory will be coming from the other node and you cannot do much in that case except transfer you program back to its "home" node.
You have to check the stride that is needed in order to jump from one object to another. Pre-fetcher can recognize the stride within 512 byte window. If the stride is greater, you are talking about a random memory access from the pre-fetcher point of view. Then it will shut off not to evict your data from the cache, and the best you can do there is to try and use software prefetching. Which may or may not help (always test it).
So if sorting the vector of pointers makes the objects pointed by them continuously placed one after another with a relatively small stride - then yes, you will improve the memory access speed by making it more friendly for the prefetch hardware.
You also have to make sure that sorting that vector doesn't result in a worse gain/lose ratio.
On a side note, depending on how you use each element, you may want to allocate them all at once and/or split those objects into different smaller structures and iterate over smaller data chunks.
At any rate, you absolutely must measure the performance of the whole application before and after your changes. These sort of optimizations is a tricky business and things can get worse even though in theory the performance should have been improved. There are many tools that can be used to help you profile the memory access. For example, cachegrind. Intel's VTune does the same. And many other tools. So don't guess, experiment and verify the results.

Access cost of dynamically created objects with dynamically allocated members

I'm building an application which will have dynamic allocated objects of type A each with a dynamically allocated member (v) similar to the below class
class A {
int a;
int b;
int* v;
The memory for v will be allocated in the constructor.
v will be allocated once when an object of type A is created and will never need to be resized.
The size of v will vary across all instances of A.
The application will potentially have a huge number of such objects and mostly need to stream a large number of these objects through the CPU but only need to perform very simple computations on the members variables.
Could having v dynamically allocated could mean that an instance of A and its member v are not located together in memory?
What tools and techniques can be used to test if this fragmentation is a performance bottleneck?
If such fragmentation is a performance issue, are there any techniques that could allow A and v to allocated in a continuous region of memory?
Or are there any techniques to aid memory access such as pre-fetching scheme? for example get an object of type A operate on the other member variables whilst pre-fetching v.
If the size of v or an acceptable maximum size could be known at compile time would replacing v with a fixed sized array like int v[max_length] lead to better performance?
The target platforms are standard desktop machines with x86/AMD64 processors, Windows or Linux OSes and compiled using either GCC or MSVC compilers.
If you have a good reason to care about performance...
Could having v dynamically allocated could mean that an instance of A and its member v
are not located together in memory?
If they are both allocated with 'new', then it is likely that they will be near one another. However, the current state of memory can drastically affect this outcome, it depends significantly on what you've been doing with memory. If you just allocate a thousand of these things one after another, then the later ones will almost certainly be "nearly contiguous".
If the A instance is on the stack, it is highly unlikely that its 'v' will be nearby.
If such fragmentation is a performance issue, are there any techniques that could
allow A and v to allocated in a continuous region of memory?
Allocate space for both, then placement new them into that space. It's dirty, but it should typically work:
char* p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(sizeof(A) + sizeof(A::v)));
char* v = p + sizeof(A);
A* a = new (p) A(v);
// time passes
Or are there any techniques to aid memory access such as pre-fetching scheme?
Prefetching is compiler and platform specific, but many compilers have intrinsics available to do it. Mind- it won't help a lot if you're going to try to access that data right away, for prefetching to be of any value you often need to do it hundreds of cycles before you want the data. That said, it can be a huge boost to speed. The intrinsic would look something like __pf(my_a->v);
If the size of v or an acceptable maximum size could be known at compile time
would replacing v with a fixed sized array like int v[max_length] lead to better
Maybe. If the fixed size buffer is usually close to the size you'll need, then it could be a huge boost in speed. It will always be faster to access one A instance in this way, but if the buffer is unnecessarily gigantic and largely unused, you'll lose the opportunity for more objects to fit into the cache. I.e. it's better to have more smaller objects in the cache than it is to have a lot of unused data filling the cache up.
The specifics depend on what your design and performance goals are. An interesting discussion about this, with a "real-world" specific problem on a specific bit of hardware with a specific compiler, see The Pitfalls of Object Oriented Programming (that's a Google Docs link for a PDF, the PDF itself can be found here).
Could having v dynamically allocated could mean that an instance of A and its member v are not located together in memory?
Yes, it that will be likely.
What tools and techniques can be used to test if this fragmentation is a performance bottleneck?
cachegrind, shark.
If such fragmentation is a performance issue, are there any techniques that could allow A and v to allocated in a continuous region of memory?
Yes, you could allocate them together, but you should probably see if it's an issue first. You could use arena allocation, for example, or write your own allocators.
Or are there any techniques to aid memory access such as pre-fetching scheme? for example get an object of type A operate on the other member variables whilst pre-fetching v.
Yes, you could do this. The best thing to do would be to allocate regions of memory used together near each other.
If the size of v or an acceptable maximum size could be known at compile time would replacing v with a fixed sized array like int v[max_length] lead to better performance?
It might or might not. It would at least make v local with the struct members.
Write code.
If you need to stream a large number of these through the CPU and do very little calculation on each one, as you say, why are we doing all this memory allocation?
Could you just have one copy of the structure, and one (big) buffer of v, read your data into it (in binary, for speed), do your very little calculation, and move on to the next one.
The program should spend almost 100% of time in I/O.
If you pause it several times while it's running, you should see it almost every time in the process of calling a system routine like FileRead. Some profilers might give you this information, except they tend to be allergic to I/O time.