I would like to calculate the Manhattan distance between 2 arrays in Fortran according to the formula:
d = Sum(|P(i)-R(i)|)
So I made a code in Fortran:
function DistM(v, u, dim)
integer dim
real(8) v(dim), u(dim), DistM
end function DistM
I call this function by using this:
Coeff=DistM(tempvector1,tempvector2, dim)
But this doesn't seem to work (I don't get any return). I also tried by taking the power of 2 and then doing the sqrt of it, but it gets stuck at the sqrt then (if I run it in steps).
I tried another function and that one worked (see here after), but this one doesn't work :(:
function Roznica(v, u, dim)
integer dim
real(8) v(dim), u(dim), Rozn
end function Roznica
Anyone an idea?
I would write a Manhattan distance function simply like this (with assumed-shape arrays you no longer have to use automatic arrays like you do, provided the function has an explicit interface):
pure function L1(v)
real, intent(in) :: v(:) ! <- shape assumed from actual argument
real :: L1
L1 = sum(abs(v))
end function
And then if you have two vectors you simply call the function as foo = L1(p - q).
I am a bit confused on this subroutine. I have read the documentation but I am a bit confused what exactly the IPIV vector does and how exactly I set my leading dimension. I read that the leading dimension helps to find the starting point for the matrix elements in each successive column of the array. For example lets say we want to solve
Ax = B
integer, parameter :: sp = selected_real_kind(6,37)
real(kind=sp),dimension(:,:),intent(inout) :: A
real(kind=sp),dimension(:),intent(inout) :: B
integer, dimension(10) :: IPIV
where sp is for single precision which I have set in my main program
and the dimensions are
which are set in my main program and passed to this subroutine
Should I set my subroutine as
integer :: n,INFO
n = size(A,1)
IPIV = 0
call SGESV(n,n,A,2*n,IPIV,B,2*n,INFO)
call SGESV(n,n,A,n,IPIV,B,n,INFO)
and for IPIV I should just create a vector of size 10 and initialize it with zeros?
edit : I have used
call sgesv(n, n, A, n, ipiv, B, n, INFO)
as proposed as well but I get a segmentation error Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.
I have printed the matrix sizes and they are correct which are the size of the matrix A is 100 and the size of the vector is 10
Edit2 : So in my main I have a loop which inside my loop it calculates a matrix of A (10,10) and a vector B(10) at each iteration. Then I call my subroutine to solve the system
call solver(A,B)
However I get the segmentation error which I do not understand since the dimensions are correct. (To check it I printed the size of the matrix and the vector and commented out the call to my subroutine and they are 100 and 10)
Perhaps I should make my matrices allocatable? But I do not see a problem with that since at each iteration I calculate the matrix and the vector though a series of calculations and overwrite them.
Basically I declare the matrix and the vector as follows
real(sp) , dimension (10) :: B
real(sp) , dimension (10,10) :: A
then inside my loop a series of calculations are performed to fill them with values
and then I call my subroutine
and then repeat with new values
You are using an old interface to lapack. Note my lower answer for the modern/generic routine.
Old interface
You would call it like
call sgesv(n, n, A, n, ipiv, B, n, info)
leading dimensions are n and not 2n
ipiv is an output variable s.t. you dont need to initialize it with 0
Modern interface: LAPACK95
It is alot easier to just use the modern interfaces which provide generic calls as such
call gesv(A, B, ipiv=ipiv, info=info)
You dont need to specify the data types (e.g. no more sgesv) nor matrix dimensions.
Make sure that you need to use the appropriate module
use lapack95
Below is an example of calling gesv the generic Lapack95 equivalent (and much simpler) of sgesv and dgesv.
subroutine test_lapack95(n)
use BLAS95
use LAPACK95
use f95_precision
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(float), allocatable :: A(:,:), LU(:,:)
real(float), allocatable :: b(:), x(:)
integer, allocatable :: ipiv(:)
! Fill values in A and b
call prepare_values(n, A, b)
LU = A
x = b
call gesv(LU,x,ipiv)
! Solve to A*x=b, for x
end subroutine
don't worry about the helper function prepare_values, it just fill in A and b.
I'm writing my first numerical optimization program (Newton's method) and my first Fortran program too. I started with Python to understand the first problem and now I'm porting to Fortran to work on the other. (One thing at a time, right?)
In Python, there's a handy way of passing arguments to a function: unpacking a list, like so:
def f(x_1, x_2):
"""Just a function with two arguments."""
return math.sqrt(x_1 ** 2 + x_2 ** 2)
f(*[4, 3]) # calls f with parameters 4 and 3
# output: 5
Does Fortran have something resembling this star operator? I put my 2-dimensional points into a matrix, and I'm trying to learn the most conventional way of passing one of my 2D point "vectors" to a function to be evaluated. It looks a little like this:
! "double precision", using SELECTED_REAL_KIND
REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(100, 2) :: iterates = 0.0_dp
! f expects two REALs
REAL(KIND=dp) :: first_value = f(iterates(1, :))
You can make your function accept a vector. If the function is from a dependency, you can write a wrapper:
function f_array_input(x)
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: x(2)
real(kind=dp) :: f_array_input
f_array_input = f(x(1), x(2))
end function
I am having trouble in implementing an approach to call Newton's method in a Fortran program.
So I want to use Newton's method to solve an equation following the link
However, my program is slightly different with the example above. In my case, the equation requires some additional information which are produced during runtime.
subroutine solve(f, fp, x0, x, iters, debug)
which means the f is calculated not only based on x, but also a few other variables (but x is the unknown).
I have a solution, which only works for a simple case:
I used a module to include Newton's solver. I also defined a derived data type to hold all the arguments inside the module. It works good now.
My question is: I need to call the Newton's method many times, and each time the arguments are different. How should I design the structure of the modules? Or should I use a different solution?
I provided a simple example below:
module solver
type argu
integer :: m
end type argu
type(argu):: aArgu_test !should I put here?
subroutine solve(f, fp, x0, x, iters, debug)
!m is used inside here
end subroutine solve
subroutine set_parameter(m_in)
aArgu%m = m_in
end subroutine set_parameter()
end module solver
And the calling module is:
!only one set of argument, but used many times
module A
use module solver
do i = 1, 4, 1
!call Newtow method
end module A
!can I use an array for argu type if possible?
module B
use module solver
type(argu), dimension(:), allocable :: aArgu ! or should I put here or inside solver module?
end module B
My understanding is that if I put the argu object inside the solver module, then all solver calling will use the same arguments (I can still save all of them inside module A using the above method). In that case, I have to update the arguments during each for loop?
Because the program runs using MPI/OpenMP, I want to make sure there is no overwritten among threads.
Thank you.
There is a common pattern in modern Fortran for the problem you are facing (partial function application). Unlike other languages, Fortran doesn't have function closures, so making a lexical scope for a function is a little "convoluted" and kind of limited.
You should really consider revisiting all the links #VladmirF shared on the comment, most of them apply straightforwardly to your case. I will give you an example of a solution.
This is a solution without using a wrapper type. I will use a feature included in Fortran 2008 standard: passing an internal procedure as an argument. It is compatible with the latest gfortran, Intel and many others.
If you can't access a compiler with this feature or if you prefer a solution with a derived type, you can refer to this answer.
module without_custom_type
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: r8 => real64
use :: solver
subroutine solve_quad(a, b, c, x0, x, iters, debug)
integer, intent(in) :: a, b, c
real(r8), intent(in) :: x0
real(r8), intent(out) :: x
integer, intent(out) :: iters
logical, intent(in) :: debug
call solve(f, fp, x0, x, iters, debug)
real(r8) function f(x)
real(r8),intent(in) :: x
f = a * x * x + b * x + c
real(r8) function fp(x)
real(r8),intent(in) :: x
fp = 2 * a * x + b
The rationale of this code is: as f and fp lay inside of the solve_quad procedure, they have access to the arguments a, b and c by host association, without touching those function's signatures. The resulting effect is like changing the arity of the function.
Testing it with gfortran 8.0 and the solver implementation from the link you shared, I got this:
program test
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: r8 => real64
use :: without_custom_type
implicit none
real(r8) :: x, x0
integer :: iters
integer :: a = 1, b = -5, c = 4
x0 = 0
call solve_quad(a, b, c, x0, x, iters, .false.)
print *, x, iters
! output: 1.0000000000000000, 5
x0 = 7
call solve_quad(a, b, c, x0, x, iters, .false.)
print *, x, iters
! output: 4.0000000000000000, 6
After discussing with a colleague, I have a solution to my question 2.
If we have only one argument object for the solver module, then all the calling will access the same arguments because they share the same memory space.
To avoid this, we want to pass the argument object as an argument into the solver.
So instead of using the default solver subroutine, we will re-write the Newton's method so it can accept additional argument.
(I used the simplest Newton subroutine earlier because I wanted to keep it untouched.)
In this way, we will define an array of argument objects and pass them during runtime.
Thank you for the comments.
Assume that I have a which is a very large sized array.
First case: define a as a local variable and pass it through parameter of function calculate().
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: a
real function calculate(a)
real, dimension(100, 100, 100, 100), intent(in) :: a
% some complicated calculations
end function calculate
Second case: define a as a global variable and use it for calculation in function calculate().
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable, public :: a
real function calculate()
% some complicated calculations
end function calculate
If the function calculate() in both first and second case do exactly same thing. Can these two programs get a difference in runtime speed? If "can" please explain to me step by step that why it happened.
Let A and B be matrices of size 1 times n and n times 1, respectively.
Then the multiplication of A with B is a 1 times 1 matrix.
Which is the better way to assign the value of MATMUL(A,B) to a real number x?
I would like to write:
x=MATMUL(A,B) ! <<--- but this is wrong.
The above expression is wrong because I'm trying to assign a 1 times 1 matrix to a real number.
My solution is to define a 1 times 1 matrix C and with this:
x=C(1,1) ! <--- this solution is ok, but is too long
But, there exists a better way to assign MATMUL(A,B) to the real number x?
The entire code with my question is as follow:
PROGRAM testing
REAL :: A(1,2),B(2,1),C(1,1),x
A(1,1)=1.0; A(1,2)=3.5
B(1,1)=2.0; B(2,1)=5.0
C=MATMUL(A,B) ! it is ok
x=MATMUL(A,B) ! it is wrong
x=C(1,1) ! it is ok <--- exists a better way ??
You have noticed that it is not possible to do intrinsic assignment of an array to a scalar (and C is a rank-2 array of size 1). x=C(1,1) is the correct way to do such assignment from the single element of C to the scalar x.
There are other ways to abstract that correct assignment statement, but probably little value in doing so.
In your specific case, however, there is alternative. Rather than matmul, consider dot_product.
x = DOT_PRODUCT(A(1,:), B(:,1)) ! Scalar result, intrinsic assignment allowed.
per my comment, you can write a very simple function to extract the first element of an array:
real function first(matrix) !return the (1,1,1,..) element of an array
real, intent(in) :: matrix(*)
end function
simply use as:
real :: a(1,2),b(2,1),x
note if you want to make sure this is only used for a dimension(1,1) array you need to use an explicit interface and do:
real function first(matrix)
real, intent(in) :: matrix(:,:)
end function