cocos2dx - GameOver scene on ingame scene - c++

When the game over condition is satisfied I want to show a game over menu. This menu I have implemented via Scene. Now I wonder how I can show game over scene on top of ingame, without covering all the ingame scene. I want to make it look like a popup. How I should do that?

Checkout part "Design and Implement the Game Over Layer" in the following tutorial at:
It wrote in js, but i think the process with Cpp is the same.

I'd say just change your CCScene to CCLayer. Very few changes will be required in the code.
Then the part where you use the CCDirector to replace scene with your Game Over scene just initialize your Layer.


Manage touch events to draw lines in cocos2d-x

I am coding a game with cocos2d-x in c++.
In my game scene i will place some instances of my class CircleSprite (Which is an extension of Layer where i create multiple items and set them like child of CircleSprite.
In my scene the user should touch one circle and connect it to another one by moving the finger until another circle is reached. While doing this a line (sprite or draw it dosen't matter) should appear and follow the finger until reach the choosen circle.
I'm new with cocos2d programming and i'm not a c++ expert...i don't know how to manage the events.
Check this official tutorial
Also check the version of cocos2dx for which this tutorial was written. If yours is a lower version then v2.3, then you just need to override onTouchesBegin and onTouchesEnded onTouchesMoved functions of the layer, the are already registered with the touch events.

Understanding cocos2d scenes, how they works really?

I'm stuck on something about the scenes creation and replacement in cocos2d, so I'm going to ask precisely what seems to be misunderstood by me. I have a game (fully working except for scene swapping, sadly) with some little-games, now, if I had to do this starting with a cocos2d scene as menu I wouldn't have any problem, but since I did it starting with UIKit I truly need to know better how the scenes are working to fix it.
Firstly, is it required to start a scene in the appDelegate? since I'm starting with UIkit and the scene must be shown after you choice the game (say, out of 3 choices), which scene should I put in the appDelegate? and where exactly? I'm putting the scene in this method:
-(void) directorDidReshapeProjection:(CCDirector*)director
if(director.runningScene == nil)
//start scene
If I put the FIRST scene, the UIKit part works good and when I start the "game number TWO" as first choice (say we play this game for first) I got the Open GL 0x0506 error, then the scene start.
If I put the first scene, I choice the first game, and then quit and choice the second game, the scene is replaced properly without that error.
If I put the first scene, and I start the "game number 1" it works (obviously) because he has the scene loaded, but I cannot know which game will start as first the user.
I tried with an "intro scene" loaded at the appDelegate but I got the same problem. the problem basically is "how to start scene if you have more than one scene and don't know which will be called as first"...
The 'getting started with iOS' documentation will really clear up a lot of these questions. You can find it at -
It explains just what an AppDelegate actually is, as well as how to use one properly. It is not immediately clear how to mix UIKit and cocos2d, but the above link cleared a lot up for me. Another very helpful resource is a tutorial by Ray Wenderlich -
From a bird's eye view, the CCDirector inherits from a UIWindow. Mixing UIKit and cocos2d is as simple as building your interface with UIKit, then at some point opening a UIWindow and allowing the CCDirector to start cocos2d. In a sense, the components act as almost two entirely separate entities.

Cocos2d change image of hero in accelerometer when an object hits it

Hi. I am new on this website and also in cocos2d. I am a student and I need your help.
I am making a game based on one of the tutorials in a cocos2d game development book. The concept is simple; different objects are falling from the top of the screen and I have to avoid or catch them by tilting the device. The main character, which is one which has to avoid objects, has different properties which can change by grabbing different objects (e.g. the player may have a shield if it grabs one). In order to display the shield I have to change the sprite of the player. I am not sure how I can achieve this. Could anyone help me in providing some guidelines on this?
Use setTexture to switch the image (texture) of your current sprite with another:
[playerSprite setTexture:[[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage:#"playerWithShield.png"]];

Help Logically setting up Layers for Good Game Design (involving SpaceManager Physics, Music, and Game Logic)

Im in the middle of creating my first iPhone game - I have a background in OOP and in particular C++ so I had some questions with regards to how best to logically setup layers while maintaining functionality.
Currently I WANT for my game to have three main layers:
HUDLayer (All static objects on the screen are here - game controls, User score, pause button etc.)
PlayLayer (The Player, the main game loop and all of the game logic here)
Level Layer (The level images and the level physics objects that the player interacts with, and the background music specific to this level)
Notice I used the word WANT here - because for the life of me im constantly having to move logical objects around just to work within what appears to be Cocos2d's and spacemanagers structure.
Below are just some of the issues that I'm facing
I would like for my PlayLayer to be the scene thats loaded by the director - but if I do that then all of the HUDLayer objects get covered behind the PlayLayer, and dont stay in place like they should, hence the HUDLayer is my scene and I have had to do that just to make it work
I would like to play the background music (via simpleAudioEngine playBackgroundMusic) in the LEVEL layer because I want different levels to have different music. So far the ONLY way I have gotten background music to work is to have it in the TOP most layer i.e. in this case the HUDLayer
Because of the fact that I have to use an instance of the SpaceManagerCocos2d object to create physics bodies - it seems like my level layer has to be killed and just incorporated within my PlayLayer otherwise im having a nightmare of a time attempting to detect collisions between the player and the level.
Am I missing something very obvious here? is there a core understanding of layers that Im just not getting? More and more I feel like im being pushed by the framework to build the whole game inside of a single class and just to use layers as scenes.
Is anyone else having these problems? Am I approaching the architecture of the game wrong? Any help would really be appreciated.
Thanks in advance guys!
Well, each game is different. There are many good discussions on the cocos2d forums about architecture, some people prefer to use an MVC approach, some like using an Actor metaphor to contain physics objects, etc.
Here's my approach:
Use two CCLayer objects (GameLayer and HUDLayer) as child nodes of one CCScene (GameScene). These are the "view" objects.
Create a GameController singleton that can make changes to the game state (also stored in GameController, or in a separate file.) You could also subclass CCScene and call that your controller.
GameLayer is in charge of rendering the graphics of the game level and all actors in it; it also handles getting game input via touch events.
HUDLayer is placed at a higher z-index than the GameLayer and obviously has all of the CCSprite objects for the HUD and buttons.
Interaction between the HUDLayer and the GameLayer is managed via the GameController.
GameController does all of the state changing and game actions.
That's just my approach because it worked for my current game, and it by no means is the definitive answer.
I'd suggest that you look into using an Actor paradigm for your physics objects -- SpaceManager does a decent job, but you don't necessarily always want physics objects to extend CCSprite.

What is the best way to set up menus with cocos2d?

I'm new to development and I have played around with a few tutorials. I wonder what the best way to set up a menu for a game with cocos2d?
I want a MainMenu with a Startbutton, SettingsButton, HighScoresButton and a little info/creditsButton in the corner.
How should I set this up?
Should I have the MainMenu as a Scene and the others as layers or just make all of them as separate Scenes?
The buttons that I add, should they be a plain button and then I add the textLabel on top or should I make them complete with textLabel?
I would like the buttons to "wiggle" like it is made of jello when i tap them, how do I do that?
As I said, I am new to this but I wanna learn as much as I can before school starts. I'm currently taking a summer class in iphone development so I get a head start for the next semester. I would like to see experienced game developers to help me out with this since i want to work with that when I get older, if they could also show me how to structure a game and the design.
Thank you so much.
David H
You've got several questions buried in there, so I'll address them in order...
First, to save on memory, you should break sections of your game, including menus, into separate scenes and switch between them using:
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene: yourScene];
Alternatively you can use pushScene: and popScene, but these hold pushed scenes in memory and can be very costly depending on what you've got in the scene.
As for how to design your buttons, that's completely up to you and what fits best with the game. Some games look fine with text buttons. Others need a more stylized button that is best created with images. Remember, a CCMenuItem (button) is just a CCNode, so you can layer images and text in almost any way you wish.
Animating buttons is going to be a manual thing. I suggest subclassing the CCMenuItem, or CCMenuItemImage and overriding the selected and unselected methods to animate the underlying images.
We used cocos2d for our game The Selfish Birdbreeder. You can find the game and source here and dig around. I'm pretty certain we have a main menu.