Lib Cinder method setup{} in CINDER_APP_BASIC - c++

When my programm start, it must display a circle on a background. Also i must controll all displaying circles. I use class VertexController and class Vertex for that purpose. In Vertex i have constructor:
Vertex::Vertex(const ci::Vec2f & CurrentLoc){
vColor = Color(Rand::randFloat(123.0f),Rand::randFloat(123.0f),Rand::randFloat(123.0f));
vRadius = Rand::randFloat(23.0f);
vLoc = CurrentLoc;
and in VertexController i have
Vertex CenterVertex = Vertex(getWindowCenter());
CenterVertex.draw(); // function-member draw solid circle with random color
and in setup{} method i wrote
void TutorialApp::setup(){
Unfrtunatelly, my way didnt work.I see only background.
So the main question - in CINDER_APP_BASIC drawing possible only in draw{},update{},setup{} directly? If yes, advise a solution, else say where is my fail.

this line of code does not make any sense to me:
Anyways, you should use draw() function just for drawing circles to window. This it why by default there is gl::clear(Color(0,0,0)); to clear background and start drawing new frame from scratch (this is the way drawing in OpenGL, used by default in Cinder, works).
I suggest to use Vector container for storing all circles (this way you can add and remove circles on the fly with some effort), add the first one in VertexController constructor, and make separate function VertexController::draw() to draw all circles using for loop.


(UE4) How to properly render after transforming the bones of UPoseableMeshComponent

I am trying to transform bones within UE4 (4.25) using UPoseableMeshComponent. (image of initial state)
However, after I transform the bones using SetBoneTransformByName, the rendering gets into some weird state, below is not motion blur, is just a pose after applied SetBoneTransformByName (image after transform blurred rendering). Although Unlit rendering seems just fine.
After I call AActor::SetActorHiddenInGame(true) to set invisible, and then AActor::SetActorHiddenInGame(false) to show the actor again, the rendering will be fixed. (Image after hide/show)
The code is purely in c++ (no BP), I first create custom Character with SkeletalMesh and added UPoseableMeshComponent in code something like in below:
void AMyCharacter::CreatePoseableMesh() {
USkeletalMeshComponent* skeletalMesh = GetMesh();
UPoseableMeshComponent* poseMesh =
NewObject<UPoseableMeshComponent>(this, UPoseableMeshComponent::StaticClass());
if (poseMesh) {
Are there something missing to set in UPoseableMeshComponent?
I might be wrong, but I think this is because setting bone transform manually doesn't write to the velocity buffer, and temporal AA doesn't know that something moved, causing ugly blur.
If you switch to FXAA and the problem disappears - here's your hint.
There is a material node called Previous Frame Switch - you can control the velocity buffer through it using a custom parameter.
Self solved(sort of..). I tried with BP first, where even BP needs to SetVisibility(false) then SetVisibility(true) on PoseableMeshComponent to render properly. Maybe a minor bug within UE4.
TMap<FString, FTransform> const& transforms; // given. map of bone name and its transform.
poseMesh->SetVisibility(false); // PoseableMeshComponent. Hide once
for (auto& x : transforms) {
poseMesh->SetBoneTransformByName(FName(*x.Key), x.Value, EBoneSpaces::WorldSpace);
poseableMesh->SetVisibility(true); // show it.
seems to be the workaround for now.

Draw not debug lines in UE4

Really new for Unreal Engine 4.
My main point is draw transparent 3d object with sprecific border made by lines.
For these i have array of points which make lines.
so i have a procedural mesh for creating in c++ object, but it can only draw polygons.
After searching information about line drawing in UE4, have tried to use "draw
debug lines", but it is only for debug and only for 2 points (i need draw array of points)
so - my problem is : drawing lines in c++ code of UE4.
how can i draw not debug lines?
If you have an array with all your linked point, why not iterate throught this array and create a DebugLine for each "linked points" ?
TArray<FVector> myArray = .... ;
for (size_t i = 0; i < myArray.Num() - 1; ++i)
FVector LinkStart = myArray[i];
FVector LinkEnd = myArray[i+1];
DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), LinkStart, LinkEnd,
FColor(255,0,0), false, -1, 0, 10 );
If you really do not want debug line, there is another method to Drawline in the SceneManagement from the FPrimitiveDrawInterface classes.(I've never used it, not sure it's the better solution for your issue)
In a harder way, you can use the procedural generation of mesh in C++, where you create mesh and populate vertices and edges. Take a look at the doc, and you may be able to adapt the code for your case
For those who are struggling (like myself, once):
ULineBatchComponent::DrawLine - if you are looking to draw in world-space (
AHUD::DrawLine - if you need to draw on screen-space (

Opacity overlap within the same OpenGl TriStrip in LibGdx

While my problem lies strictly in the opacity of the tristrip, I'd like to give some context first.
Recently I started developing a game through LibGdx which involves 2D circles which bounce around the screen. So as to provide a neat graphical effect, I created a small system that would provide a "tail" to the actors, which would fade over time. Visually, it looks like this:
Nice Trail Example
Now that ended up looking satisfactory. My problem, however, lies in situation where parts of the "trail" effect overlap, creating an ugly artifact which I would guess is the sum of the opacities of the points.
Ugly Trail Example
I believe this problem lies in the way with which the tristrip is drawn, specifically with the blending methods used.
The code used to generate the trail is as follows:
Array<Vector2> tristrip = new Array<Vector2>(); //Contains the vector information for OpenGL to build the strip.
Array<Vector2> texcoord = new Array<Vector2>(); //Contains the opacity information for the corresponding tristrip point.
// ... Code Here.... //
gl20.begin(camera.combined, GL20.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
for (int i = 0; i < tristrip.size; i++) {
if (i == batchSize) {
gl20.begin(camera.combined, GL20.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
Vector2 point = tristrip.get(i);
Vector2 textcoord = texcoord.get(i);
gl20.color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); // Color.WHITE
gl20.texCoord(textcoord.x, 0f);
gl20.vertex(point.x, point.y, 0);
It is also important to note that the draw function for the strip is called within another class, in this fashion:
private void renderFX() {;, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
Array<Ball> balls = mainstage.getBalls();
for (int i = 0; i < balls.size; i++) { //Draws the trails for each actor
Is this problem a rookie mistake on my part, or was my implementation of the drawing of the vector array tristrip flawed from the start? How can I fix the blending issue in order to create smoother trails even in the presence of sharp curves?
Thanks in advance...
Edit: Since originally asking this question, I've experimented with some possible solutions, also implementing Deniz Yılmaz's suggestion of using a FBO to facilitate blending. Given that, my render function currently looks like this:
private void renderFX() {
Gdx.gl20.glClearColor(0f, 0f, 0f, 0);
Gdx.gl20.glStencilOp(GL20.GL_KEEP, GL20.GL_INCR, GL20.GL_INCR);
Array<Ball> balls = mainstage.getBalls();
for (int i = 0; i < balls.size; i++) {
Gdx.gl20.glStencilFunc(GL20.GL_EQUAL, 0, 0xFF);
balls.get(i).drawFX(1f, Color.RED);
As shown, I've also experimented with stencils so as to try and mask the overlapping portion of the trail. This approach, however, results in the following visuals:
Stenciled Version
Again, this is not ideal, and has made me realize that approaching this problem by masking is not a good idea, as the opacity gradient will never be smooth in the corners as there will always be a sharp line between the two overlapping opacity values, even if somehow the logic prevents blending.
Given that, how else could I approach this problem? Should I scrap this method entirely if I plan to achieve a smooth gradient for this trail effect?
Thanks again.
glBlendFunc() is useless in this case because by default the values calculated based on the blend function are added.
So something like glBlendEquation(GL_MAX) needed
blending alone won't work, since it can't tell the difference between what is the background and what is the overlapping shapes.
Instead use FrameBuffer to draw trail with a glBlendEquation.

making static objects in box2d

Dear stackoverflowers,
I am trying to use a static (solid) body in ofxBox2d in openFrameworks. Because it's a concave object I am breaking it up in little triangles with the triangulation function of ofxBox2d. The triangulation is working fine as long as I don't create the body as static (ie density of zero).
So in my code I have:
//create shape here//
//triangulate shape here//
// now loop through all the triangles and make a box2d triangle
for (int i=0; i<tris.size(); i++)
ofPtr<ofxBox2dPolygon> triangle = ofPtr<ofxBox2dPolygon>(new ofxBox2dPolygon);
triangle.get()->addTriangle(tris[i].a, tris[i].b, tris[i].c);
triangle.get()->setPhysics(1, 0, 0); //density, bounce, friction
Please see this link for 2 pictures showing the problem.
In the top picture : The object is dynamic (density > 0), it is triangulated properly but it is moved by the forces of the falling balls because it is dynamic. In red: what the original shape looks like.
In the bottom picture: If I set the density to 0 (or explicitly set it to static by uncomment the "SetType" line in the code above then my object is not drawn correctly (notice lines in top left corner of image) but behaves just like before (ie. balls pass through it, but they bump into "ghost" triangles); In red: the original (input) shape - or the solid object I expect.
I have written this small program the code of which I am attaching (openFrameworks).
I have tried my best to make a simple case to prove the point. Any help much appreciated :).
Thank you.

Positioning Circle Shapes within a Body in Box2D Web

I've had to completely revamp this question as I don't think I was explicit enough about my problem.
I'm attempting to learn the ropes of Box2D Web. I started having problems when I wanted to learn how to put multiple shapes in one rigid body (to form responsive concave bodies). One of the assumptions I made was that this kind of feature would only really be useful if I could change the positions of the shapes (so that I can be in control of what the overall rigid body looked like). An example would be creating an 'L' body with two rectangle shapes, one of which was positioned below and to-the-right of the first shape.
I've gotten that far in so-far-as I've found the SetAsOrientedBox method where you can pass the box its position in the 3rd argument (center).
All well and good. But when I tried to create two circle shapes in one rigid body, I found undesirable behaviour. My instinct was to use the SetLocalPosition method (found in the b2CircleShape class). This seems to work to an extent. In the debug draw, the body responds physically as it should do, but visually (within the debug) it doesn't seem to be drawing the shapes in their position. It simply draws the circle shapes at the centre position. I'm aware that this is probably a problem with Box2D's debug draw logic - but it seems strange to me that there is no online-patter regarding this issue. One would think that creating two circle shapes at different positions in the body's coordinate space would be a popular and well-documented phenomina. Clearly not.
Below is the code I'm using to create the bodies. Assume that the world has been passed to this scope effectively:
// first circle shape and def
var fix_def1 = new b2FixtureDef;
fix_def1.density = 1.0;
fix_def1.friction = 0.5;
fix_def1.restitution = .65;
fix_def1.bullet = false;
var shape1 = new b2CircleShape();
fix_def1.shape = shape1;
fix_def1.shape.SetLocalPosition(new b2Vec2(-.5, -.5));
// second circle def and shape
var fix_def2 = new b2FixtureDef;
fix_def2.density = 1.0;
fix_def2.friction = 0.5;
fix_def2.restitution = .65;
fix_def2.bullet = false;
var shape2 = new b2CircleShape();
fix_def2.shape = shape2;
fix_def2.shape.SetLocalPosition(new b2Vec2(.5, .5));
// creating the body
var body_def = new b2BodyDef();
body_def.type = b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;
body_def.position.Set(5, 1);
var b = world.CreateBody( body_def );
Please note that I'm using Box2D Web ( ) with the HTML5 canvas.
It looks like you are not actually using the standard debug draw at all, but a function that you have written yourself - which explains the lack of online-patter about it (pastebin for posterity).
Take a look in the box2dweb source and look at these functions for a working reference:
You can use the canvas context 'arc' function to avoid the need for calculating points with sin/cos and then drawing individual lines to make a circle. It also lets the browser use the most efficient way it knows of to render the curve, eg. hardware support on some browsers.
Since it seems like you want to do custom rendering, another pitfall to watch out for is the different call signatures for DrawCircle and DrawSolidCircle. The second of these takes a parameter for the axis direction, so if you mistakenly use the three parameter version Javascript will silently use the color parameter for the axis, leaving you with an undefined color parameter. Hours of fun!
DrawCircle(center, radius, color)
DrawSolidCircle(center, radius, axis, color)