spring-data Specification and joined subquery - jpa-2.0

I have the following Named query on my spring-data repository:
#Query("FROM Pedido p JOIN FETCH p.status ps WHERE ps.status IN (?1) AND ps.id IN (SELECT MAX(ps2.id) FROM PedidoStatus ps2 GROUP BY ps2.pedido)")
I'm trying to achieve the same result using the Criteria API and spring-data Specifications, this is what I have so far:
public static Specification<Pedido> byUltimoStatus(final List<PedidoStatus.StatusPedido> ultimoStatus) {
return new Specification<Pedido>() {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Pedido> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder) {
Expression<PedidoStatus.StatusPedido> status = root.join("status").get("status");
Predicate predicateByStatus = status.in(ultimoStatus);
final Subquery<Long> subQuery = query.subquery(Long.class);
final Root<PedidoStatus> ps = subQuery.from(PedidoStatus.class);
Expression<Long> psId= ps.get("id");
Expression<Long> maxId = builder.max(psId);
Predicate predicateByUltimoStatus = builder.in(root.join("status").get("id")).value(subQuery);
return builder.and(predicateByStatus, predicateByUltimoStatus);
It's still not working, looks like there is an extra
INNERJOIN PedidoStatus
in the result query.
This is the result of the #Query:
select ... from Pedido pedido0_ inner join PedidoStatus status1_ on pedido0_.id=status1_.pedido where (status1_.status in (? , ?)) and (status1_.id in (select max(pedidostat2_.id) from PedidoStatus pedidostat2_ group by pedidostat2_.pedido))
And this is the result of the Criteria API:
select ... from Pedido pedido0_ inner join PedidoStatus status1_ on pedido0_.id=status1_.pedido inner join PedidoStatus status2_ on pedido0_.id=status2_.pedido where (pedido0_.id is not null) and status1_.status IN (?, ?) and (status2_.id in (select max(pedidostat3_.id) from PedidoStatus pedidostat3_ group by pedidostat3_.pedido))

Knowing that this is a very old question, it looks to me like the reason for the duplicate INNERJOIN in the query generated by a CriteriaQuery is that the code building the query, does actually invoke root.join("status") twice. The result of the first invocation should be saved into a local variable, so you can reuse it, instead of joining twice.
First you do:
Expression<PedidoStatus.StatusPedido> status = root.join("status").get("status");
And later you do:
Predicate predicateByUltimoStatus = builder.in(root.join("status").get("id")).value(subQuery);


Symfony: Turning a SQL query into a correct Doctrine QueryBuilder Instance

I need a working query builder in symfony for the following SQL:
(SELECT COUNT(ii.invoice_id) FROM invoice WHERE invoice_number = i.invoice_number) as c,
i.id as invoice_id, i.invoice_number, ii.logistician_id FROM invoice i
LEFT JOIN incoming_invoice ii ON i.id = ii.invoice_id
GROUP BY invoice_id
HAVING c < 2;
Im testing since yesterday but i do not get it working.
public function findAllWithoutIncomingInvoice(): array
return $this->createQueryBuilder('i')
->select('i, ii, COUNT(ii.invoice_id) FROM invoice WHERE invoice_number = i.invoice_number) as c')
->leftJoin('i.incomingInvoices', 'ii')
->having('c < 2')
[Semantical Error] line 0, col 40 near 'invoice WHERE': Error: Class 'invoice' is not defined.
You should properly name your aliases, it make it easier to read back your code.
Also, make sure you use double quote to write your DQL, as Doctrine will require simple quote around text values
As for your answer, it should be something close to this :
public function findAllWithoutIncomingInvoice(): array {
$qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
->from(Invoice::class, "invoice")
->join("invoice.incomingInvoice", "incomingInvoice")
->having("COUNT(incomingInvoice.id) < 2");
return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();

Doctrine 2: how do you use a subquery column (in the SELECT clause)

I'm trying to do a simple select query with a subquery in the SELECT clause and have simply not found a way to do it. I've tried with both DQL and with the QueryBuilder, neither work. The code follows, please don't say I could just use a join, this is a simplified example just to illustrate the problem, I have legitimate use cases for subqueries.
// With QueryBuilder
$query = $qb->select(array('a',
'(SELECT at.addresstypeName
FROM e:Addresstype at
WHERE at.addresstypeId = a.addresstypeId
) AS addresstypeName'))
->from('e:Address', 'a')
->where('a.addressId = :addressId')
->setParameter('addressId', 1);
// With DQL
$dql = "SELECT a,
(SELECT at.addresstypeName
FROM e:Addresstype at
WHERE at.addresstypeId = a.addresstypeId
) AS addresstypeName
FROM e:Address a
WHERE a.addressId = :addressId";
$query = $em->createQuery($dql)->setParameter(':addressId', 1);
The following relationship is defined on the Address table:
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Addresstype")
* #ORM\JoinColumns({
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="addresstype_id", referencedColumnName="addresstype_id")
* })
protected $addresstype;
In native SQL, the query would look like this:
SELECT at.addresstype_name
FROM addresstype at
WHERE at.addresstype_id = a.addresstype_id
) AS addresstype_name
FROM address a
WHERE a.address_id = 1
Any ideas?
$query = $qb->select('a')
->addSelect('(SELECT at.addresstypeName
FROM e:Addresstype at
WHERE at.addresstypeId = a.addresstypeId) AS addresstypeName'
->from('e:Address', 'a')
->where('a.addressId = :addressId')
->setParameter('addressId', 1);
For me subquery with doctrine works with this query :
->addSelect('(SELECT count(mv.nm)
FROM Clt\Bundle\MyBundle\Entity\MV mv
LEFT JOIN Clt\Bundle\MyBundle\Entity\M ma WITH mv.nm=ma.nm
WHERE mv.ne=e.ne and ma.nm is null
) AS nm'
->from($this->_entityName, 'e')
->leftJoin('e.m', 'm')
->where($qb->expr()->eq('t.id'.$typeModule, $idElementModule));
Note that in the left join you must use WITH instead of ON...
I know this is an old question, but if you want, you could have used another query builder as your subquery:
->addSelect("(" . $qb2->select("at.addresstypeName")
->from("e:Addresstype", "at")
->where("at.addresstypeId = a.addresstypeId")
->getDQL() . ") AS addresstypeName"
->from('e:Address', 'a')
->where('a.addressId = :addressId')
->setParameter('addressId', 1);
In my scenario what I needed was to look into a join and find an Id and use it as boolean, found 1 otherwise 0, then applying this to orderBy. DQL expressions worked only when combined with Where clause, which wasn't my case. So, a DQL subselect saved me.
Adapted more or less to your scenario, it would look like this:
// With QueryBuilder
// In AddressRepository
// Where one address may belong to several addressTypes
public function getWithType($addressType){
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('a1');
$qb->addSelect('a1.someField', 'a1.otherField')
'(SELECT at.addressTypeName
FROM App\Entity\Address a2
JOIN a2.addressType at
WHERE at.id = '.$addressType.' AND a2.id = a1.id
) AS addressTypeName')
//The rest part of the query

Stop fetching an association

I perform a simple query like this to fetch an association with episodes:
$query = $this->getEntityManager()
FROM AcmeDemoBundle:Place p
LEFT JOIN p.episodes e
WHERE p.id = :id'
This is a simple asso:
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Episode", mappedBy="place")
protected $episodes;
This works well. Now, I don't want to fetch episodes, but simply the place object (and nothing else):
$query = $this->getEntityManager()
FROM AcmeDemoBundle:Place p
LEFT JOIN p.episodes e
WHERE p.id = :id'
This is still loading episodes by lazy-loading. Is there a way to avoid lazy-loading in that case?
Many thanks.
Like this:
$query = $this->getEntityManager()
FROM AcmeDemoBundle:Place p
WHERE p.id = :id'
$query->setHint(Query::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD, true);

JPA Criteria query Path.get left join is it possible

I have a question regarding JPA criteria.
Here is my JPA criteria query:
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = getEm().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<InventoryItemSumReport> query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(InventoryItemSumReport.class);
Root<InventoryItemDetail> from = query.from(InventoryItemDetail.class);
Join<InventoryItemDetail, InventoryItem> joinItem = from.join(InventoryItemDetail_.inventoryItem);
Predicate where = criteriaBuilder.lessThanOrEqualTo(from.get(InventoryItemDetail_.effectiveDate), date);
TypedQuery<InventoryItemSumReport> createQuery = getEm().createQuery(query);
List<InventoryItemSumReport> resultList = createQuery.getResultList();
Here is the resulting query produced by the JPA provider:
inventoryi1_.PRODUCT_ID as col_0_0_,
inventoryi1_.FACILITY_ID as col_1_0_,
inventoryi1_.CUSTOMER_ID as col_2_0_
inner join
INVENTORY_ITEM inventoryi1_
on inventoryi0_.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID=inventoryi1_.ID
inner join
PRODUCT product2_
on inventoryi1_.PRODUCT_ID=product2_.ID
inner join
FACILITY facility3_
on inventoryi1_.FACILITY_ID=facility3_.ID
inner join
CUSTOMER customer4_
on inventoryi1_.CUSTOMER_ID=customer4_.ID
inventoryi0_.EFFECTIVE_DATE<= ?
group by
inventoryi1_.PRODUCT_ID ,
inventoryi1_.FACILITY_ID ,
But I would like the following query:
inventoryi1_.PRODUCT_ID as col_0_0_,
inventoryi1_.FACILITY_ID as col_1_0_,
inventoryi1_.CUSTOMER_ID as col_2_0_
inner join
INVENTORY_ITEM inventoryi1_
on inventoryi0_.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID=inventoryi1_.ID
inner join
PRODUCT product2_
on inventoryi1_.PRODUCT_ID=product2_.ID
inner join
FACILITY facility3_
on inventoryi1_.FACILITY_ID=facility3_.ID
left join
CUSTOMER customer4_
on inventoryi1_.CUSTOMER_ID=customer4_.ID
inventoryi0_.EFFECTIVE_DATE<= ?
group by
inventoryi1_.PRODUCT_ID ,
inventoryi1_.FACILITY_ID ,
with a left join CUSTOMER to get also results where Customers are null.
Customer, Product, Facility are all entites, while InventoryItemSumReport is a Value object or DTO.
public class InventoryItemSumReport implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Product product;
private Facility facility;
private Customer customer;
public InventoryItemSumReport(Product product, Facility facility, Customer customer) {
this.product = product;
this.facility = facility;
this.customer = customer;
I found as follows it works:
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = getEm().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<InventoryItemSumReport> query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(InventoryItemSumReport.class);
Root<InventoryItemDetail> from = query.from(InventoryItemDetail.class);
Join<InventoryItemDetail, InventoryItem> joinItem = from.join(InventoryItemDetail_.inventoryItem);
Predicate where = criteriaBuilder.lessThanOrEqualTo(from.get(InventoryItemDetail_.effectiveDate), date);
Join<InventoryItem, Customer> joinCustomer = joinItem.join(InventoryItem_.customer, JoinType.LEFT);
TypedQuery<InventoryItemSumReport> createQuery = getEm().createQuery(query);
List<InventoryItemSumReport> resultList = createQuery.getResultList();

conversion sql query to jpa

I have a query
SELECT d.name, count(e.id) FROM department d LEFT OUTER JOIN employee e on e.department_id = d.id and e.salary > 5000
and how i can convert this to jpa
right now i have:
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> criteria = builder.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Department> root = criteria.from(Department.class);
Path<String> name = root.get("name");
Expression<Long> empCount = builder.count(root.get("employees").get("id"));
TypedQuery<Object[]> query = em.createQuery(criteria);
I simplified both examples by removing ordering and grouping
can anyone tell me how i can modifie my jpa code to get same reslults like from my sql query
thanks in advance
You're not far from the result. The problem is that, AFAIK, you can't add any restriction on the on clause, using JPA. So the query wil have to be rewritten as
SELECT d.name, count(e.id) FROM department d
LEFT OUTER JOIN employee e on e.department_id = d.id
where (e.id is null or e.salary > 5000)
Here is the equivalent of this query not tested):
CriteriaQuery<Object[]> criteria = builder.createQuery(Object[].class);
Root<Department> root = criteria.from(Department.class);
Path<String> name = root.get("name");
Join<Department, Employee> employee = root.join("employees", JoinType.LEFT);
Expression<Long> empCount = builder.count(employee.get("id"));
builder.gt(employee.get("salary"), 5000)));
TypedQuery<Object[]> query = em.createQuery(criteria);